A new model version is directly derived from a tag in the main
branch. There is no need to manually edit source files and name the executable. That git tag name is directly projected into 1) main.f90
and 1) the name of the executable. The file CMakeLists.txt
contains the git command to obtain the current tag for the current branch and derive the version from it. The git command is git describe --tags
, which is returning either the current tag, or the most recent tag reachable from the commit as a the relative difference of number of commits and the abbreviated object name.
Use the git log
or the git tag -l
command to list and find the tags available. The output below shows two tags available for the repository
$ git log
commit 92b44138a3fdb0ada27ed86e2a3a378188f70aef (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD)
Author: od <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Mar 5 21:43:50 2024 -0700
fixed 'typo'
commit c5ff4b1083c5b320c72d02ec8b728811bed4441a (tag: 61.1)
Author: od <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Mar 5 20:43:24 2024 -0700
stop here not recommended (gcc)
commit 6e85302d89115d42df471e02280c4bfe2720f830
Author: od <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Mar 5 20:32:31 2024 -0700
added Version tag
commit df07e3f572adc21834f05c6711df3566e0231c2f (tag: 61.0)
Author: od <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Mar 5 19:58:38 2024 -0700
init all
$ git tag
To build the SWAT+ executable at version 60.0
, one has to checkout the source at that tag first:
$ git checkout 60.0
Then follow the build instructions below. It will eventually create the executable swatplus-60.0.exe
. You can also switch back to HEAD of the main branch and again, follow the build steps. This will create the executable swatplus-61.1-1-g92b4413.exe
which is the version one commit (-1-
) after version 61.1
, starting with the object name: 92b4413......
(the g
in the string indicates Git as the system that created the name).
This tag-based building approach has the advantage to:
always align the version of the swat executable with the tagged version of the sources in the Git repository.
allow the fully automated version propagation into source files and executable in tandem with
. -
allow the creation of source archives and corresponding executables for a given tag at GitHub
COMMAND git describe --tags
# SWAT Version number
set(SWATPLUS_EXE "swatplus-${SWAT_VERSION}.exe")
Version information are projected into sources at build time. Below, the template main.f90.in
is shown.
write (*,1000)
open (9003,file='simulation.out')
write (9003,1000)
1000 format(1x," SWAT+ ",/, &
& " Revision @SWAT_VERSION@ ",/, &
& " Soil & Water Assessment Tool ",/, &
& " Program reading . . . executing",/)
The main.f90
substitution in CMakeLists.txt
shown below. The input file main.f90.in
file gets processed by cmake
when the project is build (cmake -B build
) and the file main.f90
is created with all cmake
variables resolved to their values.
if (EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main.f90.in")
string (TIMESTAMP ISO "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
string (TIMESTAMP TODAY "%b %d %Y") # e.g. produces Dec 7 2023
string (TIMESTAMP YEAR "%Y")
Running cmake -B build
will create the file main.f90
with resolved and and injected variables for TODAY
, and others:
prog = " SWAT+ Mar 04 2024 MODULAR Rev 2024.61.0.0"
write (*,1000)
open (9003,file='simulation.out')
write (9003,1000)
1000 format(1x," SWAT+ ",/, &
& " Revision 61.0.0 ",/, &
& " Soil & Water Assessment Tool ",/, &
& "GNU (11.4.0), 2024-03-04 14:31:18, Linux",/, &
& " Program reading . . . executing",/)
Note: The file
should not be edited since it will be overwritten with each fresh build, modifymain.f90.in