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seb-m edited this page May 6, 2011 · 22 revisions


  • Linux kernel with inotify ≥ 2.6.13
  • Python ≥ 2.4

Install Pyinotify on Python 2.4+

  1. Make sure easy_install is installed:
   sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
   # or alternatively
   sudo python
  1. Install pyinotify:
   sudo easy_install pyinotify
  1. Check pyinotify is working alright
   python -m pyinotify -v /tmp  # This will run pyinotify and watch /tmp 

Install Pyinotify on Python 3.x

Currently Pyinotify uses a separate code branch for handling Python ≥ 3. should automatically detect which branch to install. For instance python3.1 will use python3/

Generate Documentation

You can browse the documentation online or you can generate it directly from the source code with Epydoc:

  1. Install a recent version of Epydoc (package python-epydoc on Debian/Ubuntu systems)
  2. Under python2 Run this command:
   make doc
  1. It generate a bunch of html files under python2/docstrings/
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