It is impossible to read every single open source code in existence. Defining scopes helps to narrow down possible targets. But which criteria should be used?
The Let's Read Open Source Software project focuses on widely used consumer software products. For this, the software products shipped by gatekeepers as specified by the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) are inspected:
- Chrome
- Google Android
- iOS
- iPadOS
- Messenger
- Safari
- Windows PC OS
Next, critical software products identified by FOSSEPS are added, if the product in question can be assumed to be run on consumer devices:
- Firefox
- LibreOffice
- Thunderbird
In general, specific versions are ignored. Instead, latest development versions are used within the project.
The following platforms have been identified to be of relevance:
- arm64
- riscv64
- x86_64
Legacy support exists for:
- x86
The platforms arm64 and x86_64 are supported by Windows. Also the build instructions of Chromium for Windows indicate support for both platforms explicitly.
The rustc platform support lists arm64, x86 and x86_64 as tier 1.
Android's bionic contains explicit optimizations for arm64, riscv64, x86, and x86_64. Also its continuous integration covers arm64, riscv64, x86, and x86_64.