Releases: snjo/Firespitter
-Some parts moved to the Firespitter Legacy Parts Pack (not yet packaged)
-Tweakable engines! Adjust the number of propeller blades, their length, and the engine size in the hangar!
-New helicopter main rotor using aerodynamic lift on the blades and particle ground FX (currently constantly on)
-Electric propeller and electric heli engine are using the new engine module, which trades some silly throttle bugs for new and exciting bugs
-Modular fuel tanks. A single part with alternate texutres and fuel tanks. Toggle through the choices in the hangar. (oblong multi-tank and fuel drop tank)
-Wheel alignment guides end the scourge of crooked gear placement. Press F2 to toggle guide lines.
-A new engine module that supports atmospheric engines much better, separates engine start up time from throttle response, and allows for electric engines without the extra FScoolant resource.
-Apache cockpit monitors are off by default to reduce lag. Click a button to turn them on.
-Helicopter engines display a guide arrow to assist in putting them on the right way.
-New texture switch, mesh switch and fuel tank switch modules allows for many varieties in a single part. Added normal-map-only support to tex switch.
WARNING: Note that some parts are still WIP, including some that have replaced parts moved to legacy. This release is not part complete, and should only be used by the very curious
Firespitter Legacy Parts
legacy removed old craft
v6.3.1 for KSP 0.23.5
-Wheel alignment guides end the scourge of crooked gear placement. Press F2 to toggle guide lines.
-Tweakable engines! Adjust the number of propeller blades, their length, and the engine size in the hangar!
-Wheel alignment guides end the scourge of crooked gear placement. Press F2 to toggle guide lines.
-A new engine module that supports atmospheric engines much better, separates engine start up time from throttle response, and allows for electric engines without the extra FScoolant resource.
v6.3 for KSP 0.23.5
-Oblong round noses, short and long
-Oblong to 0.625m adapter
-Helicopter landing pads by Justin Kerbice
-Warning message on the Main Menu if you are using an incompatible KSP version
-W.I.P. turboprop engine. This will see changes to performance, sound and looks
-FSengineSounds: Implemented disengage, running, flameout sounds, fixed bugs.
-FSwing: Made leading edge action name cfg editable for use in extending flaps etc.
-FSwheel: supports altering retract animation speed in cfg
-FSslowtato: key/action group based rotator module
-FSmeshSwitch: swap meshes instead of textures for better memory conservation
Final v6.2 for KSP 0.23.5
v6.2 is compiled for KSP v0.23.5 (The ARM mission pack)