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Pmod TMP2

Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Brief information about Pmod TMP3
  3. Interface Description
  4. Tests
  5. Status Information
  6. Issues
  7. Licence


Simple interface for the Digilent Pmod TMP2 or any other module with ADT7420.

Brief information about Pmod TMP3

The Digilent Pmod TMP2 is a Temperature Sensor. It contains Analog Devices ADT7420 16-Bit Digital Temperature Sensor with ±0.25°C accuracy. Module communicates with the host board via I²C protocol.

Interface Description

This interface can be used to gather data from Pmod TMP2 (or anything else that use ADT7420) easily.


Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
clkI2Cx2 I 1 I²C Clock source
SCL* IO 1 I²C Clock Pin
SDA* IO 1 I²C Data Pin
address_bits I 2 Address Ports of the ADT7420
shutdown I 1 Shutdown the module
resolution I 1 Increase resolution, 16 bit vs 13 bit
sps1 I 1 Enable 1 SPS mode, one measurent per second
comparator_mode I 1 Enable comparator mode, when low interrupt mode enabled
polarity_ct I 1 Polarity of CT Pin
polarity_int I 1 Polarity of INT Pin
fault_queue I 2 Fault queue configuration
i2cBusy O 1 I²C in use by another master
busy O 1 Module in I²C in transmisson
sw_rst I 1 Software reset the ADT7420
update I 1 Get temperature reading
one_shot I 1 Get one shot measurement, does not read the result
write_temperature I 1 Write to temperature register
write_temp_target I 2 Choose target temperature register
valid_o O 1 Value in temperature_o valid
temperature_o O 16 Temperature output
temperature_i O 16 Temperature input

I: Input O: Output

* contain pins _i, _o and _t

Note: rst will also software resets the ADT7420.

Note: Maximum frequency of clkI2Cx2 is 800 kHz, SCL will have half of this frequency (400 kHz). However during testing SCL frequencies above 263 kHz showed some problems during transmisson, 250 kHz worked without issues.

write_temp_target Register name Width
0x0 Hysteresis 8 bits (only lower 4 bits are used)
0x1 Critical 16 bits
0x2 Low 16 bits
0x3 High 16 bits

(Synthesized) Utilization on Artix-7 XC7A35T-1CPG236C:

  • Slice LUTs: 76 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 54 (as Flip Flop)


The TMP2 interface module tested with test module tester_tmp2.v and constrains Basys3.xdc.

Test module handles getting data and commands from board IO and controls interface module accrodingly. A 500 kHz clock applied to clkI2Cx2. Read temperature measurements displayed on seven segment displays. I²C pins connected to upper JB header. I²C pins and alert pin are monitored via DDiscovery. Up push button used to enable/disable shutdown mode. Left push button writes the switch value in to high temperature register. Bottom push button changes configuration, taken from switches. Right push button and/or leftmost switch is used to get new reading.

Reading measurements, shutdown mode, writing to temperature registers, interrupt pin, one shot mode, changing configurations and software reset are tested.

Status Information

Last test: 29 April 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.


  • Some issues with SCL frequency. See the notes in Interface Description section.


CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal