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Pmod MIC3

Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Brief information about Pmod MIC3
  3. Interface Description
  4. Simulation
  5. Tests
  6. Status Information
  7. Licence


Simple interface for the Digilent Pmod MIC3. This interface uses simplified version of my spi master module.

Brief information about Pmod MIC3

The Digilent Pmod MIC3 is microphone module with a digital interface. It contains a Knowles Acoustics SPA2410LR5H-B MEMs microphone and Texas Instrument ADCS7476 12-bit ADC. Module communicates with the host board via SPI protocol.

Interface Description

This interface can be used to gather data from Pmod MIC3 (or anything else that use ADCS7476) easily.

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
ext_spi_clk I 1 SPI clock source
SCLK O 1 SPI Clock
CS O 1 SPI Chip (Slave) select
MISO I 1 SPI Master In Slave Out
read I 1 Initiate a new read, keep high for continuous reading
audio O 12 Most recent read data
new_data O 1 Pulse to indicate new data is ready

I: Input O: Output

Maximum frequency for ext_spi_clk is 20 MHz. In continuous reading mode, a new data is avaible every 1,28µs (781,25 kS/s) with 12,5 MHz ext_spi_clk. Later, recording with certain bitrates will be implemented (#8).

(Synthesized) Utilization

On Artix-7:

  • Slice LUTs: 9 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 33 (as Flip Flop)


Module simulated in sim.v. MISO signal inverted every 70ns to obtain different readings.


Test 1

Module is tested on Digilent Basys 3 with test_board.v. A very simple test module is implemented. Audio output of the interface connected to LEDs. Right button is used to get a single reading. Right most switch is used to enable continuous read mode. Pmod MIC3 is connected to upper part of Pmod port B (JB1-4).

Test 2

Second test utilizes pmod DA2 to output read audio data from pmod MIC3. testBoard_dacOut.v and Basys3_da_test.xdc are used in second test. Analog output monitored via OpenScope MZ. Sinusoidal and triangular tones of different frequencies are applied and observed.

Status Information

Last simulation: 12 December 2020, with Vivado Simulator.

Last test: 27 May 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.


CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal