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File metadata and controls

21 lines (20 loc) · 8.92 KB


Name Default Accept Description
TZ Asia/Taipei Timezone Docker Timezone
PORT 3000 Any free port Port KMamiz runs on (in container).
API_VERSION 1 Any url escaped string This is used in the API prefix (/api/v1/...).
LOG_LEVEL info verbose, info, warn, error KMamiz's log level.
KUBEAPI_HOST URI This should be set by Kubernetes.
IS_RUNNING_IN_K8S undefined true, false, undefined If this variable is true, KMamiz will switch to Kubernetes operation mode and tries to retrieve Kubernetes API auth token.
ZIPKIN_URL http://localhost:9411 URI The Zipkin URL, the default for Istio is http://zipkin.istio-system:9411.
MONGODB_URI mongodb://admin:admin@localhost:27017/?authSource=admin URI The MongoDB URL.
AGGREGATE_INTERVAL */5 * * * * Cron expression Interval described in Cron expression (default is: 5m).
REALTIME_INTERVAL 0/5 * * * * Cron expression Interval described in Cron expression (default is: 5s).
DISPATCH_INTERVAL 0/30 * * * * Cron expression Interval described in Cron expression (default is: 30s).
ENVOY_LOG_LEVEL info info, warning, error The Envoy logging level which KMamiz should look for. For the current WASM deployment, this value should be set to warning as in the deployment sample config.
RESET_ENDPOINT_DEPENDENCIES undefined true, false, undefined If this variable is set to true, KMamiz will clear the current endpoint dependency and recreate one.
READ_ONLY_MODE undefined true, false, undefined If this variable is set to true, KMamiz will start in readonly mode. In this mode, no schedule will be setup, meaning the only requirement for KMamiz to run is a MongoDB. (System Under Monitoring, Zipkin, Istio, even Kubernetes are not required. KMamiz will run happily with only a MongoDB under this mode)
ENABLE_TESTING_ENDPOINTS undefined true, false, undefined If this variable is set to true, KMamiz will expose testing endpoints, see API for more detail.
SERVICE_PORT undefined || PORT || 3000 Any free port This port must match the Kubernetes service port, and is used to force data sync before starting a new instance.
SERVE_ONLY undefined true, false, undefined If this variable is set to true, KMamiz will only expose static files and no schedule will be setup. This is intended for development testing where the KMamiz's WASM EnvoyFilter is needed in the Kubernetes cluster.