This is an overview of the templating features available in GitBook. GitBook uses the Nunjucks and Jinja2 syntax.
If you want to output any of the special templating tags, you can use raw and anything inside of it will be output as plain text.
{% raw %}
this will {{ not be processed }}
{% endraw %}
A variable looks up a value from the book context.
Variables are defined in the book.json
"variables": {
"myVariable": "Hello World"
Variables specified in the book.json
are accessible under the scope book
{{ book.myVariable }}
This looks up myVariable
from the book variables and displays it. Variable names can have dots in them which lookup properties. You can also use the square bracket syntax.
{{ }}
{{ book["bar"] }}
If a value is undefined, nothing is displayed. The following all output nothing if foo
is undefined: {{ foo }}
, {{ }}
, {{ }}
Some variables are also available to get informations about the current file or the GitBook instance:
Name | Description |
file.path |
Path of the file relative to the book |
file.mtime |
Last modified date of the file |
Tags are special blocks that perform operations on sections of the template.
if tests a condition and lets you selectively display content. It behaves exactly as a programming language's if behaves.
{% if variable %}
It is true
{% endif %}
If `variable` is defined and evaluates to true, "It is true" will be displayed. Otherwise, nothing will be.
You can specify alternate conditions with elif and else:
{% if hungry %}
I am hungry
{% elif tired %}
I am tired
{% else %}
I am good!
{% endif %}
#### for
**for** iterates over arrays and dictionaries.
Let's consider your variables in the `book.json`:
"variables": {
"authors": [
{ "name": "Samy" },
{ "name": "Aaron" }
# Authors
{% for author in book.authors %}
- {{ }}
{% endfor %}
The above example lists all the authors using the `name` attribute of each item in the `authors` array as the display value.
#### include
Include is detailed in the [Content References](./ article.