Checkout the websockify for noVNC
git clone --depth=1 /var/lib/one/websockify-novnc
chown oneadmin.oneadmin /var/lib/one/websockify-novnc
Copy the content of the etc folder to the system:
cp -va etc/* /etc/
systemctl daemon-reload
Edit /etc/sysconfig/websockify-novnc
with paths to the ssl cert and key files.
# Websocketproxy (noVNC console)
upstream websocketproxy-novnc {
server {
location /websockify-novnc {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_pass http://websocketproxy-novnc;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
# VNC connection timeout
proxy_read_timeout 61s;
# Disable cache
proxy_buffering off;
Restart the opennebula service to activate the websockify-novnc service.
Check the service log in case of issues /var/log/one/websockify-novnc.log