- Install Node 0.8.26 with nave:
$ curl -o /opt/nave https://raw.github.com/isaacs/nave/master/nave.sh
$ chmod +x /opt/nave
$ /opt/nave usemain 0.8.26
- Download the repository:
$ curl -Lo - https://github.com/auth0/ad-ldap-connector/tarball/master | tar -xzf - -C /tmp
- Move to
$ mv /tmp/auth0-ad-ldap-connector-*/ /opt/auth0-ad-ldap/
- Access
and install modules as follows:
$ npm i --production
- Run the connector for the first time:
$ node server.js
Add your connector ticket when requested.
Add your LDAP settings to
file and then run the connector again:
$ vi config.json
$ node server.js
Verify with the Try button in the dashboard if your connector is working.
Once a your service is working with the Try button, we are going to configure it as an upstar daemon:
# Create a system account:
$ useradd ad-ldap-connector -r
# Create a log file and change the owner to the system account:
$ touch /var/log/ad-ldap-connector.log
$ chown ad-ldap-connector /var/log/ad-ldap-connector.log
# Change the owner of the connector directory:
$ chown -R ad-ldap-connector /opt/auth0-ad-ldap/
- Create an upstart job in
env NAME=ad-ldap-connector
env LOG_FILE=/var/log/ad-ldap-connector.log
env USER=ad-ldap-connector
env DIR=/opt/auth0-ad-ldap/
env SCRIPT_FILE=server.js
env NODE_BIN=/usr/local/bin/node
start on started network
stop on stopping network
# Respawn in case of a crash, with default parameters
cd $DIR
exec su -s /bin/sh -c 'exec "$0" "$@"' $USER -- $NODE_BIN $SCRIPT_FILE >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1
end script
post-start script
echo "app $NAME post-start event" >> $LOG_FILE
end script
- Start the service
$ initctl start ad-ldap-connector
- You can check the application logs as follows:
$ tail -f /var/log/ad-ldap-connector.conf