Go to ThingSpeak.com, sign up an account.
After log in, Click on New Channel
ThingSpeak allows up to 8 fields for free account.
For this project, we used all 8 fields. (follow the pictures)
Copy CHANNEL ID and Write API Key (in API Keys) and paste it in mega/src/parts/thingspeakAPI/internet.cpp (shown in picture below)
you can update the WiFi part with SSID and Password. (ONLY WPA/WPA2 only)
Name: Arduino WiFi Shield Pin Used: a shield that attach onto Arduino UNO / MEGA
source: arduino.cc about Arduino WiFi Shield
Name: Part # KIT-103D
Pin Used:
RX(Green): 14
TX(Yellow): 15
Only work on Arduino Mega
source: dissolved oxygen
Name: LM35 Temperature Sensor
Pin Used: Analog A1 (UNO)
We are going to make our own temperature sensor using LM35 which is available in Lab. circuit and codes:
source: instructables
Name: Turbidity Sensor SEN0189
Mode: Analog
Pin Used: Analog A0 (UNO)
source: reference
Name: HC-SR04
Pin Used: 3 sensors is used
Sonar | echoPin | trigPin |
Sonar1 (Right) | 2 | 3 |
Sonar2 (Left) | 6 | 7 |
Sonar3 (Front) | 8 | 9 |
Deployment of multiple UltraSonic
Name: Compass GY-271
Pin Used:
- GY-273 Compass Module -> Arduino
- VCC -> VCC (See Note Below) GND -> GND
- SCL -> A5/SCL, (Use Pin 21 on the Arduino Mega)
- SDA -> A4/SDA, (Use Pin 20 on the Arduino Mega)
- DRDY -> Not Connected
Model: VK2828u7g5lf
Frequency: 1Hz
Pin Used:
- GND -> GND
- 5V -> 5V
- RXPin -> 44 (TX)
- TXPin -> 45 (RX)