Make a repository in GitHub
Go to and login.
Click the green “New Repository” button
Repository name: myrepo
Check Initialize this repository with a README
Click the green “Create repository” button
Copy the HTTPS clone URL to your clipboard via the green “Clone or Download” button.
Clone the repository to your computer
git clone [email protected]:[username]/[repository_name].git
Make a local change, commit, and push
git add <file path> //here the file path is which file you modified ready the file for commit
git commit -m "A commit from my local computer" //here you commit the changes
git push origin <brachname> //here you push the changes to your remote repository and brach name is in which brach you pushing this
Basic commands of git:
git init
the command git init is used to create an empty Git repository.
git add
Add command is used after checking the status of the files, to add t hose files to the staging area.
Before running the commit command, "git add" is used to add any new or modified files.
git commit
The commit command makes sure that the changes are saved to the local repository.
The command "git commit –m <message>" allows you to describe everyone and help them understand what has happened.
git status
The git status command tells the current state of the repository.
The command provides the current working branch. If the files are in the staging area, but not committed, it will be shown by the git status.
Also, if there are no changes, it will show the message no changes to commit, working directory clean.
git config
The git config command is used initially to configure the and This specifies what email id and username will be used from a local repository.
A pull request – also referred to as a merge request – is an event that takes place in software development when a contributor/developer is ready to begin the process of merging new code changes with the main project repository.
Refer this link (from "Create a New Branch") :