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General Distribution Agreement

0xdavinchee edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 19 revisions


GDA (General Distribution Agreement) generalizes the Instant Distribution Agreement by offering many-to-many constant flow distribution in addition to the one-to-many instant distribution.

GDA is implemented using the Superfluid agreement framework, however it does not currently provide callbacks unlike the IDA.

Implementation Guide

Code Structure

The code structure of the GDA deviates from the two existing agreements in that it leverages the TokenMonad abstract contract which leverages the Semantic Money Library.

The core logic functions utilize the SemanticMoney library and the virtual functions of TokenMonad to enact the side effects on the state of the inheriting contract.

GeneralDistributionAgreementV1.sol: The GDA contract inherits from ISuperAgreement (similar to the CFA and the IDA) and TokenMonad. This contract can be thought of as the interface between the TokenMonad/SemanticMoney library and the existing Superfluid protocol and therefore the end-user. It is the contract that is responsible for sanitizing input data as TokenMonad/SemanticMoney offloads this to the inheriting contract. It includes the following:

  • implementation of the virtual functions in TokenMonad.sol
  • the SuperfluidPool creation function
  • callAgreement wrapper functions for the core logic functions in TokenMonad.sol and some SuperfluidPool.sol functions
  • encoding/decoding of arbitrary data to/from SuperfluidToken storage similar to the CFA and IDA

SuperfluidPool.sol: The helper contract for GeneralDistributionAgreementV1 representing pools. There are three primary actors within a pool:

  • Pool operator
    • The GDA is the sole "pool operator" (controlled by modifier onlyGDA).
    • The "pool operator" has the ability to modify the pool's _index and _disconnectedMembers fields.
  • Pool Admin
    • The pool admin is set during pool creation as one of the parameters in the createPool(ISuperfluidToken token, address admin, PoolConfig memory config) function
    • The pool admin holds several privileges:
      • the only account that can mint/burn pool units
      • the recipient of the adjustment flow
      • in the case where config.distributionFromAnyAddress is false: the admin is the only account that can execute distributions
  • Pool Member
    • A pool member is any account which holds units for a particular pool
    • Pool members will receive a proportion of distributions based on their ownership of the pool (their share of the pool units) The SuperfluidPool contract is also upgradeable and utilizes the beacon proxy pattern.

Semantic Money Library

Semantic money library uses [limited functional programming in solidity](Presentation functional solidity v2) to provide the core building blocks for the GDA and the future version of Superfluid.

SemanticMoney.sol: This is a library that contains the core building blocks of the Superfluid payment primitives. That is, the data structures and the pure functions that operate on them.

TokenMonad.sol: TokenMonad is an abstract contract that contains:

  • a set of virtual getter/setter functions to be implemented by the inheriting contract:
    • _getUIndex/_setUIndex
    • _getPDPIndex/_setPDPIndex
    • _getFlowRate
    • _setFlowInfo
    • _getPoolAdjustmentFlowRate/_setPoolAdjustmentFlowRate
  • the core logic for the different types of agreement operations:
    • _doShift (instant transfer)
    • _doFlow (1-to-1 flow)
    • _doDistributeViaPool (1-to-n instant transfer)
    • _doDistributeFlowViaPool (1-to-n flow)

Major Design Choices

Related to Superfluid Pool

The Superfluid Pool is a contract that is created via the GDA contract and enables the distribution of funds to N pool members, proportional to the pool units assigned to them. The admin of the pool can update the units of the pool members at any time, and distribute via the pool.

Happy Path Distribution

A happy path would look like:

  • Alice creates a new pool via the GDA and sets herself as the admin
  • Alice updates pool units for Bob (100 for Bob) and Carol (200 for Carol)
  • Bob decides to connect to this pool (in the IDA, the corresponding concept would be approve subscription)
  • Dan instantly distributes 300 POOLx tokens to the pool
  • Bob now has 100 POOLx tokens
  • Carol has 200 claimable POOLx tokens, she claims and now has 200 POOLx tokens

NOTE: This example showed an instant distribution. A flow distribution would look the same, the only difference being that instead of defining an amount to be distributed (here: 300 POOLx), Dan would define a flowrate to be distributed (e.g. 300 POOLx/day). The recipients (here: Bob and Carol) would then receive proportions of that flow, with the flow rate being proportional to the units assigned to them

Separation of Superfluid Pool

  1. In the IDA, every index is embedded in the storage of the SuperfluidToken, and it's created for via createIndex.
  2. In the GDA, every index is contained in a dedicated SuperfluidPool contract which is created by invoking createPool.
  3. In the IDA, the index creator aka published is the only one who can distribute tokens via that index.
  4. In the GDA, anybody can distribute tokens via a pool (if allowed by the pool admin).
  5. Since the index data structure in SuperfluidPool is a mapping from addresses to uints, it's suited to implement the ERC20 interface. The SuperfluidPool contains functions for the pool admin to update member units (essentially mint and burn in one, if viewed through the lens of a token interface) and for disconnected pool members to claim any tokens which have been distributed and are unclaimed.

Basic ERC20 Support

The SuperfluidPool contract is an ERC20 contract itself where the pool units of a pool member is equivalent to their balance. The ERC20 in the SuperfluidPool does not have a lot of programmability. However, as mentioned in point 5 of the previous section, you can write an ERC20 contract on top of the SuperfluidPool to enable more functionality.

Many-to-many Distribution Support

  1. A SuperfluidPool can be configured to only allow the pool admin of the pool to distribute (1-to-N), see the PoolConfig struct in IGeneralDistributionAgreementV1.sol.
  2. If permission to distribute isn't restricted to the pool admin only, the GDA essentially allows many-to-many instant and flowing distributions.

Superfluid Pool is Token-Specific

Similar to how indexes work in the IDA, the SuperfluidPool in the GDA is token-specific. That is, a SuperfluidPool can only distribute tokens specified at creation time: createPool(ISuperfluidToken token, address admin, PoolConfig memory config).

Lack-of Cascading Superfluid Pools Support

Cascading Superfluid pools means one pool to distribute to another pool. However, this adds additional complexity to the system. The current implementation does not support this. However, there is an edge case that is possible with the current implementation:

  • Generally, there exist a nanny-rule that one cannot update units of pool A for another existing pool. However, one can still create some units of pool A for pool B before the pool B is created.

Solvency Mechanism

Limits of 3P Support

The calculation of patrician period of 3P is related to the deposit amount of the critical account (explained in 3P).

With that deposit now potentially being split between two agreements (CFA and GDA), the calculation made in the liquidation case in order to assign rewards, gives a result specific for that agreement instead of combining them together.

This may impact the predictability of patrician period, but should not pose an issue to the solvency mechanism as a whole.


Adjustment Flow

The GDA handles an edge case when there is a remainder in the amount of tokens to be streamed to the pool because solidity does not allow for floating point arithmetic. This remainder in the flow rate is the adjustment flow. This is handled with something called the adjustment flow rate which is always streamed to the pool admin, and is best explained via an example:

  1. Alice creates a pool and assigns 3 units each to Bob, Carol and Dave. Alice's pool has 9 total units.
  2. She then does a flow distribution of 100 DAIx/second. The issue here is that 100 / 9 (11.11...) is not fully divisible.
  3. Therefore, an adjustment flow is required. The adjustment flow rate handles the cases where the desired flow rate is not divisible by the total number of units.
  4. In the case of Alice's pool, the flow rate sent to the pool members is 99/s (closest divisible value without remainder, rounding down) and 1/s is the adjustment flow rate.

Lack-of Callback Support

The current implementation opts out of callback support for now.


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