In the terminal on your machine, start a node named terminal
with the cookie secret
iex --name terminal@localhost --cookie secret
Still in the terminal, register the group leader:
{:group_leader, pid} =, :group_leader)
Process.register(pid, Terminal.GroupLeader)
Now, click on the "Runtime Settings" button on the left-hand side, and enter an Attached Node with the name and cookie from the step above. Next, let's get the PID of terminal's group leader:
pid = Process.whereis(Terminal.GroupLeader)
Finally, let's show some text in the terminal by sending a message to the group leader!
IO.puts(pid, "I'm sending a message from Livebook to the terminal!")
You should see the message show up in your terminal. Pretty cool! We can also list the files in the directory that the iex session was started from:!()