test: if service systemctl kill needs to run before starting fix GCC warnings on the hostname, etc. test: default config.txt and fix: dependency on /home/moab/runtime/src/config.txt
= Mac instructions for cat 5 on macOS initial connect
= Set DNS on the self-assigned to
= ECDSA host key `ssh-keygen -R raspberrypi.local`
= macOS share it's wifi over cat 5
= Disconnect from 802.1X wifi-profile, connect to MSFTGUEST
= on Windows: `ssh`, not `ssh.txt`
= change passwd
14.4 - 14.6: Bluetooth 14.96 ms ICMPv6
35 seconds to login: from cold boot 20 seconds if you rm //etc/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service.d/wait.conf 14 seconds if steps 1 and 2 from https://himeshp.blogspot.com/2018/08/fast-boot-with-raspberry-pi.html
sudo passwd pi
Two EEPROMS (boot loader and USB controller VL805). 137ab ~ lower power consumption and temps w/power save
sudo rpi-eeprom-update
BCM2711 detected
BOOTLOADER: up-to-date
CURRENT: Tue 10 Sep 10:41:50 UTC 2019 (1568112110)
LATEST: Tue 10 Sep 10:41:50 UTC 2019 (1568112110)
VL805: update required
CURRENT: 000137ab
LATEST: 000137ad
Then reboot. Idle before was 54.0 C; now 49.0 C. As of 2020-02-22: 1568112110/137ad
echo 'dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt' | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
sudo systemctl disable hciuart.service
sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service
sudo systemctl disable triggerhappy.service
sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.service
sudo systemctl mask rpi-eeprom-update
manpage CONSOLE-SETUP(5)
also: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=185758
See current resolution:
/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -s
Available mod /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -m CEA
echo 'FONTFACE="TerminusBold"' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/console-setup
echo 'FONTSIZE="14x28"' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/console-setup
Since HDMI out on RPI4 is 4k, set output to 1920x1080
# /boot/config.txt
setup rip with cloud-init https://dev.to/wesleybatista/setup-raspberry-pi-3-model-b-with-ubuntu-server-and-ssh-over-wifi-4d41
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo vcgencmd measure_temp
sudo vcgencmd measure_volts
sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Pacific /etc/localtime
sudo touch /boot/ssh
Put a filecalled "ssh" on the /boot partition, or:
sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh
sudo raspi-config
Strategy to script setup via raspi-config script https://gist.github.com/damoclark/ab3d700aafa140efb97e510650d9b1be
echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' | sudo tee /etc/default/locale
# echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' | sudo tee -a /etc/local.gen
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
manpage keyboard(5)
echo 'XKBLAYOUT="us"' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/keyboard
echo 'XKMODEL="pc104"' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/keyboard
sudo setupcon
boot headless Pi Zero W https://www.hardill.me.uk/wordpress/2017/01/23/raspberry-pi-zero-gadgets/
Pi4 https://www.hardill.me.uk/wordpress/2019/11/02/pi4-usb-c-gadget/
CalyanTether https://marcelwiget.blog/2018/12/02/tether-rpi-to-ipad-pro-via-ethernet-over-usb-c/
Actual instructions from rip.org https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pi_zero_otg.html
Another way from a gist https://gist.github.com/gbaman/975e2db164b3ca2b51ae11e45e8fd40a
sudo rm /etc/motd
sudo apt install -y neofetch
neofetch --backend off
uname -r
Consider ascii version of Moab Consider installing GUI but defaulting to CLI Skip eeprom check; disable bluetooth SolarizedLight http://github.com/joepvd/tty-solarized https://github.com/samartzidis/RaspiKey
Bootloader failure diagnosis and fix: https://jamesachambers.com/raspberry-pi-4-bootloader-firmware-updating-recovery-guide/
= safely shutdown rpi with a button https://howchoo.com/g/mwnlytk3zmm/how-to-add-a-power-button-to-your-raspberry-pi = microSD card performance https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2019/raspberry-pi-microsd-card-performance-comparison-2019