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File metadata and controls

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To deploy KMamiz in your Kubernetes cluster, follow the steps below.


  1. Istio is installed in your cluster.
  2. Zipkin is set up and enabled in Istio.
  3. An available MongoDB instance (doesn't necessarily need to be local).
  4. Namespace kmamiz-system exists.
    kubectl create ns kmamiz-system

If you don't have a MongoDB instance or don't bother to set one up, you can use the provided demo template or a free MongoDB Atlas instance.

Use MongoDB template

WARNING: ONLY use this setup for development purpose

First, setup the mongo-init script.

kubectl -n kmamiz-system create configmap mongo-init --from-file mongo-init.js

And deploy the MongoDB demo statefulset:

kubectl apply -f kmamiz-demo-mongodb.yaml

After the deployment is done, change the {your-mongodb-uri} to mongodb://admin:[email protected]:27017/monitoring?authSource=monitoring.

Change the deployment template

If you are interested in using an external Data Processor for better performance under high demand, visit

Copy the kmamiz-sample.yaml file to kmamiz.yaml and edit it.

The current .gitignore rule exclude any file ending with .local.yaml, so you can have as much local configurations as you want.

cp kmamiz-sample.yaml kmamiz.yaml

Change the missing fields in the kmamiz.yaml file, mainly MONGODB_URI. If you want to change the service port, change the SERVICE_PORT field in Deployment and the port field in Service.

If you plan to access KMamiz by assigning external IP to Service, you will probably want to change the SERVICE_PORT field in Deployment and the port field in Service to something other than 80.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: kmamiz
  namespace: kmamiz-system
  replicas: 1 # KMamiz currently only supports one replica
        app: kmamiz
      serviceAccountName: kmamiz-reader
        - name: kmamiz
          # if you have built your own image, swap this out
          image: ""
            - containerPort: 3000
            - name: PORT
              value: "3000"
              # SERVICE_PORT needs to match port set in Service
            - name: SERVICE_PORT
              value: "80"
            - name: MONGODB_URI
              value: "{your-mongodb-uri}" # <-- change this
              # ZIPKIN_URL should match the setting in global Envoy configuration
            - name: ZIPKIN_URL
              value: "http://zipkin.istio-system:9411"
              # KMamiz log level
            - name: LOG_LEVEL
              value: "info" # accept: verbose | info | warn | error
            - name: IS_RUNNING_IN_K8S
              value: "true"
              # needs to match global Envoy logging level
              # default value (warning) should always work
            - name: ENVOY_LOG_LEVEL
              value: "warning" # accept: info | warning | error
            - name: READ_ONLY_MODE
              value: "false"
            - name: ENABLE_TESTING_ENDPOINTS
              value: "false"
      app: kmamiz

For more detailed information on the available environment variables, see ENVIRONMENT.

If you encounter any problem, try switching the LOG_LEVEL to verbose for more information.

Deploy KMamiz

kubectl apply -f kmamiz-rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f kmamiz.yaml

Check the status of your deployment. It should look like this:

❯ kubectl -n kmamiz-system get po
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kmamiz-859465ddd-jwhmb   1/1     Running   0          7s

To access the webpage, you'll have to set up an Ingress route to KMamiz or assign an external IP to the Service.

Use Istio Ingress Gateway

This method will hijack the Ingress, use carefully.

In a production environment, probably modify this configuration and add a hostname to the ingress to solve the problem.

kubectl apply -f kmamiz-vs.yaml

Then, access KMamiz on the Istio Ingress Gateway.

Use an External IP

If you are a Mac user, you will probably be facing issues with ip binding while using Minikube in docker mode. Read more: kubernetes/minikube#11193

kubectl -n kmamiz-system edit svc kmamiz

Find the spec section and add an externalIPs field. It should look something like this:

  externalIPs: # <-- add this
    - # <-- and this

Now you can access KMamiz at http://<external-ip>:<service-port>.

Deploy EnvoyFilter

NOTICE: This step is essential and can only be done after KMamiz is up and running.

Follow instructions here.

Update KMamiz

KMamiz will notify all running instances to sync to the database before starting a new one. So you can update KMamiz by simply rolling out the deployment.

kubectl -n kmamiz-system rollout restart deploy/kmamiz