diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bed31a4b..21975bac 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -98,7 +98,3 @@ One terraform script to create a private network on openstack along with a route
A Python script that when run, creates a filter word cloud from the summary of tickets over a time period.
[More Here](word_cloud_generator/)
-# Weekly-Reporting
-A Python script to upload data to the weekly reporting InfluxDB instance for the Cloud statistics reporting.
-[More Here](Weekly-Reporting/)
diff --git a/Weekly-Reporting/README.md b/Weekly-Reporting/README.md
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--- a/Weekly-Reporting/README.md
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-# Weekly Reporting
-This script is used to upload a weekly report to an InfluxDB instance. It tags all the data points with the time when ran.
-If you need to back-fill data or use a different time you can do the below in the code:
-16 # time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
-17 time = "2025-01-02T15:17:37.780483"
-The script uses argparse to provide an easy-to-use command line interface.
-There is a template yaml file [here](data.yaml) which **requires all values to be not empty**.
-> **NOTE on data.yaml:**
-> - Values in data.yaml must not be empty.
-> - Values which can be floating point such as Memory in TB must have .0 for whole numbers.
-## Instructions:
-1. Source your openstack cli venv and OpenStack admin credentials.
-2. Run the `report.sh` script to generate the data file.
-2. Write your token in plain text in a file e.g. "token"
-3. Run `export.py` with the correct arguments, see below:
-python3 export.py --host="" \
---org="cloud" \
diff --git a/Weekly-Reporting/data.yaml.template b/Weekly-Reporting/data.yaml.template
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index 2b77098a..00000000
--- a/Weekly-Reporting/data.yaml.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# This is the data file for the weekly statistics report exporter.
-# Note the below.
-# Every field must have a value.
-# Where values are floating type, they must remain floating type.
-# For example, if memory_in_use changes from 234.11 TB to 212 TB.
-# You must enter 212 TB as 212.0 TB
- # Cores in the Cloud
- in_use:
- total:
- # Memory in the Cloud (TB)
- in_use:
- total:
- # Storage stats by type (TB)
- sirius:
- in_use:
- total:
- nodes:
- deneb:
- in_use:
- total:
- arided:
- in_use:
- total:
- # HV stats
- active:
- active:
- cpu_full:
- memory_full:
- down:
- disabled:
- # VM stats
- active:
- shutoff:
- errored:
- building:
- # Floating IP
- in_use:
- total:
- # Condor nodes
- active:
diff --git a/Weekly-Reporting/export.py b/Weekly-Reporting/export.py
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index 3889fbc9..00000000
--- a/Weekly-Reporting/export.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-"""Export weekly reports statistics data to an InfluxDB bucket."""
-from pprint import pprint
-from typing import Dict, List
-from influxdb_client import Point
-from pathlib import Path
-import argparse
-import yaml
-import configparser
-import logging
-import datetime
-from influxdb_client.client import influxdb_client
-from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS
-time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
-# time = "2025-01-02T15:17:37.780483"
-def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
- """
- Main entry point to script.
- :param args: Arguments provided on the command line.
- """
- _check_args(args)
- points = []
- if args.report_file:
- points = _create_points_report(args.report_file)
- elif args.inventory_file:
- points = _create_points_inventory(args.inventory_file)
- api_token = _get_token(args.token_file)
- _write_data(
- points=points, host=args.host, org=args.org, bucket=args.bucket, token=api_token
- )
-def _check_args(args: argparse.Namespace):
- """
- Check the correct arguments are provided
- :param args: Argparse namespace
- """
- if not args.host:
- raise RuntimeError("Argument --host not given.")
- if not args.org:
- raise RuntimeError("Argument --org not given.")
- if not args.bucket:
- raise RuntimeError("Argument --bucket not given.")
- if not args.token_file:
- raise RuntimeError("Argument --token-file not given.")
- if not args.report_file and not args.inventory_file:
- raise RuntimeError("Argument --report-file or --inventory-file not given.")
- if args.report_file and args.inventory_file:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Argument --report-file and --inventory-file given. Only one data file can be provided."
- )
- if not Path(args.token_file).is_file():
- raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find token file at path {args.token_file}.")
- if args.report_file and not Path(args.report_file).is_file():
- raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find report file at path {args.report_file}.")
- if args.inventory_file and not Path(args.inventory_file).is_file():
- raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find inventory file at path {args.inventory_file}.")
-def _get_token(file_path: str) -> str:
- """
- Get the token from the token file.
- :param file_path: File path to token file
- :return: Token as string
- """
- with open(Path(file_path), "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- token = file.read().strip()
- return token
-def _create_points_report(file_path: str) -> List[Point]:
- """
- Create a list of Influx points from the data.
- :param file_path: Path to data file
- :return: List of Points.
- """
- points = []
- with open(Path(file_path), "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- data = yaml.safe_load(file)
- for key, value in data.items():
- points += _from_key(key, value)
- return points
-def _create_points_inventory(file_path: str) -> List[Point]:
- """
- Create a list of Influx points from the data.
- :param file_path: Path to data file
- :return: List of Points.
- """
- points = []
- config = configparser.ConfigParser()
- config.read(file_path)
- pprint(config)
- return points
-def _from_key(key: str, data: Dict) -> List[Point]:
- """
- Decide which create_point method to call from the key.
- :param key: Section of data. For example, CPU
- :param data: The values of the section
- :return: List of points
- """
- if key == "cpu":
- return _from_cpu(data)
- if key == "memory":
- return _from_memory(data)
- if key == "storage":
- return _from_storage(data)
- if key == "hv":
- return _from_hv(data)
- if key == "vm":
- return _from_vm(data)
- if key == "floating_ip":
- return _from_fip(data)
- if key == "virtual_worker_nodes":
- return _from_vwn(data)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"Key {key} not supported. Please contact service maintainer."
- )
-def _from_cpu(data: Dict) -> List[Point]:
- """Extract cpu data from yaml into a Point."""
- return [
- Point("cpu")
- .field("in_use", data["in_use"])
- .field("total", data["total"])
- .time(time)
- ]
-def _from_memory(data: Dict) -> List[Point]:
- """Extract memory data from yaml into a Point."""
- return [
- Point("memory")
- .field("in_use", data["in_use"])
- .field("total", data["total"])
- .time(time)
- ]
-def _from_storage(data: Dict) -> List[Point]:
- """Extract storage data from yaml into Points."""
- points = []
- for key, value in data.items():
- for key_2, value_2 in value.items():
- points.append(Point(key).field(key_2, value_2).time(time))
- return points
-def _from_hv(data: Dict) -> List[Point]:
- """Extract hv data from yaml into Points."""
- points = []
- points.append(Point("hv").field("active", data["active"]["active"]).time(time))
- points.append(
- Point("hv").field("active_and_cpu_full", data["active"]["cpu_full"]).time(time)
- )
- points.append(
- Point("hv")
- .field("active_and_memory_full", data["active"]["memory_full"])
- .time(time)
- )
- points.append(Point("hv").field("down", data["down"]).time(time))
- points.append(Point("hv").field("disabled", data["disabled"]).time(time))
- return points
-def _from_vm(data: Dict) -> List[Point]:
- """Extract vm data from yaml into a Point."""
- return [
- (
- Point("vm")
- .field("active", data["active"])
- .field("shutoff", data["shutoff"])
- .field("errored", data["errored"])
- .field("building", data["building"])
- .time(time)
- )
- ]
-def _from_fip(data: Dict) -> List[Point]:
- """Extract floating ip data from yaml into a Point."""
- return [
- Point("floating_ip")
- .field("in_use", data["in_use"])
- .field("total", data["total"])
- .time(time)
- ]
-def _from_vwn(data: Dict) -> List[Point]:
- """Extract virtual worker nodes data from yaml into a Point."""
- return [Point("virtual_worker_nodes").field("active", data["active"]).time(time)]
-def _write_data(points: List[Point], host: str, org: str, bucket: str, token: str):
- """
- Write the data to the InfluxDB bucket.
- :param points: Points to write
- :param host: Host URL
- :param org: InfluxDB organisation
- :param bucket: InfluxDB bucket
- :param token: InfluxDB API access token
- """
- with influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient(url=host, token=token, org=org) as _client:
- with _client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS) as _write_api:
- _write_api.write(bucket, org, points)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--host", help="InfluxDB host url with port.")
- parser.add_argument("--org", help="InfluxDB organisation.")
- parser.add_argument("--bucket", help="InfluxDB bucket to write to.")
- parser.add_argument("--token-file", help="InfluxDB access token file path.")
- parser.add_argument("--report-file", help="Report yaml file.")
- parser.add_argument("--inventory-file", help="Inventory ini file.")
- arguments = parser.parse_args()
- main(arguments)
diff --git a/Weekly-Reporting/format_raw_data.py b/Weekly-Reporting/format_raw_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f6729cd9..00000000
--- a/Weekly-Reporting/format_raw_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-import yaml
-from pprint import pprint
-import datetime
-with open("compute_service.yaml", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- compute_service = yaml.safe_load(file)
-with open("hypervisor.yaml", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- hypervisor = yaml.safe_load(file)
-with open("fip.yaml", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- fip = yaml.safe_load(file)
-with open("server.yaml", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- server = yaml.safe_load(file)
-hvs_enabled = [hv for hv in compute_service if hv["Status"] == "enabled"]
-hvs_up = len([hv for hv in hvs_enabled if hv["State"] == "up"])
-hvs_down = len([hv for hv in hvs_enabled if hv["State"] == "down"])
-hvs_disabled = len(
- [hv for hv in hvs_enabled if hv["State"] == "up" and hv["Status"] == "disabled"]
-memory_used = round(
- sum([hv["Memory MB Used"] for hv in hypervisor if hv["State"] == "up"]) / 1000000, 2
-memory_total = round(
- sum([hv["Memory MB"] for hv in hypervisor if hv["State"] == "up"]) / 1000000, 2
-cpu_used = sum([hv["vCPUs Used"] for hv in hypervisor if hv["State"] == "up"])
-cpu_total = sum([hv["vCPUs"] for hv in hypervisor if hv["State"] == "up"])
-hvs_up_and_cpu_full = len(
- [hv for hv in hypervisor if hv["vCPUs Used"] == hv["vCPUs"] and hv["State"] == "up"]
-hvs_up_and_memory_full = len(
- [
- hv
- for hv in hypervisor
- if (hv["Memory MB"] - hv["Memory MB Used"] <= 8192 and hv["State"] == "up")
- ]
-fip_total = fip["used_ips"]
-fip_used = fip["total_ips"]
-vm_active = len([vm for vm in server if vm["Status"] == "ACTIVE"])
-vm_error = len([vm for vm in server if vm["Status"] == "ERROR"])
-vm_build = len([vm for vm in server if vm["Status"] == "BUILD"])
-vm_shutoff = len([vm for vm in server if vm["Status"] == "SHUTOFF"])
-data = {}
-data["memory"] = {"in_use": memory_used, "total": memory_total}
-data["cpu"] = {"in_use": cpu_used, "total": cpu_total}
-data["hv"] = {
- "active": {
- "active": hvs_up,
- "cpu_full": hvs_up_and_cpu_full,
- "memory_ful": hvs_up_and_memory_full,
- },
- "down": hvs_down,
- "disabled": hvs_disabled,
-data["floating_ip"] = {"in_use": fip_used, "total": fip_total}
-data["vm"] = {
- "active": vm_active,
- "shutoff": vm_shutoff,
- "errored": vm_error,
- "building": vm_build,
-with open(
- f"data-{datetime.datetime.now().isocalendar().week}.yaml", "w", encoding="utf-8"
-) as file:
- yaml.dump(data, file)
diff --git a/Weekly-Reporting/report.sh b/Weekly-Reporting/report.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c2e8533..00000000
--- a/Weekly-Reporting/report.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-openstack compute service list --long -f yaml > compute_service.yaml
-openstack hypervisor list --long -f yaml > hypervisor.yaml
-openstack ip availability show 0dc30001-edfb-4137-be76-8e51f38fd650 -f yaml > fip.yaml
-openstack server list --all-projects --limit -1 -f yaml > server.yaml
-python3 format_raw_data.py
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index 494990ae..00000000
--- a/Weekly-Reporting/requirements.txt
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@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file