- New module:
- paidsupport
- Module orderbutton javascript code improvements
- ResellerClub adapter supports API-KEY as authorization option.
- Fix admin area prefix issue.
- Added getEuVat() method which returns standard tax rate for each EU country
- Tax rules edit option added
- Notification message shown when email confirmed.
- Tax rules can be generated automatically for all EU countries
- Fix UTF-8 currency symbols issue in PDF and print invoice view.
- Fixed onAfterGuestPublicTicketReply and onAfterGuestPublicTicketOpen hooks. Incorrect public ticket subject was sent to staff members.
- Added option to approve client email for admin
- DotTk registrar adapter is not supported.
- Initiate translation DI object after bb-di is included
- Spamchecker module updated
- When removing product from cart it's addons will remove automatically
- Missing email queue table after upgrade fixed
- admin/currency/get API call returns array
- Admin can generate invoice PDF from admin area
- Scheduled tasks fix
- Spyc package moved to composer
- Countries list updated
- Missing
file fixed for custom templates - Various bug fixes and improvements
- New event hook:
- onBeforeThemeSettingsSave
- New API(client) calls:
- invoice_get_tax_rate
- client_is_taxable
- client_balance_get_total
- Taxes are shown in the cart checkout summary
- Email templates are generated after install
- Footer links fix for Huraga theme
- Only one coupon code name can be created and used;
- Fixed CKEditor issue with canned responses
- Custom payment gateway render error fixed
- Fixed Centova Cast module
- Password hash in email resolved
- Orderbutton module popup improved
- Client email confirmation logic updated
- Variables in email templates list fixed
- Generating email templates just after installing of BoxBilling
- Allow only text in Notification module messages
- Fixed constantly regenerating invoices issue
- Add funds logic updated
- Settings of footer links updated
- Security and performance fixes and updates
- Vagrant configuration added
- Interkassa payment adapter updated to v2
- Interlaced images support added to invoice pdf
- Fixed email template rendering
- Web cron removed
- Fixed file manager module.
- Fixed date format in emails
- Added button to remove item from cart popup
- tag added for news/blog posts
- WebMoney payment adapter updated
- Ability to set how many hours user needs to wait until consequent support ticket submission
- Added search in canned responses
- Code improvements and optimisations
- YouHosting module rewritten to work with open source version
- Translation implementation reworked.
- Bug fixes
- Client password hashing updated (php password_* functions are being used)
- Added mass delete functionality in admin area
- Ability to set promotional code for client groups
- Ability for administrator to edit order config
- ResellerClub adapter updated
- Pagination fixed
- Bug fixes
- BoxBilling going open source
- Removed Doctrine in favor of RedBean and PDO
- URL changes. Now urls are index.php?_url=/slug instead of index.php/slug
- Bug fixes
- Requires PHP >5.3
- Changed modules logic
- Service license unable to order if not configured issue fix
- Select first payment option for cart checkout as default
- IDR currency rate update fix
- PayPal IPN fix. Was not able to add amount to balance if currency was not USD
- Fixes issue when domain order is activated for 2 years instead of 1
- Approved invoice issue fix on Windows servers
- Show transactions list for client
- Enable multisite support by determining hostname and config file
- Do not show payment gateway select box if cart total is 0
- All modules settings moved to global settings page
- Ability to edit countries list in system settings page
- YouHosting API support. Now you can sell YouHosting services with BoxBilling
- BoxBilling theme can now have settings page. Settings are globally available in client area theme
- New theme filters:
- asset_url - {{ 'style.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
- img_tag - {{ company.logo_url | img_tag }}
- script_tag - {{ 'jquery.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}
- stylesheet_tag - {{ 'style.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
- money - {{ '40' | money }}
- money_without_currency - {{ '40' | money_without_currency }}
- money_convert - {{ '40' | money_convert }}
- money_convert_without_currency - {{ '40' | money_convert_without_currency }}
- Updating Twig to 1.10.3
- Cron option: Enable web based cron. This method requires that site has visitors and special theme tag support
- Major admin area theme update. Using fluid layout. Added breadcrumbs
- News module updates
- Ability to change payment gateway in invoice payment page
- Immediately redirect to payment gateway after checkout if payment gateway was selected
- Defautl theme update: Show client login/signup form before checkout button in shopping cart
- Search can be made by order meta keys
- Added new database table client_order_meta to store custom order data
- new statistic method to get number of sales by country
- new statistic method to get number of clients in country
- Do not use ajax when loading statistics in admin dashboard
- Show Last month statistics in dashboard
- Render mod_page_login.phtml instead of mod_client_login.phtml template if template exists
- Allow create any template mod_client_*.phtml to be accessed by client only
- Added redirects module. Usefull to redirect deprecated URLs to new ones
- Simplified payment gateway logic. Now it is a simple file, no need to extend any class.
- New event hooks:
- onBeforeAdminExtensionConfigSave
- onAfterAdminExtensionConfigSave
- onBeforeProductAddedToCart
- onAfterProductAddedToCart
- Removed hostinger branding
- Option to enable/disable ability for client to change his email
- Ability to require email confirmation in welcome email
- Ability to define required fields for client registration form
- Ability to disable new client registrations
- Invoices are not generated for 0 amount orders
- Performance and multiple bug fixes
- Added new field for service license - checked_at
- Support tickets canned responses are grouped
- Support settings option: auto responder and delay message
- Preview ticket notes in tickets listing page
- Ticket page updates in admin area
- Ability to generate email templates for enabled extensions before first event occurrence
- Ability to define which IPs are allowed to login to admin area
- Redesigned settings page. All configurable extensions are listed in this page.
- Simplified payment gateway adapters transaction processing logic. Now you can use API inside payment gateway method processTransaction Requires new parameter (new_transaction_process_logic) to be added to settings table to enable this option
- Option to skip calling event hook in order suspend and cancel actions
- Search clients by company name in clients listing page
- Ability to define staff member permissions
- New parameter in bb-config.php file BB_LOCALE_TIME_FORMAT - to define localized time format
- Add: New filter to display translatable date with time: bb_datetime
- Update: Search clients by company name in clients listing page
- Fix: Order created from admin area do not match clients currency
- Update: If order total after discount is 0 and product activation is set to after payment, activate order after checkout
- Fix: Show total amount in print invoice page
- Update: onAfterAdminClientPasswordChange receives password parameter
- If order total after discount is 0 and product activation is set to after payment, activate order after checkout
- Simplified installer app. Now works smoothly with nginx
- Admin navigation is displayed according to staff member permissions
- Currency converter in currency management page
- No country detected flag fix
- Print invoice total issue fix
- Do not show help desks grouping in admin area support tickets listing
- Forums has new attribute - category
- Forum messages can now be rated with points
- RedBean update to 3.2.3
- Email template subject not updating fix
- Ability to import existing hosting accounts without activation from admin area
- Ability to automatically setup EU VAT rules from admin area
- Invoice not marked as paid if client balance is equal to amount of invoice
- Admin area client listing update. Shows clients country.
- Added Queue manager. Gives ability to execute long running tasks in background
- Added Mass mailer tool to send email to filtered list of clients.
- Added Centova cast module to sell shout cast servers.
- Added file editor to edit any file on BoxBilling.
- Show Admin API key in admin profile
- New fields in client profile: referred_by, company_vat, company_number, type
- New fields for invoice: seller_company_vat, seller_company_number, buyer_phone_cc, buyer_company_vat, buyer_company_number, text_1, text_2
- Added Tanzania to country list
- Transfer code is not mandatory in domain order form
- Country flag is visible in admin area clients listing page
- Added country translations to default locale pot
- Update script issue fix when did not update from 2.4.30
- Payza payment gateway
- Bug fix when shopping cart did not generate subscribable invoices
- 2Checkout gateway updates
- Does not list hidden products by default in guest/product/get_list call
- Ability to remove order with addons.
- Pass hosting account password to email template as variable
- Whm server manager updates
- Set default currency if clients currency is not defined when preparing invoice for client
- Ability to call custom event hook on invoice item activation. New invoice item type - hook_call
- Parameter execute in admin/invoice/mark_as_paid now can activate related services immediately
- Order renewal logic parameter. Can select how renewal date is calculated
- added new field in client database to define authorization type
- admin/client/create password is not mandatory
- admin/client/get can now find client by email
- Invoices duplicate listing issue fix
- Added Akismet checking for forum posts in spamChecker module
- Support for php-gettext if gettext extension is not installed on server.
- AliPay payment gateway updates
- Added Thank You page. Clients can be redirected after payment instead of invoice.
- Invoice tax calculation bug fix
- Whm/Cpanel invalid body response issue updates
- Fixed order event hooks
- Can not create currency issue fix. Change currency price format from %price% to {{price}}. Solving an for servers where mod_security is enabled.
- Fix for issue: Email templates are cached and does not auto refresh if BB_DEBUG mode is false
- Add message to notification center after client makes post to forum topic. Notification center extension must be enabled.
- New SolusVM VPS product type. Ability to import clients and existing servers from SolusVM master server. Full control from admin and client area.
- New product type BoxBiling license. Ability to sell BoxBilling licenses from any BoxBilling installation. Enable
- Email templates are generated on first event occurrence. Until then it can not be managed.
- Ability to filter orders by invoice option: issue invoice manually or automatically.
- Ability to preview email templates. Old email templates are deprecated.
- Ability to place new order for clients from admin area
- Ability to change currency price format
- Deprecated bb-library/Hook bindings. Now event hooks are binded from modules Service.php class
- php mcrypt extension is now mandatory
- Email settings are now stored in encrypted format
- Added ability to reset email template to default
- Moved email sending settings from general settings to email templates menu
- New dashboard widget to show active orders count grouped by products
- Updated Twig to 1.8.2 version
- Added ability to disable/enable automatic invoice issuing for orders
- SpamChecker is a module. Google recapthca and stopforumspam.com database checks can be simply enabled or disabled as any other module
- All extensions can call other extension event hooks
- All extensions can hook into cron job event
- Added new API methods extension_config_get and extension_config_save to store encrypted extension configuration data
- Admin layout contains more blocks. Gives more freedom for extensions developers.
- Admin area dashboard statistics links now filters data for today and yesterday
- Ability to load custom listing template file for order index page
- Check if template file exists function for guest API guest.system_template_exists({"file":"mod_index_dashboard.phtml"})
- Ability to create admin account if none exists from admin area interface instead of login form.
- Default sort order for new products
- Products grouped by type can now be ordered on slider type form
- Bug fix when installed in subfolder named same as one of the modules
- Client profile management page updates - split to sections
- Adding dotTk domain registrar to official version
- Adding Interkassa payment gateway
- Email registrar bug fixes
- Internetbs registrar bug fixes
- Ability to create custom products. These products can now be enabled and disabled as an extension
- Added loader spinner to admin area login form
- Added weekly pricing option for products
- Currency rate is saved in invoice on payment event
- Google Recaptcha now uses https
- Ability to add/remove forum topic to favorites
- Ability to subscribe/unsubscribe to forum message notifications
- Adding new field to extensions meta table - client_id
- Fixed bug when admin was not able to update order creation date in admin area
- Promo code can be recurrent or applied to first order only
- Promo code validation once per client
- PayPal gateway validates non latin characters IPNs correctly
- Ability to change how many times promo code was used
- Added ability for admin to issue new invoice for order
- Setup price promo code issue fix.
- More translations made available
- Show ticket notes counter in list and ticket
- Order renewal invoice due date is same a order expiration date
- Added version param to js and css files to avoid clear cache on update
- https links updates
- boxbilling#115 fix
- Password issue fix: boxbilling#114
- Including http://redbeanphp.com/ ORM in bb-library/rb.php For extensions as a helper
- Simplifie nginx server support. Routing includes only 2 simple rules
- Adding new core module mod_api. Api is now accessible from yourdomain.com/api/role/module/method. bb-api is deprecated and will be removed in 2.6 version
- Gravatar url uses ssl if BoxBilling is on https
- Selectable refunds logic: generate refund invoice with paid invoice numbering or generate credit note
- New invoice status: "canceled". Invoice with canceled status are not counted into income.
- Invoice mark as paid with credits fix.
- Show task status and charge icons for invoice items for approved invoices
- Ability to remove clients balance
- Adding exception to PayPal gateway for HUF currency.
- Ability to install module from extensions site
- Ability to filter invoices by paid_at date in url param
- Adding config field for license service for more possibilities
- boxbilling#113 update
- Mail issue fix when port number was not recognized
- Stats module update: Income is counted on paid_at date not created_at date
- onBeforeClientProfileUpdate Event updates. Now receives currently logged in client data.
- Invoice API returns more information
- Display currency selector only if more than one currency is available
- Hosting account password is generated on order activation action
- Removing favicon to avoid overwriting on update
- Added zip code management to invoice client credentials
- Whm/Cpanel server manager update. Do not try to exceute command again if response failed
- Translations fix
- Typo fix in order management page
- WebToPay payment adapter updates
- Admin area dashboard updates. Clickable titles.
- Adding missing email templates for closing ticket event
- Client area popup close button style fix