| 1 | +// Добавляем морковный сок в раздатчик содовых |
| 2 | +/obj/machinery/chem_dispenser/soda/Initialize(mapload) |
| 3 | + dispensable_reagents += list("carrotjuice") |
| 4 | + return ..() |
| 5 | + |
1 | 6 | /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/drinkingglass
2 | 7 | name = "drinking glass"
3 | 8 |
922 | 927 | mix_message = "Красный свет из сосуда заполняет всё вокруг."
923 | 928 | mix_sound = 'sound/goonstation/misc/drinkfizz.ogg'
924 | 929 |
925 |
| -/datum/reagent/consumable/drink/carotene |
| 930 | +/datum/reagent/consumable/ethanol/carotene |
926 | 931 | name = "Carotene"
927 | 932 | id = "carotene"
928 |
| - description = "Оздоровительный микс из моркови, томата и цитрусовых." |
| 933 | + description = "Коктейль из моркови, вина и винограда." |
929 | 934 | color = "#ffcb3b"
| 935 | + alcohol_perc = 0.4 |
930 | 936 | drinking_glass_icon = 'modular_ss220/food_and_drinks/icons/drinks.dmi'
931 | 937 | drink_icon = "carotene"
932 |
| - drink_name = "Glass of Carotene" |
933 |
| - drink_desc = "Как Окулин, но цветастее и вкуснее!" |
934 |
| - taste_description = "прилив витамина A" |
935 |
| - |
936 |
| -/datum/reagent/consumable/drink/carotene/on_mob_life(mob/living/M) |
937 |
| - var/update_flags = STATUS_UPDATE_NONE |
938 |
| - M.AdjustEyeBlurry(-3 SECONDS) |
| 938 | + drink_name = "Carotene" |
| 939 | + drink_desc = "Несмотря на название, таким коктейлем намного более вероятно убить печень, чем вылечить плохое зрение." |
| 940 | + taste_description = "виноград, морковь и небольшую кислинку" |
939 | 941 |
940 | 942 | /datum/chemical_reaction/carotene
941 | 943 | name = "Carotene"
942 | 944 | id = "carotene"
943 | 945 | result = "carotene"
944 |
| - required_reagents = list("doctorsdelight" = 1, "carrotjuice" = 3, "lemonade" = 1) |
| 946 | + required_reagents = list("grapejuice" = 1, "carrotjuice" = 1, "sugar" = 1, "lemonjuice" = 1, "wine" = 1) |
945 | 947 | result_amount = 5
946 | 948 | mix_sound = 'sound/goonstation/misc/drinkfizz.ogg'
947 | 949 |
952 | 954 | color = "#ffa600"
953 | 955 | drinking_glass_icon = 'modular_ss220/food_and_drinks/icons/drinks.dmi'
954 | 956 | drink_icon = "orangade"
955 |
| - drink_name = "Glass of Orangade" |
| 957 | + drink_name = "Orangade" |
956 | 958 | drink_desc = "Шипучая оранжевая радость, что заставляет улыбаться лишь при взгляде на неё!"
957 | 959 | taste_description = "апельсин с привкусом моркови"
958 | 960 |
987 | 989 | /datum/reagent/consumable/ethanol/pineapple_carrot_shrub
988 | 990 | name = "Pineapple Carrot Shrub"
989 | 991 | id = "pineapple_carrot_shrub"
990 |
| - description = "Пузырящийся коктейль из джина, ананаса и моркови." |
| 992 | + description = "Коктейль из джина, ананаса и моркови." |
991 | 993 | color = "#e67e42"
992 | 994 | alcohol_perc = 0.4
993 | 995 | drinking_glass_icon = 'modular_ss220/food_and_drinks/icons/drinks.dmi'
994 | 996 | drink_icon = "pineapple_carrot_shrub"
995 | 997 | drink_name = "Pineapple Carrot Shrub"
996 |
| - drink_desc = "Коктейль, сочетающий в себе вкусы тропиков и средиземья. Выглядит сладко и освежающе." |
| 998 | + drink_desc = "Коктейль, сочетающий в себе вкусы разных климатов. Выглядит сладко и освежающе." |
997 | 999 | taste_description = "джин со сладостью моркови и ананаса"
998 | 1000 |
999 | 1001 | /datum/chemical_reaction/pineapple_carrot_shrub
1000 | 1002 | name = "Pineapple Carrot Shrub"
1001 | 1003 | id = "pineapple_carrot_shrub"
1002 | 1004 | result = "pineapple_carrot_shrub"
1003 |
| - required_reagents = list("gin" = 2, "carrotjuice" = 1, "pineapplejuice" = 1, "ice" = 1) |
| 1005 | + required_reagents = list("gin" = 2, "carrotjuice" = 1, "pineapplejuice" = 1, "sugar" = 1) |
1004 | 1006 | result_amount = 5
1005 | 1007 | mix_sound = 'sound/goonstation/misc/drinkfizz.ogg'
1006 | 1008 |
1027 | 1029 | /obj/item/reagent_containers/drinks/bottle/carrotjuice_carton
1028 | 1030 | name = "carrot juice"
1029 | 1031 | desc = "Упаковка морковного сока. Полезен для зрения и, если верить некоторым слухам, для роста."
1030 |
| - icon = 'modular_ss220/food_and_drinks/icons/drinks.dmi' |
1031 | 1032 | icon_state = "carrotjuice_carton"
1032 | 1033 | item_state = "carton"
| 1034 | + is_glass = FALSE |
| 1035 | + gender = PLURAL |
1033 | 1036 | list_reagents = list("carrotjuice" = 50)
1034 | 1037 |
1035 | 1038 | /obj/machinery/economy/vending/boozeomat/Initialize(mapload)
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