- 86af5b6: adding decimals as a required arg to queryDerivativeShdStakingInfo
- a079550: change from individual validator queries to batch data
- 23bbb4c: change secret endpoints to new api after upgrade
- 63b774e: upgrade secretjs which includes breaking changes for the pre-upgraded version of secret network
- f79e968: SecretJs Bump
- ec0d62a: add batch query for shade staking
- bf1571a: patched a parsing bug where contract address was being used for code hash
- fee9669: fix withdraw collateral msg
- ba06893: rectified the feature with the contract
- fae6c9c: Money market interface, pending tests and docs
- 74393f0: query at a specific block height
- ed5f747: snip20 transaction history using a batch query
- 1cc4633: snip20 transfer history query
- 9cacf49: remove available shd from dshd query
- 873366b: patching a missing export
- ac69a0f: add missing exports for silk basket query
- c49dea7: silk basket query
- b41191a: lend stability pool query
- 2136ce7: lend contracts in docs
- a8b185f: lend vault queries
- 555f33e: add node health validation to query router and functions using the query router
- 34ce7af: added apy calculations for derivatives and shade staking query interface
- c4d8927: Batch query can split queries to avoid hitting query gas limits
- 2bc844c: clarity around price impact error
- e500c6f: Added stkd-scrt messages and services, and refactored dSHD names to derivativeShd
- 8566226: update the public node endpoint
- 80271e5: Fix umd exports and removed polyfill
- 031fa8d: export type for reward tokens, update test description
- 5c24f98: Fix build issues on client side applications
- 56713e2: missed more exports on the derivative shd pr
- 13d0684: Missed an export for the shade derviative implementation'
- f6a4f4f: Added dSHD contract interface and query services TESTNET ONLY
- fb41cf0: Corrected some typographical errors
- 4f74875: batch query error handling and batch query for oracle prices
- 1344e21: snip20 token info batch query
- 066773d: handle null stableswap price ratio
- 51ff8cf: fix unbound function in stableswap math
- 41c01ba: update typescript for batch query params which is causing build issues in a front end app
- b55aadb: update the reward token staking response type since we had a duplicate type
- 9b246b0: Batch Pair Config Queries
- 9b5d199: fix duplicate type exports for contract data
- af89f58: type exports added
- 352f79d: add missing types field in package.json#exports
- 46a970c: update shadejs image background and fix links
- 2eb2d00: update to vitepress build and package description/logo"
- e0db0e2: initial release of shadejs