Fulcio is a free code signing Certificate Authority, built to make short-lived certificates available to anyone.
Homepage: https://sigstore.dev/
The following components are also included as either direct components or through chart dependencies:
NOT backwards compatibleIn version
, we will be introducing a second ingress in support of the new gRPC endpoint as introduced inv0.4.0
of Fulcio.The change in particular is the structure of the ingress values.
server: ingress: enabled: true hosts: - host: fulcio.localhost path: /
server: ingress: http: enabled: true hosts: - host: fulcio.localhost path: / grpc: enabled: false
To install the helm chart with default values run following command. The Values section describes the configuration options for this chart.
helm dependency update .
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] .
To uninstall the Helm chart run following command.
helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]
Name | Url | |
The Sigstore Authors |
Repository | Name | Version |
https://sigstore.github.io/helm-charts | ctlog | 0.2.60 |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
config.contents | object | {} |
config.format | string | "json" |
createcerts.affinity | object | {} |
createcerts.annotations | object | {} |
createcerts.enabled | bool | true |
createcerts.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
createcerts.image.registry | string | "ghcr.io" |
createcerts.image.repository | string | "sigstore/scaffolding/createcerts" |
createcerts.image.version | string | "sha256:2a2bb96f108b5a8aa9ca07f18be1e3dd673c41ca4836adc1b6129cea213b417c" |
createcerts.name | string | "createcerts" |
createcerts.nodeSelector | object | {} |
createcerts.replicaCount | int | 1 |
createcerts.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
createcerts.securityContext.runAsUser | int | 65533 |
createcerts.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
createcerts.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
createcerts.serviceAccount.mountToken | bool | true |
createcerts.serviceAccount.name | string | "" |
createcerts.tolerations | list | [] |
createcerts.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | int | 3600 |
ctlog.createcerts.fullnameOverride | string | "ctlog-createcerts" |
ctlog.createcerts.name | string | "ctlog-createcerts" |
ctlog.createctconfig.logPrefix | string | "fulcio" |
ctlog.createtree.fullnameOverride | string | "ctlog-createtree" |
ctlog.createtree.name | string | "ctlog-createtree" |
ctlog.enabled | bool | true |
ctlog.forceNamespace | string | "ctlog-system" |
ctlog.fullnameOverride | string | "ctlog" |
ctlog.name | string | "ctlog" |
ctlog.namespace.create | bool | true |
ctlog.namespace.name | string | "ctlog-system" |
forceNamespace | string | "" |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
namespace.create | bool | false |
namespace.name | string | "fulcio-system" |
server.affinity | object | {} |
server.args.aws_hsm_root_ca_path | string | nil |
server.args.certificateAuthority | string | "fileca" |
server.args.ct_log_url | string | "" |
server.args.disable_ct_log | bool | false |
server.args.gcp_private_ca_parent | string | "projects/test/locations/us-east1/caPools/test" |
server.args.grpcPort | int | 5554 |
server.args.hsm_caroot_id | string | nil |
server.args.port | int | 5555 |
server.awsKmsCredentialsSecretName | string | "aws-kms-credentials" |
kubernetes secret name containing IAM credentials for use with AWS KMS |
server.awsKmsRegion | string | "us-east-1" |
AWS region if using AWS KMS for signing key |
server.grpcSvcPort | int | 5554 |
server.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
server.image.registry | string | "ghcr.io" |
server.image.repository | string | "sigstore/fulcio" |
server.image.version | string | "v1.6.6@sha256:d543032eb2d905acffae26e2cb9c9961abc962510cef23af6f133d2c5118d4b5" |
v1.6.6 |
server.ingress.grpc.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol" | string | "GRPC" |
server.ingress.grpc.className | string | "" |
server.ingress.grpc.enabled | bool | false |
server.ingress.grpc.hosts[0].host | string | "fulcio.localhost" |
server.ingress.grpc.hosts[0].path | string | "/dev.sigstore.fulcio.v2.CA" |
server.ingress.grpc.tls[0].hosts[0] | string | "fulcio.localhost" |
server.ingress.grpc.tls[0].secretName | string | "fulcio-grpc-ingress-tls" |
server.ingress.http.annotations | object | {} |
server.ingress.http.className | string | "nginx" |
server.ingress.http.enabled | bool | true |
server.ingress.http.hosts[0].host | string | "fulcio.localhost" |
server.ingress.http.hosts[0].path | string | "/" |
server.ingress.http.tls | list | [] |
server.ingresses[0].annotations | object | {} |
server.ingresses[0].backendConfigSpec.healthCheck.port | int | 5555 |
server.ingresses[0].backendConfigSpec.healthCheck.requestPath | string | "/healthz" |
server.ingresses[0].backendConfigSpec.healthCheck.type | string | "HTTP" |
server.ingresses[0].backendConfigSpec.logging.enable | bool | true |
server.ingresses[0].backendConfigSpec.securityPolicy.name | string | "fulcio-security-policy" |
server.ingresses[0].className | string | "gce" |
server.ingresses[0].enabled | bool | false |
server.ingresses[0].frontendConfigSpec.redirectToHttps.enabled | bool | true |
server.ingresses[0].frontendConfigSpec.sslPolicy | string | "fulcio-ssl-policy" |
server.ingresses[0].grpc | bool | true |
server.ingresses[0].hosts[0].host | string | "fulcio.localhost" |
server.ingresses[0].hosts[0].path | string | "/" |
server.ingresses[0].http | bool | true |
server.ingresses[0].name | string | "gce-ingress" |
server.ingresses[0].staticGlobalIP | string | "lb-ext-ip" |
server.ingresses[0].tls | list | [] |
server.kmsType | string | "none" |
KMS type for signing key (possible values: "" / "none", "aws") |
server.logging.production | bool | false |
server.name | string | "server" |
server.nodeSelector | object | {} |
server.replicaCount | int | 1 |
server.secret | string | "fulcio-server-secret" |
server.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
server.securityContext.runAsUser | int | 65533 |
server.service.ports[0].name | string | "http" |
server.service.ports[0].port | int | 80 |
server.service.ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" |
server.service.ports[0].targetPort | int | 5555 |
server.service.ports[1].name | string | "grpc" |
server.service.ports[1].port | int | 5554 |
server.service.ports[1].protocol | string | "TCP" |
server.service.ports[1].targetPort | int | 5554 |
server.service.ports[2].name | string | "2112-tcp" |
server.service.ports[2].port | int | 2112 |
server.service.ports[2].protocol | string | "TCP" |
server.service.ports[2].targetPort | int | 2112 |
server.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
server.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
server.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
server.serviceAccount.mountToken | bool | true |
server.serviceAccount.name | string | "" |
server.svcPort | int | 80 |
server.tolerations | list | [] |
To enabled access from external resources, an Ingress resource is created. The configuration necessary for each Ingress resource is primarily dependent on the specific Ingress Controller being used. In most cases, implementation specific configuration is specified as annotations on the Ingress resources. These can be applied using the server.ingress.annotations
Warning: versions prior to
of this chart use different ingresses.In version
a second ingress is introduced. This ingress exposes the gRPC endpoint as introduced in v0.4.0 of Fulcio.The change in particular is the structure of the ingress values. Prior to
:server: ingress: enabled: true hosts: - host: fulcio.localhost path: /
:server: ingress: http: enabled: true hosts: - host: fulcio.localhost path: / grpc: enabled: false