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"vivaciously", "voluntarily", "warmly", "weakly", "wearily", "weekly", "well", "wetly", "when", "where", "while", "whole-heartedly", "wholly", "why", "wickedly", "widely", "wiggly", "wildly", "willfully", "willingly", "wisely", "woefully", "wonderfully", "worriedly", "worthily", "wrongly", "yearly", "yearningly", "yesterday", "yet", "youthfully", "zanily", "zealously", "zestfully", "zestily"], "Alliteration": ["awesome alliterations", "back-biting", "back breaker", "put it on the back burner", "back to basics", "bad blood", "bare bones", "bated breath", "beach bum", "bear the brunt of", "beat around the bush", "a bee in your bonnet", "belle of the ball", "best and brightest", "best buddies", "bet your bottom dollar", "big bang theory", "big brother", "big bucks", "bigger and better", "birthday boy", "bite the bullet", "blind as a bat", "blood brother", "boom to bust", "bottom of the barrel", "bounce back", "bread and butter", "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed", "building blocks", "busy as a bee", "by the book", "cash cow", "cash crop", "chit-chat", "chump change", "chunk of change", "class clown", "clear cut", "close call", "the coast is clear", "code of conduct", "common cold", "common courtesy", "cool as a cucumber", "cookie cutter", "course correction", "country club", "cream of the crop", "crew cut", "crystal clear", "cut corners", "dare-devil", "dastardly deed", "daydream", "dead as a doornail", "dead duck", "do or die", "double dare", "down in the dumps", "drip dry", "dull as dishwater", "dry as dust", "fact finding", "fancy footwork", "fan the flames", "fast and furious", "father figure", "fear factor", "feast or famine", "feeding frenzy", "few and far between", "fickle finger of fate", "fight or flight", "fleet of foot", "flight of fancy", "fond farewell", "forgive and forget", "French fries", "frequent flier", "from the frying pan to the fire", "gas guzzler", "gentle giant", "get your goat", "gift of gab", "give up the ghost", "All that glitters is not gold.", "go for the gold", "go-getter", "as good as gold", "What's good for the goose is good for the gander.", "the grass is greener", "hale and hearty", "half-hearted", "happy Halloween", "happy holidays", "hard headed", "have a heart", "fall head over heels", "heave ho", "heaven and hell", "heavy hitter", "hem and haw", "high hopes", "hit the hay", "home sweet home", "house and home", "add insult to injury", "Jack and Jill", "jibber-jabber", "jumbo jet", "jump for joy", "jumping jacks", "King Kong", "knock-kneed", "a labor of love", "the lap of luxury", "larger than life", "last laugh", "laundry list", "law of the land", "leaping lizards", "new lease on life", "left in the lurch", "lily-livered", "like it or lump it", "live and learn", "live the life", "long-lost love", "look before you leap", "love letter", "no love lost", "mad as a March hare", "make a mountain out of a molehill", "melt in your mouth", "man in the moon", "mere mortals", "method to the madness", "Mickey Mouse", "mind over matter", "the more the merrier", "motor mouth", "move mountains", "naughty or nice", "neck and neck", "now or never", "part and parcel", "party pooper", "pay the piper", "pay to play", "peas in a pod", "peer pressure", "pen pal", "penny wise and pound foolish", "persistence pays", "Peter Pan", "pet peeve", "picture perfect", "a pig in a poke", "pinch pennies", "ping pong", "pitter patter", "pleased as punch", "pots and pans", "practice makes perfect", "pretty penny", "prim and proper", "primrose path", "publish or perish", "pull any punches", "quality over quantity", "rabble rouser", "rags to riches", "rant and rave", "rave reviews", "ride roughshod", "right as rain", "road rage", "rock 'n roll", "rough rider", "round robin", "where the rubber meets the road", "Russian roulette", "sad sack", "safe and sound", "better safe than sorry", "secret sauce", "shell-shocked", "shape up or ship out", "ship shape", "Simon says...", "silver screen", "sing for your supper", "sing-song", "sink or swim", "slippery slope", "slowly but surely", "smooth sailing", "snow screen", "sorry sight", "spending spree", "spoil sport", "spoonful of sugar", "star struck", "stars and stripes", "sticks and stones", "stuck on stupid", "sugar and spice", "sunny side of the street", "sunny side up", "surgical strike", "swan song", "sweat shop", "sweet sixteen", "sweet smell of success", "sweet spot", "it takes two to tango", "taste test", "tea time", "temper tantrum", "tempest in a teapot", "the test of time", "thick as thieves", "think tank", "through thick and thin", "tip toe", "tip top", "time and tide", "tongue tied", "tongue twisters", "tools of the trade", "tough times", "treasure trove", "trials and tribulations", "trick or treat", "tried and true", "turn the tables", "vice versa", "vim and vigor", "vis-a-vis", "walking wounded", "waste not, want not", "a way with words", "wear out your welcome", "weasel words", "weeping willow", "wend your way", "wet your whistle", "Where there's a will there's a way.", "whistle while you work", "whole-hearted", "wild west", "will o' the wisp", "wishy-washy", "wit and wisdom", "wonders of the world", "words of wisdom", "word to the wise", "work wonders", "worry wart", "yin and yang", "zig-zag"], "Amphibians": ["amphibian", "amphiuma", "army of frogs", "barking frog", "black toad", "brook salamander", "bullfrog", "caecilian", "clawed frog", "climbing salamander", "common frog", "crested newt", "cricket frog", "disc-tongued frog", "dusky salamander", "dwarf siren", "eastern newt", "ensatina", "European toad", "fire salamander", "fire-belly newt", "fork-tongued frog", "frog", "froglet", "Gerrothorax", "ghost frog", "giant salamander", "glass frog", "gold frog", "Goliath frog", "ground frog", "hellbender", "horned frog", "Indonesian floating frog", "Jefferson salamander", "knobby newt", "knot of toads", "leopard frog", "litter frog", "long-toed salamander", "mantella frog", "Mexican treefrog", "moss frog", "mud salamander", "mudpuppy", "narrow-mouthed frog", "natterjack", "newt", "ornate horned frog", "paddle-tail newt", "painted frog", "poison arrow frog", "poison dart frog", "polliwog", "red eft", "red salamander", "red-eyed tree frog", "red-legged frog", "rice frog", "saddleback toad", "salamander", "sedge frog", "shovelnose frog", "siren", "spadefoot", "spotted newt", "spring peeper frog", "spring salamander", "tadpole", "tailed frog", "toad", "tongueless frog", "torrent salamander", "treefrog", "true frog", "true toad", "Vietnamese tree frog", "warty newt", "water frog", "waterdog", "western toad", "wood frog", "woodlands salamander", "yellow-legged frog"], "Country Names": ["Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "Andorra", "Angola", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Argentina", "Armenia", "Australia", "Austria", "Azerbaijan", "Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize", "Benin", "Bhutan", "Bolivia", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Botswana", "Brazil", "Brunei", "Bulgaria", "Burkina Faso", "Burma", "Burundi", "Cambodia", "Cameroon", "Canada", "Cape Verde", "Central African Republic", "Chad", "Chile", "China", "Comoros", "Congo, Dem. Rep. of the", "Congo, Rep of the", "Costa Rica", "C\u00c3\u00b4te d'Ivoire", "Croatia", "Cuba", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Djibouti", "Dominica", "Dominican Republic", "East Timor", "Ecuador", "Egypt", "El Salvador", "Equatorial Guinea", "Eritrea", "Estonia", "Ethiopia", "Fiji", "Finland", "France", "Gabon", "Georgia", "Germany", "Ghana", "Greece", "Grenada", "Guatemala", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guyana", "Haiti", "Honduras", "Hungary", "Iceland", "India", "Indonesia", "Iran", "Iraq", "Ireland", "Israel", "Italy", "Jamaica", "Japan", "Jordan", "Kazakhstan", "Kenya", "Kiribati", "Korea, North", "Korea, South", "Kuwait", "Kyrgyzstan", "Laos", "Latvia", "Lebanon", "Lesotho", "Liberia", "Libya", "Liechtenstein", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Macedonia", "Madagascar", "Malawi", "Malaysia", "Maldives", "Mali", "Malta", "Marshall Islands", "Mauritania", "Mauritius", "Mexico", "Micronesia", "Moldova", "Monaco", "Mongolia", "Montenegro", "Morocco", "Mozambique", "Namibia", "Nauru", "Nepal", "Netherlands", "New Zealand", "Nicaragua", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Norway", "Oman", "Pakistan", "Palau", "Panama", "Papua New Guinea", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Philippines", "Poland", "Portugal", "Qatar", "Romania", "Russia", "Rwanda", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Saint Lucia", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "Samoa", "San Marino", "Saudi Arabia", "S\u00c3\u00a3o Tom\u00c3\u00a9 and Pr\u00c3\u00adncipe", "Senegal", "Serbia", "Seychelles", "Sierra Leone", "Singapore", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Solomon Islands", "Somalia", "South Africa", "Spain", "Sri Lanka", "Sudan", "Suriname", "Swaziland", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "Syria", "Tajikistan", "Tanzania", "Thailand", "The Gambia", "Togo", "Tonga", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Tunisia", "Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Tuvalu", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "United States of America", "Uruguay", "Uzbekistan", "Vanuatu", "Vatican City", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Yemen", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe"], "Dance": ["abstract dance", "acro", "allemande", "ballet", "ballroom dance", "barn dance", "beguine", "belly dance", "bolero", "bop", "bossa nova", "bourr\u00c3\u00a9e", "breakdance", "bunny hop", "Cajun dance", "cakewalk", "can-can", "Carioca", "ceilidh", "cha-cha", "Charleston", "classical dance", "clogging", "conga", "contra dance", "country-western", "courante", "dance", "disco", "dragon dance", "fandango", "flamenco", "folk dance", "foxtrot", "frug", "gavotte", "gigue", "habanera", "Highland fling", "hip hop", "hoedown", "hokey-pokey", "hop", "hula", "hustle", "ice dancing", "interpretive dance", "Irish dance", "jazz dance", "jig", "jitterbug", "jive", "koftos", "krump", "lambada", "Latin dance", "limbo", "Lindy", "line dance", "Macarena", "Malague\u00f1a", "mambo", "maypole dance", "mazurka", "merengue", "Mexican hat dance", "minuet", "modern dance", "one-step", "pas de deux", "Pasodoble", "pavane", "polka", "pop", "quadrille", "quickstep", "reel", "reggae", "rumba", "salsa", "Scottish 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"baked Alaska", "baked apple", "baklava", "banana split", "Belgian waffle", "biscotti", "black forest cake", "blueberry muffin", "bombe", "Boston cream pie", "bread pudding", "brownie", "buttercream frosting", "butterscotch", "cake", "cannoli", "caramel apple", "carrot cake", "cheesecake", "cherry pie", "chocolate bar", "chocolate cake", "chocolate chip cookie", "chocolate mousse", "churro", "cinnamon roll", "cobbler", "coconut cake", "coconut cream pie", "coffee cake", "cookie", "crepe Suzette", "cupcake", "custard", "Danish pastry", "dessert", "devil's food cake", "doughnut", "dumplings", "eclair", "flan", "fortune cookie", "French toast", "fritter", "frosting", "frozen yogurt", "fruit cake", "fruit cocktail", "fruit salad", "fudge", "gelatin", "gelato", "gingerbread", "gingersnaps", "honey", "hot-fudge sundae", "ice cream", "ice cream cake", "icing", "jam", "jelly", "jellyroll", "Key lime pie", "ladyfingers", "lemon bars", "lemon meringue pie", "macaroon", "marshmallow", "meringue", "milkshake", "molasses", "mousse", "muffin", "Neapolitan ice cream", "nougat", "nut brittle", "oatmeal cookie", "pancakes", "panna cotta", "parfait", "pastry", "peanut brittle", "peanut butter cookie", "pecan pie", "pie", "poached pears", "popover", "popsicle", "pound cake", "praline", "pudding", "pumpkin pie", "quick bread", "raisin bread", "red velvet cake", "rhubarb pie", "rice pudding", "s'mores", "scone", "sherbet", "shortbread", "snickerdoodle", "soda", "soda bread", "sorbet", "souffle", "sponge cake", "spumoni", "strawberry shortcake", "strudel", "sugar", "sugar cookie", "sundae", "sweet potato pie", "sweet roll", "sweets", "tapioca pudding", "tart", "toasted marshmallow", "toffee", "torte", "trifle", "truffle", "turnover", "upside-down cake", "vanilla cream pie", "vanilla pudding", "waffle", "watermelon ice", "yellow cake", "zabiglione"], "Dogs": ["Afghan hound", "African wild dog", "Airedale terrier", "akita", "Alaskan malamute", "American cocker spaniel", "Australian cattle 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"breathing", "broken bone", "bruise", "burn", "cancer", "care", "cartilage", "cast", "cavity", "chart", "chills", "chronic", "circulatory system", "clinic", "clot", "coma", "concussion", "contagious", "contusion", "cough", "culture", "cut", "cyst", "death", "deficiency", "delivery", "dental", "dentist", "dentures", "diabetes", "diagnose", "diagnosis", "diarrhea", "diet", "digestive system", "disease", "disinfect", "disorder", "doctor", "dosage", "dose", "drug", "emergency room", "exam", "examination", "eye test", "faint", "fever", "filling", "first aid", "flu", "fracture", "gland", "growth", "headache", "heal", "health", "healthy", "hearing test", "heart", "heartbeat", "height", "hygienist", "hypodermic needle", "ill", "illness", "immune", "immune system", "immunization", "infection", "inflammation", "injury", "inoculation", "intensive care", "jaundice", "jaw", "joints", "kidney", "laparoscope", "laryngitis", "lotion", "lungs", "malignant", "medic", "medical", "medication", "medicine", 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"phantom", "pirate", "pitchfork", "poltergeist", "potion", "prank", "pretend", "prince", "princess", "pumpkin", "queen", "repulsive", "revolting", "RIP", "robe", "robot", "scare", "scarecrow", "scary", "scream", "shadow", "shadowy", "shock", "shocking", "skeleton", "skull", "soldier", "specter", "spell", "spider", "spider web", "spine-chilling", "spirit", "spook", "spooky", "startling", "strange", "superhero", "supernatural", "superstition", "sweets", "tarantula", "terrible", "terrify", "thirty-first", "thrilling", "tiara", "toga", "tomb", "tombstone", "treat", "treats", "trick", "trick-or-treat", "troll", "tutu", "unearthly", "unnerving", "vampire", "vanish", "wand", "warlock", "web", "weird", "werewolf", "wicked", "wig", "witch", "witchcraft", "wizard", "wizardry", "wraith", "zombie"], "Happiness": ["adore", "affable", "agreeable", "amiable", "amusing", "animated", "appealing", "as happy as a clam", "beaming", "beatific", "beautiful", "bliss", "blissful", "blithe", "bowl over", "buoyant", "carefree", "charming", "cheerful", "cheeriness", "cheery", "chipper", "chirpy", "content", "contented", "delight", "delighted", "delightful", "diverting", "droll", "ebullient", "ecstasy", "ecstatic", "elated", "elation", "enchanting", "endearing", "energized", "engaging", "enjoyable", "entertaining", "euphoria", "euphoric", "excited", "exhilarated", "exuberance", "exultant", "exultation", "favorable", "fine", "friendly", "fulfilled", "fun", "funny", "genial", "get a kick out of", "glad", "gladden", "glee", "glorious", "glory", "glory in", "good", "good humored", "good mood", "good natured", "grateful", "gratified", "gratify", "gratifying", "great", "grinning", "happiness", "happy", "happy as a clam", "heartening", "heartwarming", "heavenly", "high", "high spirits", "hilarious", "hopeful", "in a good mood", "in good spirits", "in seventh heaven", "invigorated", "jocular", "joie de vivre", "jollity", "joy", "joyfulness", "joyous", "jubilation", "jumping for joy", "lap up", "lighthearted", "likable", "looking on the bright side", "lovable", "lovely", "lucky", "luxuriate in", "merriment", "merry", "mirth", "mirthful", "never been better", "nice", "obliging", "on cloud nine", "on top of the world", "open", "opportune", "optimistic", "over the moon", "overjoyed", "paradise", "perkiness", "perky", "pleasant", "please greatly", "pleased", "pleasure", "precious", "radiant", "rapture", "rapturous", "relaxed", "relish", "revel in", "satisfied", "savor", "seventh heaven", "simpatico", "smiling", "source of pleasure", "sparkle", "stimulated", "sunniness", "sunny", "sweet", "take pleasure in", "tears of joy", "thrill", "thrilled", "tickled pink", "touching", "treat", "triumph", "untroubled", "upbeat", "uplifting", "vitalized", "vivacity", "walking on air", "welcoming", "willing", "wondrous", "zest for life"], "\"Happy\" synonyms": ["amused", "beaming", "blissful", "blithe", "buoyant", "carefree", "cheerful", "cheery", "chipper", "chirpy", "content", "contented", "delighted", "ebullient", "ecstatic", "elated", "enraptured", "euphoric", "exhilarated", "exultant", "funny", "glad", "gleeful", "gratified", "grinning", "happy", "in a good mood", "in good spirits", "in seventh heaven", "invigorated", "jocular", "jolly", "jovial", "joyful", "joyous", "jubilant", "lighthearted", "merry", "mirthful", "never been better", "on cloud nine", "on top of the world", "optimistic", "over-the-moon", "overjoyed", "pleased", "radiant", "rapturous", "satisfied", "smiling", "sunny", "thrilled", "tickled pink", "untroubled", "upbeat", "walking on air"], "Hats": ["Akubra", "alpine hat", "balaclava", "Balmoral", "baseball cap", "batting helmet", "beanie", "bearskin hat", "beret", "bicorne", "biretta", "boater", "bonnet", "bowler", "cap", "chapeau", "chef's hat", "cloche", "coonskin hat", "cowboy hat", "cricket helmet", "crown", "cycling helmet", "deerstalker", "derby", "diving helmet", "dunce cap", "engineer's cap", "equestrian helmet", "fedora", "fez", "flat cap", "football helmet", "glengarry", "hard hat", "hat", "headdress", "helmet", "homburg", "jester's hat", "Juliet cap", "knit cap", "miter", "mortarboard", "motocross helmet", "nightcap", "Panama hat", "pillbox hat", "pith helmet", "pork pie", "rain hat", "riding cap", "ski cap", "ski helmet", "skull cap", "snood", "sombrero", "space helmet", "stovepipe hat", "straw hat", "sun bonnet", "sun hat", "swim cap", "tam", "tam o'shanter", "ten-gallon hat", "tiara", "top hat", "toque", "tricorne", "turban", "Viking helmet", "visor", "watch cap", "witch's hat", "yarmulke", "zucchetto"], "Herbs and Spices": ["allspice", "angelica", "anise", "annatto", "basil", "bay", "berbere", "borage", "capers", "caraway", "cardamom", "carob", "cayenne pepper", "celery seed", "chervil", "chicory", "chili pepper", "chives", "cicely", "cilantro", "cinnamon", "clove", "coriander", "curry leaf", "dill", "epazote", "fennel", "fenugreek", "fil\u00c3\u00a9", "galangal", "garam masala", "garlic", "garlic chives", "ginger", "green onion", "harissa", "horseradish", "hyssop", "jasmine flowers", "jerk spice", "juniper berry", "kaffir lime leaves", "lavender", "lemon balm", "lemon verbena", "licorice", "lovage", "mace", "marjoram", "mint", "mustard seed", "nasturtium", "nutmeg", "onion", "oregano", "paprika", "parsley", "pepper", "peppermint", "rosemary", "rue", "saffron", "sage", "salad burnet", "sassafras", "savory", "spearmint", "star anise", "sumac", "tarragon", "thyme", "turmeric", "vanilla", "wasabi", "watercress", "wintergreen", "woodruff", "yellow mustard"], "Holidays": ["April Fool's Day", "Arbor Day", "Bastille Day", "Boxing Day", "Canada Day", "Chinese New Year", "Christmas", "Cinco de Mayo", "Columbus Day", "Day of the Dead", "Diwali", "Earth Day", "Easter", "Election Day", "Emancipation Day", "Father's Day", "Flag Day", "Grandparent's Day", "Groundhog Day", "Guy Fawkes Day", "Halloween", "Hanukkah", "Independence Day", "July 4", "Juneteenth", "King, Martin Luther: Birthday", "Kwanzaa", "Labor Day", "Lincoln's Birthday", "Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday)", "Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday", "May Day", "Memorial Day", "Mother's Day", "New Year's Day", "New Year's Eve", "Passover", "Pi Day", "Presidents' Day", "Purim", "Ramadan", "Rosh Hashanah", "St. Patrick's Day", "St. Valentine's Day", "Thanksgiving", "Valentine's Day", "VE Day", "Veteran's Day", "Washington's Birthday", "World Environment Day", "Yom Kippur"], "House": ["air conditioner", "appliances", "attic", "awning", "back door", "backyard", "baluster", "barbecue", "baseboard", "basement", "bathroom", "bathtub", "beam", "bedroom", "blinds", "broom", "bunk bed", "carpet", "carport", "ceiling", "cellar", "chimney", "closet", "clothes dryer", "clothes washer", "column", "concrete", "cornice", "counter", "crib", "cupboard", "curtain rod", "curtains", "dining room", "dish washer", "doggie door", "doghouse", "door", "door bell", "door jamb", "doorknob", "doorway", "dormer", "downspout", "downstairs", "drain", "drapes", "driveway", "dryer", "duct", "dustpan", "eaves", "electrical outlet", "electrical system", "entrance", "entry", "entryway", "family room", "fan", "faucet", "fence", "fenced yard", "fireplace", "floor", "foundation", "frame", "front door", "front stoop", "furnace", "furniture", "fuse box", "gable", "garage", "garage door", "garage door opener", "garbage can", "garden", "garden shed", "gate", "girder", "greenhouse", "gutters", "hall", "hall closet", "hallway", "hamper", "heater", "hinge", "home", "hose", "house", "inglenook", "insulation", "jamb", "key", "kitchen", "ladder", "lamp", "lanai", "laundry", "laundry room", "lawnmower", "library", "light", "light switch", "linen closet", "lintel", "living room", "lock", "loft", "lumber", "mailbox", "mantle", "mat", "mirror", "mop", "newel", "nook", "nursery", "overhang", "painting", "paneling", "pantry", "patio", "picture", "picture frame", "plumbing", "pool", "porch", "portico", "quilt", "railing", "rake", "range", "recreation room", "roof", "room", "rug", "sash", "screen door", "shed", "shelf", "shelves", "shingle", "shower", "shutters", "siding", "sill", "sink", "skylight", "sliding glass door", "soffit", "staircase", "stairs", "stairway", "steps", "stoop", "storage shed", "storm door", "stove", "swimming pool", "threshold", "throw rug", "toilet", "trash can", "trellis", "trim", "tub", "upstairs", "vacuum cleaner", "vase", "Venetian blinds", "vent", "wainscoting", "walkway", "wall", "wall-to-wall carpet", "washer", "washing machine", "waste basket", "water heater", "weather stripping", "welcome mat", "window", "window pane", "window sill", "wood stove", "yard"], "Household Devices": ["air conditioner", "alarm clock", "answering machine", "barbecue grill", "BBQ grill", "blender", "blow dryer", "burglar alarm", "calculator", "camera", "can opener", "CD player", "ceiling fan", "cell phone", "clock", "clothes dryer", "clothes washer", "coffee grinder", "coffee maker", "computer", "convection oven", "copier", "crock-pot", "curling iron", "dishwasher", "doorbell", "dryer", "edger", "electric blanket", "electric drill", "electric fan", "electric guitar", "electric keyboard", "electric pencil sharpener", "electric razor", "electric toothbrush", "espresso maker", "fan", "fax machine", "fire alarm", "fire extinguisher", "fireplace", "flashlight", "flatscreen TV", "food processor", "freezer", "furnace", "garage door", "garbage disposal", "GPS", "grill", "hair clippers", "hair dryer", "headphones", "heater", "hood", "hot plate", "humidifier", "ice cream maker", "iron", "juice", "kerosene heater", "lamp", "lantern", "laptop", "lawn mower", "leaf blower", "light", "microwave oven", "mixer", "mousetrap", "MP3 player", "oven", "percolator", "pressure cooker", "printer", "radio", "range", "record player", "refrigerator", "rotisserie", "scale", "scanner", "sewing machine", "smoke detector", "stapler", "stereo", "stove", "telephone", "television", "timer", "toaster", "toaster oven", "torch", "trash compactor", "trimmer", "TV", "vacuum cleaner", "vaporizer", "VCR", "video camera", "video game machine", "waffle iron", "walkie-talkie", "washing machine", "watch", "water heater"], "Housing and Dwellings": ["A-frame", "abode", "adobe house", "apartment", "attached house", "barracks", "beach house", "boarding house", "brownstone", "building", "bungalow", "bunkhouse", "cabin", "caravan", "castle", "chalet", "chateau", "co-op", "condo", "condominium", "cottage", "country house", "crib", "dacha", "detached house", "domicile", "dorm", "dormitory", "double-wide", "duplex", "dwelling", "earth-sheltered house", "efficiency apartment", "estate", "farmhouse", "flat", "gabled house", "guest house", "hacienda", "hall", "high-rise home", "hotel", "house", "house trailer", "houseboat", "household", "housing project", "hunting lodge", "hut", "igloo", "inn", "lean-to", "living quarters", "lodge", "lodging", "loft", "log cabin", "longhouse", "maisonette", "manor", "mansion", "microapartment", "mobile home", "motel", "palace", "penthouse", "pied-\u00c3\u00a1-terre", "primary residence", "pup tent", "quarters", "ranch house", "real estate", "residence", "residential hall", "rooming house", "roundhouse", "row house", "saltbox", "shack", "shelter", "skyscraper", "split-level house", "studio apartment", "suite", "summer house", "tenement", "tent", "tepee", "terraced house", "tipi", "townhouse", "tract house", "trailer home", "treehouse", "triplex", "Tudor", "unit", "vacation house", "villa", "wickiup", "wigwam", "yaodong", "yurt"], "Insects": ["admiral butterfly", "ambush bug", "ant", "aphid", "armyworm", "assassin bug", "atlas moth", "backswimmer", "bedbug", "bee", "beetle", "blue morpho butterfly", "bluet", "borer", "brown butterfly", "buckeye butterfly", "bug", "bumblebee", "butterfly", "carpenter ant", "caterpillar", "chrysalis", "cicada", "cockroach", "comma butterfly", "copper butterfly", "crane fly", "cricket", "cutworm", "damselfly", "darkling beetle", "dragonfly", "dung beetle", "earwig", "egg", "fire ant", "firefly", "flea", "fly", "fritillary butterfly", "fruit fly", "gnat", "gossamer-winged butterfly", "grasshopper", "green darner dragonfly", "ground beetle", "grub", "gypsy moth", "hairstreak butterfly", "harlequin bug", "honeybee", "hornet", "horse fly", "house fly", "hover fly", "imago", "insect", "Japanese beetle", "Julia butterfly", "jumping bean", "June bug", "katydid", "kissing bug", "lacewing", "ladybug", "larva", "leafcutter ant", "leafhopper", "lice", "lightning bug", "locust", "longhorn beetle", "louse", "luna moth", "maggot", "mantid", "mantis", "mayfly", "meadowhawk", "mealworm", "metalmark butterfly", "metamorphosis", "midge", "milkweed bug", "monarch", "morpho", "mosquito", "moth", "nymph", "Oregon silverspot butterfly", "owl butterfly", "painted lady butterfly", "paper wasp", "planthopper", "pond skater", "praying mantid", "praying mantis", "pupa", "Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly", "roach", "robber fly", "scarab", "silkworm", "silverfish", "skipper", "snout butterfly", "spittlebug", "springtail", "stag beetle", "stink bug", "stonefly", "sulphur butterfly", "swallowtail butterfly", "termite", "thrip", "tiger beetle", "tiger moth", "tsetse fly", "Ulysses butterfly", "viceroy butterfly", "walking stick", "wasp", "water boatman", "water bug", "water strider", "weevil", "wood nymph butterfly", "wood-borer", "woolly bear caterpillar", "yellow-white butterfly", "yellowjacket", "zebra longwing butterfly", "zebra swallowtail butterfly"], "Interjections": ["aah", "ack", "agreed", "ah", "aha", "ahem", "alas", "all right", "amen", "argh", "as if", "aw", "ay", "aye", "bah", "blast", "boo hoo", "bother", "boy", "brr", "by golly", "bye", "cheerio", "cheers", "chin up", "come on", "crikey", "curses", "dear me", "doggone", "drat", "duh", "easy does it", "eek", "egads", "er", "exactly", "fair enough", "fiddle-dee-dee", "fiddlesticks", "fie", "foo", "fooey", "g'day", "gadzooks", "gah", "gangway", "gee", "gee whiz", "geez", "gesundheit", "get lost", "get outta here", "go on", "good", "good golly", "good job", "gosh", "gracious", "great", "grr", "gulp", "ha", "ha-ha", "hah", "hallelujah", "harrumph", "haw", "hee", "here", "hey", "hmm", "ho hum", "hoo", "hooray", "hot dog", "how", "huh", "hum", "humbug", "hurray", "huzza", "I say", "ick", "is it", "ixnay", "jeez", "just a sec", "just kidding", "just wondering", "kapish", "la", "la-di-dah", "lo", "long time", "look", "look here", "lordy", "man", "meh", "mmm", "most certainly", "my", "my my", "my word", "nah", "naw", "never", "no", "no can do", "no thanks", "no way", "nooo", "not", "nuts", "oh", "oh no", "oh-oh", "oho", "okay", "okey-dokey", "om", "oof", "ooh", "oopsey", "over", "oy", "oyez", "peace", "pew", "pff", "phew", "pish posh", "psst", "ptui", "quite", "rah", "rats", "ready", "right", "right on", "roger", "roger that", "rumble", "say", "see ya", "shame", "shh", "shoo", "shucks", "sigh", "sleep tight", "snap", "sorry", "sssh", "sup", "ta", "ta ta", "ta-da", "take that", "tally ho", "tch", "thanks", "there", "there there", "time out", "toodles", "touche", "tsk", "tsk-tsk", "tut", "tut-tut", "ugh", "uh", "uh-oh", "um", "ur", "urgh", "very nice", "very well", "voila", "vroom", "wah", "well", "well done", "well, well", "what", "whatever", "whee", "when", "whew", "whoa", "whoo", "whoopee", "whoops", "whoopsy", "why", "word", "wow", "wuzzup", "ya", "yea", "yeah", "yech", "yikes", "yippee", "yo", "yoo-hoo", "you bet", "you don't say", "you know", "yow", "yum", "yummy", "zap", "zounds", "zowie", "zzz"], "Irregular Verbs": ["arise (arose, arisen)", "awake (awoke, awoken)", "be (was/were, been)", "bear (bore, born/borne)", "beat (beat, beaten)", "become (became, become)", "begin (began, begun)", "bend (bent, bent)", "bet (bet, bet)", "bind (bound, bound)", "bite (bit, bitten)", "bleed (bled, bled)", "blow (blew, blown)", "break (broke, broken)", "breed (bred, bred)", "bring (brought, brought)", "build (built, built)", "burn (burned/burnt, burned/burnt)", "burst (burst, burst)", "buy (bought, bought)", "cast (cast, cast)", "catch (caught, caught)", "choose (chose, chosen)", "cling (clung, clung)", "come (came, come)", "cost (cost, cost)", "creep (crept, crept)", "cut (cut, cut))", "deal (dealt, dealt)", "dig (dug, dug)", "do (did, done)", "draw (drew, drawn)", "dream (dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamt)", "drink (drank, drunk)", "drive (drove, driven)", "eat (ate, eaten)", "fall (fell, fallen)", "feed (fed, fed)", "feel (felt, felt)", "fight (fought, fought)", "find (found, found)", "flee (fled, fled)", "fling (flung, flung)", "fly (flew, flown)", "forbid (forbade, forbidden)", "forecast (forecast, forecast)", "foresee (foresaw, foreseen)", "foretell (foretold, foretold)", "forget (forgot, forgotten)", "forgive (forgave, forgiven)", "freeze (froze, frozen)", "get (got, gotten)", "give (gave, given)", "go (went, gone)", "grind (ground, ground)", "grow (grew, grown)", "handwrite (handwrote, handwritten)", "hang (hung, hung)", "have (had, had)", "hear (heard, heard)", "hide (hid, hidden)", "hit (hit, hit)", "hold (held, held)", "hurt (hurt, hurt)", "inbreed (inbred, inbred)", "inlay (inlaid, inlaid)", "interweave (interwoven, interwoven)", "keep (kept, kept)", "kneel (knelt/kneeled, knelt/kneeled)", "know (knew, known)", "lay (laid, laid)", "lead (led, led)", "learn (learned/learnt, learned/learnt)", "leave (left, left)", "lend (lent, lent)", "let (let, let)", "lie (lay, lain)", "lose (lost, lost)", "make (made, made)", "mean (meant, meant)", "meet (met, met)", "mislead (misled, misled)", "mistake (mistook, mistook)", "misunderstand (misunderstood, misunderstood)", "offset (offset, offset)", "outbid (outbid, outbid)", "outdo (outdid, outdone)", "outgrow (outgrew, outgrown)", "outrun (outran, outrun)", "overdo (overdid, overdone)", "overeat (overate, overeaten)", "overhear (overheard, overheard)", "oversee (oversaw, overseen)", "overspend (overspent, overspent)", "overtake (overtook, overtaken)", "overthrow (overthrew, overthrown)", "partake (partook, partaken)", "pay (paid, paid)", "prove (proved, proven/proved)", "put (put, put)", "quit (quit, quit)", "read (read, read)", "rid (rid, rid)", "ride (rode, ridden)", "ring (rang, rung)", "rise (rose, risen)", "run (ran, run)", "say (said, said)", "see (saw, seen)", "seek (sought, sought)", "sell (sold, sold)", "send (sent, sent)", "set (set, set)", "sew (sewed, sewed/sewn)", "shake (shook, shaken)", "shed (shed, shed)", "shoot (shot, shot)", "show (showed, showed/shown)", "shrink (shrank, shrunk)", "shut (shut, shut)", "sing (sang, sung)", "sit (sat, sat)", "sleep (slept, slept)", "slide (slid, slid)", "sling (slung, slung)", "slit (slit, slit)", "speak (spoke, spoken)", "spend (spent, spent)", "spin (spun, spun)", "spread (spread, spread)", "spring (sprang/sprung, sprung)", "stand (stood, stood)", "stick (stuck, stuck)", "sting (stung, stung)", "stride (strode, stridden)", "string (strung, strung)", "swear (swore, sworn)", "sweep (swept, swept)", "swim (swam, swum)", "swing (swung, swung)", "take (took, taken)", "teach (taught, taught)", "tear (tore, torn)", "tell (told, told)", "think (thought, thought)", "throw (threw, thrown)", "thrust (thrust, thrust)", "tread (trod, trodden/trod)", "understand (understood, understood)", "undo (undid, undone)", "uphold (upheld, upheld)", "upset (upset, upset)", "wake (woke, woken)", "waylay (waylaid, waylaid)", "wear (wore, worn)", "weave (wove/weaved, woven/weaved)", "weep (wept, wept)", "wet (wet, wet)", "win (won, won)", "wind (wound, wound)", "withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn)", "withhold (withheld, withheld)", "wring (wrung, wrung)", "write (wrote, written)"], "Jobs and Occupations": ["accountant", "actor", "actress", "actuary", "advisor", "aide", "ambassador", "animator", "archer", "artist", "astronaut", "astronomer", "athlete", "attorney", "auctioneer", "author", "babysitter", "baker", "ballerina", "banker", "barber", "baseball player", "basketball player", "bellhop", 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"withdraw", "work", "worker", "workroom", "workspace", "yield"], "Opposites": ["absent - present", "abundant - scarce", "accept - decline, refuse", "accurate - inaccurate", "admit - deny", "advantage - disadvantage", "against - for", "agree - disagree", "alive - dead", "all - none, nothing", "ally - enemy", "always - never", "ancient - modern", "answer - question", "antonym - synonym", "apart - together", "appear - disappear, vanish", "approve - disapprove", "arrive - depart", "artificial - natural", "ascend - descend", "attic - cellar", "attractive - repulsive", "awake - asleep", "backward - forward", "bad - good", "beautiful - ugly", "before - after", "begin - end", "below - above", "bent - straight", "best - worst", "better - worse, worst", "big - little, small", "bitter - sweet", "black - white", "blame - praise", "bless - curse", "bold - meek, timid", "borrow - lend", "bottom - top", "bound - unbound, free", "boundless - limited", "boy - girl", "brave - cowardly", "bright - dim, dull", "brighten - fade", "broad - narrow", "build - destroy", "calm - windy, troubled", "can - cannot, can't", "capable - incapable", "captive - free", "careful - careless", "cheap - expensive", "cheerful - sad, discouraged, dreary", "clear - cloudy, opaque", "clever - stupid", "clockwise - counterclockwise", "close - far, distant", "closed - ajar, open", "clumsy - graceful", "cold - hot", "combine - separate", "come - go", "comfort - discomfort", "common - rare", "compulsory - voluntary", "conceal - reveal", "contract - expand", "cool - warm", "correct - incorrect, wrong", "courage - cowardice", "courteous - discourteous, rude", "create - destroy", "crooked - straight", "cruel - kind", "dangerous - safe", "dark - light", "day - night", "daytime - nighttime", "dead - alive", "decline - accept, increase", "decrease - increase", "deep - shallow", "definite - indefinite", "demand - supply", "despair - hope", "dim - bright", "disappear - appear", "discourage - encourage", "diseased - 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refuse", "great - tiny, small, unimportant", "grow - shrink", "guest - host", "guilty - innocent", "happy - sad", "hard - easy", "hard - soft", "harmful - harmless", "harsh - mild", "hate - love", "haves - have-nots", "healthy - diseased, ill, sick", "heaven - hell", "heavy - light", "help - hinder", "here - there", "hero - coward", "high - low", "hill - valley", "hinder - help", "honest - dishonest", "horizontal - vertical", "hot - cold", "humble - proud", "ill - healthy, well", "immense - tiny, small", "important - trivial", "in - out", "include - exclude", "increase - decrease", "inferior - superior", "inhale - exhale", "inner - outer", "inside - outside", "intelligent - stupid, unintelligent", "intentional - accidental", "interesting - boring", "interesting - dull, uninteresting", "interior - exterior", "internal - external", "join - separate", "junior - senior", "just - unjust", "justice - injustice", "knowledge - ignorance", "known - unknown", "landlord - tenant", "large - 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- closed, shut", "opposite- same, similar", "optimist - pessimist", "out - in", "outer - inner", "over - under", "past - present", "patient - impatient", "peace - war", "permanent - temporary", "plentiful - scarce", "plural - singular", "poetry - prose", "polite - rude, impolite", "possible - impossible", "poverty - wealth, riches", "powerful - weak", "pretty - ugly", "private - public", "prudent - imprudent", "pure - impure, contaminated", "push - pull", "qualified - unqualified", "question - answer", "quiet - loud, noisy", "raise - lower", "rapid - slow", "rare - common", "real - fake", "regular - irregular", "rich - poor", "right - left, wrong", "right-side-up - upside-down", "rough - smooth", "rude - courteous", "safe - unsafe", "same - opposite", "satisfactory - unsatisfactory", "scatter - collect", "second-hand - new", "secure - insecure", "separate - join, together", "serious - trivial", "shallow - deep", "shrink - grow", "sick - healthy, ill", "simple - complex, hard", "singular - plural", "sink - float", "slim - fat, thick", "slow - fast", "sober - drunk", "soft - hard", "some - none", "sorrow - joy", "sour - sweet", "sow -reap", "start - finish", "stop - go", "straight - crooked", "strict - lenient", "strong - weak", "success - failure", "sunny - cloudy", "sweet - sour", "synonym - antonym", "take - give", "tall - short", "tame - wild", "them - us", "there - here", "thick - thin", "tight - loose, slack", "tiny - big, huge", "together - apart", "top - bottom", "tough - easy, tender", "transparent - opaque", "true - false", "truth - falsehood, lie, untruth", "under - over", "unfold - fold", "unknown - known", "unqualified - qualified", "unsafe - safe", "up - down", "upside-down - right-side-up", "upstairs - downstairs", "us - them", "useful - useless", "vacant - occupied", "vanish - appear", "vast - tiny", "victory - defeat", "virtue - vice", "visible - invisible", "voluntary - compulsory", "war - peace", "wax - wane", "weak - strong", "wet - dry", "white - black", "wide - narrow", "win - lose", "wisdom - folly, stupidity", "within - outside", "wrong - right", "yes - no", "yin - yang", "young - old", "zenith - nadir", "zip - unzip"], "Pairs": ["Abbott and Costello", "Adam and Eve", "an arm and a leg", "Antony and Cleopatra", "apples and oranges", "bacon and eggs", "Barbie and Ken", "Batman and Robin", "bed and breakfast", "before and after", "Bert and Ernie", "big and small", "big and tall", "black and white", "Bonnie and Clyde", "bow and arrow", "boys and girls", "bread and butter", "Cain and Abel", "Castor and Pollux", "cold and hot", "Crick and Watson", "cut and paste", "day and night", "death and taxes", "Dick and Jane", "divide and conquer", "dogs and cats", "each and every", "ebony and ivory", "fast and slow", "fat and thin", "fife and drum", "fire and brimstone", "fish and chips", "flotsam and jetsam", "free and clear", "Gilbert and Sullivan", "give and take", "good and bad", "good and evil", "Hansel and Gretel", "happy and sad", "heaven and earth", "heaven and hell", "high and low", "Hiroshima and Nagasaki", "hot and cold", "in and out", "Jack and Jill", "Jekyll and Hyde", "king and queen", "Kirk and Spock", "ladies and gentlemen", "Lady and the Tramp", "Lancelot and Guinevere", "Laurel and Hardy", "left and right", "Lewis and Clark", "love and hate", "Lucy and Desi", "mad dogs and Englishmen", "Marx and Engels", "meat and potatoes", "Michelson and Morley", "mom and pop", "motherhood and apple pie", "Napoleon and Josephine", "near and far", "new and old", "old and young", "open and shut", "Orpheus and Eurydice", "Phobos and Deimos", "Porgy and Bess", "Punch and Judy", "push and pull", "question and answer", "Republicans and Democrats", "right and left", "right and wrong", "rock and a hard place", "rock and roll", "Romeo and Juliet", "Romulus and Remus", "salt and pepper", "Simon and Garfunkel", "skull and bones", "smoke and mirrors", "stars and stripes", "sweet and sour", "Tarzan and Jane", "the 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