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  ____ _  ______  _____
 / ___| |/ /  _ \|  ___|    Collatz-based
| |   | ' /| | | | |_       Key
| |___| . \| |_| |  _|      Derivation
 \____|_|\_\____/|_|        Function

Rogdham's entry for the 2014 underhanded crypto contest.

 ____                _
|  _ \ ___  __ _  __| |_ __ ___   ___
| |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
|  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| | | | | | |  __/
|_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|

Table of contents

  1. Table of contents
  2. TL;DR
  3. Design
  4. Security considerations (or: those are not backdoors)
  5. Closing


File to be reviewed: (including how-to-use at the end).

Backdoor description: Backdoor demonstration:

This is Rogdham's entry for the 2014 underhanded crypto contest, demonstrating a (hopefully) stealth backdoor implementation in a password hashing library.


This entry assumes you are somehow familiar with the following concepts:

I tried to do my best at commenting everything in the source code of the Python implementation (see That being said, you will find here a more high level description of the crypto design in plain English as well.

The core design of CKDF is really build around the Collatz algorithm. The global picture of key derivation in CKDF is the following, given as input a username, password and 512 bits salt: 0. Create an internal state variable state from the username (round 0);

  1. Mix into the state the salt (round 1);
  2. Mix into the state the password (round 2);
  3. Return the state, prefixed with the salt.

Round 0 is really just a bootstrapping round, so only the sha512 function is used.

For rounds 1 and 2, a round pepper is used, and the following procedure is followed: 0. Mix pepper into the state;

  1. Compute a 32-bits unsigned integer n from the state;
  2. If n == 0, go to 0 (we don't want to start the Collatz algorithm with 0);
  3. Apply the Collatz algorithm until n == 1; at each step, alternate between the round input and the round pepper, and mix that variable into the state;
  4. Return the state.

Please note that it has been shown that the Collatz conjecture holds true for any initial values between 1 and 2^60 (included). Our code uses a 4-bytes unsigned integer as an initial value, meaning it is smaller than 2^32, so we are sure that the Collatz algorithm will stop at some point.

The rest of the code is nothing but helper functions. More precisely:

  • The ckdf function is used to create a key derivation. The salt is taken from a secure pool of entropy, and put inside the output of the function.
  • The ckdf_check function is used to check users credentials against a previously computed key derivation. The salt is taken from this previously computed key derivation. Here the output is simply a boolean stating whether the user credentials are valid.

Security considerations (or: those are not backdoors)

Three main concerns are to be addressed with this design.

First, as the Collatz algorithm is iterated, the value of n can exceed 32 bits. This is not a problem for the Python implementation, but could be an issue if CKDF is ported to other languages such as C.

Next, to make sure that n is not zero, the inner state is peppered in a while loop. If a fixed point of this process exists, the algorithm never ends. However, it is believed that finding a fixed point in a salted hash function such as sha512 is not possible.

Finally, the design of CKDF makes the number of application of sha512 is not too high, typically in the few-hundred range. This is a known bug of this design, and may be improved in future version of CKDF (well, if it was not an entry for a competition).


I would like to thank samlt for initial review and comments that helped to make this submission better. And of course, thanks to the underhanded crypto contest organisers, without whom this entry would have never existed.

A final thank to you dear reader, for going this low in the README file. I hope you will get as much fun reviewing this entry as I had creating it.

-- Rogdham, November 2014