How to contribute to the blog.
Table of Contents
This section contains information around the scikit-learn blog's standards and guidelines.
Categories and Tags help us organize our blog by grouping related content to make it easier to discover.
Categories are broad groupings of posts. A post should have only one category. If the post could potentially fall under multiple categories, please select the one that best describes it.
Example Categories: Updates, Events, Team
Tags describe specific details of a post. They help to link related posts together and aid in user search. A post can have multiple tags or no tags. While there is no strict limit, we recommend using no more than 10 tags per post.
Example Tags: Sprints, Community, Open Source, New Member, Machine Learning, New Feature
Instructions to build and test the site locally.
If this is your first time using Jekyll, please follow the Jekyll docs and make sure your local environment (including Ruby) is setup correctly.
To run the theme locally:
- Navigate to the theme directory and run
bundle install
to install the dependencies (if you get errors, delete Gemfile.lock and try again). - Next, run
jekyll serve
orbundle exec jekyll serve
to start the Jekyll server. - Visit the site in your browser via http://localhost:4000.
For more information, check the Deployment Methods page on the Jekyll website.
This blog is uses the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme. For more information on configuration/customization, please reference the theme documentation.
This sections contains instructions to add a new blog post to the scikit-learn blog.
Before adding a post, you must have:
- A Github account
Refer to the blog post template.
- First, fork the scikit-learn/blog repository.
- Within your forked repository, make a copy of the Blog Post Template.
- Save the post in the "_posts/" folder, formatted as
. - Format your blog post using the instructions in the Formatting Your Blog Post section.
- Save the post in the "_posts/" folder, formatted as
- Go to Pull Requests and do a New Pull request.
- Create a pull request.
The purpose of front matter is to set variables and metadata on the site's pages.
Click to Expand
Add Post Information
- title: Add the title of your blog post in double quotes,
title: "Example Post Title"
(with quotes)
- date: Add the date of posting. This helps to ensure our blog displays posts are sorted correctly and are displayed in a sequential order.
date: Month Name, Day, Year
(no quotes)
- title: Add the title of your blog post in double quotes,
Add Post Category and Tags: Categories and tags help us organize our blog by grouping related content to make it easier to discover. Check the Blog Standards section for more information.
Add Featured Image
- featured-image: First, place the image in the assets/images/posts_images/ folder. Set the featured-image variable to the base image name, omiting the full path.
featured-image: image-name.png
(no quotes)
- featured-image: First, place the image in the assets/images/posts_images/ folder. Set the featured-image variable to the base image name, omiting the full path.
Add Author Information
- The postauthors field can accomodate multiple authors. Each postauthor can use the following four variables, but only the
field is required.- name: (required)
name: Author Name
(no quotes)
- website: (optional) Link attached to author name. Can be any relevant link.
(no quotes)
- email: (optional) Appears as an email icon after author name.
email: [email protected]
(no quotes)
- image: (optional) Author headshot, appears before author name. First, place the image in the assets/images/author_images/ folder. Set the image variable to the base image name, omiting the full path.
image: image-name.png
(no quotes)
Single Author Post Multiple Author Post
- name: (required)
- The postauthors field can accomodate multiple authors. Each postauthor can use the following four variables, but only the
You can format your post using Markdown. Click to expand to view basic formatting suggestions or visit the Markdown Guide for more examples.
Click to Expand
Use the # symbol to format header text.
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
Use the * or _ symbols around words or phrases to add bolding or italics, or even bold within italics!
_Italic text_
*Italic text*
__Bold text__
**Bold text**
_You can even add **bold text** within italics_
Add unordered lists:
- Item 1
- Item 2
Or ordered lists:
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
If you are adding paragraphs between list items, be sure to indent each paragragh by four spaces.
1. Item 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Feugiat in fermentum posuere urna nec. Nibh tellus molestie nunc non blandit. Dui id ornare arcu odio ut sem nulla.
Non curabitur gravida arcu ac. Ut sem viverra aliquet eget sit amet. Morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in. Vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel. Tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque massa. Interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt.
2. Item 2
Add a link with custom text.
[link text](
There are a few ways to add images to your post. First, place the image in the /assets/images/posts_images/ folder, then adding the following code.

Adjust the width and height of your image.
<img src="/blog/assets/images/posts_images/sample-image.png" width="200" height="100">
- Within img src, replace sample-image.jpg with the name of the image and update the alt to be a short (2-4 word) description of the image.
- Update the Photo Credit caption-link and replace Credit Link Text with the source name.
<img src="/blog/assets/images/posts_images/sample-image.jpg"
alt="short description" max-width="50%" max-height="50%" />
Photo Credit: <a href="">Credit Link Text</a>
Update the image_link. The Hover Text will be shown when a mouse hover's over the image.

<span style="background-color: #CAE9F5;">
[Data Umbrella Interview: Juan Martín Loyola](