This is a modified version of Fredrik Gustafssons awesome Wallbox Pulsar Plus mqtt bridge (
The changes here where made to use the mqtt bridge in conjunction with evcc (
To setup the Pulsar Plus with evcc follow the steps below:
- Root your Wallbox and setup the bridge (see below)
- Setup mqtt in evcc (
- Extend the evcc configuration with following meter/charger/loadpoint (don't forget to replace the wallbox id placeholder)
- name: wallboxpulsarmeter
type: custom
source: mqtt
topic: wallbox_<your_wallbox_id>/charging_power/state
timeout: 180s
- source: mqtt
topic: wallbox_<your_wallbox_id>/charging_current_l1/state
- source: mqtt
topic: wallbox_<your_wallbox_id>/charging_current_l2/state
- source: mqtt
topic: wallbox_<your_wallbox_id>/charging_current_l3/state
- name: wallboxpulsarcharger
type: custom
source: mqtt
topic: wallbox_147293/control_pilot/state
enabled: # charger enabled state (true/false or 0/1)
source: mqtt
topic: wallbox_147293/charging_enable/state
enable: # set charger enabled state (true/false or 0/1)
source: mqtt
topic: wallbox_147293/charging_enable/set
payload: ${enable:%d}
maxcurrent: # set charger max current (A)
source: mqtt
topic: wallbox_147293/max_charging_current/set
- title: wallboxpulsar
charger: wallboxpulsarcharger
meter: wallboxpulsarmeter
mode: pv
==Original below:==
This open-source project connects your Wallbox fully locally to Home Assistant, providing you with unparalleled speed and reliability.
Note: Doesn't work with firmware v6.6.x see issue jagheterfredrik#63
Instant Sensor Data: The Wallbox's internal state is polled every second and any updates are immediately pushed to the external MQTT broker.
Instant Control: Quickly lock/unlock, pause/resume or change the max charging current, without involving the manufacturer's servers.
Always available: As long as your local network is up and your Wallbox has power, you're in control! No need to rely on a third party to communicate with the device you own.
Home Assistant MQTT Auto Discovery: Enjoy a hassle-free setup with Home Assistant MQTT Auto Discovery support. The integration effortlessly integrates with your existing Home Assistant environment.
- Root your Wallbox
- Setup an MQTT Broker, if you don't already have one. Here's an example installing it as a Home Assistant add-on
to your Wallbox and run
curl -sSfL > && bash
Note: To upgrade to new version, simply run the command from step 3 again.
A big shoutout to @tronikos for their valuable contributions. This project wouldn't be the same without the collaborative spirit of the open-source community.