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executable file
148 lines (118 loc) · 7.62 KB

Steadybit extension-kafka

A Steadybit extension to integrate Kafka into Steadybit.

Learn about the capabilities of this extension in our Reliability Hub.


The extension-kafka is using these capacities, thus may need elevated rights on kafka side :

  • List brokers / topics / consumer groups / offsets
  • Elect leaders for partitions
  • Alter broker configuration
  • Create / Delete ACLs
  • Delete Records


Environment Variable Helm value Meaning Required Default
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_SEED_BROKERS kafka.seedBrokers Brokers hosts (without scheme) with port separated by comma (example: "localhost:9092,localhost:9093" yes
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_SASL_USER kafka.auth.saslUser Sasl User no
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_SASL_PASSWORD kafka.auth.saslPassword Sasl Password no
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CERT_CHAIN_FILE kafka.auth.kafkaClusterCertChainFile The client certificate in PEM format. no
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CERT_KEY_FILE kafka.auth.kafkaClusterCertKeyFile The private key associated with the client certificate. no
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_KAFKA_CLUSTER_CA_FILE kafka.auth.kafkaClusterCaFile The Certificate Authority (CA) certificate in PEM format. no
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_DISCOVERY_ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDES_BROKERS List of Broker Attributes which will be excluded during discovery. Checked by key equality and supporting trailing "*" no
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_DISCOVERY_ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDES_TOPICS discovery.attributes.excludes.topic List of Broker Attributes which will be excluded during discovery. Checked by key equality and supporting trailing "*" no
STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_DISCOVERY_ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDES_CONSUMER_GROUPS discovery.attributes.excludes.consumer List of Broker Attributes which will be excluded during discovery. Checked by key equality and supporting trailing "*" no

The extension supports all environment variables provided by steadybit/extension-kit.


Using Docker

docker run \
  --rm \
  -p 8080 \
  --name steadybit-extension-kafka \
  --env STEADYBIT_EXTENSION_SEED_BROKERS="localhost:9092" \

Using Helm in Kubernetes

helm repo add steadybit-extension-kafka
helm repo update
helm upgrade steadybit-extension-kafka \
    --install \
    --wait \
    --timeout 5m0s \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace steadybit-agent \
    --set kafka.seedBrokers="localhost:9092" \

Register the extension

Make sure to register the extension on the Steadybit platform. Please refer to the documentation for more information.

Generate pem files from truststore and keystore


  • Keystore file: kafka.keystore.jks (contains the client certificate and private key).
  • Truststore file: kafka.truststore.jks (contains the CA certificate).
  • Tools Required: keytool and openssl must be installed.

Steps to Generate PEM Files

  1. Export the CA Certificate (ca-cert.pem) Extract the CA certificate from the truststore using the following command:
keytool -exportcert \
 -keystore kafka.truststore.jks \
 -alias CARoot \
 -storepass <truststore-password> \
 -rfc -file ca-cert.pem

• Replace with the password for the truststore. • The output file ca-cert.pem will contain the CA certificate in PEM format.

  1. Convert the Keystore to PKCS12 Format

Convert the keystore to a PKCS12 file to facilitate extracting the certificate and private key:

keytool -importkeystore \
-srckeystore kafka.keystore.jks \
-srcstorepass <keystore-password> \
-srcalias kafka \
-destkeystore kafka-keystore.p12 \
-deststoretype PKCS12 \
-deststorepass <p12-password>

• Replace with the password for the keystore. • Replace with a new password for the PKCS12 file. • This will generate the file kafka-keystore.p12, which contains both the client certificate and private key.

  1. Extract the Private Key (client-key.pem) Use the following command to extract the private key from the PKCS12 file:
 openssl pkcs12 -in kafka-keystore.p12 \
 -nocerts -nodes -out client-key.pem \
 -passin pass:<p12-password>

• Replace with the password set for the PKCS12 file. • This will generate the file client-key.pem, which contains the private key in PEM format. 4. Extract the Client Certificate (client-cert.pem) Use the following command to extract the client certificate from the PKCS12 file:

 openssl pkcs12 -in kafka-keystore.p12 \
 -clcerts -nokeys -out client-cert.pem \
 -passin pass:<p12-password>

• Replace with the password set for the PKCS12 file. • This will generate the file client-cert.pem, which contains the client certificate in PEM format.

  1. (Optional) Verifying the Generated PEM Files
openssl x509 -in ca-cert.pem -text -noout
openssl rsa -in client-key.pem -check
openssl x509 -in client-cert.pem -text -noout

Ensure that: • The CA certificate includes the correct issuer and validity period. • The private key matches the client certificate.

Issue: “Alias not found”

Verify the contents of the keystore and truststore:

keytool -list -v -keystore kafka.keystore.jks -storepass <keystore-password>
keytool -list -v -keystore kafka.truststore.jks -storepass <truststore-password>


  1. The private key (client-key.pem) must be kept secure. Unauthorized access to this file can compromise the client.
  2. Ensure the Kafka broker’s hostname or IP address matches the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) in the server’s certificate.
  3. Always use strong passwords for your keystore, truststore, and PKCS12 files.