#+Title: Make Frictionless Money #+Subtitle: A ETHTallinn 2023 Talk #+Author: Miao, ZhiCheng / Co-founder & CTO of Superfluid #+Email: miao@superfluid.finance #+OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil timestamp:nil #+REVEAL_INIT_OPTIONS: navigationMode: "linear", transitionSpeed: "fast" #+REVEAL_THEME: night #+REVEAL_TRANS: Concave #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: ../css/sf-slide-dark2022.css #+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND: ../images/sf-slide-dark2022-bg1.png #+REVEAL_DEFAULT_SLIDE_BACKGROUND: ../images/sf-slide-dark2022-bg1.png #+begin_notes :revisions | Date | Notes | | 2022-09-01 | ETHWarsaw 2022 | | 2023-05-07 | ETHTallinn 2023 | #+end_notes * What You Will Hear About #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - What is Super Token? - What's needed to build it? - Where are we? - How to get involved? * Concepts of Super Token ** New Payment Semantics *** Instant 1to1 Bob requests to send _€42 to Alice_ /now/. *** Streaming 1to1 Bob requests to send a _constant flow of money_ at €420 per 30 day _to Alice_ /now/. *** Instant 1toN Microsoft requests to send _$0.42 per share_ to _all its share holders_ /on the next ex-dividend date/. *** Streaming 1toN Elon Musk requests to send a _constant flow of money_ at €4.2B per 360 days _to all Dogecoin hodlers_ with individual flow rates _proportional_ to their number of share units, /from 20st April/. #+ATTR_HTML: :class right inline [[file:FlowDistributionEngine.gif]] *** And More Ideas! #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - Sending money at a slower rate over time. (E.g. half-life time in Radioactivity) - Quadratic funding between 3 groups: the matcher, receipients and voters: #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - recipients receive funding from the matcher and voters. - proportions sent from the matcher to recipients are determined by voters' streams. - voters' influence is not linear, hence small voters matter too. *** Defining Characteristics of Its Implementation - Network Efficiency - Correctness - Law of Conservation of Value *** Characteristic 1: Network Efficiency #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - Micro transactions vs. Function of time: - Ad-hoc Automation vs. Built-in Automation: #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - Ad-hoc automation: permission system + off-chain backends. - Built-in automation: - smart contract level: callbacks/hooks. - blockchain level?: conditional executions, state machine transitions. *** Characteristic 2: Correctness - Law of Conservation of Value - Constant balance sum of all accounts (== 0). ** Powerful Compositionality *** Instant Available Liquidity - You should not need to withdraw liquidity from 1000 payees 1000 times, they should be available for you to use immediately. *** Conditional Payments #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - Payment at a future date: - Lack of EVM-level support. - Access control (analogous to ERC20.approve). - Off-chain automation. - Collateral as a condition: - A "buffer" to be reserved for each stream, and can be taken away by anyone if sender of the stream runs out of money. *** Bundled Payments - Conditional payment + atomicity: #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - If a stream of $DAI is being sent from Bob to an investment contract, a stream of $ETH is sent back to Bob. - At the event the stream is stopped from Bob, the stream of $ETH is stopped in the same transaction. ** New Paradigm *** Continuous > Discrete - Enables network efficiency. - On-going relations is useful information available on-chain for free. *** Compositionality => Endless Possibilities *** Decentralized Ledgers == Platforms for Internet Native Superfluid Money * What's Needed ** Denotational Semantics & Functional Reactive Approach #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - Denotational: design expressions first, hence the new payment semantics. - Functional Reactive: model payments over continuous time. ** Compositionality & Categories #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - "Here's a categorical rule of thumb: every time you have composition, you should look for a category" - Bartosz Milewski - "Category theory is the study of compositionality: building big things out of little things, preserving guarantees. - Ken Scambler ** Ethereum & EVM #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - An internet native smart contract platform that is censorship resistant. - Awash with capital historically. - Most developed tooling. - Vibrant developer community. - But it is just the beginning... * Where Are We? ** Superfluid Protocol v1 #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - Feature set: - ERC20 compatible (1to1 instant transfer). - 1to1 constant stream. - 1toN instant transfer. - 1toN constant stream is coming. - Compositionality framework using callbacks: "Super Apps". - Live on: Polygon, Gnosis chain, Arbitrum, Optimism, Avalanche, BSC, CELO. - Continue to develop new features, strengthening its security & bootstrapping the Super App ecosystem. ** Superfluid Starknet Prototype - "Starknet is a Validity Rollup Layer 2. It provides high throughput, low gas costs, and retains Ethereum Layer 1 levels of security." ** SuperToken v2 - Experimenting Functional Programming using Solidity. - Formal Verification using Certora (. - Native Many-Chain Streaming Support. ** Haskell Specification #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (roll-in) - A project that was born to: - Model ideas with concise definitions and their properties. - A reference for new implementations. - Or even as a source to compile "the core" to any target VM? - For stronger correctness proof, some even suggest to use Agda & the dependently typed way. * Get Involved It is still early Let's build real time finance together. - https://github.com/superfluid-finance/protocol-monorepo - https://docs.superfluid.finance/superfluid/resources/contribute - http://discord.superfluid.finance #+REVEAL_HTML:
Transcript available from [[https://github.com/superfluid-finance/protocol-monorepo/wiki]]: [[file:download-from-github-wiki.png]] #+REVEAL_HTML: