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ServerlessDebugger Self-Hosted CDK

This is the self-hosted version of ServerlessDebugger. ServerlessDebugger brings the traditional debugging experience to the AWS Lambdas. It comes in as a VSCode extension and can be installed on your VSCode IDE in seconds and enable you to put breakpoints in your Lambda functions. All done with no code changes!

Apart from the SaaS version of the ServerlessDebugger, we offer a way to install the debug broker into your own AWS account to satisfy your needs. To get the pricing and the license key for the self-hosted version, visit our Pricing Page.


You would need a couple of things ready before you start running commands.

  1. NodeJS and
  2. Install NPM package for AWS CDK
  3. AWS Account
  4. AWS CLI


To setup the self-hosted version of ServerlessDebugger, you have to have an AWS account with proper access to create resources and apply this CDK. You can see the details of what's in this CDK below or by reading the code itself.

You can start by just copying the sample.env as .env and move on from there. In the repository's directory, run the following command.

cp sample.env .env

In the .env file, we've documented which variables are needed and why. Some parts of this stack is optional and some are required. SUBNET_IDS and SLSDEBUG_LICENSE_KEY must be specified in the .env file. See below for more details.

Once the necessary environment variables are set, you can run the following commands in order.

# To install the necessary dependencies.
npm install

# To prepare the AWS account with CDK Toolkit.
# This command will create or update CDK Toolkit stack
# on the AWS Region you're deploying.
cdk bootstrap

# To see if the stack synthesises without any problem.
# This will print out a YAML/JSON of this CDK application
# as CloudFormation template.
cdk synth

# To deploy the stack on the AWS account.
cdk deploy

Once the stack creation finished successfully, the stack will print out the access URLs and ports for the ServerlessDebugger broker. The stack will output protocol ws:// and port 80 for HTTP use. Similarly, wss:// and port 443 for HTTPS.

# ws:// for HTTP
sls-debugger-main-stack.slsdbrokerexternalurldev = wss://<INTERNET_FACING_URL>
sls-debugger-main-stack.slsdbrokerinternalurldev = wss://<INTERNAL_URL>
# 80 for HTTP
sls-debugger-main-stack.slsdbrokerportdev = 443

After getting the URLs, update your debug-client.json by using the Serverless Debugger: Edit configuration command of the ServerlessDebugger's VSCode Extension.

  "profiles": {
    "default": {
      "debugger": {
        // ...
        "brokerHost": "<SET_INTERNET_FACING_URL>",
        "brokerPort": 443   // or 80 for HTTP

In your Lambda function, set the THUNDRA_AGENT_LAMBDA_DEBUGGER_BROKER_HOST environment variable to either Internet Facing URL or the Internal URL of the broker, depending on your Lambda's network configuration. You don't need to update port value for your Lambda function.

If you encounter any issue or need any help, feel free to reach out to us.

What's in this CDK?

In this stack, there are various recources at play. In no particular order, the main resources includes the following;

  1. One AWS ECS Cluster
    • A Task Definition with the following resources
      • 0.25 vCPU
      • 512 MiB Memory
  2. One AWS Fargate Service
  3. One Internal ELB
    • Internal Application Load Balancer
    • With necessary Target Groups and Listeners
  4. One External ELB
    • Internet Facing Application Load Balancer
    • With necessary Target Groups and Listeners
  5. (Optional) DNS Records to set custom domain

In an architectural view, self-hosted version can be used in multiple ways depending on whether your lambdas are in a VPC or not. See the below image to have an understanding of what's going on. If you encounter any issue or have feedbacks, don't hesitate to contact us.

Self-Hosted ServerlessDebugger

Environment Variables

Variable Name Expectation Default Requires Description
SUBNET_IDS Required - At least 2 subnet ids Subnets to use to deploy the application. Requires at least 2 subnet ids.
SLSDEBUG_LICENSE_KEY Required - - ServerlessDebugger License Key for the self-hosted ServerlessDebugger. Contact Us if needed.
STAGE Optional dev - Sets a suffix to all the resources. Used to separate environments, such as dev, staging, prod. Beware of that some resources have a name limitation of 32 characters. Can set this to and empty string.
ENTITY_PREFIX Optional slsd - Sets a prefix to all the resources. Used to differentiate ServerlessDebugger resources from others. Beware of that some resources have a name limitation of 32 characters. Can set this to and empty string.
USE_HTTPS Optional false - Decide if the broker endpoints should use SSL encryption. Expects SSL_CERTIFICATE_ARN.
SSL_CERTIFICATE_ARN Optional - USE_HTTPS Requires USE_HTTPS to be set to true. We expect customers to create and manage their own SSL certification.
VPC_ID Optional Default VPC - VPC to use to deploy the application. If it's not given, stack will use the default VPC.
CREATE_DNS_MAPPING Optional false - Sets a custom domain for the self-hosted broker.
HOSTED_ZONE_NAME Optional - CREATE_DNS_MAPPING Hosted zone name to use. Requires CREATE_DNS_MAPPING to be set to true.
BROKER_PUBLIC_SUBDOMAIN Optional - CREATE_DNS_MAPPING Subdomain for the internet facing ELB to use. Requires CREATE_DNS_MAPPING to be set to true.
BROKER_PRIVATE_SUBDOMAIN Optional - CREATE_DNS_MAPPING Subdomain for the internal ELB to use. Requires CREATE_DNS_MAPPING to be set to true.