- Log In to your Signal Fx account
- Click on My Profile under the settings tab at the top right corner
- Click on Access Tokens
- Click on New Token
- Provide a name for the token and select both 'Ingest Token' and 'Api Token' options
- Click on OK
- A new entry with the Name you provided appears on the page. Expand it and click on 'Show Token' to get the token
- Copy the generated token and use it in 'Access Token' asset configuration parameter
When crafting your Event Dimensions keep in mind:
- Must be valid JSON
- When running the action using datapaths in modern playbook, curly bracket characters that
are not datapath references must be escaped with an additional curly bracket. E.G. { becomes
Example Dimensions Input: {{\"description\":\"{0}\",\"tag\":\"{1}\"}}
where {0} and {1} represent datapaths.
Dimension key criteria:
- Maximum length can be 128 characters
- Must start with an uppercase or lowercase letter
- After the first character, the name can contain letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-)
- Spaces in dimension keys are not allowed
- If the dimension key does not match the criteria then the action may pass but event will not be created on SignalFx portal