Graphium is an Open Source project to store, manage and version transport graphs. Graph data can be stored from several data providers. With the REST-API imports and management is easy. Graphium is designed for deployment in distributed systems for centralized management and publishing to several servers.
There are several providers of transport graph data. Each of them uses its own data format. Using those transport graph data is easy with Graphium. Either use an existing converter or implement an custom one to convert transport graph data into a JSON file. Currently there are converters for OpenStreetMap and GIP (Graph Integration Platform - a joint, nationwide transport graph of Austria) available. The transport graph data is imported into the Graphium server using the JSON file. The Extended Information data model allows to import additional information to the basic transport graph.
After you have imported the transport graphs, you can access and process the data through its uniform data model. You can also enhance transport graphs and handle additional information.
Transport networks and their abstract mapping into digital transport graphs evolve over time. Graphium can import and manage several time restricted versions of one graph. This feature makes it possible to process data for real-time tasks as well as historic data processing.
One major design decision was to keep one (or more) graph version(s) including all kind of data needed and set up various views for data only needed for special use cases. This approach is similar to database views. Hence it is possible to import the whole data of a graph and extract only way segment used by car or by bike using views.
Graphium is designed for use in distributed systems. If data processing based on graph data has to be parallalized using a number of machines, graph data has to be distributed and persisted on them. With Graphium it is possible to define one central Graphium server for administration of used graph versions. On worker machines clients - so called satellite Graphium servers - can deployed and subscribe on the central Graphium server for one or more specific views on graph versions. The publishing of graph versions will be done on central Graphium server's side and guarantees a consistent state over all subscribers of one view.
For data management transport graph data has to be persisted. By default, Graphium uses PostgreSQL, but because of the interchangable database tier other DBMS could be used, too.
The base network model represents a directed graph consisting of waysegments and their connections. In PostgreSQL the entity waysegments stores data of graph segments (the linestring between two crossings) in a directed way, the segment entries itself are not directed. The entity waysegment_connections stores directed data for each connection between two joined segments. Both entities store an array of access types (in case of waysegments for each direction) representing the allowed usage for different vehicle types.
The base model is easy to expand if storage of additional data is needed. The entity waysegments is able to store tags as key-value-pairs. Alternatively, the entity xinfo (short for extended information) can be used. This entity defines the basic structure to reference waysegments and can be inherited to model your specific needs.
PostgreSQL DB Scheme:
The concept of views in a DBMS means to filter only relevant data needed for further processing. Graphium uses the same concept to allow different views on transport graphs. For example a fine granulated transport graph is stored in database but for one specific analysis only cycle ways are necessary. Then you have to define a custom view returning only waysegments having the access type "BIKE".
To access those views over the API the graph name can be replaced with each view name. So graph name and view name will be treated similarly at the API.
Find out how to define custom views.
A graph version is time restricted version of a single graph. Each graph version could assume a type of state. Those types of state are shown here:
state | description |
INITIAL | graph version is imported into the database; graph versions having this state are meant to be a pre-version, non productive-ready |
PUBLISH | graph version is being published to subscribed satellite servers |
SYNCHRONIZED | graph version is published to subscribed satellite servers (publish completed) |
PUBLISH_FAILED | publishing of graph version failed on one or more subscribed satellite servers |
ACTIVATING | graph version is being activated on all subscribed satellite servers and the central server itself |
ACTIVE | graph version is activated on the central server and all subscribed satellite servers; graph version can be used for productive use cases; activating a graph version could trigger post processes and restricts the previous active version of the same graph with the current timestamp; |
DELETED | graph version is deleted |
Graphium is designed for use as a server in standalone mode or for deployment in distributed systems. The main use case in distributed systems is to deploy one Graphium central server storing all transport graph data needed within the whole system. One or more worker servers, so called Graphium satellite servers, could be deployed to process data based on specific transport graph data. This architecture supports horizontal scaling of Graphium satellite servers. All Graphium satellite servers will be automatically informed by the Graphium central server as soon as a new graph version is available to always process consistently on the newest transport graph version.
Detailed information about the publish / subscribe process can be found here.
Install PostgreSQL:
Install PostGIS:
Create Database (using psql)
CREATE ROLE graphium LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md5e85d3e0c9e3a933a0c9103b21ed017df' VALID UNTIL 'infinity'; CREATE DATABASE graphium WITH OWNER = graphium; \i /path/to/graphium-postgis/db/composite/create_graphium_database.sql
Install Apache Tomcat:
mvn clean install
Deploy tutorial's Graphium central server (graphium.war) on Apache Tomcat and start
Download OSM File, convert it into Graphium's JSON format and import it into Graphium central server *) (more details in graph data conversion):
java -jar -i -o /path/to/output -n osm_andorra -fd true -v 200603 -q 20000 -t 5 --highwayTypes "motorway, motorway_link, primary, primary_link" -u "http://localhost:8080/graphium/api/segments/graphs/osm_andorra/versions/200603?overrideIfExists=true"
Activate imported graph version
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/graphium/api/metadata/graphs/osm_andorra/versions/200603/state/ACTIVE"
Check server state
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/graphium/api/status"
Start Docker setup
docker-compose up -d
Application and database logs can be obtained via docker-compose logs
If any of the following steps crashes because of a Java heap exception you have configure memory definition of Docker.
Download and convert OSM File into Graphium's JSON format, import into Graphium central server *):
docker exec -it graphium-neo4j-server java -jar / -i -o / -n osm_andorra -fd true -v 200603 -q 20000 -t 5 --highwayTypes "motorway, motorway_link, primary, primary_link" -u "http://localhost:8080/graphium/api/segments/graphs/osm_andorra/versions/200603?overrideIfExists=true"
Activate imported graph version
docker exec -it graphium-server curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/graphium/api/metadata/graphs/osm_andorra/versions/200603/state/ACTIVE"
Check server state
docker exec -it graphium-server curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/graphium/api/status"
*) Notice parameter highwayTypes: only high level streets will be imported; adapt if needed (see OSM highway types).
Look at graph data conversion.
Look at custom views.
Look at the tutorial package.
- Jackson-annotations, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Jackson-core, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- jackson-databind, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- JTS Topology Suite, LGPL (
- Apache Commons Codec, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- JUnit, Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
- Apache Extras™ for Apache log4j™, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Apache Log4j, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Apache Commons Lang, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Apache Commons CLI, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Apache Commons FileUpload, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Apache HttpClient, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Apache HttpCore, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Apache Commons IO, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Jackson, Apache License, Version 2.0(
- Data Mapper for Jackson, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Hamcrest Core, New BSD License (
- JCL 1.1.1 implemented over SLF4J, MIT License (
- SLF4J API Module, MIT License (
- SLF4J LOG4J-12 Binding, MIT License (
- Spring AOP, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Spring Beans, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Spring Context, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Spring Core, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Spring Expression Language (SpEL), Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Spring Transaction, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Spring Web, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Spring Web MVC, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- spring-security-config, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- spring-security-core, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- spring-security-web, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Spring TestContext Framework, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Wiremock, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- HikariCP, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- fastutil, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- Java Servlet API, CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception(
- Postgis JDBC Driver, GNU Lesser General Public License (
- Postgis JDBC Driver JTS Parser, GNU Lesser General Public License (
- PostgreSQL JDBC Driver - JDBC 4.2, BSD-2-Clause (
- opencsv, Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- GNU Trove, GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1, (
- mockito-core, The MIT License (
- osmosis-pbf2, Public Domain (
- osmosis-tagfilter, Public Domain (
- osmosis-areafilter, Public Domain (