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File metadata and controls

302 lines (234 loc) · 16 KB


License: MIT CocoaPods Travis Carthage compatible

The FormBuilder is a library to create generic iOS 7/8 screens the easy way. With it's block based syntax and wide possibilities for customization it's fun to create forms.


  • Easy syntax - with the block syntax your code is well structured and easy to understand
  • Predefined Styles - get a seamless iOS 7/8 feeling without writing one line of styling code
  • Validation - use validation handling and error message management out of the box
  • Customizable - change everything the PAYFormBuilder configured for you - just register some blocks and wait for a call
  • Themable - You decide, how your form should look like
  • Auto layout compatible - For full flexibility all elements are positioned with auto layout
  • Example app - get an overview over all posibilities of the lib and see how to get the best out of it


This short overview of the structure written in objective-c-pseudo-code should give you an idea of how to work with FormBuilder.

@class YourTableViewController : PAYFormTableViewController

- loadStructure: tableBuilder {
  [tableBuilder addSection:^(sectionBuilder){
  	[sectionBuilder addRow]
  	[sectionBuilder addRow]
  [tableBuilder addSection:^(sectionBuilder){
  	[sectionBuilder addRow]


In order to create a form screen, you have to inherit from the PAYFormTableViewController and implement the loadStructure: method. All of your configuration should take place in this method.

#import "PAYFormBuilder.h"

@interface YourViewController : PAYFormTableViewController

#import "YourViewController.h"

@implementation YourViewController

- (void)loadStructure:(PAYFormTableBuilder *)tableBuilder {
    // Build your form here   



With the tableBuilder you are able to add sections to the form and do some form-wide configuration. To add sections you use the following method or one of its convenience counter parts.

- (PAYFormSection *)addSectionWithName:(NSString *)name 
 						   headerBlock:(void(^)(PAYFormHeader *))headerBlock 
 						  contentBlock:(void(^)(PAYFormSectionBuilder *)contentBlock

The most important parameter is the contentBlock which is defined as ^(PAYFormSectionBuilder *sectionBuilder). In this block, you are able to add fields, buttons and more (see row section).


With the sectionBuilder you have a factory object to create a variety of different row types. There are predefined methods to create:

  • text fields
  • text views
  • buttons
  • button groups (list of connected buttons)
  • switches

But there is also a generic addView: method you could call on the sectionBuilder where you get an empty PAYFormView, which only holds a table view cell you could configure on your own. Please note, that for all row types there are factory methods where you could pass a configureBlock, so you could always change them the way you like.

Error Handling

In the library there are two ways of error handling. Both are based on the error codes of NSError. For the builtin validation functions, these are listed in the PAYErrorCodes.hfile. For your custom validations, you define them when throwing an error.

  • Custom: Just set the formFailBlock of the PAYFormBuilder. You get notified when the user finished the form with errors. To distinguish between different errors use the error code of the NSError.
  • Automatic: By default, the automatic error handling is activated, which shows an error alert to the user when he made a mistake. You configure this error handler in the following way:
    • Call setErrorMessage:forErrorCode: on

      • the PAYFormDefaultErrorHandler class
      • on the PAYFormView class or of one of its subclasses (PAYFormField, PAYFormButton, ...)
      • on instances of the PAYFormView class or of one of its subclasses

      The rule of thumb for the priority of the error messages is: the more specific a class/instance is, the higher the priority. Instances have a higher priority than classes. The error messages are of the type PAYFormErrorMessage. Look at the initializer of the class for different ways of error message creation.

    • Call setButtonText: on the PAYFormDefaultErrorHandler class to configure the button that dismisses the alert. This step is required.

Custom text delegates

The delegates of the wrapped UITextField and the UITextView are set by the framework to support validation and format features. To add custom delegates, just set them as delegate of the ViewHolder (PayFormSingleLineTextField for example). If the maxTextLength validation contstraint succeeds, your delegate will be executed with the formatted text.


Just take a look at the utils/theming folder to see, which theme container and style properties are available. You could replace every theme by implementing one of the PAY*Theme protocols and set them on the PAYStyle class. Easier is however to just get a theme from the PAYStyle class and adjust different properties.

Important is to do the theming before you create a form. All styles are applied on form initialization, so there is no chance to update them later.

Layout customization

Each of the container objects (PAYFormButton, PAYFormSingleLineTextField, PAYFormHeader, etc.) you get when creating elements, holds a list of NSLayoutConstraint properties, which allow you to adjust layout. Simply change the properties, disable or delete the constraints.

The constraint properties are prefixed with the name of the view where the constraint is added to. For example the constraint property viewControlBottomConstraint is added to the view property of the container and constrains the bottom spacing of the control.


To create a registration form is a common task in app development, so it is here used as example to show some of the possiblities of the PAYFormBuilder. To get an overview of all features, please run the example app.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "PAYFormBuilder.h"

@interface PAYRegistrationFormViewController : PAYFormTableViewController

#import "PAYRegistrationFormViewController.h"

@interface PAYRegistrationFormViewController ()

@property (nonatomic, retain) PAYFormSingleLineTextField *userNameField;
@property (nonatomic, retain) PAYFormSingleLineTextField *passwordField1;
@property (nonatomic, retain) PAYFormSingleLineTextField *passwordField2;

@property (nonatomic, retain) PAYFormSingleLineTextField *streetTextField;
@property (nonatomic, retain) PAYFormSingleLineTextField *postalCodeTextField;
@property (nonatomic, retain) PAYFormSingleLineTextField *cityTextField;

@property (nonatomic, retain) PAYFormButtonGroup *countryButtonGroup;
@property (nonatomic, retain) PAYFormSwitch *formSwitch;


@implementation PAYRegistrationFormViewController

- (void)loadStructure:(PAYFormTableBuilder *)tableBuilder {
    [tableBuilder addSectionWithName:nil
                        contentBlock:^(PAYFormSectionBuilder *sectionBuilder) {
        self.userNameField = [sectionBuilder addFieldWithName:@"Username" placeholder:@"your username"
                                               configureBlock:^(PAYFormSingleLineTextField *formField) {
                                                   formField.required = YES;
                                                   formField.minTextLength = 4;
        self.passwordField1 = [sectionBuilder addFieldWithName:@"Password" placeholder:@"your password"
                                                configureBlock:^(PAYFormSingleLineTextField *formField) {
                                                    [formField activateSecureInput];
        self.passwordField2 = [sectionBuilder addFieldWithName:@"Password 2" 
                                                   placeholder:@"repeat your password"
                                                configureBlock:^(PAYFormSingleLineTextField *formField) {
                                                    [formField activateSecureInput];
    [tableBuilder addSectionWithName:@"Country"
                        contentBlock:^(PAYFormSectionBuilder *sectionBuilder) {
                            self.countryButtonGroup = [sectionBuilder addButtonGroupWithMutliSelection:NO
                                contentBlock:^(PAYFormButtonGroupBuilder *^buttonGroupBuilder) {
                                    NSArray *countries = @[
                                    		@[@"United States", @"usa"], 
                                    		@[@"Germany", @"de"], 
                                    		@[@"Spain", @"es"]
                                    for (NSArray *country in countries) {
                                        [buttonGroupBuilder addOption:country[1] 
                                        		                  icon:[UIImage imageNamed:country[1]]];
                                    [buttonGroupBuilder select:@"usa"];
                            [self.countryButtonGroup select:YES value:@"usa"];
    [tableBuilder addSectionWithName:@"Address"
                        contentBlock:^(PAYFormSectionBuilder *sectionBuilder) {
        self.streetTextField = [sectionBuilder addFieldWithName:@"Street" placeholder:@"your street"
                                                 configureBlock:^(PAYFormSingleLineTextField *formField) {
                                                     formField.required = YES;
                                                     formField.expanding  = YES;
        self.postalCodeTextField = [sectionBuilder addFieldWithName:@"Postal code" 
                                                        placeholder:@"your postal code"
                                                     configureBlock:^(PAYFormSingleLineTextField *formField) {
                                                         formField.required = YES;
                                                         formField.cleanBlock = ^id(PAYFormField *formField, id value) {
                                                             NSString *strValue = value;
                                                             return [strValue stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" " 
        self.cityTextField = [sectionBuilder addFieldWithName:@"City" placeholder:@"your city"
                                               configureBlock:^(PAYFormSingleLineTextField *formField) {
                                                   formField.required = YES;
    [tableBuilder addSectionWithName:@"Terms and Conditions" 
                        contentBlock:^(PAYFormSectionBuilder *sectionBuilder) {
        self.formSwitch = [sectionBuilder addSwitchWithName:@"Accept"
                                             configureBlock:^(PAYFormSwitch *formSwitch) {
        	formSwitch.required = YES;
           [formSwitch setErrorMessage:[PAYFormErrorMessage errorMessageWithTitle:@"Accept"
                                                                          message:@"Please accept the terms and conditions to continue"]
    tableBuilder.finishOnLastField = YES;
    tableBuilder.selectFirstField = YES;
    tableBuilder.validationBlock =  ^NSError *{
        if (![self.passwordField1.value isEqualToString:self.passwordField2.value]) {
            return [NSError validationErrorWithTitle:@"Password wrong" 
                                             message:@"Please enter the same password again" 
        return nil;
    tableBuilder.formSuccessBlock = ^{
        NSString *msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Well done, %@. Here your cleaned postal code: %@. Country code: %@",
                         self.userNameField.value, self.postalCodeTextField.cleanedValue, self.countryButtonGroup.value];
        UIAlertView *alertView  = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"Success"
                                                  otherButtonTitles: nil];
        [alertView show];




CocoaPods is the recommended way to add PAYFormBuilder to your project.

  1. Add a pod entry for PAYFormBuilder to your Podfile pod 'PAYFormBuilder'.
  2. Install the pod(s) by running pod install.
  3. Include PAYFormBuilder wherever you need it with #import "PAYFormBuilder.h".

Source files

  1. Add the repository as a git submodule to your git-tracked project.
  2. Drag and drop the PAYFormBuilder directory from the archive in your project navigator. Make sure to select Copy items when asked if you extracted the code archive outside of your project.
  3. Include PAYFormBuilder wherever you need any component with #import "PAYFormBuilder.h".

Static library

  1. Drag and drop PAYFormBuilder.xcodeproj in your project navigator.
  2. Select your target and go to the Build Phases tab. In the Link Binary With Libraries section select the add button. On the sheet find and add libPAYFormBuilder.a.
  3. Add Target PAYFormBuilder to your Target Dependencies list.
  4. import <PAYFormBuilder/PAYFormBuilder.h> wherever you want to use the components. You could add it to your Prefix header file, if you want.


1.x -> 2.x

  • PAYFormButton now has a label property instead of titleLabel
  • PAYFormView (and it's subclasses PAYFormButton, PAYFormSingleLineTextField, etc.) now has a cell property, which allows to configure or replace the cell. Still use the view property to add subviews.
  • The names of the PAYFormButtonStyles were changed
  • All frame calculations were replaced by auto layout, so frames shouldn't be set manually anymore
  • initWithFrame: calls should be removed
  • Use the all new theming API to style your forms


  • iOS 7+
  • ARC
  • BlocksKit
  • libextobjc
  • SZTextView