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Included Groovy and Java Formatters

Nick Joodi edited this page Aug 16, 2013 · 6 revisions

The included java and groovy formatters have some technical notes of worth.

Modifying the Java or Groovy Formatters

If you would like to make changes to the Eclipse formatter preferences, you will need to install the following on your computer:

  • A recent version of the Java runtime environment and the JDK
  • Maven 2.2.1 to build the project.

For your reference, here's the Javadoc for this project:

Java formatting preferences

  • In the EclipseFormatter/src/main/java/com/spidasoftware/EclipseFormatter/ file, there is the initializeFormatter method where you can add or remove preferences of the formatter.

  • The api used to add or remove your own preferences are located here

  • I give a couple examples of how to add preferences in the method's source code.

Groovy formatting preferences

  • In the EclipseFormatter/src/main/java/com/spidasoftware/EclipseFormatter/ file, there is the initializeFormatter method where you can add or remove preferences of the formatter.

  • The api used to add or remove your own preferences are located here

  • I give a couple examples of how to add preferences in the method's source code.


Once you have made changes to the code, navigate yourself to the format/EclipseFormatter directory and run:

mvn clean install

If all tests pass, this will construct you the jar, "EclipseFormatter/target/EclipseFormatter.jar." Replace the jar located in bin/formatters/ directory with the one created. This will add your changes to the program. Note: do not replace the jar with the EclipseFormatter-1.0-SNAPSHOT. This jar does not have all of the dependencies.

Modifications to Groovy-Eclipse

As mentioned in the disclaimer, changes were made to Groovy-Eclipse's code formatter inorder to cancel all formatting of a file if there happens to be any unrecognizable syntax. I've only made significant changes to the following classes:

  • org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.refactoring.core.utils.ASTTools

You can see the changes here. Please do not pay attention to the last three classes added. They were just written to verify the changes before testing.

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