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299 lines (232 loc) · 11.9 KB
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api reference, api, Kubernetes configuration and code engine, CRD for code engine, CRD, custom resource definition, guid, kubernetes, authenticate, code engine api

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API reference

{: #api}

You can use the {{}} API to create and manage your {{}} entities. To use the CLI, see Setting up the CLI. {: shortdesc}

Retrieve your Kubernetes configuration with REST API

{: #api-rest}

To retrieve your Kubernetes configuration with REST API,

  1. Authenticate with {{}} (IAM) to receive an IAM access token.
  2. Query the {{}} catalog and the {{}} Resource controller to receive a GUID for your project.
  3. Use the {{}} API to receive a Kubernetes configuration.

Authenticate with {{}}

{: #api-iam}

Create your {{}} IAM access token{: external} by making a POST request to

Determine the GUID of your {{}} project

{: #api-guid}

Determine the GUID of your {{}} project by querying the {{}} catalog and the {{}}. As this GUID does not change, you need to do this step only one time. If you already know your {{}} project GUID, you can skip this step.


  1. Log in into {{}} and target a region, account, and resource group.

    ibmcloud login target -r REGION -c ACCOUNT_ID -g RESOURCE_GROUP

    {: pre}

  2. Run the ibmcloud resource command.

    ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name codeengine --long

    {: pre}

Identify the service instance that represents your {{}} project and determine the GUID from the output.


Before you begin, you must have the access_token from the previous step.

  1. Use following {{}} catalog API method: Returns parent catalog entries{: external}.


    curl -X GET \
      '*&q=name:codeengine+active:true" \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

    {: pre}

    Identify the unique resource ID in the resources list. The field name is ID and the JSON path is resources[].id.

  2. Query the {{}} Resource controller with the {{}} Resource controller API method Get a list of all resource instances{: external}. You must have the {{}} project name, the region that your project resides, and the unique resource ID of {{}} in the global catalog. Use the name of your {{}} project as the query parameter.


    curl -X GET \
        '' \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

    {: pre}

    Identify the {{}} project from your region in the result list. Find the guid output to use in the next steps.

Query the IBM {{}} API

{: #api-query-api}

Before you begin, you must have the following information.

  • The access_token and refresh_token from previous steps.
  • The guid of your {{}} project.
  • The region in which your {{}} project is located.

Use the get kubeconfig for the specified project{: external} {{}} API method to get the Kubernetes configuration.


curl -X GET \
    '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

{: pre}

Retrieving your Kubernetes configuration with the {{}} CLI

{: #api-cli}

  1. Log in into {{}} and target a region, account, and resource group.

    ibmcloud login target -r REGION -c ACCOUNT_ID -g RESOURCE_GROUP

    {: pre}

  2. Create your {{}} project:

    ibmcloud ce project create --name PROJECT 

    {: pre}

  3. Select your {{}} project as the current context and append the project to the default Kubernetes configuration file.

    ibmcloud ce project select --name PROJECT --kubecfg

    {: pre}

Now you are ready to use kubectl commands with your project.

For more information about using {{}} APIs, Kubernetes API, and kubectl, see the following topics,

Custom resource definition (CRD)

{: #api-crd}

The following sections list the custom resource definition methods to use with {{}}.

Batch CRD methods

{: #api-crd-batch}

Group Version Kind v1beta1 JobDefinition v1beta1 JobRun
{: caption="Batch CRDs for {{}}" caption-side="top"}

After you retrieve the Kubernetes configuration, you can view Batch CRD details by using the following methods.

  1. Use kubectl explain --api-version='' <Kind>.
  2. Download Swagger or OpenAPI specification of CRDs{: external}.

Note that you cannot delete a job run without also deleting any associated pods. Any attempt to delete with the propagationPolicy=Orphan option is rejected.

Serving CRD methods

{: #api-crd-serving}

Group Version Kind v1 Configuration v1 Revision v1 Route v1 Service
{: caption="Serving CRDs for {{}}" caption-side="top"}

For more information about these CRDs, see Knative Serving API Specification{: external}.

Source-to-image CRD methods

{: #api-crd-s2i}

Group Version Kind v1alpha1 Build v1alpha1 BuildRun
{: caption="Source-to-image CRDs for {{}}" caption-side="top"}

After you retrieve the Kubernetes configuration, you can view the Source-to-image CRD details by using one of the following methods.

Subscription CRD methods

{: #api-crd-subscription}

Group Version Kind v1alpha1 CosSource v1 PingSource
{: caption="Subscription CRDs for {{}}" caption-side="top"}

After you retrieve the Kubernetes configuration, you can view the Subscription CRD details by using one of the following methods.