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Introduction to CVA6

This lab will help you become acquainted with the CVA6 core. First, you will need to read through and follow along with the Getting Started Guide. If you are having difficulties with the tool setup, please first complete the questions that do not require any setup.

GitHub Questions

We are assuming that you have some familiarity with Git and GitHub already. If you do not, I recommend first watching this Git and GitHub introductory video.

Next, refer to this guide as needed: Creating a permanent link to a code snippet.

  1. What is a Git commit? What is the hash of the commit that first added this file to this repository?
  2. Using "./labs/intro/git-example.txt", provide a link (URL) to the line that describes who wrote that file.
  3. Using that same file, open its initial commit and create a permalink to the line that describes who wrote that file.
  4. Why should you always use permalinks as opposed to regular links when sharing lines of code via GitHub?
  5. What is a Git submodule, and what are they used for? What is the hash of the cva6 submodule that this repository uses?

SystemVerilog Questions

  1. Provide a link to the IEEE 1800-2017 SystemVerilog standard. (You will need the UCSB network to access
  2. In the keyword always_comb, what does "comb" refer to? What is its Verilog equivalent? Provide a GitHub permalink to an instance of always_comb in CVA6.
  3. In the keyword always_ff, what does "ff" refer to? What is its Verilog equivalent? Provide a GitHub permalink to an instance of always_ff in CVA6.
  4. What is a SystemVerilog package, and how do you reference its contents in another file? Provide a GitHub link to and a permalink to an instance where ariane_pkg is imported and used in another file.
  5. What is a struct, and how do you access struct members? Provide a GitHub link to a struct definition in CVA6 and a permalink to where a member of that struct is used.
  6. What are block names? Provide a GitHub permalink to an instance of a block name in CVA6.
  7. What is DPI and what is it used for? Provide a GitHub permalink to a Verilog file that calls a DPI function, and provide a GitHub permalink to where that function is implemented.

RISC-V Questions

  1. Provide a link to the latest RISC-V ISA Manual.
  2. What are the 6 instruction formats of RISC-V? Give a one-to-three word description of each.
  3. What is a compressed instruction and what are they used for?

CVA6 Questions

  1. Attach the block diagram of CVA6 provided in the core's documentation.
  2. Skim the CVA6 user manual and give a one sentence summary for each of the 6 pipeline stages.
  3. Which stages are in the "frontend", and which are in the "backend"?
  4. Expand the following acronyms: RISC-V, CVA6, IF, ID, EX, I$, D$, FIFO, TLB, ITLB, CSR, BHT, RAS, BTB, MMU, EPC, MTVEC, LSU, PTW, DTLB, ALU, FPU, OoO, WB, AXI, APU, DPI.
  5. What is the difference between the "./cva6/corev_apu" and "./cva6/core" directories?
  6. What is AXI and what is it primarily used for in CVA6?

ELF Questions

Note that you can view the instructions and PCs of an ELF file with the following command: riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d <PATH TO PROGRAM>.elf

  1. What is an ELF file and where are they used? (Not specific to CVA6)
  2. What is the difference between segments and sections?
  3. Compile "./programs/examples/asm.S", and (using your favorite hex viewer) give the offset into the ELF file at which the add instruction is located. Please also provide a screenshot.
  4. Write a .S file that contains instructions covering all 6 of the instruction formats, a branch taken condition, and a compressed instruction. Compile it to an ELF file and find all the PCs for each of the 8 occurences. Provide the .S file and the list of PCs.

Simulation Questions

Refer to the Getting Started Guide if you need help setting up the required tools for simulation.

All CVA6 net hierarchical paths should start with TOP.ariane_testharness.i_ariane.i_cva6.. Each module/struct should be separated with . until you reach the delcaration of the net. To see a net hierarchical path in GTKWave, you can right-click an added signal and click "Alias Highlighted Signal".

When providing screenshots of waveforms, please include all signals you decide are relevant to demonstrate the event. Improper justification will result in a lower score.

  1. Give the net hierarchical path and GitHub permalink of the PC in the instruction decode stage.
  2. Give the net hierarchical path and GitHub permalink of the ALU output.
  3. Give the net hierarchical path and GitHub permalink of the register file write enable in the commit stage.
  4. Simulate "./programs/examples/asm.S", and provide a waveform screenshot of the add instruction occurring in the ALU. Provide justification.
  5. Simulate the .S file you wrote, and provide a waveform screenshot at: a taken branch, a store to memory, a register file write, and a decode of a compressed instruction. Provide justification.