All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Secret generation with complex values
- Bump dependencies
- Yaml parsing for kubeseal >= 0.24.0
- Made code formatting less pythonic, but more readable
- Changed --reecrypt flag to --re-encrypt
- Dependencies version bump
- version flag
- minor refactoring
- Corner case when SealedSecrets controller has a different name
- Fallback to the default kubeseal binary if the specific version can't be downloaded
- Correct exit code if the required version of kubeseal was not found on github
- Correct download link for amd64
- Exit 1 if unsupported architecture or OS is detected
- Print controller version on a separated line
- Removed code duplication
- kubeseal-auto now downloads the same version of kubeseal binary as the version of sealed-secret controller (only in non-detached mode)
- TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable in _find_sealed_secrets_controller
- Support for SealedSecrets controller encryption secret backup
- Improved SealedSecrets controller searching
- Support for re-encrypting all SealedSecret files in a provided directory
- Support for selecting kubeconfig context
- Separated Kubeseal logic into two classes for easier maintainability
- Added README to pypi published package
- Support for editing secret in a detached mode
- Script was completely rewritten to python
- Initial bash version