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File metadata and controls

136 lines (107 loc) · 11.8 KB

Current DOI: 10.1590/SciELOPreprints.362

More information:

DESCRIPTION em português

Data description and usage

In general, the files are in CSV format.

Example with pandas on Python:

Name and reference definitions

nome descrição url
CC BY Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License
CC BY-SA Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 License
MS Ministério da Saúde
IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística
SES Secretarias Estaduais de Saúde
BrIO Brasil.IO
Bra1 @coronavirusbra1
OSM OpenStreetMap

epi_week column

This column corresponds to the number of the epidemiological week. The values range from 1 to 53 in 2020, and from 101 to 152 in 2021. The first digit (1, for example) is used to indicate that this corresponds to the year 2021, instead of 2020. To obtain the respective epidemiological week, please use the modulo operation. For example, using Python:

epidemiological_week = 152 % 100 # = 52

The date intervals are defined by the Ministério da Saúde in their Epidemiological Calendar:

Dataset files of COVID-19 in Brazil

These are the main files of the dataset. The files cases-brazil-states.csv and cases-brazil-total.csv have data only at the federative units level. The files cases-brazil-cities*.csv have data at the municipality level.

All values by 100k inhabitants are evaluated dividing the number by population and multiplying by 10⁵; see cities_info.csv.

By federative units: cases-brazil-total.csv and cases-brazil-states.csv

Both files share column names. The complete timeline is available at cases-brazil-states.csv, while cases-brazil-total.csv has only numbers for the last day.

name description sources license
epi_week Epidemiological week MS
date Report date
country Name of the country (always Brazil)
state Name of the federative unit IBGE
city Always “TOTAL”
newDeaths Number of reported new deaths MS,BrIO,Gi CC BY, CC BY-SA
deaths Total number of deaths MS,BrIO,Gi CC BY, CC BY-SA
newCases Number of reported new cases MS,BrIO,Gi CC BY, CC BY-SA
totalCases Total number of cases MS,BrIO,Gi CC BY, CC BY-SA
deathsMS Total number of deaths by Ministério da Saúde MS CC BY
totalCasesMS Total number of cases by Ministério da Saúde MS CC BY
deaths_per_100k_inhabitants Total number of deaths by 100k inhabitants CC BY
totalCases_per_100k_inhabitants Total number of cases by 100k inhabitants CC BY
deaths_by_totalCases Fraction of deaths (deaths/totalCases) CC BY
recovered Total number of recovered Bra1,Gi CC BY
suspects Total number of suspects Bra1 CC BY
tests Total number of tests Bra1,Gi CC BY
tests_per_100k_inhabitants Total number of tests by 100k inhabitants CC BY
vaccinated Total number of vaccinated with a first dose Bra1 CC BY
vaccinated_per_100_inhabitants Percentage of vaccinated with a first dose CC BY
vaccinated_second Total number of vaccinated with a second dose Bra1 CC BY
vaccinated_second_per_100_inhabitants Percentage of vaccinated with a second dose CC BY
vaccinated_single Total number of vaccinated with a single-shot Bra1 CC BY
vaccinated_single_per_100_inhabitants Percentage of vaccinated with a single-shot CC BY
vaccinated_third Total number of vaccinated with a booster shot Bra1 CC BY
vaccinated_third_per_100_inhabitants Percentage of vaccinated with a booster shot CC BY

By municipalities: cases-brazil-cities.csv, cases-brazil-cities-time.csv.gz and cases-brazil-cities-time_changesOnly.csv

All files share column names. epi_week is not available in cases-brazil-cities.csv. The columns cod_RegiaoDeSaude and name_RegiaoDeSaude are not shown in cases-brazil-cities-time.csv.gz and cases-brazil-cities-time_changesOnly.csv.

The full timeline is available in cases-brazil-cities-time.csv.gz (with gzip compression, without columns country, _source, last_info_date), and data for the last day in cases-brazil-cities.csv. The file cases-brazil-cities-time_changesOnly.csv is a subset of cases-brazil-cities-time.csv, where newCases and/or newDeaths are non zero.

name description sources license
epi_week Epidemiological week MS
date Report date
country Name of the country (always Brazil)
state Name of the federative unit IBGE
city Name of the municipality IBGE
ibgeID IBGE code of the municipality IBGE
newDeaths Number of reported new deaths MS,BrIO CC BY, CC BY-SA
deaths Total number of deaths MS,BrIO CC BY, CC BY-SA
newCases Number of reported new cases MS,BrIO CC BY, CC BY-SA
totalCases Total number of cases MS,BrIO CC BY, CC BY-SA
deaths_per_100k_inhabitants Total number of deaths by 100k inhabitants CC BY
totalCases_per_100k_inhabitants Total number of cases by 100k inhabitants CC BY
deaths_by_totalCases Fraction of deaths (deaths/totalCases) CC BY
_source Source of the numbers: can be MS or SES (via Brasil.IO)
last_info_date Last report date of the respective federative unit MS,BrIO CC BY, CC BY-SA

Auxiliary files

Info about each municipality: cities_info.csv

name description sources license
ibge IBGE code of the municipality IBGE
city Name of the municipality IBGE
state Name of the federative unit IBGE
region Name of the region IBGE
pop2019 Estimated population in 2019 IBGE
pop2020 Estimated population in 2020 IBGE
pop2021 Estimated population in 2021 IBGE
isCountryside Equal to 1 if in the countryside, or 0 if at a Metropolitan region IBGE
cod_RegiaoDeSaude ID of the "Região de Saúde"
name_RegiaoDeSaude Name of the "Região de Saúde"

GPS coordinates of each municipality: gps_cities.csv

name description sources license
ibgeID IBGE code of the municipality IBGE
id Name of the municipality IBGE
lat Latitude OSM ODbL 1.0
lon Longitude OSM ODbL 1.0
longName Long name of the municipality OSM ODbL 1.0

Extra files

  • _control.csv: has the last total number of deaths
  • _fixes_meta.csv: corrections in the Ministry of Health records
  • _tests_meta.csv: metadata about test numbers, by date and federative unit
  • sources.csv: url sources of the data
  • gps_cities.csv: cases and deaths by municipality, with GPS coordinates.