All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Days Calculator: add more diff (days, weeks...minutes) (fd1647a)
- Barcode Generator: use bwip-js to add more barcode types (77b6b39)
- new tool: JWT Generator + JWT Signature verification (47917dc)
- new tool: GPT Token Counter (a8a2a0d)
- Url Encoder: enhance encoding options (f1adc66)
- new tool: My IP Address (bf2f63c)
- new tool: Geo Distance Computer (fcee9d8)
- new tool: OVH X-VR-SPAMCAUSE Decoder (3a272f6)
- new tool: IP Subnets Exclude Calculator (eead4e1)
- CIDR in CIDR: IP Range (single IP, CIDR, range, mask) in IP Range (CIDR, range, mask) (1f3dfc5)
- UUID Generator: add v6 and v7 versions (434001a)
- wifi-qr-code: Allow to copy wifi connection string. Fixes #1438 (82a4958)
- i18n: add back other languages (fb62eec)
- sponsor: added sponsor banner (#1422) (08d977b)
- new tool: curl converter (02593d8)
- new tool: JSON string converter (f536ae7)
- JSONPath and JQ memo (4015507)
- new tools: Date+Duration and Days Calculator (dec2e31)
- handle option to handle digits and punctuations pronunciation (6cfaf63)
- new tool: DNS query (over HTTPS) (2df9373)
- new tool: Week Numbers Converter (699f327)
- add SVG as possible input format (cd04593)
- i18n: added Norwegian language (#1337) (aa8cba9)
- new tool: Code Highlighter (eb1beb8)
- new tools: iCal Generator/Merger/Parser (6896d03)
- python/java formats + wrap option (2325669)
- add split by separator + order by numeric + no sort (7bafd47)
- new tool: VAT Number Validator (d38f9a2)
- new tool: Images Formats Converter (bac8c8d)
- new tool: Stacktrace Formatter (69e660b)
- new tool: Luhn Checker (98c50f0)
- new tool: Bounce Email Parser (e86e921)
- new tool: Smart Raw Error Converter (7a83b35)
- new tools: Units Converter (d1aca6a)
- new tool: Countries/ISO 3166 Searcher (98db1e7)
- Html WYSYWIG: add colors and tables (e3e8e9d)
- new tool: JSON Size Analyzer (3aa887c)
- new tool: Duration Calculator (5cd4253)
- new tool: Currency Converter (b241003)
- new tool: Duration Calculator (2384d3b)
- new tool: List Comparaison (f117a74)
- add whatsapp/sms message links forger (ba2d10a)
- use a better jsoneditor version + current selected node jsonpath (cf0d31f)
- new tool: SLA Computer (0e73e58)
- handle prefix 0x, &H, \x and custom output prefix (0c63eb7)
- new tool: SSL Certificate Converter (e62ca22)
- List Converter: add remove prefix/suffix capability (327ff11)
- add label for units (7856df3)
- Outlook MSG Parser (b50b790)
- add file upload option and word wrap (0c2dcbd)
- new tool: Unicode Search (8fdb31b)
- new tool: added Regex Cheatsheet (e2a1748)
- new tool: WebSocket Tester (9347c9f)
- new tool: Smart Text Replacer and LineBreaks manager (2f2b3db)
- new tools: Data Storage Units Converter and Data Transfer Rate Converter (49aa769)
- new tool: Timezone Converter (fcb8ab2)
- new tools: Data Storage/Transfer Units Converter (35ae97d)
- new tool: Paste as Markdown (9cee2d1)
- new tool: Math OCR to Latex (6fbff77)
- new tool: ICO <> PNG Converter (4bf7470)
- handle parsing of common qr code types (951143d)
- new tool: CSS <> XPath converter (be60b04)
- add print button (95722a6)
- add umask computation (7039888)
- add unique words count and read time (1cf54a8)
- new tool: Email Parser (a38def7)
- new tool: XPath tester (23214dc)
- new tool: AI Prompt Splitter (2da74fa)
- new tool: WPA PSK Raw Key Generator (8b93379)
- new tool: Hex File Converter (73e97f9)
- new tool: jq/JSONPath tester (0d9f6aa)
- new tool: Integers to IP (8659024)
- new tool: Punycode Converter (d087bd9)
- new tool: Mongo ObjectId DateTime Converter (f7b024a)
- new tool: PIN Code Generator (8e9c5c0)
- new tool: Passphrase Generator (f52b42d)
- new tool: Color Wheel (f9f9288)
- new tool: Exif Remover (ba1b5bc)
- new tool: JSON to object (bb1f872)
- Slugify: add separator option (b9725ea)
- new tool: JSON <> XML (31e280c)
- new tool: Paste as Markdown (d72facf)
- add download button to many tools (31eac2b)
- new tool: Potrace (045075a)
- add refresh button (from PR #1213) (40aad48)
- add sample of useful denied chars (8881f44)
- new tool: XSLT Tester (29a9093)
- new tool: Snowflake ID extractor (6540db3)
- new tool: curl converter (6d079f1)
- new tool: Torrent To Magnet and parser (3f44fec)
- better UI (7869914)
- disable some built-in regex (80d87cb)
- new tool: Markdown TOC Generator (e32d38c)
- add npmPackages (5441b26)
- enhance cleaned PII and custom regexes (933d824)
- new tool: Sensitive data masker (747a7c8)
- new tool: text to unicode names (cd93fde)
- Lorem Ipsum Generator: generate multi language/script (a465baf)
- Display a footer/list of npm packages per tool (c2e55b1)
- new tool: Common Regex Memo (3e8cdf3)
- test that all tools are loading (2ef2b39)
- new tool: JSON To Schema (2c2b302)
- TextAreaCopyable: word wrap (42d1bf7)
- TextAreaCopyable: word wrap (43922ae)
- MAC Address Converter: add EUI-64 and IPv6 support (7437577)
- New tool: Image to CSS (c8dbec7)
- New tool: API Tester (c906f11)
- TextareaCopyable/FormatTransformer: add download button prop (052ddeb)
- TextAreaCopyable: word wrap (49f4c88)
- TextAreaCopyable: more langs (f2de87e)
- add key encoding (text or hex string) for hmac (53df0a2)
- new tool: CRC calculator (e419ed3)
- new tool: File Hasher (fd48016)
- tool: nanoid generator (2dbc8fa)
- new tool: Folder Tree Diagram (6e113a8)
- new tool: Nginx Config File formatter (535ba88)
- new tool: JS Unobfuscator (b5d3ed6)
- new tools: Barcode Reader and Generator (fef1993)
- new tool: JSON to C# (748126f)
- new tool: JSON Editor (a28ba6e)
- new tools: JSON to PHP Array and reverse (ebfae5e)
- new tool: Math Formula format converter (bc0c344)
- new tool: rsa/ecdsa signing and verify (2de5935)
- new tool: Malicious Link Checker (91a6038)
- new tool: unicode to java entities (e9a4d06)
- new tool: unicode to java entities (2821655)
- new tool: Json to Go (47888b5)
- new tool: RMB Uppercase Converter (6530d37)
- new tool: Unicode Formatter (eac0de1)
- new tool: HDD Size Calculator (e46a5ec)
- new tool: Airport and Airline lookup (071cd4c)
- new tool: Text extractor form HTML (089853e)
- Chmod Calculator: implement symbol form input (3d63fde)
- new tool: Port Info Search (b36a01e)
- new tool: Regex Tester (f61db56)
- new tool: TTL Calculator (b3d48c0)
- new tool: nano cheatsheet (fb343ea)
- new tool: ECDSA Keygen (d415871)
- add CSR parsing (2f64b7e)
- add pgp parsing (5732ce7)
- new tool: Markdown Editor (a99dae7)
- new tool: HTML to Markdown (with paste) (d724281)
- new tool: File Type Identifier (7c12c12)
- ui: add c-monaco-editor to ui lib (e10beda)
- new tool: JSON Linter (9390435)
- new tool: HEIC Converter (d3ee99a)
- Color Converter: Many enhancements (a25a69e)
- new tool: PGP Encryption (01a0e06)
- new tool: PGP Keygen (aa0f705)
- new tool: RSA Encryption (97a2a11)
- new tool: Morse converter (3305c81)
- add OCRized text statistics (7a1beb5)
- refactor text stats to service (7f2bf11)
- c-file-upload: paste image (b7debec)
- Text Statistics: add more stats (af1013d)
- refactor text stats to service (2d87aaf)
- new tool: JSON Linter (75269c8)
- new tool: PDF Encrypt (1b82da5)
- prepare qpdf-wasm (23b4dc8)
- new tool: PDF Linearizer (849c34f)
- prepare qpdf-wasm (8d710d1)
- new tool: Pdf Unlocker (450b994)
- prepare qpdf-wasm (f812703)
- json to typescript (dd03874)
- new tool: IPv4/6 in IP Range (9501a60)
- utils: IPv4/6 Utils (591cdcd)
- utils: IPv4/6 Utils (70ed8fe)
- utils: IPv4/6 Utils (bf0faf6)
- utils: IPv4/6 Utils (94f0b9e)
- IPv4 Subnet/Address Calculator: add more ip info (070ec0b)
- ASCII Art to Code: utility to format ASCII Art to code (756162f)
- new tool: Image to ASCII Art (d37be27)
- Hash Text: more hashing methods (2816ed2)
- utils: IPv4/6 Utils (3550d81)
- htpasswd generator: allow salt rounds input (if bcrypt) (3b7b0a4)
- add SIP authentication (362434c)
- new-tool: csv to json converter (9dca9c3)
- new tool: Option 43 DHCP Generator (18f4fa8)
- new tool: Javascript Prettier (d1d2b6b)
- new tool: Markdown Cheatsheet (5bcc503)
- new tool: URL Cleaner (e94cebf)
- ui: add c-monaco-editor to ui lib (729a10c)
- Text to NATO: add other languages, upper/lower and other (1b1be10)
- ui: add c-monaco-editor to ui lib (65aad83)
- Yaml Viewer: add parsing validation (fd0a723)
- ASCII Art Drawer: add coding languages support (093daa8)
- Chmod Calculator: octal input and special flags (3ead4d3)
- new tool: Docker Compose Validator (c49ff00)
- new tool: IPv6 Subnet Calculator (1f67ba1)
- new tool: html cleaner (c0c5cfd)
- new tool: JSON Escape/Unescape (9c5b297)
- new tool: HTML Prettier (7616a35)
- new tool: CSS Prettier (a7dd503)
- add js-beautify (21fa721)
- new tool: UTM URL Generator (9d3337f)
- ipv4/6 calculator lib (d7a8c65)
- ASCII Art to Code: utility to format ASCII Art to code (2850dbd)
- Implement JS Object to JSON Converter (#849) (a385d18)
- new tool: Implement JSON sorter, addressing issue #941 (22cdc82)
- new tool: OCR Image (0d17698)
- new tool: Software Licenses Compatibility and infos (5223491)
- new tool: MIME Encoder/Decoder (df7cc7c)
- new tool: GZIP String converter (3ad648d)
- new tool: Url Defanger/Fanger (0106d1b)
- prepare qpdf-wasm (06640f9)
- new tool: Markdown to HTML (ccd6deb)
- new tool: x509 Certificate Generator (16d1a00)
- new tool: Certificate/Key Parser and infos (ce8199e)
- c-file-upload: paste image (dbd4730)
- new tool: QRCode decoder (6d61960)
- new tool: Ansible Vault Encrypt/Decrypt (82d99b6)
- TextareaCopyable: word-wrap prop (c413ac2)
- new tool: x509 Certificate Generator (b21ea3c)
- new tool: URL Text Fragment Generator (b779beb)
- c-file-upload: paste image (6c00514)
- new tool: htpasswd generator (3a0b612)
- new tool: CSR Generator (92b723a)
- c-input-text: handle paste htm (5641816)
- base64 file converter: add a preview image (a25bd8f)
- base64 file converter: add a filename and extension fields (435d812)
- new-tool: Docker Compose to Kubernetes manifests (b293763)
- ui: add c-monaco-editor to ui lib (2a8efd4)
- new-tool: Docker Run command(s) to Kubernetes manifests (a10caaa)
- ui: add c-monaco-editor to ui lib (377d6ec)
- new tool: Ed25519 Key Pair Generator (ca44c5c)
- rsa-key-generator: passphrase and formats (503cf67)
- rsa-key-generator: passphrase and formats (85aed08)
- TextareaCopyable: word-wrap prop (83832f3)
- new tool: ascii art generator (c0f7f8f)
- new tool: IPv4/6 Range To CIDR (2fe369a)
- new tool: IPv6 Address Converter (5bd2929)
- new tool: IP Geolocation (03f99d6)
- new tool: ISBN Parser and Formatter (29e0107)
- new tool: MAC Address Converter (4598eba)
- new tool: IPv4/6 CIDR to IP Range (2908763)
- new tool: Docker Compose to Docker Run (a4f0522)
- tool enhancement: Docker Run to Docker Compose (39bc401)
- ui: add c-monaco-editor to ui lib (22e836b)
- new tool: Docker Compose Converter (1b17302)
- new tool: Image EXIF Reader (d7c207c)
- ✨ Add tool uuid-converter (94eb67b)
- Temperature Converter: don't round to 2 digits (9dd752f)
- Certificate Parser: add validity dates and enhance extension display (1e17818)
- My IP: use (68f8e39)
- serve it-tools in docker for any incoming name (81258f6)
- Image Formats Converter: better UI and clean image extension and multiple files (7cd3cb4)
- allow all units for bitrate (746fe85)
- fix handling of milliseconds (ea71d16)
- handle (.net) timespan format and submilliseconds (13e929e)
- use sandybox for webcrack (982ef5f)
- use String.raw in unit test (2c56bb3)
- use Plurimath as asset (0de2ed1)
- Search tools: show more tools (a9caef7)
- Dockerfile: allow base url in build (1bcc0ac)
- Currency Converter: tool description (e0ea732)
- yaml-viewer: prevent large integers from being converted to exponential notation by enabling inAsBigInt config (890c1f3)
- list converter: e2e test (84eb800)
- csv to json: e2e test (fb80d8a)
- token generator test: codeql (62802ff)
- json to csv: codeql (4e0252c)
- markdown toc: codeql (225ad41)
- integer converter: codeql (c413970)
- ascii utils: codeql (7cd1aa2)
- new version of hash-wasm (a77ebf8)
- iso duration test case (b1dce63)
- sonar (2956b08)
- codeql alerts (ff4fd6c)
- paste-html fallback to text (f7286a0)
- Properties to yaml: add description (5695589)
- add a label on datetime range dropdown (58a1f73)
- code style (7749f8c)
- better description and use of units (171ad3f)
- better ui and ISO Week mention (fcb4b68)
- spelling (243146a)
- Multilink Downloader: spelling (f8aa7db)
- locales: update license from MIT to GPL-3.0 in language files (#1419) (63fbd3b)
- missing tool en message (109a869)
- deps and en.yml (e88fafe)
- json to java typecheck (7720721)
- shiki deps (60851b5)
- remove all-tools single e2e spec test (d5e6965)
- typecheck and lint (ef0894f)
- regex tester: optional groups/captures failing (11c0ac7)
- update tree sitter wasm (2f145f8)
- ip and integer wrong merge (fd3ca23)
- remove copy plugin (5d96ef8)
- make vite copy tree sitter (8c99d26)
- fs external (cd492c2)
- disable top level await and some manual chunking (613bc8c)
- escape i18n (a72f8f2)
- url-parser: handle repeated params Fix #800 and #862 (cc33329)
- replace svg-to-url, ui improve and build (28699f7)
- tools lists (9ae4574)
- shiki building (ebc7956)
- icons,branding: swap twitter to X (#1369) (ea8c4ed)
- FavoriteButton: pass tool path to favorite button (#1368) (ae13639)
- readme: refresh stale contributors graph (#1364) (c7b80fb)
- yaml-to-json: allow merge key to be parsed (#1359) (f836666)
- intersection (393ac40)
- add GFM Tables, Strikeout, task list (d1fc7ec)
- better ui to select file or paste content (6c71882)
- ensure length and count are > 0 (aba466a)
- let user choice 'standard' vs 'aws' (fa01008)
- helpers dup % (605229f)
- Cron Parser: handle aws, next executions and TZ (48b4904)
- better ui on small phone screens (2f8fad5)
- pre-wrap result to proper display (f0ef42a)
- make current tz offset not copyable (4784925)
- 12hours format for input and ui overflow (66bfb2d)
- title, desc, spaces and placeholders (a50bfd5)
- add 24h switch and bugs fixes (04f2ec1)
- display numbers always with dot (66dd351)
- add No Sort option (8ccbc34)
- svg style bug in @regexper/render (f0a092f)
- json-to-csv: handle single object and flatten (d02443a)
- milliseconds test and e2e (3ef7e50)
- date-time-converter: add UTC ISO Display and JS Date Constructor (6fd79d6)
- wrong key length (96f6262)
- better select between file and content (099ecc8)
- OTP Generator: add query and storage for secret (so can be remembered) (fdb2bff)
- error in denied chars logic (bda56ac)
- denied chars expected values (f7e535f)
- link to openstreetmap (a0b8cf0)
- use to allow https (a3e4ed9)
- better link style (aee1353)
- store favorites regardless of languages (44d7fa5)
- deps (aa90b72)
- ignore some tools (9f38cdf)
- add expect error message with toolHref (720c874)
- better display format (char, U+XXXX and name) (e220d4a)
- formatting, overflow, link colors (78084e6)
- ignore Device related JS errors (ie, camera recorder) (48df524)
- Emoji picker: fix lags (ab762c3)
- add tsconfig for playright (2bd17e9)
- Mac Address Converter: update description (11206a5)
- TextAreaCopyable: copy button placement (135b311)
- inverted done state (a0c51c9)
- QR Code Generator: more styling, SVG, image upload (f2e0022)
- Phone Parser: store country prefix (374caa1)
- JWT Parser: UI overflow on small screen (50d7803)
- refactor to service + add regex diagram + ui enhancements (c9f9bb1)
- Token Generator: handle UI for small smartphone screen (0d67535)
- Token Generator: handle UI for small smartphone screen (cbd32fd)
- text-to-unicode: handle non-BMP + more conversion options (b0ae8d7)
- text-to-binary: return valid UTF-8 results for non-ASCII text (35d8264)
- Token Generator: multi token, last settings, length input, denied chars (ff57fda)
- Cron Parser: handle more patterns (f1044b3)
- use qpdf-wasm-esm-embedded + add logs (c35e710)
- tiptap/core 2.3 causing typecheck errors in html wysiwyg (6971cb6)
- date error (df1169d)
- language type (d2c270a)
- refactor using IPv4/6 Utils Parse IPMask (ie, to CIDR (ie, Fix #603 (328afe5)
- removed direct link with cleaned for security reason (3f7151b)
- bcrypt tool: allow salt rounds up to 100 (d832e86)
- remove empty unit test (for now) (5442a88)
- PDF Signature Checker: fix reading problem (172c617)
- integer-base-converter: fix conversion for number of more than 32bits (34357dd)
- make fonts list searchable (53e306b)
- update docker2kube to handle correctly command/entrypoint/args (ed6bd1a)
- update docker2kube to handle correctly command/entrypoint/args (690bb19)
- integer-basee-converter: handle prefix/suffix and case in sensitive (e336ebe)
- date-time-converter: handle timestamp in microseconds (88ecf60)
- base64: use js-base64 to handle non ascii text (3e27051)
- base64: use js-base64 to handle non ascii text (3f61e35)
- integer-base-converter: fix conversion for number of more than 32bits (6749d81)
- integer-base-converter: fix conversion for number of more than 32bits (21eabe9)
- ui: copy icon placement (7ebbddd)
- ui: copy icon placement (a74553c)
- sponsor: removed sponsor banner and related configurations (#1405) (b47d132)
- ascii-generator: equilibrate ui (7a74c85)
- ascii-generator: updated tool definition (8301489)
- 🎨 Lint checks (808f56e)
- eslint: fixing correct title of tool text from html (b2a4b96)
- fix docker nightly (9192d46)
- add a workflow to tag PR with merge conflicts (fde7035)
- add a workflow to tag PR with merge conflicts (f07687b)
- Remove unused uuid parser (6f64dc4)
- update release workflow (b99a19c)
- update corepack in github actions (8057334)
- docker add arm64 (08ee879)
- update playwright (1b78bad)
- TZ=UTC for unit testing (35600c2)
- change github repo url to my fork (f56a39a)
- add docker compose sample (d920632)
- Docker publish: publish to latest (and not dev) tag (4693994)
- cleaning and referencing fork (8cfe480)
- update workflows and readme (bc50a87)
- build with dynamic node --max-old-space-size (78b7614)
- fix docker workflows (for me) (675e5bf)
- fix pnpm lock (b4f4199)
- fix strange corepack message (7e9613d)
- ignore src/libs in codeql (48dd7bb)
- prepare sshpk for cert/key/sshkeys related tools (90fba75)
- vue-i18n ignore html (ed019b0)
- new tool: Regex Tester (and Cheatsheet) (#1030) (f5c4ab1)
- new tool: Markdown to HTML (#916) (87984e2)
- new-tool: add email normalizer (#1243) (318fb6e)
- new tools: JSON to XML and XML to JSON (#1231) (f1a5489)
- lorem-ipsum: add button to refresh text lorem-ipsum (#1213) (e1b4f9a)
- base64: Base64 enhancements (#905) (30144aa)
- favorites: store favorites regardless of languages (#1202) (7ca5933)
- emoji-picker: debounced search input (#1181) (76a19d2)
- format-transformer: set overflow for output area width (#787) (b430bae)
- jwt-parser: prevent UI overflow on small screen (#1095) (dd4b7e6)
- regex-tester: better description (7251700)
- sponsors: fern sponsor banners (#1314) (f962c41)
- readme: updated logos (#1294) (6709498)
- author: updated author links (#1316) (1c35ac3)
- i18n: added German translation (#1038) (2c2fb21)
- new tool: Outlook Safelink Decoder (#911) (d3b32cc)
- new tool: ascii art generator (#886) (fe349ad)
- i18n: get locales on build (#880) (dc04615)
- i18n: added vi tools translations (#876) (079aa21)
- i18n: added zh tools translations (#874) (9c6b122)
- i18n: added missing locale files in tools (#863) (7f5fa00)
- i18n: added vietnamese language (#859) (1334bff)
- i18n: added spanish language (#854) (85b50bb)
- i18n: added portuguese language (#813) (c65ffb6)
- i18n: added ukrainian language (#827) (693f362)
- new-tool: yaml formater (#779) (fc06f01)
- new-tool: added unicode conversion utilities (#858) (c46207f)
- language: English language cleanup (#1036) (221ddfa)
- url-encoder, validation: typo in validation of url-encoder.vue #1024 (cb5b462)
- integer base converter: support bigint (#872) (9eac9cb)
- bcrypt tool: allow salt rounds up to 100 (#987) (23f82d9)
- lint: removed extra semi (33e5294)
- auto-imports: regen auto imports (1242842)
- home: lightened tool cards (#882) (a07806c)
- home: removed n-grid to prevent layout shift (#881) (10e56b3)
- i18n: added locales per tool (#861) (95698cb)
- issues: prevent empty issues (#1078) (a0bc346)
- issues: removed old issue templates (#1077) (5a7b0f9)
- node: upgraded node version in CI workflows (b59942a)
- version: release 2024.05.10-33e5294 (38d5687)
- issues: improved issues template (2852c30)
- issues: improved bug issue template (#1046) (a799234)
- changelog: update changelog for 2024.05.10-33e5294 (9dfd347)
- i18n: improve chinese i18n (#757) (2e56641)
- i18n: add tooltip and favoriteButton i18n (#756) (a1037cf)
- i18n: add Chinese translation base (#718) (8f99eb6)
- new tool: pdf signature checker (#745) (4781920)
- new tool: numeronym generator (#729) (e07e2ae)
- jwt-parser: jwt claim array support (#799) (5ed3693)
- camera-recorder: stop camera on navigation (#782) (80e46c9)
- doc: updated create new tool command in readme (#762) (7a70dbb)
- base64-file-converter: fix downloading of index.html content without data preambula (#750) (043e4f0)
- docker: rollback armv7 in docker releases (#741) (205e360)
- eta: corrected example (#737) (821cbea)
- about, i18n: improved i18n dx with markdown (#753) (bd3edcb)
- token, i18n: complete fr translation (#752) (de1ee69)
- uuid generator: uuid version picker (#751) (38586ca)
- case converter: no split on lowercase, uppercase and mocking case (#748) (ca43a25)
- ui: replaced legacy n-upload with c-file-upload (#747) (7fe47b3)
- token: added password in token generator keywords (#746) (16ffe6b)
- bcrypt: fix input label align (#721) (093ff31)
- deps: switched from oui to oui-data for mac address lookup (#693) (0fe9a20)
- deps: update unocss monorepo to ^0.57.0 (#638) (2e396d8)
- docker: added armv7 plateform for docker releases (#722) (fe1de8c)
- i18n: language selector (#710) (e86fd96)
- dockerfile: revert replacement of nginx image with non-privileged one (#716) (7d94e11)
- encryption: alert on decryption error (#711) (02b0d0d)
- math-evaluator: improved description (e87f4b1)
- math-evaluator: improved search and UX (#713) (58de897)
- command-palette: clear prompt on palette close (#708) (d013696)
- command-palette: added about page in command palette (99b1eb9)
- new tool: random MAC address generator (#657) (cc3425d)
- case-converter: added mocking case (#705) (681f7bf)
- date-converter: added excel date time format (#704) (f5eb7a8)
- i18n: token generator (#688) (02e68d3)
- i18n: home page (#687) (00562ed)
- i18n: support for i18n in .ts files (#683) (ebb4ec4)
- i18n: tool card (#682) (84a4a64)
- i18n: about page (#680) (a2b53c2)
- i18n: 404 page (#679) (35563b8)
- new tool: text to ascii converter (#669) (b2ad4f7)
- new tool: ULID generator (#623) (5c4d775)
- new tool: add wifi qr code generator (#599) (0eedce6)
- new tool: iban validation and parser (#591) (3a63837)
- new tool: text diff and comparator (#588) (81bfe57)
- deps: fix issue on slugify (#593) (#673) (720201a)
- deps: update dependency monaco-editor to ^0.43.0 (#620) (e371ef7)
- deps: update dependency sql-formatter to v13 (#606) (c7d4562)
- ui: better ui demo preview menu (#664) (015c673)
- color-converter: improved color-converter UX (#701) (abb8335)
- docker: improved docker config (#700) (020e9cb)
- c-table: added description on c-table for accessibility (b408df8)
- ci: reduced timeout in e2e (#666) (88b8818)
- ui: new c-table ui component (#665) (ee4c853)
- ui: removed n-page-header component in user-agent parser (#663) (cbf58fd)
- ui: removed n-p components in about page (#662) (a757a51)
- ui: switched naive tooltip components to custom ones (#661) (025f556)
- spelling: minor corrections to phrasing/spelling (#596) (8a30b6b)
- i18n: merge tools scoped locales with global ones (#612) (233d556)
- c-key-value-list: got rid of table for layout (#611) (7ab9204)
- CI: run e2e against built app and no longer vercel (#610) (18dd140)
- bcrypt: fix typo (#604) (e18bae1)
- deps: clean unused dependencies (#709) (e164afb)
- deps: update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3 (#627) (4365226)
- deps: update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3 (#626) (57ecda1)
- deps: update docker/login-action action to v3 (#625) (d8d7a3b)
- deps: update docker/build-push-action action to v5 (#624) (d36b18f)
- deps: update dependency node to v18.18.2 (#674) (eea9f91)
- deps: update dependency node to v18.18.0 (#636) (2d2dffb)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (#613) (4972159)
- deps: update dependency unplugin-icons to ^0.17.0 (#609) (f035f48)
- deps: update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to ^0.13.0 (#597) (d1dff42)
- deps: update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to ^0.41.0 (#585) (a9cd91c)
- deps: update dependency typescript to ~5.2.0 (#587) (f3e14fc)
- readme: added contributors list (#622) (557b304)
- hosting: added cloudron in the other hosting solutions section (#589) (06c3547)
- copy: support legacy copy to clipboard for older browser (#581) (6f93cba)
- new tool: string obfuscator (#575) (c58d6e3)
- deps: update dependency sql-formatter to v12 (#520) (2bcb77a)
- deps: switched to fucking typescript v5 (#501) (76b2761)
- deps: update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to ^0.40.0 (#552) (6ff9a01)
- deps: update dependency prettier to v3 (#564) (a2b9b15)
- deps: removed @typescript-eslint/parser (#563) (144f86e)
- deps: removed ts-pattern (#565) (0f1f659)
- Case Converter: Add lowercase and uppercase (#534) (7b6232a)
- new tool: emoji picker (#551) (93f7cf0)
- ui: added c-select in the ui lib (#550) (dfa1ba8)
- new-tool: password strength analyzer (#502) (a9c7b89)
- new-tool: yaml to toml (e29b258)
- new-tool: json to toml (ea50a3f)
- new-tool: toml to yaml (746e5bd)
- new-tool: toml to json (c7d4f11)
- command-palette: random tool action (ec4c533)
- config: allow app to run in a subfolder via BASE_URL (#461) (6304595)
- new-tool: percentage calculator (#456) (b9406a4)
- new-tool: json to csv converter (69f0bd0)
- new tool: xml formatter (#457) (a6bbeae)
- chmod-calculator: added symbolic representation (#455) (f771e7a)
- enhancement: use system dark mode (#458) (cf7b1f0)
- phone-parser: searchable country code select (d2956b6)
- new tool: camera screenshot and recorder (34d8e5c)
- base64-string-converter: switch to encode and decode url safe base64 strings (#392) (0b20f1c)
- deps: update dependency uuid to v9 (#566) (5e12991)
- deps: update dependency mathjs to v11 (#519) (7924456)
- deps: update dependency @vueuse/router to v10 (#516) (ea0f27c)
- copy: prevent shorthand copy if source is present in useCopy (#559) (86e964a)
- c-lib: hide component library shortcut link in non-dev (#557) (56d74d0)
- emoji picker: fix copy button (#556) (e5d0ba7)
- deps: update dependency @vueuse/head to v1 (#515) (d12dd40)
- deps: update dependency country-code-lookup to ^0.1.0 (#493) (8c72e69)
- deps: update dependency @vueuse/head to ^0.9.0 (#492) (cec9dea)
- i18n: fallback for demo i18n (12d9e5d)
- typos: fixed more typos & uppercase JSON (#475) (9526ed8)
- about: typos and wording (#474) (7068610)
- mime-types: typos (#470) (c4cec9e)
- sonar: took down minor sonar warning (4cbd7ac)
- readme: typo (105b21b)
- ipv4-range-expander: calculate correct for ip addresses where the first octet is lower than 128 (#405) (8c92d56)
- ipv4-converter: removed readonly on input (7aed9c5)
- navbar: consistent spacing in navbar buttons (#507) (30f88fc)
- ui: remove n-text (#506) (72c98a3)
- ui: replaced some n-input to c-input (#505) (05ea545)
- json-viewer: input monospace font (#485) (9125dcf)
- search: command palette design (#463) (bcb98b3)
- c-input-text: force usage of props with default (1e2a35b)
- naming: prevent auto import conflicts for git memo (45c2474)
- imports: removed unnecessary imports to vue (fe61f0f)
- ui: removed all n-space (4d2b037)
- ui: replaced some n-input with c-input-text (f7fc779)
- deps: update dependency vitest to ^0.34.0 (#562) (9bd4ad4)
- deps: update dependency node to v18.17.1 (#560) (65a9474)
- deps: update dependency unocss to ^0.55.0 (#561) (85cc7a8)
- deps: update dependency @unocss/eslint-config to ^0.55.0 (#553) (4268e25)
- deps: update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to ^0.12.0 (#526) (d1c8880)
- deps: update docker/login-action action to v2 (#512) (99bc84c)
- deps: update dependency jsdom to v22 (#499) (cd5a503)
- deps: update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx to v3 (#497) (1a60236)
- deps: update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue to v4 (#496) (a249421)
- deps: update dependency vite-plugin-pwa to ^0.16.0 (#488) (6498c9b)
- deps: update dependency vite to v4 (#503) (f40d7ec)
- ci: e2e against vercel deployement (#518) (2e28c50)
- e2e: execute e2e against built app (#511) (cf382b5)
- deps: update github/codeql-action action to v2 (#513) (0152583)
- deps: update node.js to v18 (#514) (38cb61d)
- deps: switched from vite-plugin-md to vite-plugin-vue-markdown (#510) (354aed6)
- deps: update dependency workbox-window to v7 (#509) (6b8682f)
- deps: update dependency vite-svg-loader to v4 (#508) (9e8349d)
- deps: update dependency typescript to ~4.9.0 (#481) (f440507)
- deps: update dependency vue-tsc to ^0.40.0 (#490) (b0d9a3e)
- deps: updated unplugin-auto-import (#504) (5c3bebf)
- deps: removed start-server-and-test dependency (8df7cd0)
- deps: update dependency c8 to v8 (#498) (6bda2ca)
- deps: update dependency @types/jsdom to v21 (#495) (994a1c3)
- deps: update node.js to v16.20.1 (#491) (05edaf4)
- deps: update dependency vitest to ^0.32.0 (#489) (49eacea)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v3 (#494) (3f7d469)
- deps: update dependency unplugin-vue-components to ^0.25.0 (#484) (5f21908)
- deps: update dependency unplugin-auto-import to ^0.16.0 (#483) (6cb0845)
- deps: update dependency unocss to ^0.53.0 (#482) (38710dc)
- deps: update dependency @unocss/eslint-config to ^0.53.0 (#478) (282cfc4)
- deps: added renovate.json (#477) (363c2e4)
- i18n: tool scoped locales (#471) (1b038c7)
- wysiwyg-editor: update tiptap dependencies (732da08)
- i18n: setup i18n plugin config (ebfb872)
- config: netlify deployment support (#443) (93799af)
- ci: shard e2e tests (962a6d6)
- lint: switched to a better lint config (33c9b66)
- transformers: use monospace font for JSON and SQL text areas (#476) (ba4876d)
- ide: updated vscode extensions settings (#472) (847323c)
- deps: updated vueuse dependency version (8515c24)
- list-converter: a small converter who deals with column based data and do some stuff with it (#387) (83a7b3b)
- new tool: phone parser and normalizer (ce3150c)
- phone-parser: use default country code (a43c546)
- home: prevent weird blue border on card (3f6c8f0)
- ui: replaced some n-input with c-input-text (77f2efc)
- issues: updated new tool request issue template (edae4c6)
- new-component: added text input component in the c-lib (aad8d84)
- button: size variants (401f13f)
- ui-lib: demo pages for c-lib components (92bd835)
- new-tool: diff of two json objects (362f2fa)
- ipv4-range-expander: expands a given IPv4 start and end address to a valid IPv4 subnet (#366) (df989e2)
- date converter: auto focus main input (6d22025)
- ts: cleaned legacy typechecking warning (e88c1d5)
- mac-address-lookup: added copy handler on button click (c311e38)
- ui-lib: prevent c-button to shrink (61ece23)
- ui: replaced naive ui cards with custom ones (f080933)
- clean: removed unused lodash import (bb32513)
- clean: removed useless br tags (74073f5)
- ui: getting ride of naive ui buttons (c45bce3)
- new-tool: http status codes (8355bd2)
- uuid-generator: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994)
- release: create a github release on new version (dbad773)
- version: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff)
- new-tool: http status codes (8355bd2)
- uuid-generator: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994)
- release: create a github release on new version (f9b77b7)
- version: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff)
- new-tool: http status codes (8355bd2)
- uuid-generator: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994)
- release: create a github release on new version (2f0d239)
- version: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff)
- new-tool: http status codes (8355bd2)
- uuid-generator: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994)
- release: create a github release on new version (474cae4)
- version: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff)
Diff not available