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PMU Data Visualization

This example contains deployment instructions and corresponding configuration files for a PMU data visualization stack. We assume you have a full-fleged or light-weight kubernetes cluster up and running. Please ensure your setup is in line with this base setup. A more detailed description is available here.

Please mind that this is an example deployment solely for development and demonstration purposes. Do not use this exact deployment in production environments.


The databus is realized by a RabbitMQ broker with enabled MQTT support.

$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm repo update
$ helm install -n sogno-datavis-demo --create-namespace -f databus/rabbitmq_values.yaml rabbitmq bitnami/rabbitmq

Time Series Database

We use InfluxDB as time series database to store all PMU measurements. It can be installed from their official helm chart.

$ helm repo add influxdata
$ helm repo update
$ helm install influxdb influxdata/influxdb -n sogno-datavis-demo -f ts-database/influxdb-helm-values.yaml

Find the pod

$ kubectl --namespace sogno-datavis-demo get pods

Login to the pod

$ kubectl --namespace sogno-datavis-demo exec -i -t [pod name] /bin/sh

Run influxdb CLI

$ influx

Create database and user telegraf and grant access

> SHOW Databases
> CREATE USER telegraf WITH PASSWORD 'telegraf'
> GRANT ALL ON "telegraf" TO "telegraf"

TS-DB Adapter

Due to limitations with nested json, we use a patched version of Telegraf as a database adapter. This version is compatible with the current SOGNO PMU data specification.

But first, we create a configmap for our telegraf instance. Afterward we simply deploy the database adapter in conjunction with the created config map.

$ kubectl apply -k ts-adapter/
$ kubectl apply -f ts-adapter/telegraf-deployment.yaml


Install Grafana from the official helm chart

$ helm install grafana stable/grafana -f visualization/grafana_values.yaml

Obtain the admin password for the web UI

$ kubectl get secret -n sogno-datavis-demo grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo