- Notes
- Fixed documentation in install_all_updates
- Availability
- Notes
- New module: install_all_upates
- New Module: getconf to generate system configuration variable values as facts.
- Enhancement: Mount module is updated to use mount command instead of df.
- Enhancement: Enhanced parsing of nim_resource module stdout.
- Enhancement: Updated emgr module to remove ifix.
- Enhancement: Updated flrtvc module to list system specific fixes, AIX/VIOS.
- Enhancement: Updated lvm_facts module to include PVs without VG or unvaried VG.
- Enahncement: Updated documentations.
- Defect: Fix nim module to update from lpp source.
- Defect: Fix nim module fo unavail_targets.
- Defect: alt_disk module is fixed for alt_rootvg_op operation, install action.
- Defect: Group module is fixed for creating group with group id.
- Defect: Fix filesystem module which used to set "options=rw" when creating filesystem.
- Defect: Fix lvol module to allow renaming without specifying size.
- Availability
- Notes
- Fixed ansible-lint issue for various playbooks.
- Availability
- Notes
- Minimim ansible version is changed to 2.14.0
- Fixed dnf bootstrap issue for python3 in AIX 7.1 and 7.2
- Availability
- Notes
- New Role: NIM Master Migration.
- New module: Physical and Logical volume encryption.
- New demo playbook: NIM Master migration and PV/LV Encryption.
- NIM module enhanced to register new client.
- Included link to Power research program in the galaxy page.
- Fix for parsing lspv, lsvg header to get LV attribute indexes.
- Updated dnf bootstrap installer.
- Fix for minimum space issue to setup dnf/python.
- dnf setup is enhanced to support proxy servers.
- Fixed ansible-lint issue in demo_yum_install_DB.yml.
- Updated flrtvc link in nim_flrtvc module.
- emgr module is fixed and idempotent now.
- Fixed user module to support idempotency.
- alt_disk module has now support for install operations.
- Fixed utf-8 encoding issue in flrtvc module.
- Fixed inittab module to modify entry and is idempotent now.
- Fixed the logic of disk_size_policy in alt_disk module.
- Availability
- Notes
- Fixed documentation for release platform
- Availability
- . _Automation Hub v1.6.4:
- https://cloud.redhat.com/ansible/automation-hub/ibm/power_aix
- Notes
- Fixed pylint, shellcheck and shebang issues for a clean build.
- Availability
- . _Automation Hub v1.6.3:
- https://cloud.redhat.com/ansible/automation-hub/ibm/power_aix
- Notes
- Fix for mount module to handle umount state in case of existing NFS server directories.
- User module is now able to create local user even if the user exists in active directory (LDAP)
- demo_alt_disk playbook
- Fix for emgr module in case of no efix data available
- Fix for devices modules, handling runtime errors
- Fixed nim_backup playbooks
- Feature enhancement: Include alternate disk to update in nim module
- Availability
- Notes
- Fix pylint issues
- Fix yamllint issue
- Availability
- Notes
- New module: Bosboot.
- New Playbooks: mktun, mount,installp, user, mpio, mkfilt,
- New Playbooks: bosboot, group, tunables, filesystem, nim_suma, logical_volume
- New Playbooks: tunfile_mgmt, mktcpip, inittab
- Enhanced idempotency for devices module.
- Enhancement in nim_alt_disk_migration:
- Target disk without PVID accepted
- Divide Used PVs by number of PVs to overcome multiple PVs in rootvg
- Allow install of AIX level lower than NIM master AIX level
- Reduce debug info after checking client OS level
- Add cache VG and Bundle to nimadm options
- Re-order nimadm flags and "quote" disk variable to allow multiple PVs in rootvg
- Correct {{ nim_client_v }} to {{ nim_client }}
- Enhanced alt_disk module: allows to clean old_rootvg.
- Improved parsing for emgr module output for ifix lists and details.
- Fixed power_aix_bootstrap role dnf_installer.sh
- Fixed power_aix_bootstrap role to support DNF installation for AIX-7.1 and above.
- Yum is not supported anymore from ansible as a result of sunset of python 2.
- Fixed power_aix_bootstrap role to show failure in case it is unable to install DNF.
- Availability
- Notes
- Various customer defects from public repository are fixed.
- Fixed broken download link for flrtvc module.
- Added quorum to lvg module.
- Fix for filesystem module which ignored attributes parameter for NFS filesystems.
- Fix to be more strict on mount check.
- Allow repository sources to be overridden for local mirrors, for yum.
- Fix in suma module to prevent type comparison error in case the metadata file that is being searched does not specify an SP version.
- Fix for idempotecy issue for installp module.
- Updates to sanity tests.
- Fixed python linting issue for various modules.
- Availability
- Notes
- New role, nim_alt_disk_migration, for automating AIX migration (upgrades) using nimadm ( Network Install Manager Alternate Disk Migration) utility.
- Information: https://github.com/IBM/ansible-power-aix/blob/dev-collection/roles/nim_alt_disk_migration/README.md
- New module, nim_resource, to create, remove or display NIM resource objects such as lpp_source, spot, etc.
- New enhanced nim module, with new option "show" to display NIM object information.
- New module, tunables, for automating Kernel Tuning management of no, nfso, vmo, ioo, raso, and schedo.
- New module, tunfile_mgnt, for automating Kernel Tuning using files with tuning parameter values: no, nfs, vmo, ioo, raso, and schedo.
- Enhanced inventory for lpar_facts. Examples: facts for os level, inc_core_crypto, nxcrypto, processor type/implementation mode, and others.
- Enhanced inventory for lpp_facts. Examples: facts for fixes (apar, SP, TL), version consistency (lppchk).
- New module, chsec, for automating changes to attributes in the security stanza files.
- Fix DNF bootstrap not to download the AIX Toolbox bundle if it exist in the controller.
- Updates to sanity tests.
- Availability
- Notes
- Fix DNF bootstrap for AIX 7.3 in role power_aix_bootstrap role in supporting new AIX Linux toolbox changes.
- Fix DNF bootstrap in role power_aix_bootstrap to run with Ansible Tower.
- Fix devices module to support inet0 add/delete routes.
- Fix installp module idempotency issue to show changes in case of at least one successful operation.
- Fix flrtvc module messages if there are no interim fixes to install.
- Fix flrtvc module to prevent failures after downloading compressed file fixes; there are no interim fixes to install.
- Issue #184: Add missing file vioshc_dep_install.yml to the power_aix_vioshc role.
- Fix user module idempotency issue by comparing current values to requested changes before executing any actions.
- Availability
- Notes
- Support for the new AIX 7.3 release.
- Updates to multiple modules and roles to ensure python2/python3 compatibility.
- Updates to the power_aix_bootstrap to install dnf on AIX 7.3.
- Updates to the flrtc and nim_flrtvc modules to work with the new AIX toolsbox wget binary path: /opt/freeware/bin.
- Multiple fixes to clean up ansible-lint and other sanity checks.
- Fix issue #168. power_aix_bootstrap inventory_host variable problem.
- Fix issue #157 for the mount.py module. Error while changing the state from mount to unmount while mounting/umounting for a NFSv4 filesytem.
- Fix issue #151 for user.py. Fail to create/modify user if attribute "gecos" contains spaces.
- Availability
- Notes
- Fix issue #145: user module with non string attributes fails.
- Fixes to pass sanity checks on Ansible minimum required version.
- Availability
- Notes
- Change Ansible support from 2.0 to 2.9.
- smtctl: new module to enables/disable simultaneous MultiThreading mode.
- backup: Fix idempotency issues. Add new force option to overwrite a backup. Better examples.
- alt_disk: fix failure with no free disk available. issue #61.
- devices: Fix idempotency issues. Other issues: #59, #98.
- emgr: Fix idempotency issues.
- filesystem: Fix idempotency issues. Other issues: #76. Other improvements.
- lvg: Fix idempotency issues.
- lvm_facts: Display volume groups that are deactivated or varied off.
- lvol: Fix idempotency issues.Fix the wrong interpretation for attribute size (issue #72). Issue #100.
- Add strip_size attribute.
- Allow users to re-size (increase) logical volumes by using +<size><suffix>,
- where suffix can be B/M/K/G or a bigger size value.
- nim: Add new attribute boot_client option to prevent nim from rebooting the client. Other fixes
- user: Fix issue #110: modify attributes was not working.
- flrtvc: Allows user to specify the protocol (ftp/http) to download fixes(issue #70).
- mount: Fix proper checking for remote fs (issue #111)
- group: Fix idempotency issues. (issue #69)
- reboot: Fix issue #78
- Readme: Requirement change to Ansible 2.9 or newer from Ansible 2.0
- Availability
- Notes
- Minor fixes for playbook demo_nim_viosupgrade.yml
- Minor fixes for plugin reboot.py
- Availability
- Notes
- Refresh of patch management capability (Update recommended)
- Fixes in nim_flrtvc and nim_backup modules for Python2 compatibility
- Documenting RBAC authorizations per module
- Quickstart documentation: user creation with RBAC authorization
- use nim_exec() instead of calling c_rsh command directly in nim, nim_flrtvc, nim_suma
- new playbook examples / improvements
- aixpert: new module for AIXPert
- alt_disk: new options for alt_disk_copy
- backup: add restore and view operation for mksysb + playbook
- bootlist: new module
- inittab: new module
- lpar_facts: new module
- lvm_facts: new module
- lvol: new module for logical volume management
- mkfilt: new module
- mktun: new module to manage IPsec manual tunnels
- mpio: new module
- nim: uniformize logging and message, add 'meta' and command returns
- nim_backup: fix multithreading for simultaneous mksysb creation with NIM
- nim_updateios: major fixes and improvements for cluster management
- nim_updateios: fix cluster -list that returns 7 fields if not verbose not 21 fields
- nim_vios_alt_disk: rework logging and result reporting
- reboot: new module
- suma: fix issue #40 (unpack return value calling suma_command())
- user: improvement (issues #56 and #57 )
- Availability
- Notes
- Beta: preview of the lpar_facts module
- Beta: preview of the lvm_facts module
- Beta: preview of the bootlist module
- mkfilt: use run_command with check_rc=True when appropriate
- nim_upgradeios: module has been deprecated (use nim_viosupgrade)
- nim_viosupgrade: fixes for altdisk and bosinst operations
- new playbook to demo nim_viosupgrade
- new roles for inetd and bootptab
- documentation revisions for several modules
- Availability
- Notes
- Beta: preview of the lpp_facts module
- nim_upgradeios: fixes
- nim_viosupgrade: fixes/ cleanup
- user: fix change_passwd_on_login
- user: don't log parameters related to passwords
- filesystem and other modules: use FQDN in examples
- Availability
- Notes
- Refresh of patch management capability (Update recommended)
- new modules: inittab, mkfilt
- aixpert: new module for AIXPert
- lvol: new module for logical volume management
- alt_disk: new options for alt_disk_copy
- backup: add restore and view operation for mksysb + playbook
- nim_backup: fix multithreading for simultaneous mksysb creation with NIM
- nim_updateios: major fixes and improvements for cluster management
- nim_updateios: fix cluster -list that returns 7 fields if not verbose not 21 fields
- suma: fix issue #40 (unpack return value calling suma_command())
- Availability
- Notes
- Includes Ansible Roles for bootstrap (yum/python) and VIOS health checker (early release)
- NIM backup module (early release)
- Filesystem module (early release)
- Minor fixes for NIM updateios
- Minor fixes for mount module
- Availability
- Notes
- Improvements to FLRTVC patch reporting
- Availability
- Notes
- Official release of patch management capability
- Update recommended
- Availability
- Notes
- Minor bug fixes for flrtvc and nim modules
- Availability
- Notes
- Initial beta release of IBM Power Systems AIX collection, referred to as power_aix
- Availability