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XCH Transaction Exporter : getxchtx [Powershell Edition]

Generate a list of transactions for Chia (XCH) into a CSV file.

getxchtxPS.ps1 - The script pulls all your transactions into a json file by Chia CLI commands, then loops through each transaction building a CSV file.

How to Get the Script. You can just right-click on the getxchtxPS.ps1 file and choose Save link as... Save this file into a directory on your machine that you want to keep the script and the CSV file. I would suggest creating a new directory under Documents.

* If you download the full Zip file, you will need to extract the files first and store them in a directory.

How to Open Powershell. Type powershell into the search box by the Windows Start button. Right-click the Windows Powershell app and choose Run as Administrator You need to change the directory to the location you have the script. You should be able to copy/paste each line as is:

$appfolder=Get-ChildItem $ENV:LOCALAPPDATA\chia-blockchain -Directory -Filter "app*" | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$path="$ENV:LOCALAPPDATA\chia-blockchain\" + $appfolder.Name + "\resources\app.asar.unpacked\daemon"
cd $path

Change your Execution Policy for Powershell. You may need to change the ExecutionPolicy for Powershell so it will allow you to run a script.

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Do you know your fingerprint? You will need the fingerprint of your wallet. If you don't know the fingerprint you can run the following command:

.\chia keys show

Now change to the script directory. Now to run the script, you will need change to the directory where you saved the file.

cd C:\Users\Steve\Documents\Chia\getxchtxPS

And finally, run the script. In this example my fingerprint is 3812331296, you will need to replace that with the fingerprint of your wallet. I also passed in the command option for just transactions from 2021 and used the > symbol and my filename to write the data into a file instead of to the screen. You can run it without the > filename.csv first to see what the output will look like.

.\getxchtxPS -f 3812331296 -y 2021 > chia_transactions_2021.csv

Advanced Features. You could use multiple command options to get a variety of different results. By default the script will use wallet_id of 1 which is the STANDARD_WALLET. Passing in the wallet_id for a CAT wallet, will list the transactions for only that CAT wallet.

If you want to run the script for more than one wallet_id and have all the transactions in one file, you should replace the > with >> on each run after the first one. The first should always be > because that start a new empty file. *>> is how you append to an existing file instead of creating a new one.

For example, if I wanted to get all the transactions in both my STANDARD_WALLET and the wallet for the Chia Holiday 2021 Token which is in wallet_id number 2 for me, then I would run these commands.

A recent Advanced Feature added is the -j command option that will allow you to specify the filename to save the output to in ASCII format.

.\getxchtxPS -f 3812331296 -i 1 > chia_transactions.csv
.\getxchtxPS -f 3812331296 -i 2 >> chia_transactions.csv

Usage: .\getxchtxPS [OPTIONS]

  -f INTEGER       Set the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use  [required]
  -i INTEGER       Id of the wallet to use                             [default: 1; required]
  -j FILENAME      Output to ASCII file instead of screen              [default: none]
  -o INTEGER       Skip transactions from the beginning of the list    [default: 0; required]
  -l INTEGER       Max number of transactions to return                [default: 4294967295]
  -y YEAR          Filter transactions to given 4-digit year (or all)  [default: all]
  -min XCH         Filter to transactions greater than XCH given       [default: 0]
  -max XCH         Filter to transactions less than XCH given          [default: 999999]
  -t INTEGER       Filter by transaction type                          [default: -1]
                          -1 All transaction types
                           0 INCOMING_TX
                           1 OUTGOING_TX
                           2 COINBASE_REWARD
                           3 FEE_REWARD
                           4 INCOMING_TRADE
                           5 OUTGOING_TRADE
  -v               Verbose output
  -h, --help       Show this message and exit

Do not use -o or -l with any of the filter options (year, min, max, type).

     .\getxchtxPS -y 2021 -f 3812331296 -v

Example for saving to file:
     .\getxchtxPS -y 2021 -f 3812331296 >tx_list.csv

Below is a sample of the output in normal mode (without the Verbose option):

3812331296,0x016672871817ce424d059d5f9814036a7928941c386eca2efdac22faed39f40f,04/16/2022 19:08:41,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0
3812331296,0xd5218c73522bc85c45bd7584b4fc012c1c354612ef4481358319dcfe871f89c8,04/16/2022 18:45:12,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0
3812331296,0x4c67fcd39f40e925927f767e0034b49fa1cd101b87ddedaa4c7a692abf636211,04/16/2022 18:43:00,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0
3812331296,0xc330f0492efb655f45f5dd877bda9c9e2cf71b55065082d0cd39056476dd45c0,04/16/2022 18:39:53,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0
3812331296,0x2c55094551c4692d70f1a1736c0f1ec4b796b4139196738e390acc83d644f501,04/16/2022 18:39:53,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0
3812331296,0xf24e07f506e8c9f4b57c7b334ec4c22be9d73934913a43e4a0dcdf409525988c,04/16/2022 18:13:37,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0
3812331296,0x5478659950f732b2b3b3198474a3715785456c887a862fccb44a9fa15f4b593b,04/16/2022 18:11:16,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0
3812331296,0xf1db488d334823f73983da1f0777a8990bb5a5f51b152559db8a03c2e6ec4f65,04/16/2022 18:04:58,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0

Below is an example of the output in Verbose mode:

3812331296,0xb264aa0df6d6591ec9b4499c06ff6f63f01e2f1054fd662185552fe952627a95,04/16/2022 20:33:35,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0,1650159215,@{amount=250000000000; parent_coin_info=0xfc0af20d20c4b3e92ef2a48bd291ccb2000000000000000000000000000ce59a; puzzle_hash=0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2},True,845215,,,0,,none,,0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2,none,1
3812331296,0x061e1f070cd0c3e0e5dac198f67a2482e2d687fccdbf5692884aef1e658d759e,04/16/2022 20:00:09,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0,1650157209,@{amount=250000000000; parent_coin_info=0xfc0af20d20c4b3e92ef2a48bd291ccb2000000000000000000000000000ce536; puzzle_hash=0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2},True,845115,,,0,,none,,0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2,none,1
3812331296,0x016672871817ce424d059d5f9814036a7928941c386eca2efdac22faed39f40f,04/16/2022 19:08:41,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0,1650154121,@{amount=250000000000; parent_coin_info=0xfc0af20d20c4b3e92ef2a48bd291ccb2000000000000000000000000000ce497; puzzle_hash=0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2},True,844952,,,0,,none,,0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2,none,1
3812331296,0xd5218c73522bc85c45bd7584b4fc012c1c354612ef4481358319dcfe871f89c8,04/16/2022 18:45:12,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0,1650152712,@{amount=250000000000; parent_coin_info=0xfc0af20d20c4b3e92ef2a48bd291ccb2000000000000000000000000000ce459; puzzle_hash=0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2},True,844892,,,0,,none,,0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2,none,1
3812331296,0x4c67fcd39f40e925927f767e0034b49fa1cd101b87ddedaa4c7a692abf636211,04/16/2022 18:43:00,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0,1650152580,@{amount=250000000000; parent_coin_info=0xfc0af20d20c4b3e92ef2a48bd291ccb2000000000000000000000000000ce458; puzzle_hash=0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2},True,844890,,,0,,none,,0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2,none,1
3812331296,0xc330f0492efb655f45f5dd877bda9c9e2cf71b55065082d0cd39056476dd45c0,04/16/2022 18:39:53,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0,1650152393,@{amount=250000000000; parent_coin_info=0xfc0af20d20c4b3e92ef2a48bd291ccb2000000000000000000000000000ce44e; puzzle_hash=0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2},True,844882,,,0,,none,,0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2,none,1
3812331296,0x2c55094551c4692d70f1a1736c0f1ec4b796b4139196738e390acc83d644f501,04/16/2022 18:39:53,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0,1650152393,@{amount=250000000000; parent_coin_info=0xfc0af20d20c4b3e92ef2a48bd291ccb2000000000000000000000000000ce44d; puzzle_hash=0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2},True,844882,,,0,,none,,0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2,none,1
3812331296,0xf24e07f506e8c9f4b57c7b334ec4c22be9d73934913a43e4a0dcdf409525988c,04/16/2022 18:13:37,FEE_REWARD,0.25,0,0,1650150817,@{amount=250000000000; parent_coin_info=0xfc0af20d20c4b3e92ef2a48bd291ccb2000000000000000000000000000ce403; puzzle_hash=0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2},True,844807,,,0,,none,,0xec9d7c3abef4cb992e272c3faaf1514138218eeefd947fec37208c5e810d85b2,none,1


  1. You must run this script on the computer running the Farmer.
  2. The fingerprint is required to run the script.
  3. You must use Windows PowerShell or Windows PowerShell ISE to execute the script.
  4. You should not use -o (offset) or -l (limit) with any of the Filter options (year, min, max, type).
  5. Since this is pulling historical transactions, the current price column is set to 0. You will need to populate that column manually.

Disclaimer: For educational purposes only.