Polyphonic External Scale protocol, or PES, is a protocol developed Aria Salvatrice that allows scale information to be carried on a single cable between different VCV modules that support this protocol.
Here is Aria's original post
Here is a simple example where the Squiktronix Harmony II is setting the scale for Grande Quant:
One reason that PES is possible is that is is limited to 12 note scales that repeat each octave.
PES is a VCV connection carrying 12 channels. The twelve channels correspond to the twelve notes, starting with C on channel 0 and going up to B on channel 11.
For each channel the voltage will be 0 volts for a note that is not in the scale, 8 volts for a note that is in the scale, and 10 volts for the root of the scale.
Here is a screen capture of a C# Locrian scale, Where Grande Scale is setting the scale, Harmony II is following, and Grande Quant is following Harmony II:
As of this writing, the VCV 2.x Modules that I know of are:
Squinktronix Harmony II. KSO Output is fully compliant. KSI input is compliant, but if the signal on the input does not correspond to a scale that Harmony II knows about, it will show an error, and ignore the input.
Squinktronix Harmony. Now has a PES input.
Grande Quant. The Scale input accepts a PES signal, and will display it. Since a quantizer doesn't know or care what the "root" is, the root (10 volts) is treated like any other note in the scale.
Grande Scale. The output is a PES signal. Again, since Scale doesn't know or care about root, it is not sent. In this case everything is sent at 10V.
PurrSoftware Meander, ModeScaleProgression, and ModeScaleQuant. All provide PES output.