ADBadPassCheck.ps1 |
Active Directory loop for checking on recent bad password attempts and current lockouts |
ADForceLockout.ps1 |
Active Directory loop to force a lockout of an account |
ADUnlockLoop.ps1 |
Active Directory loop for unlocking a specific user account |
ADUserLockoutCheck |
Active Directory loop checking for locked out users on each Domain Controller |
CollatzConjecture.ps1 |
Demo of Colatz Conjecture Theory |
COVID19PopUp.ps1 |
Popup for a COVID acknowledgement asking employees about symptoms |
Create&VerifyHash.ps1 |
Create and verify a single file or folder hash |
CreateUserFolders.ps1 |
Creates a folder for each ADUser |
CTUninstall.ps1 |
Uninstall Sonicwall Connect Tunnel and remove extras left behind |
DNSDupCheck.ps1 |
Checks for duplicate DNS records that could lead to conflicts |
DomainLookup.ps1 |
Lookup every TLD for a specified domain name |
FindDisabledComputers.ps1 |
Find all disabled computers in domain |
GetAllWMIInfo.ps1 |
List all WMI classes (WIP?) |
GetChromeGuid.ps1 |
Get chrome uninstall GUID and create a registry entry for it |
GetPartialWindowsKey.ps1 |
Get part of Windows key and record to a file |
GetWindowsUpdates.ps1 |
Get and install all Windows updates |
LongPathFinder.ps1 |
Find paths that exceed Windows max ability or other set limit |
MegaDuplicates.ps1 |
Removes duplicate and/or original files created by Mega sync phone app |
Meraki.ps1 |
Do some basic tasks with Meraki API. Notable feature to reboot all access points |
MoveDisabledComputers.ps1 |
Find computers that have not been logged into for X days followed by disable and delete |
MsAutopilotJoin.ps1 |
Auto download and run components needed to upload computer info to MS Autopilot |
PingTest.ps1 |
Ping one at a time and record results |
PingTestParallel.ps1 |
Ping several points at once and collect info to files |
PingWithTime.ps1 |
Ping with timestamp next to it |
Prepend&Append.ps1 |
Prepend and append file names |
RealtekSoundReset.ps1 |
Disables and reenables Realtek audio device when headphones are not recognized |
RemovePrefix&Suffix.ps1 |
Removes specified text at beginning or end of file names |
ROT.ps1 |
ROT encryption example with the ability to change the increment |
SonicwallConfigDecryptor.ps1 |
Decrypt Sonicwall config files |
Synaccess.ps1 |
Basic tasks in Synaccess PDU. Reboot and toggle ports |
VirusTotal.ps1 |
VT tool to upload and scan a file or scan a URL |