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Toshiba Estia R32 serial communication

Hardware adapter

Hardware adapter for adjusting Toshiba AB protocol to 3.3V is taken from @issalig toshiba air conditioners project.
Note that A should by connected to positive and B to negative.



Board is designed to fit on a 4x6cm prototype board.


Code is written to work on Arduino esp32 or Arduino esp8266.


Missing features

  • cooling
  • zone 2
  • hot water boost
  • anti bacteria
  • frost protection
  • commands ack


I have 11kW model, so if there is default value depending on model 11kW is used.


#define SENSORS_DATA_TO_REQUEST "tc", "twi", "two", "tho", "wf", "lps", "te", "to", "td", "ts", "tl", "cmp", "fan1", "pmv", "hps"
#define TOSHIBA_ESTIA_MODEL 11    // 4kW, 6kW, 8kW, 11kW


Set mode

mode: auto, quiet*, night, heating, hot_water
onOff: 1 | 0

estiaSerial.setMode(std::string mode, uint8_t onOff);

* quiet mode must be enabled in controller

Set temperature

zone: heating, hot_water
temperature: for heating 20-65, for hot water 40-75

estiaSerial.setTemperature(std::string zone, uint8_t temperature);

Force defrost

Force defrost on next operation start (heating or hot water). onOff: 1 | 0

estiaSerial.forceDefrost(uint8_t onOff);

Request data

Request single data point

estiaSerial.requestData("twi");    // request data by name
estiaSerial.requestData(0x06);     // request data by code

Request multiple data points at once

Default sensors data to request is defined in config.h -> SENSORS_DATA_TO_REQUEST.
Data will be saved to estiaSerial.sensorData.

EstiaData::first = sensor name
EstiaData::second = { value, multiplier }
data value equal or below -200 is an error code

if (estiaSerial.requestSensorsData()) {    // request update for all data points
	for (auto& element : estiaSerial.sensorData) {
		Serial.printf("%s :", element.first);
		// data is error code skip multiplier
		if (element.second.value <= EstiaSerial::err_not_exist) {
		} else {
			Serial.print(element.second.value * element.second.multiplier);

It is possible to update only few sensors.

if (estiaSerial.requestSensorsData({"twi", "two", "wf"})) {
	for (auto& element : estiaSerial.sensorData) {    // request update for chosen data points
		Serial.printf("%s :", element.first);
		// data is error code skip multiplier
		if (element.second.value <= EstiaSerial::err_not_exist) {
		} else {
			Serial.print(element.second.value * element.second.multiplier);

Available data points

name code multiplier unit description
tc 0x04 x1 °C condensedTemperature
twi 0x06 x1 °C waterInletTemperature
two 0x07 x1 °C waterOutletTemperature
tho 0x08 x1 °C waterHeaterOutletTemperature
tfi 0x09 x1 °C floorInletTemperature
ttw 0x0a x1 °C hotWaterTemperature
mix 0x0b x1 step mixingValvePosition
lps 0x0e x1/10 kPa lowPressure
sw_ver 0x0f -- softVersion
ctrl_hw_temp 0x10 x1 °C controlTemperatureHotWater
ctrl_zone1_temp 0x11 x1 °C controlTemperatureZone1
ctrl_zone2_temp 0x12 x1 °C controlTemperatureZone2
wf 0xc0 x10 l/min water flow
te 0x60 x1 °C heatExchangeTemperature
to 0x61 x1 °C outsideTemperature
td 0x62 x1 °C dischargeTemperature
ts 0x63 x1 °C suctionTemperature
ths 0x65 x1 °C heatSinkTemperature
ct 0x6a x1/10 A current
tl 0x6d x1 °C heatExchangerCoilTemperature
cmp 0x70 x1 Hz compressorSpeed
fan1 0x72 x1 RPM outdoorFan1RPM
fan2 0x73 x1 RPM outdoorFan2RPM
pmv 0x74 x1/10 pls outdoorPMVPosition
hps 0x7a x1/10 kPa Ps highPressure
hp_on_time 0xf0 x1/100 h microComputerEnergizedAccumulationTime
hw_cmp_on_time 0xf1 x1/100 h hotWaterCompressorONAccumulationTime
cool_cmp_on_time 0xf2 x1/100 h coolingCompressorONAccumulationTime
heat_cmp_on_time 0xf3 x1/100 h heatingCompressorONAccumulationTime
pump1_on_time 0xf4 x1/100 h pump1ONAccumulationTime
hw_e_heater_on_time 0xf5 x1/100 h hotWaterEHeaterAccumulationTime
backup_heater_on_time 0xf6 x1/100 h backupEHeaterAccumulationTime
boost_heater_on_time 0xf7 x1/100 h boosterEHeaterAccumulationTime

Sniff communication

Sniffer returns raw frames in hex e.g. a0 00 10 07 00 08 00 00 fe 00 8a 75 05

switch (estiaSerial.sniffer()) {
	case EstiaSerial::sniff_new_frame:
	case EstiaSerial::sniff_pending_frame:

Sniffer also decodes status frames. There is status data update flag available estiaSerial.newStatusData to indicate if data was updated.

if (estiaSerial.newStatusData) {
	StatusData data = estiaSerial.getStatusData();