jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin - http://wbotelhos.com/raty
- Now the error messages is displayed in place of stars to be more visible;
- Fixed the 'score' function to handle undefined score when we have no vote;
- Fixed the mouseover function to handle undefined score when we have no vote;
- For cancel button we get 'null' to know when mouse over it;
- Fixed multiple mouseout actions on cancel function and mouseout bind;
- Fixed functions that was not applying not continuing to apply if someone was invalid;
- Fixed the flag that indicates read-only or not.
- Added the function 'reload' to reload the rating with the current configuration;
- Added the function 'set' to reload the rating applying new configurations;
- Added the option 'mouseover' to handle a callback on mouseover the stars (by packowitz);
- Fixed error when 'start' options receives a string number (by eskimoblood);
- Fixed multiples events when readOnly is applied more then time by public function (by janapol).
- Now attribute 'hintList' is called just of 'hints';
- Now attribute 'start' is called as 'score' to make more sense;
- Now the method 'start' is called as 'score' too.
- Now Raty keeps the state of the elements and no longer depends on ID for each one:
- The score no longer has ID;
- The stars images no longer has ID;
- The stars images no longer has class.
- Added function 'score' to recover the current score.
- Added option 'halfShow' to just display and separate from the option to vote 'half';
- Added option 'targetText' to choose default value when there is no score or targetKepp is off.
- Added option 'precision' to be able rating with precision values, without star representation;
- Added option 'space' to be able take off the spaces between the star;
- Added option 'round' to customize the visual rounding of values;
- Added option 'targetFormat' to customize the target with a template;
- Added option 'single' to present only the selected star; (suggestion by newcube)
- Fixed bug in IE 7 that returns void instead undefined when there is no an attribute;
- Fixed bug that not set custom width when 'readOnly' is enabled;
- Fixed bug that not set back the hints after disable read only option;
- Fixed bug that not create cancel button when starts with 'readOnly';
- Fixed the function cancel() to set the right hint on target score;
- Fixed the functions start() and click() to set the value on target when 'target' option is enabled;
- Fixed the functions start() and click() not to be executed when 'readOnly' is enabled;
- Fixed the 'target' option to work with 'half' and 'precision' option;
- Fixed the index number given to Raty binded by class without id; (by "Remember me, please?")
- Refactored the code to make it cleanner and faster;
- Changed the class of the cancel button to 'raty-cancel' to avoid CSS conflicts;
- Now is possible to use 'start' option as callback function to get start value; (by hpgihan)
- Now the scope of click callback is the raty element as DOM, not jQuery selection, to follow the usual;
- Now the field score is set to readonly when 'readOnly' is enabled.
- Now attribute 'iconRange' is represented as a list of object with option to choose starOn and starOff;
- Now we using the best pratice to build the plugin;
- Now the plugin is under test with Jasmine and Jasmine jQuery.
- Now public function return the context to be able the chaining;
- Fixed: the option 'readOnly' brokes the plugin;
- Prevented the processing of the set of classes in public function.
- Added attribute 'target' to choose a element to display the score when the mouse is on the star;
- Added attribute 'targetKeep' to keep the selected value on the target element;
- Added attribute 'targetType' to choose what display in the target element: hint or number;
- New function called $.fn.raty.cancel() to cancel the rating;
- Now the action of cancel removes the score value instead set it to zero;
- Using mouseover when the half star is disabled to avoid to waste actions trigger;
- Now is possible pass a empty string in the $.fn.raty.start() to cancel the rating;
- Public functions without specify ID or class is no longer supported.
- Fixed the icon presentation when the start attribute is setted and the iconRange is enabled;
- Now the click function receives the event as argument. (by Eric Wendelin)
- Fixed: the last Raty configuration will not be applied in others targets Raty anymore;
- Now is possible to use the element as identifier like div.star on direct actions.
- Added attribute size for to choose the size of the icons that will be used;
- Added attribute width for to choose the container width of the stars;
- Changed the name of the attribute showCancel to just cancel.
- Fixed half star when click function is enabled.
- Added support to half star selection;
- Changed the name of the attribute onClick to just click;
- Changed the name of the attribute showHalf to half, because of the selection support.
- Fixed the ID's auto generation to work in IE6 and IE7.
- Now you can pass a optionally ID or a class to be the target of the public function's actions;
- Fixed the read-only that wasn't begin applied by the public function readOnly.
- Improved the selector to accept bind by class name;
- Now if you don't pass a ID for the element, then it will be created;
- Now the hint list will be applied even if the quantity are less than the stars.
- Added iconRange attribute. Now you can set custom icons for especific ranges;
- Fixed the cancel button that didn't hidden when using the public function readOnly.
- Added noRatedMsg attribute. A hint for no rated elements when it's read-only;
- Avoided negative star number in public function start;
- Avoided a number bigger than the number of star in public function start;
- Fixed the public function start when the star are read-only and is not passed a start value;
- Fixed the half star function on it is made by public function start;
- Now you can use the key "this" to refer the star element itself in the onClick handler;
- Fixed the reference context when using public functions or local functions;
- When the stars are read-only, all titles are transformed in the corresponding title score;
- Avoided negative star number;
- Avoided more than 20 stars. But it's can be changed in the script if you need.
- Now you can put a cancel button to cancel your rating;
- Choose the cancel image off;
- Choose the cancel image on;
- Choose the left or right side position for the cancel button;
- Change the hint of the cancel button.
- Added support to display half star.
- Fixed some mistakes to work on IE browser.
- Added the public function click, that do the click on a star;
- Was removed the execution of the onClick when used the function start;
- Added onClick function that enable a callback when a star is clicked.
- Change the path of images;
- Change the name image files;
- Choose the number of stars that will be presented;
- Choose a hint information of each star;
- Start with a default score;
- Set the stars read-only;
- Choose the name of the hidden score field.
- On versions before 1.6 if a attribute not exists, then empty string is returned instead undefined;
- On 1.5.2 the opt.click callback is never called, because this version always returns undefined to .call() and .apply();
- On 1.5.2 the attribute readonly is setted with empty value as following readonly="".