This is a package of evaluators for human image synthesize, including human motion imitation, appearance transfer, and novel view synthesize.
04/07/2020, Human Imitation Imitation on iPER dataset, and see the evaluation protocol, iPER_protocol.json.
04/28/2020, Add metric to evaluate the cropped person, and face.
cd thirdparty/his_evaluators
pip install -e .
Manually download evaluation resources, and
move the resources into ./data
To use the evaluator, we must firstly implement all the interfaces of Class MotionImitationModel, and
from his_evaluators import MotionImitationModel, IPERMotionImitationEvaluator
class LWGEvaluatorModel(MotionImitationModel):
def __init__(self, opt, output_dir):
self.opt = opt
# must declare the model in self.build_model()
self.model = None
def imitate(self, src_infos: Dict[str, Any], ref_infos: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
Running the motion imitation of the self.model, based on the source information with respect to the
provided reference information. It returns the full paths of synthesized images.
src_infos (dict): the source information contains:
--images (list of str): the list of full paths of source images (the length is 1)
--smpls (np.ndarray): (length of images, 85)
--kps (np.ndarray): (length of images, 19, 2)
ref_infos (dict): the reference information contains:
--images (list of str): the list of full paths of reference images.
--smpls (np.ndarray): (length of images, 85)
--kps (np.ndarray): (length of images, 19, 2)
--self_imitation (bool): the flag indicates whether it is self-imitation or not.
preds_files (list of str): full paths of synthesized images with respects to the images in ref_infos.
tgt_paths = ref_infos["images"]
tgt_smpls = ref_infos["smpls"]
self_imitation = ref_infos["self_imitation"]
if self_imitation:
cam_strategy = "copy"
count = self.num_preds_si
out_dir = self.si_out_dir
self.num_preds_ci += len(tgt_paths)
cam_strategy = "smooth"
count = self.num_preds_ci
out_dir = self.ci_out_dir
self.num_preds_si += len(tgt_paths)
outputs = self.model.inference(tgt_paths, tgt_smpls=tgt_smpls, cam_strategy=cam_strategy,
visualizer=None, verbose=True)
all_preds_files = []
for i, preds in enumerate(outputs):
filename = "{:0>8}.jpg".format(count)
pred_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'pred_' + filename)
count += 1
cv_utils.save_cv2_img(preds, pred_file, normalize=True)
return all_preds_files
def build_model(self):
You must define your model in this function, including define the graph and allocate GPU.
This function will be called in @see ``.
# set imitator
self.model = Imitator(self.opt)
def personalization(self, src_infos):
some task/method specific data pre-processing or others.
src_infos (dict): the source information contains:
--images (list of str): the list of full paths of source images (the length is 1)
--smpls (np.ndarray): (length of images, 85)
--kps (np.ndarray): (length of images, 19, 2)
processed_src_infos (dict): the source information contains:
--images (list of str): the list of full paths of source images (the length is 1)
--smpls (np.ndarray): (length of images, 85)
--kps (np.ndarray): (length of images, 19, 2)
# 1. load the pretrain model
self.model._load_params(self.model.generator, self.opt.load_path)
# 2. post personalization
if self.opt.post_tune:
self.opt.src_path = src_infos["images"][0]
adaptive_personalize(self.opt, self.model, self.visualizer)
processed_src_infos = src_infos
return processed_src_infos
def terminate(self):
Close the model session, like if the model is based on TensorFlow, it needs to call sess.close() to
dealloc the resources.
if __name__ == "__main__":
opt = TestOptions().parse()
model = LWGEvaluatorModel(opt, output_dir="/p300/iccv/baselines/WarpingStrategy/LWB-add/evaluations/iPER")
iPER_MI_evaluator = IPERMotionImitationEvaluator(dataset="iPER", data_dir="/p300/iccv/iPER")
# set dataset="iPER_ICCV" is the evaluation protocol of the previous ICCV version.
# iPER_MI_evaluator = IPERMotionImitationEvaluator(dataset="iPER_ICCV", data_dir="/p300/iccv/iPER")
pair_types=("ssim", "psnr", "lps", "OS-CS-reid", "face-CS"),
unpair_types=("is", "fid", "OS-CS-reid", "OS-freid", "face-CS", "face-FD")
See the whole script in for the reference.
Here, we support self-imitation and cross-imitation metrics.
For self-imitation (pair_types), it provides:
: we use the skimage.metrics.structural_similarity to calculate the similarity between the synthesized or generated image and ground truth image. Higher value is better. -
: skimage.metrics.peak_signal_noise_ratio is applied to calculate the peak signal noise ratio (PSNR). Higher value is better. -
): Using a learned perceptual similarity, PerceptualSimilarity to calculate the distance between the synthesized image and ground truth image. Lower value is better. -
: This is the distance of thecropped person region
between the synthesized image and the ground truth image. In particular, it firstly use YoLOv3 detector to get the person bounding box of the synthesized and ground truth image. Then, we crop the person patches according to the bounding boxes. Finally, we use a pre-trained person-reid model, OS-Net, to get the embedding features of the cropped person patches, normalize the features, and calculate the cosine similarity between the normalized features. Higher value is better. -
: This is the distance of thecropped face region
between the synthesized image and the ground truth image. In particular, it firstly use MTCNN face detector to get the face bounding boxes of the synthesized and ground truth images. Then, we crop the face regions according to the bounding boxes. Finally, we use a pre-trained face recognition model, InceptionResnetV1, to get the embedding features of the cropped face patches, normalize the features, and calculate the cosine similarity between the normalized features. Higher value is better.
In general, SSIM
, and LPS
) focus on the quality of the whole(global) synthesized images. OS-CS-reid
focuses on the cropped front person region of the synthesized images, and face-CS
focuses on the cropped face if the synthesized images.
For cross-imitation (unpair_types),
for each video with person id
, we denote the input source image of personi
we sample n consective frames from the source video with person
, and denote them as;
we sample n consective frames from the reference video with person
, and denote them as.
denoting the synthesized (imitated) images of the source input images of person
with respect to the reference images of personj
it provides the followings metrics:
: inception score(InceptionV3 backbone) of the synthesized images,.
: Frechet Inception Distance(InceptionV3 backbone) between the sampled source images (real); and the synthesized images (fake)
. Lower value is better;
: the cosine similarity of thecropped person regions
betwwen the sampled source images (real); and the synthesized images (fake)
, and the details are shown in the above. Higher value is better;
: This is similar as theOS-CS-reid
, and the difference is the backbone of person-reid model, here, we use the PCB-Net. Higher value is better; -
: the cosine similarity of thecropped face regions
betwwen the sampled source images (real); and the synthesized images (fake)
, and the details are shown in the above. Higher value is better;
: the Frechet Distance of OS-Net. In particular, we firstly crop the person regions of the sampled source images (real); and the synthesized images (fake)
based on the YoLOv3. Lower value is better;
: the Frechet Distance of PCB-Net. In particular, we firstly crop the person regions of the sampled source images (real); and the synthesized images (fake)
based on the YoLOv3. It is very slow, O(c^3). n is the dimension of the feature of PCB-Net, and c = 12,288. Lower value is better;
: the Frechet Distance of cropped face between the sampled source images (real); and the synthesized images (fake)
. Specifically, similar to
, we firstly use MTCNN to detect the face bounding boxes, and then use InceptionResnetV1 to extract the feature embeddings, and calculate the Frechet Distance based on the face embedding features. Lower value is better;
In general:
seems not be a good metric for human image synthesize, because,is
is based on the a pre-trained InceptionV3 network on ImageNet dataset, andis
mainly focus on the diversity of generative models. However, in human image synthesize, the outputs are always thehuman
labels, it will result in very low performance; -
focuses on the whole (global) synthesized images; -
, andPCB-freid
focus on the cropped front person region of the synthesized images; -
focus on the cropped face if the synthesized images.
Here, we fix some bugs on the previous implementation of IS
and PCB-freid
in the ICCV paper. This evaluation package is the
most recent version, and the results are different from the results reported in the ICCV paper.
Our future extended journal paper will be based on this implementation. We recommend this implementation as the iPER evaluation.
K. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. Li and Y. Qiao. Joint Face Detection and Alignment Using Multitask Cascaded Convolutional Networks, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2016.
Zhou, Kaiyang and Yang, Yongxin and Cavallaro, Andrea and Xiang, Tao. Omni-Scale Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification, ICCV 2019.
Yifan Sun, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Qi Tian, Shengjin Wang. Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling (and a Strong Convolutional Baseline), ECCV 2018.
Redmon, Joseph and Farhadi, Ali. YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement, arxiv 2018.
Richard Zhang, Phillip Isola, Alexei A. Efros, Eli Shechtman, Oliver Wang. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Features as a Perceptual Metric, CVPR 2018.