The examples folder contains example files which you may copy and edit as needed. Read the documentation right in the file. If you see an opportunity to improve the file, please submit a pull request.
- drush.wrapper. A handy launcher script which calls the Drush located in vendor/bin/drush and can add options like --local, --root, etc.
- example.aliases.drushrc.php. Example site alias definitions.
- example.bashrc. Enhance your shell with lots of Drush niceties including bash completion.
- example.drush.ini. Configure your PHP just for Drush requests.
- example.drushrc.php. A Drush configuration file.
- example.make. An ini style make file.
- example.make.yml. A YML make file.
- Displays Git repository and Drush alias status in your prompt.
- Spelunking through Drush's git history with bisect.
- helloworld.script. An example Drush script.
- Restore sqlsrv driver after core update.
- A policy file can disallow prohibited commands/options etc.
- A fun example command inspired by a famous XKCD comic.
- sql-sync modification that transfers via http instead of rsync.
- Automatically enable modules after a sql-sync.
- A fun example command that browses XKCD comics.