This document is a reference guide of the SIL instruction set. For an overview of SIL and OSSA see the SIL document.
These instructions allocate and deallocate memory.
sil-instruction ::= 'alloc_stack' alloc-stack-option* sil-type (',' debug-var-attr)*
alloc-stack-option ::= '[dynamic_lifetime]'
alloc-stack-option ::= '[lexical]'
alloc-stack-option ::= '[var_decl]'
alloc-stack-option ::= '[moveable_value_debuginfo]'
%1 = alloc_stack $T
// %1 has type $*T
Allocates uninitialized memory that is sufficiently aligned on the stack
to contain a value of type T
. The result of the instruction is the
address of the allocated memory.
always allocates memory on the stack even for
runtime-sized type.
is a stack allocation instruction. See the section above
on stack discipline. The corresponding stack deallocation instruction is
The dynamic_lifetime
attribute specifies that the initialization and
destruction of the stored value cannot be verified at compile time. This
is the case, e.g. for conditionally initialized objects.
The optional lexical
attribute specifies that the operand corresponds
to a local variable with a lexical lifetime in the Swift source, so
special care must be taken when hoisting destroy_addr
s. Compare to the
attribute. See Variable Lifetimes.
The optional var_decl
attribute specifies that the storage corresponds
to a local variable in the Swift source.
The optional moveable_value_debuginfo
attribute specifies that when
emitting debug info, the code generator can not assume that the value in
the alloc_stack can be semantically valid over the entire function frame
when emitting debug info. NOTE: This is implicitly set to true if the
alloc_stack's type is non-copyable. This is just done to make SIL less
The memory is not retainable. To allocate a retainable box for a value
type, use alloc_box
must not be a pack type. To allocate a pack, use alloc_pack
sil-instruction ::= 'alloc_pack' sil-type
%1 = alloc_pack $Pack{Int, Float, repeat each T}
// %1 has type $*Pack{Int, Float, repeat each T}
Allocates uninitialized memory on the stack for a value pack of the given type, which must be a pack type. The result of the instruction is the address of the allocated memory.
is a stack allocation instruction. See the section above on
stack discipline. The corresponding stack deallocation instruction is
sil-instruction ::= 'alloc_pack_metadata' $()
Inserted as the last SIL lowering pass of IRGen, indicates that the next instruction may have on-stack pack metadata allocated on its behalf.
Notionally, alloc_pack_metadata
is a stack allocation instruction. See
the section above on stack discipline. The corresponding stack
deallocation instruction is dealloc_pack_metadata
Only valid in Lowered SIL.
sil-instruction ::= 'alloc_ref'
('[' 'bare' ']')?
('[' 'objc' ']')?
('[' 'stack' ']')?
('[' 'tail_elems' sil-type '*' sil-operand ']')*
%1 = alloc_ref [stack] $T
%1 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $E * %2 : Builtin.Word] $T
// $T must be a reference type
// %1 has type $T
// $E is the type of the tail-allocated elements
// %2 must be of a builtin integer type
Allocates an object of reference type T
. The object will be
initialized with retain count 1; its state will be otherwise
uninitialized. The optional objc
attribute indicates that the object
should be allocated using Objective-C's allocation methods
The optional stack
attribute indicates that the object can be
allocated on the stack instead on the heap. In this case the instruction
must be balanced with a dealloc_stack_ref
instruction to mark the end
of the object's lifetime. Note that the stack
attribute only
specifies that stack allocation is possible. The final decision on stack
allocation is done during llvm IR generation. This is because the
decision also depends on the object size, which is not necessarily known
at SIL level.
The bare
attribute indicates that the object header is not used
throughout the lifetime of the object. This means, no reference counting
operations are performed on the object and its metadata is not used. The
header of bare objects doesn't need to be initialized.
The optional tail_elems
attributes specifies the amount of space to be
reserved for tail-allocated arrays of given element types and element
counts. If there are more than one tail_elems
attributes then the tail
arrays are allocated in the specified order. The count-operand must be
of a builtin integer type. The instructions ref_tail_addr
can be used to project the tail elements. The objc
attribute cannot be used together with tail_elems
sil-instruction ::= 'alloc_ref_dynamic'
('[' 'objc' ']')?
('[' 'tail_elems' sil-type '*' sil-operand ']')*
sil-operand ',' sil-type
%1 = alloc_ref_dynamic %0 : $@thick T.Type, $T
%1 = alloc_ref_dynamic [objc] %0 : $@objc_metatype T.Type, $T
%1 = alloc_ref_dynamic [tail_elems $E * %2 : Builtin.Word] %0 : $@thick T.Type, $T
// $T must be a class type
// %1 has type $T
// $E is the type of the tail-allocated elements
// %2 must be of a builtin integer type
Allocates an object of class type T
or a subclass thereof. The dynamic
type of the resulting object is specified via the metatype value %0
The object will be initialized with retain count 1; its state will be
otherwise uninitialized.
The optional tail_elems
and objc
attributes have the same effect as
for alloc_ref
. See alloc_ref
for details.
sil-instruction ::= 'alloc_box' alloc-box-option* sil-type (',' debug-var-attr)*
alloc-box-option ::= moveable_value_debuginfo
%1 = alloc_box $T
// %1 has type $@box T
Allocates a reference-counted @box
on the heap large enough to hold a
value of type T
, along with a retain count and any other metadata
required by the runtime. The result of the instruction is the
reference-counted @box
reference that owns the box. The project_box
instruction is used to retrieve the address of the value inside the box.
The box will be initialized with a retain count of 1; the storage will
be uninitialized. The box owns the contained value, and releasing it to
a retain count of zero destroys the contained value as if by
. Releasing a box is undefined behavior if the box's
value is uninitialized. To deallocate a box whose value has not been
initialized, dealloc_box
should be used.
The optional moveable_value_debuginfo
attribute specifies that when
emitting debug info, the code generator can not assume that the value in
the alloc_stack can be semantically valid over the entire function frame
when emitting debug info. NOTE: This is implicitly set to true if the
alloc_stack's type is noncopyable. This is just done to make SIL less
sil-instruction ::= 'alloc_global' sil-global-name
alloc_global @foo
Initialize the storage for a global variable. This instruction has undefined behavior if the global variable has already been initialized.
The type operand must be a lowered object type.
sil-instruction ::= 'get_async_continuation' '[throws]'? sil-type
%0 = get_async_continuation $T
%0 = get_async_continuation [throws] $U
Begins a suspension of an @async
function. This instruction can only
be used inside an @async
function. The result of the instruction is an
value, where T
is the formal type argument to
the instruction, or an UnsafeThrowingContinuation<T>
if the
instruction carries the [throws]
attribute. T
must be a loadable
type. The continuation must be consumed by a await_async_continuation
terminator on all paths. Between get_async_continuation
, the following restrictions apply:
- The function cannot
, orunwind
. - There cannot be nested suspend points; namely, the function cannot
call another
function, nor can it initiate another suspend point withget_async_continuation
The function suspends execution when the matching
terminator is reached, and resumes execution
when the continuation is resumed. The continuation resumption operation
takes a value of type T
which is passed back into the function when it
resumes execution in the await_async_continuation
successor block. If the instruction has the [throws]
attribute, it can also be resumed in an error state, in which case the
matching await_async_continuation
instruction must also have an
Within the enclosing SIL function, the result continuation is consumed
by the await_async_continuation
, and cannot be referenced after the
executes. Dynamically, the continuation value
must be resumed exactly once in the course of the program's execution;
it is undefined behavior to resume the continuation more than once.
Conversely, failing to resume the continuation will leave the suspended
async coroutine hung in its suspended state, leaking any resources it
may be holding.
sil-instruction ::= 'get_async_continuation_addr' '[throws]'? sil-type ',' sil-operand
%1 = get_async_continuation_addr $T, %0 : $*T
%1 = get_async_continuation_addr [throws] $U, %0 : $*U
Begins a suspension of an @async
function, like
, additionally binding a specific memory
location for receiving the value when the result continuation is
resumed. The operand must be an address whose type is the
maximally-abstracted lowered type of the formal resume type. The memory
must be uninitialized, and must remain allocated until the matching
instruction(s) consuming the result
continuation have executed. The behavior is otherwise the same as
, and the same restrictions apply on code
appearing between get_async_continuation_addr
as apply between get_async_continuation
. Additionally, the state of the memory
referenced by the operand is indefinite between the execution of
and await_async_continuation
, and it is
undefined behavior to read or modify the memory during this time. After
the await_async_continuation
resumes normally to its resume
successor, the memory referenced by the operand is initialized with the
resume value, and that value is then owned by the current function. If
instead resumes to its error
then the memory remains uninitialized.
sil-instruction ::= 'hop_to_executor' sil-operand
hop_to_executor %0 : $T
// $T must be Builtin.Executor or conform to the Actor protocol
Ensures that all instructions, which need to run on the actor's
executor actually run on that executor. This instruction can only be
used inside an @async
Checks if the current executor is the one which is bound to the operand actor. If not, begins a suspension point and enqueues the continuation to the executor which is bound to the operand actor.
SIL generation emits this instruction with operands of actor type as
well as of type Builtin.Executor
. The former are expected to be
lowered by the SIL pipeline, so that IR generation only operands of type
The operand is a guaranteed operand, i.e. not consumed.
sil-instruction ::= 'extract_executor' sil-operand
%1 = extract_executor %0 : $T
// $T must be Builtin.Executor or conform to the Actor protocol
// %1 will be of type Builtin.Executor
Extracts the executor from the executor or actor operand. SIL generation emits this instruction to produce executor values when needed (e.g., to provide to a runtime function). It will be lowered away by the SIL pipeline.
The operand is a guaranteed operand, i.e. not consumed.
sil-instruction :: 'merge_isolation_region' (sil-operand ',')+ sil-operand
%2 = merge_isolation_region %first : $*T, %second : $U
%2 = merge_isolation_region %first : $*T, %second : $U, %third : $H
Instruction that is only valid in Ownership SSA.
This instruction informs region isolation that all of the operands should be considered to be artificially apart of the same region. It is intended to be used to express region dependency when due to unsafe code generation we have to traffic a non-Sendable value through computations with Sendable values (causing us to not track the non-Sendable value) but have to later express that a non-Sendable result of using the Sendable value needs to be in the same region as the original non-Sendable value. As an example of where this comes up, consider the following code:
// objc code
@interface CallbackData : NSObject
@interface Klass : NSObject
- (void)loadDataWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(CallbackData * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completionHandler;
// swift code
extension Klass {
func loadCallbackData() async throws -> sending CallbackData {
try await loadData()
This lowers to:
%5 = alloc_stack $CallbackData // users: %26, %25, %31, %16, %7
%6 = objc_method %0 : $Klass, #Klass.loadData!foreign : (Klass) -> () async throws -> CallbackData, $@convention(objc_method) (Optional<@convention(block) (Optional<CallbackData>, Optional<NSError>) -> ()>, Klass) -> () // user: %20
%7 = get_async_continuation_addr [throws] CallbackData, %5 : $*CallbackData // users: %23, %8
%8 = struct $UnsafeContinuation<CallbackData, any Error> (%7 : $Builtin.RawUnsafeContinuation) // user: %14
%9 = alloc_stack $@block_storage Any // users: %22, %16, %10
%10 = project_block_storage %9 : $*@block_storage Any // user: %11
%11 = init_existential_addr %10 : $*Any, $CheckedContinuation<CallbackData, any Error> // user: %15
// function_ref _createCheckedThrowingContinuation<A>(_:)
%12 = function_ref @$ss34_createCheckedThrowingContinuationyScCyxs5Error_pGSccyxsAB_pGnlF : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (UnsafeContinuation<τ_0_0, any Error>) -> @out CheckedContinuation<τ_0_0, any Error> // user: %14
%13 = alloc_stack $CheckedContinuation<CallbackData, any Error> // users: %21, %15, %14
%14 = apply %12<CallbackData>(%13, %8) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (UnsafeContinuation<τ_0_0, any Error>) -> @out CheckedContinuation<τ_0_0, any Error>
copy_addr [take] %13 to [init] %11 : $*CheckedContinuation<CallbackData, any Error> // id: %15
merge_isolation_region %9 : $*@block_storage Any, %5 : $*CallbackData // id: %16
// function_ref @objc completion handler block implementation for @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) (@unowned CallbackData?, @unowned NSError?) -> () with result type CallbackData
%17 = function_ref @$sSo12CallbackDataCSgSo7NSErrorCSgIeyByy_ABTz_ : $@convention(c) (@inout_aliasable @block_storage Any, Optional<CallbackData>, Optional<NSError>) -> () // user: %18
%18 = init_block_storage_header %9 : $*@block_storage Any, invoke %17 : $@convention(c) (@inout_aliasable @block_storage Any, Optional<CallbackData>, Optional<NSError>) -> (), type $@convention(block) (Optional<CallbackData>, Optional<NSError>) -> () // user: %19
%19 = enum $Optional<@convention(block) (Optional<CallbackData>, Optional<NSError>) -> ()>, #Optional.some!enumelt, %18 : $@convention(block) (Optional<CallbackData>, Optional<NSError>) -> () // user: %20
%20 = apply %6(%19, %0) : $@convention(objc_method) (Optional<@convention(block) (Optional<CallbackData>, Optional<NSError>) -> ()>, Klass) -> ()
Notice how without the merge_isolation_region
instruction (%16
) there is no non-Sendable def-use chain from %5
, the
indirect return value of the block, to the actual non-Sendable block
storage %9
. This can result in region isolation not propagating
restrictions on usage from %9
onto %5
risking the creation of races.
Applying the previous discussion to this specific example, self (%0
) is
non-Sendable and is bound to the current task. If we did not have the
merge_isolation_region instruction here, we
would not tie the return value %5
to %0
via %9
. This would cause %5
be treated as a disconnected value and thus be a valid sending return
value potentially allowing for %5
in the caller of the function to be
sent to another isolation domain and introduce a race.
Note: This is effectively the same purpose that mark_dependence plays for memory dependence (expressing memory dependence that the compiler cannot infer) except in the world of region isolation. We purposely use a different instruction since mark_dependence is often times used to create a temporary dependence in between two values via the return value of mark_dependence. If mark_dependence had the semantics of acting like a region merge we would in contrast have from that point on a region dependence in between the base and value of the mark_dependence causing the mark_dependence to have a less "local" effect since all paths through that program point would have to maintain that region dependence until the end of the function.
sil-instruction ::= 'dealloc_stack' sil-operand
dealloc_stack %0 : $*T
// %0 must be of $*T type
Deallocates memory previously allocated by alloc_stack
. The allocated
value in memory must be uninitialized or destroyed prior to being
is a stack deallocation instruction. See the section on
Stack Discipline above. The operand must be an alloc_stack
sil-instruction ::= 'dealloc_pack' sil-operand
dealloc_pack %0 : $*Pack{Int, Float, repeat each T}
// %0 must be the result of `alloc_pack $Pack{Int, Float, repeat each T}`
Deallocates memory for a pack value previously allocated by
. If the pack elements are direct, they must be
uninitialized or destroyed prior to being deallocated.
is a stack deallocation instruction. See the section on
Stack Discipline above. The operand must be an alloc_pack
sil-instruction ::= 'dealloc_pack_metadata' sil-operand
dealloc_pack_metadata $0 : $*()
Inserted as the last SIL lowering pass of IRGen, indicates that the on-stack pack metadata emitted on behalf of its operand (actually on behalf of the instruction after its operand) must be cleaned up here.
is a stack deallocation instruction. See the
section on Stack Discipline above. The operand must be an
Only valid in Lowered SIL.
sil-instruction ::= 'dealloc_box' '[dead_end]'? sil-operand
dealloc_box %0 : $@box T
Deallocates a box, bypassing the reference counting mechanism. The box
variable must have a retain count of one. The boxed type must match the
type passed to the corresponding alloc_box
exactly, or else undefined
behavior results.
This does not destroy the boxed value. The contents of the value must
have been fully uninitialized or destroyed before dealloc_box
The optional dead_end
attribute specifies that this instruction was
created during lifetime completion and is eligible for deletion during
OSSA lowering.
sil-instruction ::= 'project_box' sil-operand
%1 = project_box %0 : $@box T
// %1 has type $*T
Given a @box T
reference, produces the address of the value inside the
sil-instruction ::= 'dealloc_stack_ref' sil-operand
dealloc_stack_ref %0 : $T
// $T must be a class type
// %0 must be an 'alloc_ref [stack]' instruction
Marks the deallocation of the stack space for an alloc_ref [stack]
sil-instruction ::= 'dealloc_ref' sil-operand
dealloc_ref %0 : $T
// $T must be a class type
Deallocates an uninitialized class type instance, bypassing the reference counting mechanism.
The type of the operand must match the allocated type exactly, or else undefined behavior results.
The instance must have a retain count of one.
This does not destroy stored properties of the instance. The contents of
stored properties must be fully uninitialized at the time dealloc_ref
is applied.
The stack
attribute indicates that the instruction is the balanced
deallocation of its operand which must be a alloc_ref [stack]
. In this
case the instruction marks the end of the object's lifetime but has no
other effect.
sil-instruction ::= 'dealloc_partial_ref' sil-operand sil-metatype
dealloc_partial_ref %0 : $T, %1 : $U.Type
// $T must be a class type
// $T must be a subclass of U
Deallocates a partially-initialized class type instance, bypassing the reference counting mechanism.
The type of the operand must be a supertype of the allocated type, or else undefined behavior results.
The instance must have a retain count of one.
All stored properties in classes more derived than the given metatype value must be initialized, and all other stored properties must be uninitialized. The initialized stored properties are destroyed before deallocating the memory for the instance.
This does not destroy the reference type instance. The contents of the
heap object must have been fully uninitialized or destroyed before
is applied.
Debug information is generally associated with allocations (alloc_stack or alloc_box) by having a Decl node attached to the allocation with a SILLocation. For declarations that have no allocation we have explicit instructions for doing this. This is used by 'let' declarations, which bind a value to a name and for var decls who are promoted into registers. The decl they refer to is attached to the instruction with a SILLocation.
sil-instruction ::= debug_value sil-debug-value-option* sil-operand (',' debug-var-attr)* advanced-debug-var-attr* (',' 'expr' debug-info-expr)?
sil-debug-value-option ::= [poison]
sil-debug-value-option ::= [moveable_value_debuginfo]
sil-debug-value-option ::= [trace]
debug_value %1 : $Int
This indicates that the value of a declaration has changed value to the specified operand. The declaration in question is identified by either the SILLocation attached to the debug_value instruction or the SILLocation specified in the advanced debug variable attributes.
If the moveable_value_debuginfo
flag is set, then one knows that the
debug_value's operand is moved at some point of the program, so one can
not model the debug_value using constructs that assume that the value is
live for the entire function (e.x.: llvm.dbg.declare). NOTE: This is
implicitly set to true if the alloc_stack's type is noncopyable. This
is just done to make SIL less verbose.
debug-var-attr ::= 'var'
debug-var-attr ::= 'let'
debug-var-attr ::= 'name' string-literal
debug-var-attr ::= 'argno' integer-literal
There are a number of attributes that provide details about the source
variable that is being described, including the name of the variable.
For function and closure arguments argno
is the number of the function
argument starting with 1. A compiler-generated source variable will be
marked implicit
and optimizers are free to remove it even in -Onone.
If the '[poison]' flag is set, then all references within this debug
value will be overwritten with a sentinel at this point in the program.
This is used in debug builds when shortening non-trivial value lifetimes
to ensure the debugger cannot inspect invalid memory. debug_value
instructions with the poison flag are not generated until OSSA is
lowered. They are not expected to be serialized within the module, and
the pipeline is not expected to do any significant code motion after
advanced-debug-var-attr ::= '(' 'name' string-literal (',' sil-instruction-source-info)? ')'
advanced-debug-var-attr ::= 'type' sil-type
Advanced debug variable attributes represent source locations and the type of the source variable when it was originally declared. It is useful when we're indirectly associating the SSA value with the source variable (via SIL DIExpression, for example) in which case SSA value's type is different from that of source variable.
debug-info-expr ::= di-expr-operand (':' di-expr-operand)*
di-expr-operand ::= di-expr-operator (':' sil-operand)*
di-expr-operator ::= 'op_fragment'
di-expr-operator ::= 'op_tuple_fragment'
di-expr-operator ::= 'op_deref'
SIL debug info expression (SIL DIExpression) is a powerful method to connect SSA value with the source variable in an indirect fashion. Di-expression in SIL uses a stack based execution model to evaluate the expression and apply on the associated (SIL) SSA value before connecting it with the debug variable. For instance, given the following SIL code:
debug_value %a : $*Int, name "x", expr op_deref
It means: "You can get the value of source variable 'x' by
dereferencing SSA value %a
". The op_deref
is a SIL DIExpression
operator that represents "dereference". If there are multiple SIL
DIExpression operators (or arguments), they are evaluated from left to
debug_value %b : $**Int, name "y", expr op_deref:op_deref
In the snippet above, two op_deref
operators will be applied on SSA
value %b
Note that normally when the SSA value has an address type, there will be
a op_deref
in the SIL DIExpression. Because there is no pointer in
Swift so you always need to dereference an address-type SSA value to get
the value of a source variable. However, if the SSA value is a
, the debug_value
is used to indicate the declaration
of a source variable. Or, you can say, used to specify the location
(memory address) of the source variable. Therefore, we don't need to
add a op_deref
in this case:
%a = alloc_stack $Int, ...
debug_value %a : $*Int, name "my_var"
The op_fragment
operator is used to specify the SSA value of a
specific field in an aggregate-type source variable. This SIL
DIExpression operator takes a field declaration - which references the
desired sub-field in source variable - as its argument. Here is an
struct MyStruct {
var x: Int
var y: Int
debug_value %1 : $Int, var, (name "the_struct", loc "file.swift":8:7), type $MyStruct, expr op_fragment:#MyStruct.y, loc "file.swift":9:4
In the snippet above, source variable "the_struct" has an aggregate
type $MyStruct
and we use a SIL DIExpression with op_fragment
operator to associate %1
to the y
member variable (via the
directive) inside "the_struct". Note that the extra
source location directive follows right after name "the_struct"
indicate that "the_struct" was originally declared in line 8, but not
until line 9 - the current debug_value
instruction's source
location - does member y
got updated with SSA value %1
For tuples, it works similarly, except we use op_tuple_fragment
, which
takes two arguments: the tuple type and the index. If our struct was
instead a tuple, we would have:
debug_value %1 : $Int, var, (name "the_tuple", loc "file.swift":8:7), type $(x: Int, y: Int), expr op_tuple_fragment:$(x: Int, y: Int):1, loc "file.swift":9:4
It is worth noting that a SIL DIExpression is similar to
!DIExpression in
LLVM debug info metadata. While LLVM represents !DIExpression
are a
list of 64-bit integers, SIL DIExpression can have elements with various
types, like AST nodes or strings.
The [trace]
flag is available for compiler unit testing. It is not
produced during normal compilation. It is used combination with internal
logging and optimization controls to select specific values to trace or
to transform. For example, liveness analysis combines all "traced"
values into a single live range with multiple definitions. This exposes
corner cases that cannot be represented by passing valid SIL through the
sil-instruction ::= debug_step
This instruction is inserted by Onone optimizations as a replacement for deleted instructions to ensure that it's possible to set a breakpoint on its location.
It is code-generated to a NOP instruction.
sil-instruction ::= 'specify_test' string-literal
specify_test "parsing @trace[3] @function[other].block[2].instruction[1]"
Exists only for writing FileCheck tests. Specifies a list of test arguments which should be used in order to run a particular test "in the context" of the function containing the instruction.
Parsing of these test arguments is done via
The following types of test arguments are supported:
unsigned integer: 0...ULONG_MAX
<-- the current function@function[uint]
<-- function at indexuint
<-- function namedname
<-- the block containing the specify_test instruction@block[+uint]
<-- the blockuint
blocks after the containing block@block[-uint]
<-- the blockuint
blocks before the containing block \@block[uint]
<-- the block at indexuint
<-- the indicated block in the indicated function Example:@function[foo].block[2]
<-- the firstdebug_value [trace]
in the current function@trace[uint]
<-- thedebug_value [trace]
at indexuint
<-- the first result of the instruction@{instruction}.result[uint]
<-- the result at indexuint
produced by the instruction@{function}.{trace}
<-- the indicated trace in the indicated function Example:@function[bar].trace
<-- the first argument of the current block@argument[uint]
<-- the argument at indexuint
of the current block@{block}.{argument}
<-- the indicated argument in the indicated block@{function}.{argument}
<-- the indicated argument in the entry block of the indicated function
<-- the instruction after* the specify_test instruction@instruction[+uint]
<-- the instructionuint
instructions after thespecify_test
<-- the instructionuint
instructions before thespecify_test
<-- the instruction at indexuint
<-- the indicated instruction in the indicated function Example:@function[baz].instruction[19]
<-- the indicated instruction in the indicated block Example:@function[bam].block.instruction
<-- the first operand@operand[uint]
<-- the operand at indexuint
<-- the indicated operand of the indicated instruction Examples:@block[19].instruction[2].operand[3]
Not counting instructions that are deleted when processing functions for tests. The following instructions currently are deleted:
debug_value [trace]
sil-instruction ::= 'increment_profiler_counter' int-literal ',' string-literal ',' 'num_counters' int-literal ',' 'hash' int-literal
increment_profiler_counter 1, "$foo", num_counters 3, hash 0
Increments a given profiler counter for a given PGO function name. This
is lowered to the llvm.instrprof.increment
LLVM intrinsic. This
instruction is emitted when profiling is enabled, and enables features
such as code coverage and profile-guided optimization.
sil-instruction ::= 'load' load-ownership-kind? sil-operand
load-ownership-kind ::= 'trivial'
load-ownership-kind ::= 'copy'
load-ownership-kind ::= 'take'
%1 = load %0 : $*T
// %0 must be of a $*T address type for loadable type $T
// %1 will be of type $T
Loads the value at address %0
from memory. T
must be a loadable
type. This does not affect the reference count, if any, of the loaded
value; the value must be retained explicitly if necessary. It is
undefined behavior to load from uninitialized memory or to load from an
address that points to deallocated storage.
In OSSA the ownership kind specifies how to handle ownership:
- trivial: the loaded value is trivial and no further action must be taken than to load the raw bits of the value
- copy: the loaded value is copied and the original value stays in the memory location.
- take: the value is moved from the memory location without copying.
After the
, the memory location remains uninitialized.
sil-instruction ::= 'store' sil-value 'to' store-ownership-kind? sil-operand
store-ownership-kind ::= '[trivial]'
store-ownership-kind ::= '[init]'
store-ownership-kind ::= '[assign]'
store %0 to [init] %1 : $*T
// $T must be a loadable type
Stores the value %0
to memory at address %1
. The type of %1 is *T
and the type of %0
is T
, which must be a loadable type. This will
overwrite the memory at %1
In OSSA the ownership kind specifies how to handle ownership:
- trivial: the stored value is trivial and no further action must be taken than to store the raw bits of the value
- init: the memory is assumed to be not initialized. The (non-trivial) value is consumed by the instruction an stored to memory.
- assign: the memory is assumed to be initialized. Before storing the new value, the existing memory value is destroyed. The new (non-trivial) value is consumed by the instruction an stored to memory.
sil-instruction ::= 'load_borrow' sil-value
%1 = load_borrow %0 : $*T
// $T must be a loadable type
Loads the value %1
from the memory location %0
. The
load_borrow instruction creates a borrowed scope in
which a read-only borrow value %1
can be used to read the value stored
in %0
. The end of scope is delimited by an end_borrow
instruction. All load_borrow instructions must be paired
with exactly one end_borrow instruction along any path
through the program. Until end_borrow, it is illegal to
invalidate or store to %0
sil-instruction ::= 'store_borrow' sil-value 'to' sil-operand
%2 = store_borrow %0 to %1 : $*T
// $T must be a loadable type
// %1 must be an alloc_stack $T
// %2 is the return address
Stores the value %0
to a stack location %1
, which must be an
alloc_stack $T
. The stack location must not be modified by other
instructions than store_borrow
. All uses of the store_borrow
destination `%1
should be via the store_borrow return address %2
except dealloc_stack. The stored value is alive until the end_borrow
During its lifetime, the stored value must not be modified or destroyed.
The source value %0
is borrowed (i.e. not copied) and its borrow scope
must outlive the lifetime of the stored value.
Notionally, the outer borrow scope ensures that there's something to be addressed. The inner borrow scope provides the address to work with.
sil-instruction ::= 'begin_borrow' '[lexical]'? sil-operand
%1 = begin_borrow %0 : $T
Given a value %0
with Owned or Guaranteed
ownership, produces a new same typed value with
Guaranteed ownership: %1
. %1
is guaranteed to have a
lifetime ending use (e.x.: end_borrow) along all paths
that do not end in Dead End Blocks. This
begin_borrow and the lifetime ending uses of %1
considered to be liveness requiring uses of %0
and as such in the
region in between this borrow and its lifetime ending use, %0
must be
live. This makes sense semantically since %1
is modeling a new value
with a dependent lifetime on %0
The optional lexical
attribute specifies that the operand corresponds
to a local variable with a lexical lifetime in the Swift source, so
special care must be taken when moving the end_borrow. Compare to the
attribute. See Variable Lifetimes.
The optional pointer_escape
attribute specifies that a pointer to the
operand escapes within the borrow scope introduced by this begin_borrow.
The optional var_decl
attribute specifies that the operand corresponds
to a local variable in the Swift source.
This instruction is only valid in functions in Ownership SSA form.
sil-instruction ::= 'end_borrow' sil-operand
// somewhere earlier
// %1 = begin_borrow %0
end_borrow %1 : $T
Ends the scope for which the Guaranteed ownership
possessing SILValue %1
is borrowed from the SILValue %0
. Must be
paired with at most 1 borrowing instruction (like
load_borrow, begin_borrow) along any
path through the program. In the region in between the borrow
instruction and the end_borrow, the original SILValue can
not be modified. This means that:
- If
is an address,%0
cannot be written to. - If
is a non-trivial value,%0
cannot be destroyed.
We require that %1
and %0
have the same type ignoring
This instruction is only valid in functions in Ownership SSA form.
sil-instruction ::= 'borrowed' sil-operand 'from' '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
bb1(%1 : @owned $T, %2 : @reborrow $T):
%3 = borrowed %2 : $T from (%1, %0)
// %0 is an enclosing value, defined in a block, which dominates bb1
// %3 has type $T and guaranteed ownership
Declares the set of enclosing values for a reborrow or forwarded guaranteed phi argument.
An enclosing value is either a dominating enclosing value (%0
) or an adjacent
phi-argument in the same block (%1
). In case of an adjacent phi, all
incoming values of the adjacent phi must be enclosing values for the
corresponding incoming value of the argument in all predecessor
The borrowed operand (%2
) must be a reborrow or forwarded guaranteed phi
argument and is forwarded to the instruction result.
The list of enclosing values (operands after from
) can be empty if the
borrowed operand stems from a borrow introducer with no enclosing value,
e.g. a load_borrow
Reborrow and forwarded guaranteed phi arguments must not have other users than borrowed-from instructions.
This instruction is only valid in functions in Ownership SSA form.
sil-instruction ::= 'end_lifetime' sil-operand
// Consumes %0 without destroying it
end_lifetime %0 : $T
// Consumes the memory location %1 without destroying it
end_lifetime %1 : $*T
This instruction signifies the end of it's operand's lifetime to the
ownership verifier. It is inserted by the compiler in instances where it
could be illegal to insert a destroy operation. Example: if the operand
had an undef
The instruction accepts an object or address type.
If its argument is an address type, it's an identity projection. This instruction is valid only in OSSA and is lowered to a no-op when lowering to non-OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'extend_lifetime' sil-operand
// Indicate that %0's linear lifetime extends to this point
extend_lifetime %0 : $X
Indicates that a value's linear lifetime extends to this point.
Inserted by OSSALifetimeCompletion(AvailabilityBoundary) in order to
provide the invariant that a value is either consumed OR has an
user on all paths and furthermore that all
uses are within the boundary defined by that set of instructions (the
consumes and the extend_lifetime
sil-instruction ::= 'assign' sil-value 'to' sil-operand
assign %0 to %1 : $*T
// $T must be a loadable type
Represents an abstract assignment of the value %0
to memory at address
without specifying whether it is an initialization or a normal
store. The type of %1 is *T
and the type of %0
is T
, which must be
a loadable type. This will overwrite the memory at %1
and destroy the
value currently held there.
The purpose of the assign instruction is to simplify the definitive initialization analysis on loadable variables by removing what would otherwise appear to be a load and use of the current value. It is produced by SILGen, which cannot know which assignments are meant to be initializations. If it is deemed to be an initialization, it can be replaced with a store; otherwise, it must be replaced with a sequence that also correctly destroys the current value.
This instruction is only valid in Raw SIL and is rewritten as appropriate by the definitive initialization pass.
sil-instruction ::= 'assign_by_wrapper' sil-operand 'to' mode? sil-operand ',' 'init' sil-operand ',' 'set' sil-operand
mode ::= '[init]' | '[assign]' | '[assign_wrapped_value]'
assign_by_wrapper %0 : $S to %1 : $*T, init %2 : $F, set %3 : $G
// $S can be a value or address type
// $T must be the type of a property wrapper.
// $F must be a function type, taking $S as a single argument (or multiple arguments in case of a tuple) and returning $T
// $G must be a function type, taking $S as a single argument (or multiple arguments in case of a tuple) and without a return value
Similar to the assign instruction, but the assignment is done via a delegate.
Initially the instruction is created with no mode. Once the mode is decided (by the definitive initialization pass), the instruction is lowered as follows:
If the mode is initialization
, the function %2
is called with %0
as argument. The result is stored to %1
. In case of an address type,
is simply passed as a first out-argument to %2
The assign
mode works similar to initialization
, except that the
destination is "assigned" rather than "initialized". This means that
the existing value in the destination is destroyed before the new value
is stored.
If the mode is assign_wrapped_value
, the function %3
is called with
as argument. As %3
is a setter (e.g. for the property in the
containing nominal type), the destination address %1
is not used in
this case.
This instruction is only valid in Raw SIL and is rewritten as appropriate by the definitive initialization pass.
sil-instruction ::= 'mark_uninitialized' '[' mu_kind ']' sil-operand
mu_kind ::= 'var'
mu_kind ::= 'rootself'
mu_kind ::= 'crossmodulerootself'
mu_kind ::= 'derivedself'
mu_kind ::= 'derivedselfonly'
mu_kind ::= 'delegatingself'
mu_kind ::= 'delegatingselfallocated'
%2 = mark_uninitialized [var] %1 : $*T
// $T must be an address
Indicates that a symbolic memory location is uninitialized, and must be explicitly initialized before it escapes or before the current function returns. This instruction returns its operands, and all accesses within the function must be performed against the return value of the mark_uninitialized instruction.
The kind of mark_uninitialized instruction specifies the type of data the mark_uninitialized instruction refers to:
: designates the start of a normal variable live range -
: designatesself
in a struct, enum, or root class -
: same asrootself
, but in a case where it's not really safe to treatself
as a root because the original module might add more stored properties. This is only used for Swift 4 compatibility. -
: designatesself
in a derived (non-root) class -
: designatesself
in a derived (non-root) class whose stored properties have already been initialized -
: designatesself
on a struct, enum, or class in a delegating constructor (one that calls self.init) -
: designatesself
on a class convenience initializer's initializing entry point -
: designates an indirectly returned result.
The purpose of the mark_uninitialized
instruction is to enable
definitive initialization analysis.
It is produced by SILGen, and is only valid in Raw SIL. It is rewritten as appropriate by the definitive initialization pass.
sil-instruction ::= 'mark_function_escape' sil-operand (',' sil-operand)
mark_function_escape %1 : $*T
Indicates that a function definition closes over a symbolic memory location. This instruction is variadic, and all of its operands must be addresses.
The purpose of the mark_function_escape
instruction is to enable
definitive initialization analysis for global variables and instance
variables, which are not represented as box allocations.
It is produced by SILGen, and is only valid in Raw SIL. It is rewritten as appropriate by the definitive initialization pass.
init-case ::= sil-value sil-apply-substitution-list? '(' sil-value ')' ':' sil-type
set-case ::= sil-value sil-apply-substitution-list? '(' sil-value ')' ':' sil-type
sil-instruction ::= 'mark_uninitialized_behavior' init-case set-case
mark_uninitialized_behavior %init<Subs>(%storage) : $T -> U,
%set<Subs>(%self) : $V -> W
Indicates that a logical property is uninitialized at this point and
needs to be initialized by the end of the function and before any escape
point for this instruction. Assignments to the property trigger the
behavior's init
or set
logic based on the logical initialization
state of the property.
It is expected that the init-case
is passed some sort of storage and
the set
case is passed self
This is only valid in Raw SIL.
sil-instruction ::= 'copy_addr' '[take]'? sil-value
'to' '[init]'? sil-operand
copy_addr [take] %0 to [init] %1 : $*T
// %0 and %1 must be of the same $*T address type
Loads the value at address %0
from memory and assigns a copy of it
back into memory at address %1
. A bare copy_addr
instruction when
is a non-trivial type:
copy_addr %0 to %1 : $*T
is equivalent to:
%new = load %0 : $*T // Load the new value from the source
%old = load %1 : $*T // Load the old value from the destination
strong_retain %new : $T // Retain the new value
strong_release %old : $T // Release the old
store %new to %1 : $*T // Store the new value to the destination
except that copy_addr
may be used even if %0
is of an address-only
type. The copy_addr
may be given one or both of the [take]
destroys the value at the source address in the course of the copy.[init]
indicates that the destination address is uninitialized. Without the attribute, the destination address is treated as already initialized, and the existing value will be destroyed before the new value is stored.
The three attributed forms thus behave like the following loadable type operations:
// take-assignment
copy_addr [take] %0 to %1 : $*T
// is equivalent to:
%new = load %0 : $*T
%old = load %1 : $*T
// no retain of %new!
strong_release %old : $T
store %new to %1 : $*T
// copy-initialization
copy_addr %0 to [init] %1 : $*T
// is equivalent to:
%new = load %0 : $*T
strong_retain %new : $T
// no load/release of %old!
store %new to %1 : $*T
// take-initialization
copy_addr [take] %0 to [init] %1 : $*T
// is equivalent to:
%new = load %0 : $*T
// no retain of %new!
// no load/release of %old!
store %new to %1 : $*T
If T
is a trivial type, then copy_addr
is always equivalent to its
take-initialization form.
It is illegal in non-Raw SIL to apply copy_addr [init]
to a value that
is move only.
sil-instruction ::= 'explicit_copy_addr' '[take]'? sil-value
'to' '[init]'? sil-operand
explicit_copy_addr [take] %0 to [init] %1 : $*T
// %0 and %1 must be of the same $*T address type
This instruction is exactly the same as copy_addr except
that it has special behavior for move only types. Specifically, an
is viewed as a copy_addr
is allowed on values that are move only. This is only used by a move
checker after it has emitted an error diagnostic to preserve the general
copy_addr [init]
ban in Canonical SIL on move only types.
sil-instruction ::= 'destroy_addr' sil-operand
destroy_addr %0 : $*T
// %0 must be of an address $*T type
Destroys the value in memory at address %0
. If T
is a non-trivial
type, This is equivalent to:
%1 = load %0
strong_release %1
except that destroy_addr
may be used even if %0
is of an
address-only type. This does not deallocate memory; it only destroys the
pointed-to value, leaving the memory uninitialized.
If T
is a trivial type, then destroy_addr
can be safely eliminated.
However, a memory location %a
must not be accessed after
destroy_addr %a
(which has not yet been eliminated) regardless of its
sil-instruction ::= 'tuple_addr_constructor' sil-tuple-addr-constructor-init sil-operand 'with' sil-tuple-addr-constructor-elements
sil-tuple-addr-constructor-init ::= init|assign
sil-tuple-addr-constructor-elements ::= '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
// %destAddr has the type $*(Type1, Type2, Type3). Note how we convert all of the types
// to their address form.
%1 = tuple_addr_constructor [init] %destAddr : $*(Type1, Type2, Type3) with (%a : $Type1, %b : $*Type2, %c : $Type3)
Creates a new tuple in memory from an exploded list of object and address values. The SSA values form the leaf elements of the exploded tuple. So for a simple tuple that only has top level tuple elements, then the instruction lowers as follows:
%1 = tuple_addr_constructor [init] %destAddr : $*(Type1, Type2, Type3) with (%a : $Type1, %b : $*Type2, %c : $Type3)
%0 = tuple_element_addr %destAddr : $*(Type1, Type2, Type3), 0
store %a to [init] %0 : $*Type1
%1 = tuple_element_addr %destAddr : $*(Type1, Type2, Type3), 1
copy_addr %b to [init] %1 : $*Type2
%2 = tuple_element_addr %destAddr : $*(Type1, Type2, Type3), 2
store %2 to [init] %2 : $*Type3
A tuple_addr_constructor
is lowered similarly with each
being changed to their dest assign form.
In contrast, if we have a more complicated form of tuple with sub-tuples, then we read one element from the list as we process the tuple recursively from left to right. So for instance we would lower as follows a more complicated tuple:
%1 = tuple_addr_constructor [init] %destAddr : $*((), (Type1, ((), Type2)), Type3) with (%a : $Type1, %b : $*Type2, %c : $Type3)
%0 = tuple_element_addr %destAddr : $*((), (Type1, ((), Type2)), Type3), 1
%1 = tuple_element_addr %0 : $*(Type1, ((), Type2)), 0
store %a to [init] %1 : $*Type1
%2 = tuple_element_addr %0 : $*(Type1, ((), Type2)), 1
%3 = tuple_element_addr %2 : $*((), Type2), 1
copy_addr %b to [init] %3 : $*Type2
%4 = tuple_element_addr %destAddr : $*((), (Type1, ((), Type2)), Type3), 2
store %c to [init] %4 : $*Type3
This instruction exists to enable for SILGen to init and assign RValues into tuples with a single instruction. Since an RValue is a potentially exploded tuple, we are forced to use our representation here. If SILGen instead just uses separate address projections and stores when it sees such an aggregate, diagnostic SIL passes can not tell the difference semantically in between initializing a tuple in parts or at once:
var arg = (Type1(), Type2())
// This looks the same at the SIL level...
arg = (a, b)
// to assigning in pieces even though we have formed a new tuple.
arg.0 = a
arg.1 = a
sil-instruction ::= 'index_addr' ('[' 'stack_protection' ']')? sil-operand ',' sil-operand
%2 = index_addr %0 : $*T, %1 : $Builtin.Int<n>
// %0 must be of an address type $*T
// %1 must be of a builtin integer type
// %2 will be of type $*T
Given an address that references into an array of values, returns the
address of the %1
-th element relative to %0
. The address must
reference into a contiguous array. It is undefined to try to reference
offsets within a non-array value, such as fields within a homogeneous
struct or tuple type, or bytes within a value, using index_addr
address types have no special behavior in this regard, unlike
or void*
in C.) It is also undefined behavior to index out of
bounds of an array, except to index the "past-the-end" address of the
The stack_protection
flag indicates that stack protection is done for
the pointer origin.
sil-instruction ::= 'tail_addr' sil-operand ',' sil-operand ',' sil-type
%2 = tail_addr %0 : $*T, %1 : $Builtin.Int<n>, $E
// %0 must be of an address type $*T
// %1 must be of a builtin integer type
// %2 will be of type $*E
Given an address of an array of %1
values, returns the address of an
element which is tail-allocated after the array. This instruction is
equivalent to index_addr
except that the resulting address is
aligned-up to the tail-element type $E
This instruction is used to project the N-th tail-allocated array from
an object which is created by an alloc_ref
with multiple tail_elems
The first operand is the address of an element of the (N-1)-th array,
usually the first element. The second operand is the number of elements
until the end of that array. The result is the address of the first
element of the N-th array.
It is undefined behavior if the provided address, count and type do not match the actual layout of tail-allocated arrays of the underlying object.
sil-instruction ::= 'index_raw_pointer' sil-operand ',' sil-operand
%2 = index_raw_pointer %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Int<n>
// %0 must be of $Builtin.RawPointer type
// %1 must be of a builtin integer type
// %2 will be of type $Builtin.RawPointer
Given a Builtin.RawPointer
value %0
, returns a pointer value at the
byte offset %1
relative to %0
sil-instruction ::= 'bind_memory' sil-operand ',' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%token = bind_memory %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word to $T
// %0 must be of $Builtin.RawPointer type
// %1 must be of $Builtin.Word type
// %token is an opaque $Builtin.Word representing the previously bound types
// for this memory region.
Binds memory at Builtin.RawPointer
value %0
to type $T
with enough
capacity to hold %1
values. See SE-0107: UnsafeRawPointer.
Produces a opaque token representing the previous memory state for
memory binding semantics. This abstract state includes the type that the
memory was previously bound to along with the size of the affected
memory region, which can be derived from %1
. The token cannot, for
example, be used to retrieve a metatype. It only serves a purpose when
used by rebind_memory
, which has no static type information. The token
dynamically passes type information from the first bind_memory into a
chain of rebind_memory operations.
%_ = bind_memory %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %numT : $Builtin.Word to $T // holds type 'T'
%token0 = bind_memory %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %numU : $Builtin.Word to $U // holds type 'U'
%token1 = rebind_memory %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %token0 : $Builtin.Word // holds type 'T'
%token2 = rebind_memory %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %token1 : $Builtin.Word // holds type 'U'
sil-instruction ::= 'rebind_memory' sil-operand ' 'to' sil-value
%out_token = rebind_memory %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer to %in_token
// %0 must be of $Builtin.RawPointer type
// %in_token represents a cached set of bound types from a prior memory state.
// %out_token is an opaque $Builtin.Word representing the previously bound
// types for this memory region.
This instruction's semantics are identical to bind_memory
, except
that the types to which memory will be bound, and the extent of the
memory region is unknown at compile time. Instead, the bound-types are
represented by a token that was produced by a prior memory binding
operation. %in_token
must be the result of bind_memory
sil-instruction ::= 'begin_access' '[' sil-access ']' '[' sil-enforcement ']' '[no_nested_conflict]'? '[builtin]'? sil-operand ':' sil-type
sil-access ::= init
sil-access ::= read
sil-access ::= modify
sil-access ::= deinit
sil-enforcement ::= unknown
sil-enforcement ::= static
sil-enforcement ::= dynamic
sil-enforcement ::= unsafe
sil-enforcement ::= signed
%1 = begin_access [read] [unknown] %0 : $*T
// %0 must be of $*T type.
Begins an access to the target memory.
The operand must be a root address derivation:
- a function argument,
- an
instruction, - a
instruction, - a
instruction, - a
instruction, or - another
It will eventually become a basic structural rule of SIL that no memory
access instructions can be directly applied to the result of one of
these instructions; they can only be applied to the result of a
on them. For now, this rule will be conditional based on
compiler settings and the SIL stage.
An access is ended with a corresponding end_access
. Accesses must be
uniquely ended on every control flow path which leads to either a
function exit or back to the begin_access
instruction. The set of
active accesses must be the same on every edge into a basic block.
An init
access takes uninitialized memory and initializes it. It must
always use static
An deinit
access takes initialized memory and leaves it uninitialized.
It must always use static
and modify
accesses take initialized memory and leave it
initialized. They may use unknown
enforcement only in the raw
A no_nested_conflict
access has no potentially conflicting access
within its scope (on any control flow path between it and its
corresponding end_access
). Consequently, the access will not need to
be tracked by the runtime for the duration of its scope. This access may
still conflict with an outer access scope; therefore may still require
dynamic enforcement at a single point.
A signed
access is for pointers that are signed in architectures that
support pointer signing.
A builtin
access was emitted for a user-controlled Builtin (e.g. the
standard library's KeyPath access). Non-builtin accesses are
auto-generated by the compiler to enforce formal access that derives
from the language. A builtin
access is always fully enforced
regardless of the compilation mode because it may be used to enforce
access outside of the current module.
sil-instruction ::= 'end_access' ( '[' 'abort' ']' )? sil-operand
Ends an access. The operand must be a begin_access
If the begin_access
is init
or deinit
, the end_access
may be an
, indicating that the described transition did not in fact take
sil-instruction ::= 'begin_unpaired_access' '[' sil-access ']' '[' sil-enforcement ']' '[no_nested_conflict]'? '[builtin]'? sil-operand : sil-type, sil-operand : $*Builtin.UnsafeValueBuffer
sil-access ::= init
sil-access ::= read
sil-access ::= modify
sil-access ::= deinit
sil-enforcement ::= unknown
sil-enforcement ::= static
sil-enforcement ::= dynamic
sil-enforcement ::= unsafe
%2 = begin_unpaired_access [read] [dynamic] %0 : $*T, %1 : $*Builtin.UnsafeValueBuffer
// %0 must be of $*T type.
Begins an access to the target memory. This has the same semantics and
obeys all the same constraints as begin_access
. With the following
has an additional operand for the scratch buffer used to uniquely identify this access within its scope.- An access initiated by
must end withend_unpaired_access
unless it has theno_nested_conflict
flag. Abegin_unpaired_access
is effectively an instantaneous access with no associated scope. - The associated
must use the same scratch buffer.
sil-instruction ::= 'end_unpaired_access' ( '[' 'abort' ']' )? '[' sil-enforcement ']' sil-operand : $*Builtin.UnsafeValueBuffer
sil-enforcement ::= unknown
sil-enforcement ::= static
sil-enforcement ::= dynamic
sil-enforcement ::= unsafe
end_unpaired_access [dynamic] %0 : $*Builtin.UnsafeValueBuffer
Ends an access. This has the same semantics and constraints as
with the following exceptions:
- The single operand refers to the scratch buffer that uniquely identified the access with this scope.
- The enforcement level is reiterated, since the corresponding
may not be statically discoverable. It must be identical to thebegin_unpaired_access
These instructions handle reference counting of heap objects. The retain and release family of instructions are only available in non-OSSA. They are lowered from OSSA's _copy and destroy operations.
After lowering OSSA, retain and release operations, are never implicit in SIL and always must be explicitly performed where needed. Retains and releases on the value may be freely moved, and balancing retains and releases may be deleted, so long as an owning retain count is maintained for the uses of the value.
All reference-counting operations are defined to work correctly on null references (whether strong, unowned, or weak). A non-null reference must actually refer to a valid object of the indicated type (or a subtype). Address operands are required to be valid and non-null.
sil-instruction ::= 'strong_retain' sil-operand
strong_retain %0 : $T
// $T must be a reference type
Increases the strong retain count of the heap object referenced by %0
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
strong_release %0 : $T
// $T must be a reference type.
Decrements the strong reference count of the heap object referenced by
. If the release operation brings the strong reference count of the
object to zero, the object is destroyed and @weak
references are
cleared. When both its strong and unowned reference counts reach zero,
the object's memory is deallocated.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
%2 = begin_dealloc_ref %0 : $T of %1 : $V
// $T and $V must be reference types where $T is or is derived from $V
// %1 must be an alloc_ref or alloc_ref_dynamic instruction
Explicitly sets the state of the object referenced by %0
deallocated. This is the same operation what's done by a strong_release
immediately before it calls the deallocator of the object.
It is expected that the strong reference count of the object is one. Furthermore, no other thread may increment the strong reference count during execution of this instruction.
Marks the beginning of a de-virtualized destructor of a class. Returns
the reference operand. Technically, the returned reference is the same
as the operand. But it's important that optimizations see the result as
a different SSA value than the operand. This is important to ensure the
correctness of ref_element_addr [immutable]
for let-fields, because in
the destructor of a class its let-fields are not immutable anymore.
The first operand %0
must be physically the same reference as the
second operand %1
. The second operand has no ownership or code
generation implications and it's purpose is purly to enforce that the
object allocation is present in the same function and trivially visible
from the begin_dealloc_ref
%1 = end_init_let_ref %0 : $T
// $T must be a reference type.
Marks the point where all let-fields of a class are initialized.
Returns the reference operand. Technically, the returned reference is
the same as the operand. But it's important that optimizations see the
result as a different SSA value than the operand. This is important to
ensure the correctness of ref_element_addr [immutable]
for let-fields,
because in the initializer of a class, its let-fields are not immutable,
sil-instruction ::= 'strong_copy_unowned_value' sil-operand
%1 = strong_copy_unowned_value %0 : $@unowned T
// %1 will be a strong @owned value of type $T.
// $T must be a reference type
Asserts that the strong reference count of the heap object referenced by
is still positive, then increments the reference count and returns
a new strong reference to %0
. The intention is that this instruction
is used as a "safe ownership conversion" from unowned
to strong
sil-instruction ::= 'strong_retain_unowned' sil-operand
strong_retain_unowned %0 : $@unowned T
// $T must be a reference type
Asserts that the strong reference count of the heap object referenced by
is still positive, then increases it by one.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'unowned_retain' sil-operand
unowned_retain %0 : $@unowned T
// $T must be a reference type
Increments the unowned reference count of the heap object underlying
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'unowned_release' sil-operand
unowned_release %0 : $@unowned T
// $T must be a reference type
Decrements the unowned reference count of the heap object referenced by
. When both its strong and unowned reference counts reach zero, the
object's memory is deallocated.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'load_weak' '[take]'? sil-operand
load_weak [take] %0 : $*@sil_weak Optional<T>
// $T must be an optional wrapping a reference type
Increments the strong reference count of the heap object held in the
operand, which must be an initialized weak reference. The result is
value of type $Optional<T>
, except that it is null
if the heap
object has begun deallocation.
If [take]
is specified then the underlying weak reference is
invalidated implying that the weak reference count of the loaded value
is decremented. If [take]
is not specified then the underlying weak
reference count is not affected by this operation (i.e. it is a +0 weak
ref count operation). In either case, the strong reference count will be
incremented before any changes to the weak reference count.
This operation must be atomic with respect to the final strong_release
on the operand heap object. It need not be atomic with respect to
or load_weak
operations on the same address.
sil-instruction ::= 'strong_copy_weak_value' sil-operand
%1 = strong_copy_weak_value %0 : $@sil_weak Optional<T>
// %1 will be a strong @owned value of type $Optional<T>.
// $T must be a reference type
// $@sil_weak Optional<T> must be address-only
Only valid in opaque values mode. Lowered by AddressLowering to load_weak.
If the heap object referenced by %0
has not begun deallocation,
increments its strong reference count and produces the value
holding the object. Otherwise, produces the value
This operation must be atomic with respect to the final strong_release
on the operand heap object. It need not be atomic with respect to
or load_weak
operations on the same address.
sil-instruction ::= 'store_weak' sil-value 'to' '[init]'? sil-operand
store_weak %0 to [init] %1 : $*@sil_weak Optional<T>
// $T must be an optional wrapping a reference type
Initializes or reassigns a weak reference. The operand may be nil
If [init]
is given, the weak reference must currently either be
uninitialized or destroyed. If it is not given, the weak reference must
currently be initialized. After the evaluation:
- The value that was originally referenced by the weak reference will have its weak reference count decremented by 1.
- If the optionally typed operand is non-nil, the strong reference wrapped in the optional has its weak reference count incremented by 1. In contrast, the reference's strong reference count is not touched.
This operation must be atomic with respect to the final strong_release
on the operand (source) heap object. It need not be atomic with respect
to store_weak
operations on the same address.
sil-instruction ::= 'weak_copy_value' sil-operand
%1 = weak_copy_value %0 : $Optional<T>
// %1 will be an @owned value of type $@sil_weak Optional<T>.
// $T must be a reference type
// $@sil_weak Optional<T> must be address-only
Only valid in opaque values mode. Lowered by AddressLowering to store_weak.
If %0
is non-nil, produces the value @sil_weak Optional.some
the object and increments the weak reference count by 1. Otherwise,
produces the value Optional.none
wrapped in a @sil_weak
This operation must be atomic with respect to the final strong_release
on the operand (source) heap object. It need not be atomic with respect
to store_weak
operations on the same address.
sil-instruction ::= 'load_unowned' '[take]'? sil-operand
%1 = load_unowned [take] %0 : $*@sil_unowned T
// T must be a reference type
Increments the strong reference count of the object stored at %0
Decrements the unowned reference count of the object stored at %0
is specified. Additionally, the storage is invalidated.
Requires that the strong reference count of the heap object stored at
is positive. Otherwise, traps.
This operation must be atomic with respect to the final strong_release
on the operand (source) heap object. It need not be atomic with respect
to store_unowned
operations on the same
sil-instruction ::= 'store_unowned' sil-value 'to' '[init]'? sil-operand
store_unowned %0 to [init] %1 : $*@sil_unowned T
// T must be a reference type
Increments the unowned reference count of the object at %0
Decrements the unowned reference count of the object previously stored
at %1
if [init]
is not specified.
The storage must be initialized iff [init]
is not specified.
This operation must be atomic with respect to the final strong_release
on the operand (source) heap object. It need not be atomic with respect
to store_unowned
operations on the same
sil-instruction ::= 'unowned_copy_value' sil-operand
%1 = unowned_copy_value %0 : $T
// %1 will be an @owned value of type $@sil_unowned T.
// $T must be a reference type
// $@sil_unowned T must be address-only
Only valid in opaque values mode. Lowered by AddressLowering to store_unowned.
Increments the unowned reference count of the object at %0
Wraps the operand in an instance of @sil_unowned
This operation must be atomic with respect to the final strong_release
on the operand (source) heap object. It need not be atomic with respect
to store_unowned
operations on the same
sil-instruction :: 'fix_lifetime' sil-operand
fix_lifetime %0 : $T
// Fix the lifetime of a value %0
fix_lifetime %1 : $*T
// Fix the lifetime of the memory object referenced by %1
Acts as a use of a value operand, or of the value in memory referenced
by an address operand. Optimizations may not move operations that would
destroy the value, such as release_value
, strong_release
copy_addr [take]
, or destroy_addr
, past this instruction.
sil-instruction :: 'mark_dependence' '[nonescaping]'? sil-operand 'on' sil-operand
%2 = mark_dependence %value : $*T on %base : $Builtin.NativeObject
must not be identical to %value
Indicates that the validity of %value
depends on the value of %base
Operations that would destroy %base
must not be moved before any
instructions which depend on the result of this instruction, exactly as
if the address had been directly derived from that operand (e.g. using
The result is the forwarded value of %value
. %value
may be an
address, but it could be an address in a non-obvious form, such as a
Builtin.RawPointer or a struct containing the same.
may have either object or address type. In the latter case, the
dependency is on the current value stored in the address.
The optional nonescaping
attribute indicates that no value derived
from %value
escapes the lifetime of %base
. As with escaping
, all values transitively forwarded from %value
must be destroyed within the lifetime of base
. Unlike escaping
, this must be statically verifiable. Additionally,
unlike escaping mark_dependence
, nonescaping mark_dependence
produce a value of non-Escapable
type. A non-Escapable
extends the lifetime of %base
into copies of
and values transitively forwarded from those copies. If the
forwards an address, then it extends the lifetime
through loads from that address. Unlike escaping mark_dependence
, no
value derived from %value
may have a bitwise escape (conversion to
UnsafePointer) or pointer escape (unknown use).
sil-instruction ::= 'is_unique' sil-operand
%1 = is_unique %0 : $*T
// $T must be a reference-counted type
// %1 will be of type Builtin.Int1
Checks whether %0 is the address of a unique reference to a memory object. Returns 1 if the strong reference count is 1, and 0 if the strong reference count is greater than 1.
A discussion of the semantics can be found in the ARC Optimization document.
sil-instruction ::= 'begin_cow_mutation' '[native]'? sil-operand
(%1, %2) = begin_cow_mutation %0 : $C
// $C must be a reference-counted type
// %1 will be of type Builtin.Int1
// %2 will be of type C
Checks whether %0
is a unique reference to a memory object. Returns 1 in
the first result if the strong reference count is 1, and 0 if the strong
reference count is greater than 1.
Returns the reference operand in the second result. The returned
reference can be used to mutate the object. Technically, the returned
reference is the same as the operand. But it's important that
optimizations see the result as a different SSA value than the operand.
This is important to ensure the correctness of
ref_element_addr [immutable]
The operand is consumed and the second result is returned as owned.
The optional native
attribute specifies that the operand has native
Swift reference counting.
For details see Copy-on-Write Representation.
sil-instruction ::= 'end_cow_mutation' '[keep_unique]'? sil-operand
%1 = end_cow_mutation %0 : $C
// $C must be a reference-counted type
// %1 will be of type C
Marks the end of the mutation of a reference counted object. Returns the
reference operand. Technically, the returned reference is the same as
the operand. But it's important that optimizations see the result as a
different SSA value than the operand. This is important to ensure the
correctness of ref_element_addr [immutable]
The operand is consumed and the result is returned as owned. The result is guaranteed to be uniquely referenced.
The optional keep_unique
attribute indicates that the optimizer must
not replace this reference with a not uniquely reference object.
For details see Copy-on-Write Representation.
sil-instruction ::= 'destroy_not_escaped_closure' sil-operand
%1 = destroy_not_escaped_closure %0 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
// %0 must be an escaping swift closure.
// %1 will be of type Builtin.Int1
Checks if the closure context escaped and then destroys the context. The escape-check is done by checking if its reference count is exactly 1. Returns true if it is.
sil-instruction :: 'copy_block' sil-operand
%1 = copy_block %0 : $@convention(block) T -> U
Performs a copy of an Objective-C block. Unlike retains of other reference-counted types, this can produce a different value from the operand if the block is copied from the stack to the heap.
sil-instruction :: 'copy_block_without_escaping' sil-operand 'withoutEscaping' sil-operand
%1 = copy_block %0 : $@convention(block) T -> U withoutEscaping %1 : $T -> U
Performs a copy of an Objective-C block. Unlike retains of other reference-counted types, this can produce a different value from the operand if the block is copied from the stack to the heap.
Additionally, consumes the withoutEscaping
operand %1
which is the
closure sentinel. SILGen emits these instructions when it passes
@noescape swift closures to Objective C. A mandatory SIL pass will
lower this instruction into a copy_block
and a
at the end of the lifetime of
the objective c closure parameter to check whether the sentinel closure
was escaped.
These instructions bind SIL values to literal constants or to global entities.
sil-instruction ::= 'function_ref' sil-function-name ':' sil-type
%1 = function_ref @function : $@convention(thin) T -> U
// $@convention(thin) T -> U must be a thin function type
// %1 has type $T -> U
Creates a reference to a SIL function.
sil-instruction ::= 'dynamic_function_ref' sil-function-name ':' sil-type
%1 = dynamic_function_ref @function : $@convention(thin) T -> U
// $@convention(thin) T -> U must be a thin function type
// %1 has type $T -> U
Creates a reference to a dynamically_replacable
function. A dynamically_replacable
SIL function can be
replaced at runtime.
For the following Swift code:
dynamic func test_dynamically_replaceable() {}
func test_dynamic_call() {
We will generate:
sil [dynamically_replacable] @test_dynamically_replaceable : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = tuple ()
return %0 : $()
sil @test_dynamic_call : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = dynamic_function_ref @test_dynamically_replaceable : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%1 = apply %0() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
sil-instruction ::= 'prev_dynamic_function_ref' sil-function-name ':' sil-type
%1 = prev_dynamic_function_ref @function : $@convention(thin) T -> U
// $@convention(thin) T -> U must be a thin function type
// %1 has type $T -> U
Creates a reference to a previous implementation of a
SIL function.
For the following Swift code:
@_dynamicReplacement(for: test_dynamically_replaceable())
func test_replacement() {
test_dynamically_replaceable() // calls previous implementation
We will generate:
sil [dynamic_replacement_for "test_dynamically_replaceable"] @test_replacement : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = prev_dynamic_function_ref @test_replacement : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%1 = apply %0() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
sil-instruction ::= 'global_addr' sil-global-name ':' sil-type ('depends_on' sil-operand)?
%1 = global_addr @foo : $*Builtin.Word
%3 = global_addr @globalvar : $*Builtin.Word depends_on %2
// %2 has type $Builtin.SILToken
Creates a reference to the address of a global variable which has been
previously initialized by alloc_global
. It is undefined behavior to
perform this operation on a global variable which has not been
initialized, except the global variable has a static initializer.
Optionally, the dependency to the initialization of the global can be
specified with a dependency token depends_on <token>
. This is usually
a builtin "once"
which calls the initializer for the global variable.
sil-instruction ::= 'global_value' ('[' 'bare' ']')? sil-global-name ':' sil-type
%1 = global_value @v : $T
Returns the value of a global variable which has been previously
initialized by alloc_global
. It is undefined behavior to perform this
operation on a global variable which has not been initialized, except
the global variable has a static initializer.
The bare
attribute indicates that the object header is not used
throughout the lifetime of the value. This means, no reference counting
operations are performed on the object and its metadata is not used. The
header of bare objects doesn't need to be initialized.
sil-instruction ::= 'integer_literal' sil-type ',' int-literal
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int<n>, 123
// $Builtin.Int<n> must be a builtin integer type
// %1 has type $Builtin.Int<n>
Creates an integer literal value. The result will be of type
, which must be a builtin integer type. The literal
value is specified using Swift's integer literal syntax.
sil-instruction ::= 'float_literal' sil-type ',' int-literal
%1 = float_literal $Builtin.FP<n>, 0x3F800000
// $Builtin.FP<n> must be a builtin floating-point type
// %1 has type $Builtin.FP<n>
Creates a floating-point literal value. The result will be of type
, which must be a builtin floating-point type. The
literal value is specified as the bitwise representation of the floating
point value, using Swift's hexadecimal integer literal syntax.
sil-instruction ::= 'string_literal' encoding string-literal
encoding ::= 'utf8'
encoding ::= 'utf16'
encoding ::= 'objc_selector'
%1 = string_literal "asdf"
// %1 has type $Builtin.RawPointer
Creates a reference to a string in the global string table. The result
is a pointer to the data. The referenced string is always
null-terminated. The string literal value is specified using Swift's
string literal syntax (though ()
interpolations are not allowed).
When the encoding is objc_selector
, the string literal produces a
reference to a UTF-8-encoded Objective-C selector in the Objective-C
method name segment.
sil-instruction ::= 'base_addr_for_offset' sil-type
%1 = base_addr_for_offset $*S
// %1 has type $*S
Creates a base address for offset calculations. The result can be used
by address projections, like struct_element_addr
, which themselves
return the offset of the projected fields. IR generation simply creates
a null pointer for base_addr_for_offset
These instructions perform dynamic lookup of class and generic methods.
The class_method
and super_method
instructions must reference Swift
native methods and always use vtable dispatch.
The objc_method
and objc_super_method
instructions must reference
Objective-C methods (indicated by the foreign
marker on a method
reference, as in #NSObject.description!foreign
Note that objc_msgSend
invocations can only be used as the callee of
an apply
instruction or partial_apply
instruction. They cannot be
stored or used as apply
or partial_apply
sil-instruction ::= 'class_method' sil-method-attributes?
sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref ':' sil-type
%1 = class_method %0 : $T, #T.method : $@convention(class_method) U -> V
// %0 must be of a class type or class metatype $T
// #T.method must be a reference to a Swift native method of T or
// of one of its superclasses
// %1 will be of type $U -> V
Looks up a method based on the dynamic type of a class or class metatype instance. It is undefined behavior if the class value is null.
If the static type of the class instance is known, or the method is known to be final, then the instruction is a candidate for devirtualization optimization. A devirtualization pass can consult the module's VTables to find the SIL function that implements the method and promote the instruction to a static function_ref.
sil-instruction ::= 'objc_method' sil-method-attributes?
sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref ':' sil-type
%1 = objc_method %0 : $T, #T.method!foreign : $@convention(objc_method) U -> V
// %0 must be of a class type or class metatype $T
// #T.method must be a reference to an Objective-C method of T or
// of one of its superclasses
// %1 will be of type $U -> V
Performs Objective-C method dispatch using objc_msgSend()
Objective-C method calls are never candidates for de-virtualization.
sil-instruction ::= 'super_method' sil-method-attributes?
sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref ':' sil-type
%1 = super_method %0 : $T, #Super.method : $@convention(thin) U -> V
// %0 must be of a non-root class type or class metatype $T
// #Super.method must be a reference to a native Swift method of T's
// superclass or of one of its ancestor classes
// %1 will be of type $@convention(thin) U -> V
Looks up a method in the superclass of a class or class metatype instance.
sil-instruction ::= 'super_method' sil-method-attributes?
sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref ':' sil-type
%1 = super_method %0 : $T, #Super.method!foreign : $@convention(thin) U -> V
// %0 must be of a non-root class type or class metatype $T
// #Super.method!foreign must be a reference to an ObjC method of T's
// superclass or of one of its ancestor classes
// %1 will be of type $@convention(thin) U -> V
This instruction performs an Objective-C message send using
sil-instruction ::= 'witness_method' sil-method-attributes?
sil-type ',' sil-decl-ref ':' sil-type
%1 = witness_method $T, #Proto.method
: $@convention(witness_method) <Self: Proto> U -> V
// $T must be an archetype
// #Proto.method must be a reference to a method of one of the protocol
// constraints on T
// <Self: Proto> U -> V must be the type of the referenced method,
// generic on Self
// %1 will be of type $@convention(thin) <Self: Proto> U -> V
Looks up the implementation of a protocol method for a generic type
variable constrained by that protocol. The result will be generic on the
archetype of the original protocol and have the witness_method
calling convention. If the referenced protocol is an @objc
the resulting type has the objc
calling convention.
These instructions call functions or wrap them in partial application or specialization thunks.
In the following we allow for apply, begin_apply, and try_apply to have a callee or caller actor isolation attached to them:
sil-actor-isolation ::= unspecified
::= actor_instance
::= nonisolated
::= nonisolated_unsafe
::= global_actor
::= global_actor_unsafe
sil-actor-isolation-callee ::= [callee_isolation=sil-actor-isolation]
sil-actor-isolation-caller ::= [caller_isolation=sil-actor-isolation]
These can be used to write test cases with actor isolation using these instructions and is not intended to be used in SILGen today.
sil-instruction ::= 'apply' '[nothrow]'? sil-actor-isolation-callee?
sil-actor-isolation-caller? sil-value
'(' (sil-value (',' sil-value)*)? ')'
':' sil-type
sil-apply-substitution-list ::= '<' sil-substitution
(',' sil-substitution)* '>'
sil-substitution ::= type '=' type
%r = apply %0(%1, %2, ...) : $(A, B, ...) -> R
// Note that the type of the callee '%0' is specified *after* the arguments
// %0 must be of a concrete function type $(A, B, ...) -> R
// %1, %2, etc. must be of the argument types $A, $B, etc.
// %r will be of the return type $R
%r = apply %0<A, B>(%1, %2, ...) : $<T, U>(T, U, ...) -> R
// %0 must be of a polymorphic function type $<T, U>(T, U, ...) -> R
// %1, %2, etc. must be of the argument types after substitution $A, $B, etc.
// %r will be of the substituted return type $R'
Transfers control to function %0
, passing it the given arguments. In
the instruction syntax, the type of the callee is specified after the
argument list; the types of the argument and of the defined value are
derived from the function type of the callee. The input argument tuple
type is destructured, and each element is passed as an individual
argument. The apply
instruction does no retaining or releasing of its
arguments by itself; the calling convention's
retain/release policy must be handled by separate explicit retain
instructions. The return value will likewise not be implicitly
retained or released.
The callee value must have function type. That function type may not
have an error result, except the instruction has the nothrow
set. The nothrow
attribute specifies that the callee has an error
result but does not actually throw. For the regular case of calling a
function with error result, use try_apply
NB: If the callee value is of a thick function type, apply
consumes the callee value at +1 strong retain count.
If the callee is generic, all of its generic parameters must be bound by the given substitution list. The arguments and return value is given with these generic substitutions applied.
sil-instruction ::= 'begin_apply' '[nothrow]'? sil-value
'(' (sil-value (',' sil-value)*)? ')'
':' sil-type
(%anyAddr, %float, %token) = begin_apply %0() : $@yield_once () -> (@yields @inout %Any, @yields Float)
// %anyAddr : $*Any
// %float : $Float
// %token is a token
(%anyAddr, %float, %token, %allocation) = begin_apply %0() : $@yield_once_2 () -> (@yields @inout %Any, @yields Float)
// %anyAddr : $*Any
// %float : $Float
// %token is a token
// %allocation is a pointer to a token
Transfers control to coroutine %0
, passing it the given arguments. The
rules for the application generally follow the rules for apply
- the callee value must have be of single-yield coroutine type
) - control returns to this function not when the coroutine performs a
, but when it performs ayield
, and - the instruction results are derived from the yields of the coroutine instead of its normal results.
The final (in the case of @yield_once
) or penultimate (in the case of
) result of a begin_apply
is a "token", a special
value which can only be used as the operand of an end_apply
instruction. Before this second instruction is executed,
the coroutine is said to be "suspended", and the token represents a
reference to its suspended activation record.
If the coroutine's kind yield_once_2
, its final result is an address
of a "token", representing the allocation done by the callee
coroutine. It can only be used as the operand of a dealloc_stack
must appear after the coroutine is resumed.
The other results of the instruction correspond to the yields in the
coroutine type. In general, the rules of a yield are similar to the
rules for a parameter, interpreted as if the coroutine caller (the one
executing the begin_apply
) were being "called" by the yield
- If a yield has an indirect convention, the corresponding result will
have an address type; otherwise it has an object type. For example,
a result corresponding to an
@in Any
yield will have type$Any
. - The convention attributes are the same as the parameter convention
attributes, interpreted as if the
were the "call" and thebegin_apply
marked the entry to the "callee". For example, an@in Any
yield transfers ownership of theAny
value reference from the coroutine to the caller, which must destroy or move the value from that position before ending or aborting the coroutine.
A coroutine optionally may produce normal results. These do not have
annotation in the result type tuple. :: (%float, %token) =
begin_apply %0() : $@yield_once () -> (@yields Float, Int)
Normal results of a coroutine are produced by the corresponding
A begin_apply
must be uniquely either ended or aborted before exiting
the function or looping to an earlier portion of the function.
When throwing coroutines are supported, there will need to be a
sil-instruction ::= 'abort_apply' sil-value
abort_apply %token
Aborts the given coroutine activation, which is currently suspended at a
instruction. Transfers control to the coroutine and takes the
path from the yield
. Control is transferred back when the
coroutine reaches an unwind
The operand must always be the token result of a begin_apply
instruction, which is why it need not specify a type.
Throwing coroutines will not require a new instruction for aborting a coroutine; a coroutine is not allowed to throw when it is being aborted.
sil-instruction ::= 'end_apply' sil-value 'as' sil-type
end_apply %token as $()
Ends the given coroutine activation, which is currently suspended at a
instruction. Transfers control to the coroutine and takes the
path from the yield
. Control is transferred back when the
coroutine reaches a return
The operand must always be the token result of a begin_apply
instruction, which is why it need not specify a type.
The result of end_apply
is the normal result of the coroutine function
(the operand of the return
When throwing coroutines are supported, there will need to be a
sil-instruction ::= 'partial_apply' partial-apply-attr* sil-value
'(' (sil-value (',' sil-value)*)? ')'
':' sil-type
partial-apply-attr ::= '[callee_guaranteed]'
partial-apply-attr ::= '[isolated_any]'
partial-apply-attr ::= '[on_stack]'
%c = partial_apply %0(%1, %2, ...) : $(Z..., A, B, ...) -> R
// Note that the type of the callee '%0' is specified *after* the arguments
// %0 must be of a concrete function type $(Z..., A, B, ...) -> R
// %1, %2, etc. must be of the argument types $A, $B, etc.,
// of the tail part of the argument tuple of %0
// %c will be of the partially-applied thick function type (Z...) -> R
%c = partial_apply %0<A, B>(%1, %2, ...) : $(Z..., T, U, ...) -> R
// %0 must be of a polymorphic function type $<T, U>(T, U, ...) -> R
// %1, %2, etc. must be of the argument types after substitution $A, $B, etc.
// of the tail part of the argument tuple of %0
// %r will be of the substituted thick function type $(Z'...) -> R'
Creates a closure by partially applying the function %0
to a partial
sequence of its arguments. This instruction is used to implement
A local function in Swift that captures context, such as bar
in the
following example:
func foo(_ x:Int) -> Int {
func bar(_ y:Int) -> Int {
return x + y
return bar(1)
lowers to an uncurried entry point and is curried in the enclosing function:
func @bar : $@convention(thin) (Int, @box Int, *Int) -> Int {
entry(%y : $Int, %x_box : $@box Int, %x_address : $*Int):
// ... body of bar ...
func @foo : $@convention(thin) Int -> Int {
entry(%x : $Int):
// Create a box for the 'x' variable
%x_box = alloc_box $Int
%x_addr = project_box %x_box : $@box Int
store %x to %x_addr : $*Int
// Create the bar closure
%bar_uncurried = function_ref @bar : $(Int, Int) -> Int
%bar = partial_apply %bar_uncurried(%x_box, %x_addr)
: $(Int, Builtin.NativeObject, *Int) -> Int
// Apply it
%1 = integer_literal $Int, 1
%ret = apply %bar(%1) : $(Int) -> Int
// Clean up
release %bar : $(Int) -> Int
return %ret : $Int
Erased Isolation: If the partial_apply
is marked with the flag
, the first applied argument must have type
Optional<any Actor>
. In addition to being provided as an argument to
the partially-applied function, this value will be stored in a special
place in the context and can be recovered with
. The result type of the partial_apply
will be an @isolated(any)
function type.
Ownership Semantics of Closure Context during Invocation: By
default, an escaping partial_apply
creates a closure whose invocation takes ownership of the
context, meaning that a call implicitly releases the closure.
If the partial_apply
is marked with the flag [callee_guaranteed]
the invocation instead uses a caller-guaranteed model, where the caller
promises not to release the closure while the function is being called.
The result type of the partial_apply
will be a @callee_guaranteed
function type.
Captured Value Ownership Semantics: In the instruction syntax, the type of the callee is specified after the argument list; the types of the argument and of the defined value are derived from the function type of the callee. Even so, the ownership requirements of the partial apply are not the same as that of the callee function (and thus said signature). Instead:
- If the
has a@noescape
function type (partial_apply [on_stack]
) the closure context is allocated on the stack and is initialized to contain the closed-over values without taking ownership of those values. The closed-over values are not retained and the lifetime of the closed-over values must be managed by other instruction independently of thepartial_apply
. The lifetime of the stack context of apartial_apply [on_stack]
must be terminated with adealloc_stack
. - If the
has an escaping function type (not[on_stack]
) then the closure context will be heap allocated with a retain count of 1. Any closed over parameters (except for@inout
parameters) will be consumed by the partial_apply. This ensures that no matter when thepartial_apply
is called, the captured arguments are alive. When the closure context's reference count reaches zero, the contained values are destroyed. If the callee requires an owned parameter, then the implicit partial_apply forwarder created by IRGen will copy the underlying argument and pass it to the callee. - If an address argument has
convention, the closure obtained frompartial_apply
will not own its underlying value. The@inout_aliasable
parameter convention is used when a@noescape
closure captures aninout
Coroutines partial_apply
could be used to create closures over
coroutines. Overall, the partial_apply
of a coroutine is
straightforward: it is another coroutine that captures arguments passed
to the partial_apply
instruction. This closure applies the original
coroutine (similar to the begin_apply
instruction) for yields
(suspend) and yields the resulting values. Then it calls the original
coroutine continuation for return or unwind, and forwards the results
(if any) to the caller as well. Currently only the autodiff
transformation produces partial_apply
for coroutines while
differentiating modify accessors.
NOTE: If the callee is generic, all of its generic parameters must be bound by the given substitution list. The arguments are given with these generic substitutions applied, and the resulting closure is of concrete function type with the given substitutions applied. The generic parameters themselves cannot be partially applied; all of them must be bound. The result is always a concrete function.
TODO: The instruction, when applied to a generic function, currently implicitly performs abstraction difference transformations enabled by the given substitutions, such as promoting address-only arguments and returns to register arguments. This should be fixed.
sil-instruction ::= 'builtin' string-literal
'(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
':' sil-type
%1 = builtin "foo"(%1 : $T, %2 : $U) : $V
// "foo" must name a function in the Builtin module
Invokes functionality built into the backend code generator, such as LLVM-level instructions and intrinsics.
To be able to support disabling assertions at compile time there is a
builtin assertion_configuration
. It can
be replaced at compile time by a constant or can stay opaque.
All assert_configuration
builtins are replaced by the
constant propagation pass to the appropriate constant depending on
compile time settings. Subsequent passes remove dependent unwanted
control flow. Using this mechanism we support conditionally
enabling/disabling of code in SIL libraries depending on the assertion
configuration selected when the library is linked into user code.
There are three assertion configurations: Debug (0), Release (1) and DisableReplacement (-1).
The optimization flag or a special assert configuration flag determines the value. Depending on the configuration value, assertions in the standard library will be executed or not.
The standard library uses this builtin to define an assert that can be disabled at compile time.
func assert(...) {
if Int32(Builtin.assert_configuration() == 0) {
_assertionFailure(message, ...)
The assert_configuration
builtin is serialized when we
build the standard library (we recognize the -parse-stdlib
option and
don't do the constant replacement but leave the function application to
be serialized to SIL).
The compiler flag that influences the value of the
builtin is the optimization flag: at
the builtin will be replaced by Debug
at higher
optimization levels the builtin will be replaced by Release
Optionally, the value to use for replacement can be specified with the
flag which overwrites the value selected by the
optimization flag (possible values are Debug
, Release
If assert_configuration
builtin stays opaque until
IRGen, IRGen will replace the application by the constant representing
Debug mode (0). This happens when building the standard library binary.
The generated SIL will retain the builtin but the generated binary
will contain code with assertions enabled.
These instructions access metatypes, either statically by type name or dynamically by introspecting class or generic values.
sil-instruction ::= 'metatype' sil-type
%1 = metatype $T.Type
// %1 has type $T.Type
Creates a reference to the metatype object for type T
sil-instruction ::= 'value_metatype' sil-type ',' sil-operand
%1 = value_metatype $T.Type, %0 : $T
// %0 must be a value or address of type $T
// %1 will be of type $T.Type
Obtains a reference to the dynamic metatype of the value %0
sil-instruction ::= 'existential_metatype' sil-type ',' sil-operand
%1 = existential_metatype $P.Type, %0 : $P
// %0 must be a value of class protocol or protocol composition
// type $P, or an address of address-only protocol type $*P
// %1 will be a $P.Type value referencing the metatype of the
// concrete value inside %0
Obtains the metatype of the concrete value referenced by the existential
container referenced by %0
sil-instruction ::= 'objc_protocol' protocol-decl : sil-type
%0 = objc_protocol #ObjCProto : $Protocol
TODO: Fill this in.
These instructions construct and project elements from structs, tuples, and class instances.
sil-instruction ::= 'retain_value' sil-operand
retain_value %0 : $A
Retains a loadable value, which simply retains any references it holds.
For trivial types, this is a no-op. For reference types, this is
equivalent to a strong_retain
. For @unowned
types, this is
equivalent to an unowned_retain
. In each of these cases, those are the
preferred forms.
For aggregate types, especially enums, it is typically both easier and more efficient to reason about aggregate copies than it is to reason about copies of the subobjects.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'retain_value_addr' sil-operand
retain_value_addr %0 : $*A
Retains a loadable value inside given address, which simply retains any references it holds.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'unmanaged_retain_value' sil-value
unmanaged_retain_value %0 : $A
This instruction has the same local semantics as retain_value
- Is valid in ownership qualified SIL.
- Is not intended to be statically paired at compile time by the compiler.
The intention is that this instruction is used to implement unmanaged constructs.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'strong_copy_unmanaged_value' sil-value
%1 = strong_copy_unmanaged_value %0 : $@sil_unmanaged A
// %1 will be a strong @owned $A.
This instruction has the same semantics as copy_value
except that its
input is a trivial @sil_unmanaged
type that doesn't require ref
counting. This is intended to be used semantically as a "conversion"
like instruction from unmanaged
to strong
and thus should never be
removed by the optimizer. Since the returned value is a strong owned
value, this instruction semantically should be treated as performing a
strong copy of the underlying value as if by the value's type lowering.
sil-instruction ::= 'copy_value' sil-operand
%1 = copy_value %0 : $A
Performs a copy of a loadable value as if by the value's type lowering and returns the copy. The returned copy semantically is a value that is completely independent of the operand. In terms of specific types:
- For trivial types, this is equivalent to just propagating through the trivial value.
- For reference types, this is equivalent to performing a
operation and returning the reference. - For
types, this is equivalent to performing anunowned_retain
and returning the operand. - For aggregate types, this is equivalent to recursively performing a
on its components, forming a new aggregate from the copied components, and then returning the new aggregate.
In ownership qualified functions, a copy_value
produces a +1 value
that must be consumed at most once along any path through the program.
It is illegal in non-Raw SIL to copy_value
a value that
is non-copyable.
sil-instruction ::= 'explicit_copy_value' sil-operand
%1 = explicit_copy_value %0 : $A
This is exactly the same instruction semantically as
copy_value with the exception that when move only
checking is performed, explicit_copy_value
treated as an explicit copy asked for by the user that should not be
rewritten and should be treated as a non-consuming use.
This is used for two things:
- Implementing a copy builtin for no implicit copy types.
- To enable the move checker, once it has emitted an error diagnostic, to still produce valid Ownership SSA SIL at the end of the guaranteed optimization pipeline when we enter the Canonical SIL stage.
sil-instruction ::= 'move_value' '[lexical]'? sil-operand
%1 = move_value %0 : $@_moveOnly A
Performs a move of the operand, ending its lifetime. When ownership is
enabled, it always takes in an @owned T
and produces a
new @owned T
- For trivial types, this is equivalent to just propagating through the trivial value.
- For reference types, this is equivalent to ending the lifetime of the operand, beginning a new lifetime for the result and setting the result to the value of the operand.
- For aggregates, the operation is equivalent to performing a move_value on each of its fields recursively.
After ownership is lowered, we leave in the move_value to provide a place for IRGenSIL to know to store a potentially new variable (in case the move was associated with a let binding).
NOTE: This instruction is used in an experimental feature called 'move
only values'. A move_value instruction is an instruction that
introduces (or injects) a type T
into the move only value
The lexical
attribute specifies that the value corresponds to a local
variable with a lexical lifetime in the Swift source. Compare to the
attribute. See Variable Lifetimes.
The optional pointer_escape
attribute specifies that a pointer to the
operand escapes within the scope introduced by this move_value.
The optional var_decl
attribute specifies that the operand corresponds
to a local variable in the Swift source.
Note: Although move_value
conceptually forwards an owned value, it also
summarizes lifetime attributes for a whole forward-extended
lifetime; therefore, it is not formally a forwarding
sil-instruction ::= 'drop_deinit' sil-operand
%1 = drop_deinit %0 : $T
// T must be a move-only type
// %1 is an @owned T
%3 = drop_deinit %2 : $*T
// T must be a move-only type
// %2 has type *T
This instruction is a marker for a following destroy instruction to
suppress the call of the move-only type's deinitializer. The
instruction accepts an object or address type. If its argument is an
object type it takes in an @owned T
and produces a new
@owned T
. If its argument is an address type, it's an
identity projection.
If the operand is an object type, then this is a pseudo type-cast. It
consumes its operand and produces a new value with the same nominal
struct or enum type, but as if the type had no user-defined
deinitializer. It's only use must be a an instruction that ends the
aggregate lifetime, such as destroy_value
, or switch_enum
. If the
use is a destroy_value
, then prevents the destroy from
invoking the deinitializer. For example:
%1 = drop_deinit %0 : $T
destroy_value %1 : $T // does not invoke deinit()
If the operand and result are addresses, drop_deinit ends the lifetime of the referenced memory value while keeping the value's fields or enum cases alive. The deinit of the value is not called. The returned address can be used to access the value's field, e.g. with struct_element_addr, or enum cases with switch_enum_addr. After the drop_deinit, it is illegal to destroy its operand or result address with destroy_addr. For example:
%1 = drop_deinit %0 : $S
%2 = struct_element_addr %1 : $*T, #S.field
destroy_addr %2 : $T
The instruction is only valid in ownership SIL.
sil-instruction ::= 'release_value' sil-operand
release_value %0 : $A
Destroys a loadable value, by releasing any retainable pointers within it.
This is defined to be equivalent to storing the operand into a stack allocation and using 'destroy_addr' to destroy the object there.
For trivial types, this is a no-op. For reference types, this is
equivalent to a strong_release
. For @unowned
types, this is
equivalent to an unowned_release
. In each of these cases, those are
the preferred forms.
For aggregate types, especially enums, it is typically both easier and more efficient to reason about aggregate destroys than it is to reason about destroys of the subobjects.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'release_value_addr' sil-operand
release_value_addr %0 : $*A
Destroys a loadable value inside given address, by releasing any retainable pointers within it.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'unmanaged_release_value' sil-value
unmanaged_release_value %0 : $A
This instruction has the same local semantics as release_value
- Is valid in ownership qualified SIL.
- Is not intended to be statically paired at compile time by the compiler.
The intention is that this instruction is used to implement unmanaged constructs.
This instruction is not available in OSSA.
sil-instruction ::= 'destroy_value' '[dead_end]'? '[poison]'? sil-operand
destroy_value %0 : $A
Destroys a loadable value, by releasing any retainable pointers within it.
This is defined to be equivalent to storing the operand into a stack allocation and using 'destroy_addr' to destroy the object there.
For trivial types, this is a no-op. For reference types, this is
equivalent to a strong_release
. For @unowned
types, this is
equivalent to an unowned_release
. In each of these cases, those are
the preferred forms.
For aggregate types, especially enums, it is typically both easier and more efficient to reason about aggregate destroys than it is to reason about destroys of the subobjects.
The optional dead_end
attribute specifies that this instruction was
created during lifetime completion and is eligible for deletion during
OSSA lowering.
sil-instruction ::= 'autorelease_value' sil-operand
autorelease_value %0 : $A
TODO: Complete this section.
sil-instruction ::= function_extract_isolation sil-operand
Reads the isolation of a @isolated(any)
function value. The result is always
a borrowed value of type $Optional<any Actor>
. It is exactly the value that
was originally used to construct the function with partial_apply [isolated_any]
sil-instruction ::= 'tuple' sil-tuple-elements
sil-tuple-elements ::= '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
sil-tuple-elements ::= sil-type '(' (sil-value (',' sil-value)*)? ')'
%1 = tuple (%a : $A, %b : $B, ...)
// $A, $B, etc. must be loadable non-address types
// %1 will be of the "simple" tuple type $(A, B, ...)
%1 = tuple $(a:A, b:B, ...) (%a, %b, ...)
// (a:A, b:B, ...) must be a loadable tuple type
// %1 will be of the type $(a:A, b:B, ...)
Creates a loadable tuple value by aggregating multiple loadable values.
If the destination type is a "simple" tuple type, that is, it has no keyword argument labels or variadic arguments, then the first notation can be used, which interleaves the element values and types. If keyword names or variadic fields are specified, then the second notation must be used, which spells out the tuple type before the fields.
sil-instruction ::= 'tuple_extract' sil-operand ',' int-literal
%1 = tuple_extract %0 : $(T...), 123
// %0 must be of a loadable tuple type $(T...)
// %1 will be of the type of the selected element of %0
Extracts an element from a loadable tuple value.
sil-instruction ::= 'tuple_pack_extract' sil-value 'of' sil-operand 'as' sil-type
%value = tuple_pack_extract %index of %tuple : $(repeat each T) as $@pack_element("01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-000000000000") U
// %index must be of $Builtin.PackIndex type
// %tuple must be of tuple type
// %addr will be the result type specified by the 'as' clause
Extracts a value at a dynamic index from a tuple value.
Only valid in opaque values mode. Lowered by AddressLowering to
. For more details, see that instruction.
sil-instruction ::= 'tuple_element_addr' sil-operand ',' int-literal
%1 = tuple_element_addr %0 : $*(T...), 123
// %0 must of a $*(T...) address-of-tuple type
// %1 will be of address type $*U where U is the type of the 123rd
// element of T
Given the address of a tuple in memory, derives the address of an element within that value.
sil-instruction ::= 'tuple_pack_element_addr' sil-value 'of' sil-operand 'as' sil-type
%addr = tuple_pack_element_addr %index of %tuple : $*(repeat each T) as $*@pack_element("01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-000000000000") U
// %index must be of $Builtin.PackIndex type
// %tuple must be of address-of-tuple type
// %addr will be of the result type specified by the 'as' clause
Given the address of a tuple in memory, derives the address of a dynamic element within that value.
The induced pack type for the tuple operand is the indirect pack type
corresponding to the types of the tuple elements and tuple element
expansions, exactly as if the labels were removed and the parentheses
were replaced with Pack{
. For example,
for the tuple type (repeat Optional<each T>, Float)
, the
induced pack type is Pack{repeat Optional<each T>, Float}
The pack index operand must be a pack indexing instruction. The result
type (given by the as
clause) must be structurally
well-typed for the pack index and the induced pack type; see the
structural type matching rules for pack indices.
sil-instruction ::= 'destructure_tuple' sil-operand
(%elt1, ..., %eltn) = destructure_tuple %0 : $(Elt1Ty, ..., EltNTy)
// %0 must be a tuple of type $(Elt1Ty, ..., EltNTy)
// %eltN must have the type $EltNTy
Given a tuple value, split the value into its constituent elements.
sil-instruction ::= 'struct' sil-type '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
%1 = struct $S (%a : $A, %b : $B, ...)
// $S must be a loadable struct type
// $A, $B, ... must be the types of the physical 'var' fields of $S in order
// %1 will be of type $S
Creates a value of a loadable struct type by aggregating multiple loadable values.
sil-instruction ::= 'struct_extract' sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref
%1 = struct_extract %0 : $S, #S.field
// %0 must be of a loadable struct type $S
// #S.field must be a physical 'var' field of $S
// %1 will be of the type of the selected field of %0
Extracts a physical field from a loadable struct value.
sil-instruction ::= 'struct_element_addr' sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref
%1 = struct_element_addr %0 : $*S, #S.field
// %0 must be of a struct type $S
// #S.field must be a physical 'var' field of $S
// %1 will be the address of the selected field of %0
Given the address of a struct value in memory, derives the address of a physical field within the value.
sil-instruction ::= 'destructure_struct' sil-operand
(%elt1, ..., %eltn) = destructure_struct %0 : $S
// %0 must be a struct of type $S
// %eltN must have the same type as the Nth field of $S
Given a struct, split the struct into its constituent fields.
sil-instruction ::= 'object' sil-type '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
object $T (%a : $A, %b : $B, ...)
// $T must be a non-generic or bound generic reference type
// The first operands must match the stored properties of T
// Optionally there may be more elements, which are tail-allocated to T
Constructs a statically initialized object. This instruction can only appear as final instruction in a global variable static initializer list.
sil-instruction ::= 'vector' '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
vector (%a : $T, %b : $T, ...)
// $T must be a non-generic or bound generic reference type
// All operands must have the same type
Constructs a statically initialized vector of elements. This instruction can only appear as final instruction in a global variable static initializer list.
sil-instruction ::= 'ref_element_addr' '[immutable]'? sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref
%1 = ref_element_addr %0 : $C, #C.field
// %0 must be a value of class type $C
// #C.field must be a non-static physical field of $C
// %1 will be of type $*U where U is the type of the selected field
// of C
Given an instance of a class, derives the address of a physical instance variable inside the instance. It is undefined behavior if the class value is null.
The immutable
attribute specifies that all loads of the same instance
variable from the same class reference operand are guaranteed to yield
the same value. The immutable
attribute is used to reference COW
buffer elements after an end_cow_mutation
and before a
. The attribute is also used for let-fields of a
class after an end_init_let_ref
and before a begin_dealloc_ref
sil-instruction ::= 'ref_tail_addr' '[immutable]'? sil-operand ',' sil-type
%1 = ref_tail_addr %0 : $C, $E
// %0 must be a value of class type $C with tail-allocated elements $E
// %1 will be of type $*E
Given an instance of a class, which is created with tail-allocated
array(s), derives the address of the first element of the first
tail-allocated array. This instruction is used to project the first
tail-allocated element from an object which is created by an alloc_ref
with tail_elems
. It is undefined behavior if the class instance does
not have tail-allocated arrays or if the element-types do not match.
The immutable
attribute specifies that all loads of the same instance
variable from the same class reference operand are guaranteed to yield
the same value.
These instructions construct and manipulate values of enum type. Loadable enum values are created with the enum instruction. Address-only enums require two-step initialization. First, if the case requires data, that data is stored into the enum at the address projected by init_enum_data_addr. This step is skipped for cases without data. Finally, the tag for the enum is injected with an inject_enum_addr instruction:
enum AddressOnlyEnum {
case HasData(AddressOnlyType)
case NoData
sil @init_with_data : $(AddressOnlyType) -> AddressOnlyEnum {
entry(%0 : $*AddressOnlyEnum, %1 : $*AddressOnlyType):
// Store the data argument for the case.
%2 = init_enum_data_addr %0 : $*AddressOnlyEnum, #AddressOnlyEnum.HasData!enumelt
copy_addr [take] %1 to [init] %2 : $*AddressOnlyType
// Inject the tag.
inject_enum_addr %0 : $*AddressOnlyEnum, #AddressOnlyEnum.HasData!enumelt
sil @init_without_data : $() -> AddressOnlyEnum {
// No data. We only need to inject the tag.
inject_enum_addr %0 : $*AddressOnlyEnum, #AddressOnlyEnum.NoData!enumelt
Accessing the value of a loadable enum is inseparable from dispatching on its discriminator and is done with the switch_enum terminator:
enum Foo { case A(Int), B(String) }
sil @switch_foo : $(Foo) -> () {
entry(%foo : $Foo):
switch_enum %foo : $Foo, case #Foo.A!enumelt: a_dest, case #Foo.B!enumelt: b_dest
a_dest(%a : $Int):
/* use %a */
b_dest(%b : $String):
/* use %b */
An address-only enum can be tested by branching on it using the switch_enum_addr terminator. Its value can then be taken by destructively projecting the enum value with unchecked_take_enum_data_addr:
enum Foo<T> { case A(T), B(String) }
sil @switch_foo : $<T> (Foo<T>) -> () {
entry(%foo : $*Foo<T>):
switch_enum_addr %foo : $*Foo<T>, case #Foo.A!enumelt: a_dest,
case #Foo.B!enumelt: b_dest
%a = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr %foo : $*Foo<T>, #Foo.A!enumelt
/* use %a */
%b = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr %foo : $*Foo<T>, #Foo.B!enumelt
/* use %b */
Both switch_enum and
switch_enum_addr must include a default
unless the enum can be exhaustively switched in the current function,
i.e. when the compiler can be sure that it knows all possible present
and future values of the enum in question. This is generally true for
enums defined in Swift, but there are two exceptions: non-frozen enums
declared in libraries compiled with the -enable-library-evolution
flag, which may grow new cases in the future in an ABI-compatible way;
and enums marked with the objc
attribute, for which other bit patterns
are permitted for compatibility with C. All enums imported from C are
treated as "non-exhaustive" for the same reason, regardless of the
presence or value of the enum_extensibility
Clang attribute.
(See SE-0192 for more information about non-frozen enums.)
sil-instruction ::= 'enum' sil-type ',' sil-decl-ref (',' sil-operand)?
%1 = enum $U, #U.EmptyCase!enumelt
%1 = enum $U, #U.DataCase!enumelt, %0 : $T
// $U must be an enum type
// #U.DataCase or #U.EmptyCase must be a case of enum $U
// If #U.Case has a data type $T, %0 must be a value of type $T
// If #U.Case has no data type, the operand must be omitted
// %1 will be of type $U
Creates a loadable enum value in the given case
. If the case
has a
data type, the enum value will contain the operand value.
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_enum_data' sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref
%1 = unchecked_enum_data %0 : $U, #U.DataCase!enumelt
// $U must be an enum type
// #U.DataCase must be a case of enum $U with data
// %1 will be of object type $T for the data type of case U.DataCase
Unsafely extracts the payload data for an enum case
from an enum
value. It is undefined behavior if the enum does not contain a value of
the given case.
sil-instruction ::= 'init_enum_data_addr' sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref
%1 = init_enum_data_addr %0 : $*U, #U.DataCase!enumelt
// $U must be an enum type
// #U.DataCase must be a case of enum $U with data
// %1 will be of address type $*T for the data type of case U.DataCase
Projects the address of the data for an enum case
inside an enum. This
does not modify the enum or check its value. It is intended to be used
as part of the initialization sequence for an address-only enum. Storing
to the init_enum_data_addr
for a case followed by inject_enum_addr
with that same case is guaranteed to result in a fully-initialized enum
value of that case being stored. Loading from the init_enum_data_addr
of an initialized enum value or injecting a mismatched case tag is
undefined behavior.
The address is invalidated as soon as the operand enum is fully
initialized by an inject_enum_addr
sil-instruction ::= 'inject_enum_addr' sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref
inject_enum_addr %0 : $*U, #U.Case!enumelt
// $U must be an enum type
// #U.Case must be a case of enum $U
// %0 will be overlaid with the tag for #U.Case
Initializes the enum value referenced by the given address by overlaying
the tag for the given case. If the case has no data, this instruction is
sufficient to initialize the enum value. If the case has data, the data
must be stored into the enum at the init_enum_data_addr
address for
the case before inject_enum_addr
is applied. It is undefined
behavior if inject_enum_addr
is applied for a case with data to an
uninitialized enum, or if inject_enum_addr
is applied for a case with
data when data for a mismatched case has been stored to the enum.
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_take_enum_data_addr' sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref
%1 = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr %0 : $*U, #U.DataCase!enumelt
// $U must be an enum type
// #U.DataCase must be a case of enum $U with data
// %1 will be of address type $*T for the data type of case U.DataCase
Takes the address of the payload for the given enum case
in-place in
memory. It is undefined behavior if the referenced enum does not contain
a value of the given case
The result shares memory with the original enum value. If an enum
declaration is unconditionally loadable (meaning it's loadable
regardless of any generic parameters), and it has more than one case
with an associated value, then it may embed the enum tag within the
payload area. If this is the case, then
will clear the tag from the
payload, invalidating the referenced enum value, but leaving the payload
value referenced by the result address valid. In these cases, the enum
memory cannot be reinitialized as an enum until the payload has also
been invalidated.
If an enum has no more than one payload case, or if the declaration is
ever address-only, then unchecked_take_enum_data_addr
guaranteed to be nondestructive, and the payload address can be accessed
without invalidating the enum in these cases. The payload can be
invalidated to invalidate the enum (assuming the enum does not have a
at the type level).
sil-instruction ::= 'select_enum' sil-operand sil-select-case*
(',' 'default' sil-value)?
':' sil-type
%n = select_enum %0 : $U,
case #U.Case1!enumelt: %1,
case #U.Case2!enumelt: %2, /* ... */
default %3 : $T
// $U must be an enum type
// #U.Case1, Case2, etc. must be cases of enum $U
// %1, %2, %3, etc. must have type $T
// %n has type $T
Selects one of the "case" or "default" operands based on the case of an enum value. This is equivalent to a trivial switch_enum branch sequence:
switch_enum %0 : $U,
case #U.Case1!enumelt: bb1,
case #U.Case2!enumelt: bb2, /* ... */
default bb_default
br cont(%1 : $T) // value for #U.Case1
br cont(%2 : $T) // value for #U.Case2
br cont(%3 : $T) // value for default
cont(%n : $T):
// use argument %n
but turns the control flow dependency into a data flow dependency. For address-only enums, select_enum_addr offers the same functionality for an indirectly referenced enum value in memory.
Like switch_enum, select_enum
must have
a default
case unless the enum can be exhaustively switched in the
current function.
sil-instruction ::= 'select_enum_addr' sil-operand sil-select-case*
(',' 'default' sil-value)?
':' sil-type
%n = select_enum_addr %0 : $*U,
case #U.Case1!enumelt: %1,
case #U.Case2!enumelt: %2, /* ... */
default %3 : $T
// %0 must be the address of an enum type $*U
// #U.Case1, Case2, etc. must be cases of enum $U
// %1, %2, %3, etc. must have type $T
// %n has type $T
Selects one of the "case" or "default" operands based on the case of the referenced enum value. This is the address-only counterpart to select_enum.
Like switch_enum_addr,
must have a default
case unless
the enum can be exhaustively switched in the current function.
These instructions create and manipulate values of protocol and protocol composition type. From SIL's perspective, protocol and protocol composition types consist of an existential container, which is a generic container for a value of unknown runtime type, referred to as an "existential type" in type theory. The existential container consists of a reference to the witness table(s) for the protocol(s) referred to by the protocol type and a reference to the underlying concrete value, which may be either stored in-line inside the existential container for small values or allocated separately into a buffer owned and managed by the existential container for larger values.
Depending on the constraints applied to an existential type, an existential container may use one of several representations:
- Opaque existential containers: If none of the protocols in a protocol type are class protocols, then the existential container for that type is address-only and referred to in the implementation as an opaque existential container. The value semantics of the existential container propagate to the contained concrete value. Applying copy_addr to an opaque existential container copies the contained concrete value, deallocating or reallocating the destination container's owned buffer if necessary. Applying destroy_addr to an opaque existential container destroys the concrete value and deallocates any buffers owned by the existential container. The following instructions manipulate opaque existential containers:
- Opaque existential containers loadable types: In the SIL Opaque Values mode of operation, we take an opaque value as-is. Said value might be replaced with one of the _addr instructions above before IR generation. The following instructions manipulate "loadable" opaque existential containers:
- Class existential containers: If a protocol type is constrained
by one or more class protocols, then the existential container for
that type is loadable and referred to in the implementation as a
class existential container. Class existential containers have
reference semantics and can be
-ed andrelease
-d. The following instructions manipulate class existential containers: - Metatype existential containers: Existential metatypes use a container consisting of the type metadata for the conforming type along with the protocol conformances. Metatype existential containers are trivial types. The following instructions manipulate metatype existential containers:
- Boxed existential containers: The standard library
protocol uses a size-optimized reference-counted container, which indirectly stores the conforming value. Boxed existential containers can beretain
-ed andrelease
-d. The following instructions manipulate boxed existential containers:
Some existential types may additionally support specialized
representations when they contain certain known concrete types. For
example, when Objective-C interop is available, the Error
existential supports a class existential container representation for
objects, so it can be initialized from one using
init_existential_ref instead of the more
expensive alloc_existential_box:
bb(%nserror: $NSError):
// The slow general way to form an Error, allocating a box and
// storing to its value buffer:
%error1 = alloc_existential_box $Error, $NSError
%addr = project_existential_box $NSError in %error1 : $Error
strong_retain %nserror: $NSError
store %nserror to %addr : $NSError
// The fast path supported for NSError:
strong_retain %nserror: $NSError
%error2 = init_existential_ref %nserror: $NSError, $Error
sil-instruction ::= 'init_existential_addr' sil-operand ',' sil-type
%1 = init_existential_addr %0 : $*P, $T
// %0 must be of a $*P address type for non-class protocol or protocol
// composition type P
// $T must be an AST type that fulfills protocol(s) P
// %1 will be of type $*T', where T' is the maximally abstract lowering
// of type T
Partially initializes the memory referenced by %0
with an existential
container prepared to contain a value of type $T
. The result of the
instruction is an address referencing the storage for the contained
value, which remains uninitialized. The contained value must be
-d or copy_addr
-ed to in order for the existential value to be
fully initialized. If the existential container needs to be destroyed
while the contained value is uninitialized,
deinit_existential_addr must be used to do
so. A fully initialized existential container can be destroyed with
destroy_addr as usual. It is undefined behavior to
destroy_addr a partially-initialized existential
sil-instruction ::= 'init_existential_value' sil-operand ',' sil-type ','
%1 = init_existential_value %0 : $L, $C, $P
// %0 must be of loadable type $L, lowered from AST type $C, conforming to
// protocol(s) $P
// %1 will be of type $P
Loadable version of the above: Inits-up the existential container
prepared to contain a value of type $P
sil-instruction ::= 'deinit_existential_addr' sil-operand
deinit_existential_addr %0 : $*P
// %0 must be of a $*P address type for non-class protocol or protocol
// composition type P
Undoes the partial initialization performed by init_existential_addr. deinit_existential_addr is only valid for existential containers that have been partially initialized by init_existential_addr but haven't had their contained value initialized. A fully initialized existential must be destroyed with destroy_addr.
sil-instruction ::= 'deinit_existential_value' sil-operand
deinit_existential_value %0 : $P
// %0 must be of a $P opaque type for non-class protocol or protocol
// composition type P
Undoes the partial initialization performed by init_existential_value. deinit_existential_value is only valid for existential containers that have been partially initialized by init_existential_value but haven't had their contained value initialized. A fully initialized existential must be destroyed with destroy_value.
sil-instruction ::= 'open_existential_addr' sil-allowed-access sil-operand 'to' sil-type
sil-allowed-access ::= 'immutable_access'
sil-allowed-access ::= 'mutable_access'
%1 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %0 : $*P to $*@opened P
// %0 must be of a $*P type for non-class protocol or protocol composition
// type P
// $*@opened P must be a unique archetype that refers to an opened
// existential type P.
// %1 will be of type $*@opened P
Obtains the address of the concrete value inside the existential
container referenced by %0
. The protocol conformances associated with
this existential container are associated directly with the archetype
$*@opened P
. This pointer can be used with any operation on
archetypes, such as witness_method
assuming this operation obeys the
access constraint: The returned address can either allow
or immutable_access
. Users of the returned address
may only consume (e.g destroy_addr
or copy_addr [take]
) or mutate
the value at the address if they have mutable_access
sil-instruction ::= 'open_existential_value' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = open_existential_value %0 : $P to $@opened P
// %0 must be of a $P type for non-class protocol or protocol composition
// type P
// $@opened P must be a unique archetype that refers to an opened
// existential type P.
// %1 will be of type $@opened P
Loadable version of the above: Opens-up the existential container
associated with %0
. The protocol conformances associated with this
existential container are associated directly with the archetype
$@opened P
sil-instruction ::= 'init_existential_ref' sil-operand ':' sil-type ','
%1 = init_existential_ref %0 : $C' : $C, $P
// %0 must be of class type $C', lowered from AST type $C, conforming to
// protocol(s) $P
// $P must be a class protocol or protocol composition type
// %1 will be of type $P
Creates a class existential container of type $P
containing a
reference to the class instance %0
sil-instruction ::= 'open_existential_ref' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = open_existential_ref %0 : $P to $@opened P
// %0 must be of a $P type for a class protocol or protocol composition
// $@opened P must be a unique archetype that refers to an opened
// existential type P
// %1 will be of type $@opened P
Extracts the class instance reference from a class existential
container. The protocol conformances associated with this existential
container are associated directly with the archetype @opened P
. This
pointer can be used with any operation on archetypes, such as
witness_method. When the operand is of metatype type,
the result will be the metatype of the opened archetype.
sil-instruction ::= 'init_existential_metatype' sil-operand ',' sil-type
%1 = init_existential_metatype $0 : $@<rep> T.Type, $@<rep> P.Type
// %0 must be of a metatype type $@<rep> T.Type where T: P
// %@<rep> P.Type must be the existential metatype of a protocol or protocol
// composition, with the same metatype representation <rep>
// %1 will be of type $@<rep> P.Type
Creates a metatype existential container of type $P.Type
the conforming metatype of $T
sil-instruction ::= 'open_existential_metatype' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = open_existential_metatype %0 : $@<rep> P.Type to $@<rep> (@opened P).Type
// %0 must be of a $P.Type existential metatype for a protocol or protocol
// composition
// $@<rep> (@opened P).Type must be the metatype of a unique archetype that
// refers to an opened existential type P, with the same metatype
// representation <rep>
// %1 will be of type $@<rep> (@opened P).Type
Extracts the metatype from an existential metatype. The protocol
conformances associated with this existential container are associated
directly with the archetype @opened P
sil-instruction ::= 'alloc_existential_box' sil-type ',' sil-type
%1 = alloc_existential_box $P, $T
// $P must be a protocol or protocol composition type with boxed
// representation
// $T must be an AST type that conforms to P
// %1 will be of type $P
Allocates a boxed existential container of type $P
with space to hold
a value of type $T'
. The box is not fully initialized until a valid
value has been stored into the box. If the box must be deallocated
before it is fully initialized,
dealloc_existential_box must be used. A
fully initialized box can be retain
-ed and release
-d like any
reference-counted type. The
project_existential_box instruction is used
to retrieve the address of the value inside the container.
sil-instruction ::= 'project_existential_box' sil-type 'in' sil-operand
%1 = project_existential_box $T in %0 : $P
// %0 must be a value of boxed protocol or protocol composition type $P
// $T must be the most abstracted lowering of the AST type for which the box
// was allocated
// %1 will be of type $*T
Projects the address of the value inside a boxed existential container.
The address is dependent on the lifetime of the owner reference %0
. It
is undefined behavior if the concrete type $T
is not the same type for
which the box was allocated with
sil-instruction ::= 'open_existential_box' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = open_existential_box %0 : $P to $*@opened P
// %0 must be a value of boxed protocol or protocol composition type $P
// %@opened P must be the address type of a unique archetype that refers to
/// an opened existential type P
// %1 will be of type $*@opened P
Projects the address of the value inside a boxed existential container,
and uses the enclosed type and protocol conformance metadata to bind the
opened archetype $@opened P
. The result address is dependent on both
the owning box and the enclosing function; in order to "open" a boxed
existential that has directly adopted a class reference, temporary
scratch space may need to have been allocated.
sil-instruction ::= 'open_existential_box_value' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = open_existential_box_value %0 : $P to $@opened P
// %0 must be a value of boxed protocol or protocol composition type $P
// %@opened P must be a unique archetype that refers to an opened
// existential type P
// %1 will be of type $@opened P
Projects the value inside a boxed existential container, and uses the
enclosed type and protocol conformance metadata to bind the opened
archetype $@opened P
sil-instruction ::= 'dealloc_existential_box' sil-operand, sil-type
dealloc_existential_box %0 : $P, $T
// %0 must be an uninitialized box of boxed existential container type $P
// $T must be the AST type for which the box was allocated
Deallocates a boxed existential container. The value inside the
existential buffer is not destroyed; either the box must be
uninitialized, or the value must have been projected out and destroyed
beforehand. It is undefined behavior if the concrete type $T
is not
the same type for which the box was allocated with
Blocks are used in ObjectiveC and are similar to closures.
sil-instruction ::= 'project_block_storage' sil-operand ':' sil-type
TODO: Fill this in. The printing of this instruction looks incomplete on trunk currently.
These instructions are collectively called the pack indexing
instructions. Each of them produces a single value of type
. Instructions that consume pack indices generally
provide a projected element type which is required to be structurally
well-typed for the given pack index and the actual pack type they index
into. This rule depends on the exact pack indexing instruction used and
is described in a section above.
All pack indexing instructions carry an indexed pack type, which is a formal type that must be a pack type. Pack indexing instructions can be used to index into any pack with the same shape as the indexed pack type. The components of the actual indexed pack do not need to be exactly the same as the components of the indexing instruction's indexed pack type as long as they contain expansions in the same places and those expansions expand pack parameters with the same shape.
sil-instruction ::= 'scalar_pack_index' int-literal 'of' sil-type
%index = scalar_pack_index 0 of $Pack{Int, repeat each T, Int}
Produce the dynamic pack index of a scalar (non-pack-expansion) component of a pack. The type operand is the indexed pack type. The integer operand is an index into the components of this pack type; it must be in range and resolve to a component that is not a pack expansion.
Substitution must adjust the component index appropriately so that it
still refers to the same component. For example, if the pack type is
Pack{repeat each T, Int}
, and substitution replaces T
Pack{Float, repeat each U}
, a component index of 1 must be adjusted to
2 so that it still refers to the Int
sil-instruction ::= 'pack_pack_index' int-literal, sil-value 'of' sil-type
Produce the dynamic pack index of an element of a slice of a pack. The type operand is the indexed pack type. The integer operand is an index into the components of this pack type and must be in range. The value operand is the index in the pack slice and must be another pack indexing instruction. The pack slice starts at the given index and extends for a number of components equal to the number of components in the indexed pack type of the operand. The pack type induced from the indexed pack type by this slice must have the same shape as the indexed pack type of the operand.
Substitution must adjust the component index appropriately so that it
still refers to the same component. For example, if the pack type is
Pack{repeat each T, Int}
, and substitution replaces T
Pack{Float, repeat each U}
, a component index of 1 must be adjusted to
2 so that the slice will continue to begin at the Int
Note how, in the example above, the slice does not contain any pack
expansions. (It is either empty or the singleton pack Pack{Int}
.) This
is not typically how this instruction is used but can easily occur after
inlining or other type substitution.
sil-instruction ::= 'dynamic_pack_index' sil-value 'of' sil-type
Produce the dynamic pack index of an unknown element of a pack. The type
operand is the indexed pack type. The value operand is a dynamic index
into the dynamic elements of the pack and must have type Builtin.Word
The instruction has undefined behavior if the index is not in range for
the pack.
sil-instruction ::= 'pack_length' sil-type
Produce the dynamic length of the given pack, which must be a formal
pack type. The value of the instruction has type Builtin.Word
sil-instruction ::= 'open_pack_element' sil-value 'of' generic-parameter-list+ 'at' sil-apply-substitution-list ',' 'shape' sil-type ',' 'uuid' string-literal
Binds one or more opened pack element archetypes in the local type environment.
The generic signature is the generalization signature of the pack elements. This signature need not be related in any way to the generic signature (if any) of the enclosing SIL function.
The shape
type operand is resolved in the context of the
generalization signature. It must name a pack parameter. Archetypes will
be bound for all pack parameters with the same shape as this parameter.
The uuid
operand must be an RFC 4122 UUID string, which is composed of
32 hex digits separated by hyphens in the pattern 8-4-4-4-12
. There
must not be any other open_pack_element
instruction with this UUID in
the SIL function. Opened pack element archetypes are identified by this
UUID and are different from any other opened pack element archetypes in
the function, even if the operands otherwise match exactly.
The value operand is the pack index and must be the result of a pack indexing instruction.
The substitution list matches the generalization signature and provides contextual bindings for all of the type information there. As usual, the substitutions for any pack parameters must be pack types. For pack parameters with the same shape as the shape operand, these pack substitutions must have the same shape as the indexed pack type of the pack index operand (and therefore the same shape as each other).
The cost of this instruction is proportionate to the sum of the number
of pack parameters in the generalization signature with the same shape
as the shape type and the number of protocol conformance requirements
the generalization signature imposes on those parameters and their
associated types. If any of this information is not required for the
correct execution of the SIL function, simplifying the generalization
signature used by theopen_pack_element
can be a significant
sil-instruction ::= 'pack_element_get' sil-value 'of' sil-operand 'as' sil-type
%addr = pack_element_get %index of %pack : $*Pack{Int, repeat each T} as $*Int
Extracts the value previously stored in a pack at a particular index. If the pack element is uninitialized, this has undefined behavior.
Ownership is unclear for direct packs.
The first operand is the pack index and must be a pack indexing instruction. The second operand is the pack and must be the address of a pack value. The type operand is the projected element type of the pack element and must be structurally well-typed for the given index and pack type; see the structural type matching rules for pack indices.
sil-instruction ::= 'pack_element_set' sil-operand 'into' sil-value 'of' sil-operand
pack_element_set %addr : $*@pack_element("...") each U into %index of %pack : $*Pack{Int, repeat each T}
Places a value in a pack at a particular index.
Ownership is unclear for direct packs.
The first operand is the new element value. The second operand is the pack index and must be a pack indexing instruction. The third operand is the pack and must be the address of a pack value. The type of the element value operand is the projected element type of the pack element and must be structurally well-typed for the given index and pack type; see the structural type matching rules for pack indices.
sil-instruction ::= 'type_value' sil-type 'for' sil-identifier
Produce the dynamic value of the given value generic, which must be a
formal value generic type. The value of the instruction has the type of
whatever the underlying value generic's type is. For right now that is
limited to Int
These instructions implement type conversions which are not checked. These are either user-level conversions that are always safe and do not need to be checked, or implementation detail conversions that are unchecked for performance or flexibility.
sil-instruction ::= 'upcast' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = upcast %0 : $D to $B
// $D and $B must be class types or metatypes, with B a superclass of D
// %1 will have type $B
Represents a conversion from a derived class instance or metatype to a superclass, or from a base-class-constrained archetype to its base class.
sil-instruction ::= 'address_to_pointer' ('[' 'stack_protection' ']')? sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = address_to_pointer %0 : $*T to $Builtin.RawPointer
// %0 must be of an address type $*T
// %1 will be of type Builtin.RawPointer
Creates a Builtin.RawPointer
value corresponding to the address %0
Converting the result pointer back to an address of the same type will
give an address equivalent to %0
. It is undefined behavior to cast the
to any address type other than its original address type or
any layout compatible types.
The stack_protection
flag indicates that stack protection is done for
the pointer origin.
sil-instruction ::= 'pointer_to_address' sil-operand 'to' ('[' 'strict' ']')? ('[' 'invariant' ']')? ('[' 'alignment' '=' alignment ']')? sil-type
alignment ::= [0-9]+
%1 = pointer_to_address %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*T
// %1 will be of type $*T
Creates an address value corresponding to the Builtin.RawPointer
. Converting a RawPointer
back to an address of the same type as
its originating address_to_pointer instruction
gives back an equivalent address. It is undefined behavior to cast the
back to any type other than its original address type or
layout compatible types. It is also
undefined behavior to cast a RawPointer
from a heap object to any
address type.
The strict
flag indicates whether the returned address adheres to
strict aliasing. If true, then the type of each memory access dependent
on this address must be consistent with the memory's bound type. A
memory access from an address that is not strict cannot have its address
substituted with a strict address, even if other nearby memory accesses
at the same location are strict.
The invariant
flag is set if loading from the returned address always
produces the same value.
The alignment
integer value specifies the byte alignment of the
address. alignment=0
is the default, indicating the natural alignment
of T
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_ref_cast' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = unchecked_ref_cast %0 : $A to $B
// %0 must be an object of type $A
// $A must be a type with retainable pointer representation
// %1 will be of type $B
// $B must be a type with retainable pointer representation
Converts a heap object reference to another heap object reference type. This conversion is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior if the destination type is not a valid type for the heap object. The heap object reference on either side of the cast may be a class existential, and may be wrapped in one level of Optional.
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_ref_cast_addr'
sil-type 'in' sil-operand 'to'
sil-type 'in' sil-operand
unchecked_ref_cast_addr $A in %0 : $*A to $B in %1 : $*B
// %0 must be the address of an object of type $A
// $A must be a type with retainable pointer representation
// %1 must be the address of storage for an object of type $B
// $B must be a retainable pointer representation
Loads a heap object reference from an address and stores it at the address of another uninitialized heap object reference. The loaded reference is always taken, and the stored reference is initialized. This conversion is unchecked, and it is undefined behavior if the destination type is not a valid type for the heap object. The heap object reference on either side of the cast may be a class existential, and may be wrapped in one level of Optional.
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_addr_cast' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = unchecked_addr_cast %0 : $*A to $*B
// %0 must be an address
// %1 will be of type $*B
Converts an address to a different address type. Using the resulting
address is undefined unless B
is layout compatible with A
. The
layout of B
may be smaller than that of A
as long as the lower order
bytes have identical layout.
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_trivial_bit_cast' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = unchecked_trivial_bit_cast %0 : $Builtin.NativeObject to $Builtin.Word
// %0 must be an object.
// %1 must be an object with trivial type.
Bitcasts an object of type A
to be of same sized or smaller type B
with the constraint that B
must be trivial. This can be used for
bitcasting among trivial types, but more importantly is a one way
bitcast from non-trivial types to trivial types.
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_bitwise_cast' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = unchecked_bitwise_cast %0 : $A to $B
Bitwise copies an object of type A
into a new object of type B
the same size or smaller.
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_value_cast' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = unchecked_value_cast %0 : $A to $B
Bitwise copies an object of type A
into a new layout-compatible object
of type B
of the same size.
This instruction is assumed to forward a fixed ownership (set upon its construction) and lowers to 'unchecked_bitwise_cast' in non-OSSA code. This causes the cast to lose its guarantee of layout-compatibility.
sil-instruction ::= 'unchecked_ownership_conversion' sil-operand ',' sil-value-ownership-kind 'to' sil-value-ownership-kind
%1 = unchecked_ownership_conversion %0 : $A, @guaranteed to @owned
Converts its operand to an identical value of the same type but with different ownership without performing any semantic operations normally required by for ownership conversion.
This is used in Objective-C compatible destructors to convert a guaranteed parameter to an owned parameter without performing a semantic copy.
The resulting value must meet the usual ownership requirements; for example, a trivial type must have '.none' ownership.
sil-instruction ::= 'ref_to_raw_pointer' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = ref_to_raw_pointer %0 : $C to $Builtin.RawPointer
// $C must be a class type, or Builtin.NativeObject, or AnyObject
// %1 will be of type $Builtin.RawPointer
Converts a heap object reference to a Builtin.RawPointer
. The
result can be cast back to the originating class type but
does not have ownership semantics. It is undefined behavior to cast a
from a heap object reference to an address using
sil-instruction ::= 'raw_pointer_to_ref' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = raw_pointer_to_ref %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer to $C
// $C must be a class type, or Builtin.NativeObject, or AnyObject
// %1 will be of type $C
Converts a Builtin.RawPointer
back to a heap object reference. Casting
a heap object reference to Builtin.RawPointer
back to the same type
gives an equivalent heap object reference (though the raw pointer has no
ownership semantics for the object on its own). It is undefined behavior
to cast a RawPointer
to a type unrelated to the dynamic type of the
heap object. It is also undefined behavior to cast a RawPointer
an address to any heap object type.
sil-instruction ::= 'ref_to_unowned' sil-operand
%1 = unowned_to_ref %0 : T
// $T must be a reference type
// %1 will have type $@unowned T
Adds the @unowned
qualifier to the type of a reference to a heap
object. No runtime effect.
sil-instruction ::= 'unowned_to_ref' sil-operand
%1 = unowned_to_ref %0 : $@unowned T
// $T must be a reference type
// %1 will have type $T
Strips the @unowned
qualifier off the type of a reference to a heap
object. No runtime effect.
sil-instruction ::= 'convert_function' sil-operand 'to'
('[' 'without_actually_escaping' ']')?
%1 = convert_function %0 : $T -> U to $T' -> U'
// %0 must be of a function type $T -> U ABI-compatible with $T' -> U'
// (see below)
// %1 will be of type $T' -> U'
Performs a conversion of the function %0
to type T
, which must be
ABI-compatible with the type of %0
. Function types are ABI-compatible
if their input and result types are tuple types that, after
destructuring, differ only in the following ways:
- Corresponding tuple elements may add, remove, or change keyword
(a:Int, b:Float, UnicodeScalar) -> ()
and(x:Int, Float, z:UnicodeScalar) -> ()
are ABI compatible. - A class tuple element of the destination type may be a superclass or subclass of the source type's corresponding tuple element.
The function types may also differ in attributes, except that the
attribute cannot be changed and the @noescape
must not change for functions with context.
A convert_function
cannot be used to change a thick type's
attribute (@noescape
function types with context are not
ABI compatible with escaping function types with context) -- however,
thin function types with and without @noescape
are ABI compatible
because they have no context. To convert from an escaping to a
thick function type use convert_escape_to_noescape
With the without_actually_escaping
attribute, the convert_function
may be used to convert a non-escaping closure into an escaping function
type. This attribute must be present whenever the closure operand has an
unboxed capture (via @inout_aliasable
) and the resulting function
type is escaping. (This only happens as a result of
). If the attribute is present then the
resulting function type must be escaping, but the operand's function
type may or may not be @noescape. Note that a non-escaping closure may
have unboxed captured even though its SIL function type is "escaping".
sil-instruction ::= 'convert_escape_to_noescape' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = convert_escape_to_noescape %0 : $T -> U to $@noescape T' -> U'
// %0 must be of a function type $T -> U ABI-compatible with $T' -> U'
// (see convert_function)
// %1 will be of the trivial type $@noescape T -> U
Converts an escaping (non-trivial) function type to a @noescape
trivial function type. Something must guarantee the lifetime of the
input %0
for the duration of the use %1
A convert_escape_to_noescape [not_guaranteed] %opd
indicates that the
lifetime of its operand was not guaranteed by SILGen and a mandatory
pass must be run to ensure the lifetime of %opd
for the
conversion's uses.
A convert_escape_to_noescape [escaped]
indicates that the result was
passed to a function (materializeForSet) which escapes the closure in a
way not expressed by the convert's users. The mandatory pass must
ensure the lifetime in a conservative way.
sil-instruction ::= 'thunk' sil-thunk-attr* sil-value sil-apply-substitution-list? () sil-type
sil-thunk-attr ::= '[' thunk-kind ']'
sil-thunk-kind ::= identity
%1 = thunk [identity] %0() : $@convention(thin) (T) -> U
// %0 must be of a function type $T -> U
// %1 will be of type @callee_guaranteed (T) -> U since we are creating an
// "identity" thunk.
%1 = thunk [identity] %0<T>() : $@convention(thin) (τ_0_0) -> ()
// %0 must be of a function type $T -> ()
// %1 will be of type @callee_guaranteed <τ_0_0> (τ_0_0) -> () since we are creating a
// "identity" thunk.
Takes in a function and depending on the kind produces a new function
result that is @callee_guaranteed
. The specific way that the function
type of the input is modified by this instruction depends on the
specific sil-thunk-kind
of the instruction. So for instance, the
thunk just returns a callee_guaranteed
version of the input function... but one could imagine a
"reabstracted" thunk kind that would produce the appropriate
reabstracted thunk kind.
This instructions is lowered to a true think in Lowered SIL by the ThunkLowering pass.
It is assumed that like partial_apply, if we need a
substitution map, it will be attached to thunk
. This ensures
that we have the substitution map already created if we need to create a
sil-instruction ::= 'classify_bridge_object' sil-operand
%1 = classify_bridge_object %0 : $Builtin.BridgeObject
// %1 will be of type (Builtin.Int1, Builtin.Int1)
Decodes the bit representation of the specified Builtin.BridgeObject
value, returning two bits: the first indicates whether the object is an
Objective-C object, the second indicates whether it is an Objective-C
tagged pointer value.
sil-instruction ::= 'value_to_bridge_object' sil-operand
%1 = value_to_bridge_object %0 : $T
// %1 will be of type Builtin.BridgeObject
Sets the BridgeObject to a tagged pointer representation holding its operands by tagging and shifting the operand if needed:
value_to_bridge_object %x ===
(x << _swift_abi_ObjCReservedLowBits) | _swift_BridgeObject_TaggedPointerBits
thus must not be using any high bits shifted away or the tag bits
post-shift. ARC operations on such tagged values are NOPs.
sil-instruction ::= 'ref_to_bridge_object' sil-operand, sil-operand
%2 = ref_to_bridge_object %0 : $C, %1 : $Builtin.Word
// %1 must be of reference type $C
// %2 will be of type Builtin.BridgeObject
Creates a Builtin.BridgeObject
that references %0
, with spare bits
in the pointer representation populated by bitwise-OR-ing in the value
of %1
. It is undefined behavior if this bitwise OR operation affects
the reference identity of %0
; in other words, after the following
instruction sequence:
%b = ref_to_bridge_object %r : $C, %w : $Builtin.Word
%r2 = bridge_object_to_ref %b : $Builtin.BridgeObject to $C
and %r2
must be equivalent. In particular, it is assumed that
retaining or releasing the BridgeObject
is equivalent to retaining or
releasing the original reference, and that the above
/ bridge_object_to_ref
round-trip can be folded
away to a no-op.
On platforms with ObjC interop, there is additionally a
platform-specific bit in the pointer representation of a BridgeObject
that is reserved to indicate whether the referenced object has native
Swift refcounting. It is undefined behavior to set this bit when the
first operand references an Objective-C object.
sil-instruction ::= 'bridge_object_to_ref' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = bridge_object_to_ref %0 : $Builtin.BridgeObject to $C
// $C must be a reference type
// %1 will be of type $C
Extracts the object reference from a Builtin.BridgeObject
, masking out
any spare bits.
sil-instruction ::= 'bridge_object_to_word' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = bridge_object_to_word %0 : $Builtin.BridgeObject to $Builtin.Word
// %1 will be of type $Builtin.Word
Provides the bit pattern of a Builtin.BridgeObject
as an integer.
sil-instruction ::= 'thin_to_thick_function' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = thin_to_thick_function %0 : $@convention(thin) T -> U to $T -> U
// %0 must be of a thin function type $@convention(thin) T -> U
// The destination type must be the corresponding thick function type
// %1 will be of type $T -> U
Converts a thin function value, that is, a bare function pointer with no
context information, into a thick function value with ignored context.
Applying the resulting thick function value is equivalent to applying
the original thin value. The thin_to_thick_function
conversion may be
eliminated if the context is proven not to be needed.
sil-instruction ::= 'thick_to_objc_metatype' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = thick_to_objc_metatype %0 : $@thick T.Type to $@objc_metatype T.Type
// %0 must be of a thick metatype type $@thick T.Type
// The destination type must be the corresponding Objective-C metatype type
// %1 will be of type $@objc_metatype T.Type
Converts a thick metatype to an Objective-C class metatype. T
must be
of class, class protocol, or class protocol composition type.
sil-instruction ::= 'objc_to_thick_metatype' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = objc_to_thick_metatype %0 : $@objc_metatype T.Type to $@thick T.Type
// %0 must be of an Objective-C metatype type $@objc_metatype T.Type
// The destination type must be the corresponding thick metatype type
// %1 will be of type $@thick T.Type
Converts an Objective-C class metatype to a thick metatype. T
must be
of class, class protocol, or class protocol composition type.
Some user-level cast operations can fail and thus require runtime checking.
The unconditional_checked_cast_addr
unconditional_checked_cast instructions
performs an unconditional checked cast; it is a runtime failure if the
cast fails. The checked_cast_addr_br and
checked_cast_br terminator instruction performs a
conditional checked cast; it branches to one of two destinations based
on whether the cast succeeds or not.
sil-instruction ::= 'unconditional_checked_cast' sil-operand 'to' sil-type
%1 = unconditional_checked_cast %0 : $A to $B
%1 = unconditional_checked_cast %0 : $*A to $*B
// $A and $B must be both objects or both addresses
// %1 will be of type $B or $*B
Performs a checked scalar conversion, causing a runtime failure if the conversion fails. Casts that require changing representation or ownership are unsupported.
sil-instruction ::= 'unconditional_checked_cast_addr'
sil-type 'in' sil-operand 'to'
sil-type 'in' sil-operand
unconditional_checked_cast_addr $A in %0 : $*@thick A to $B in %1 : $*@thick B
// $A and $B must be both addresses
// %1 will be of type $*B
// $A is destroyed during the conversion. There is no implicit copy.
Performs a checked indirect conversion, causing a runtime failure if the conversion fails.
sil-instruction ::= 'cond_fail' sil-operand, string-literal
cond_fail %0 : $Builtin.Int1, "failure reason"
// %0 must be of type $Builtin.Int1
This instruction produces a runtime failure if the operand is 1. Execution proceeds normally if the operand is zero. The second operand is a static failure message, which is displayed by the debugger in case the failure is triggered.
These instructions terminate a basic block. Every basic block must end with a terminator. Terminators may only appear as the final instruction of a basic block.
sil-terminator ::= 'unreachable'
Indicates that control flow must not reach the end of the current basic
block. It is a dataflow error if an unreachable terminator is reachable
from the entry point of a function and is not immediately preceded by an
of a no-return function.
sil-terminator ::= 'return' sil-operand
return %0 : $T
// $T must be the return type of the current function
Exits the current function and returns control to the calling function.
If the current function was invoked with an apply
instruction, the
result of that function will be the operand of this return
instruction. If the current function was invoked with a try_apply
instruction, control resumes at the normal destination, and the value of
the basic block argument will be the operand of this return
If the current function is a single-yield coroutine (yield_once
), there must not be a path from the entry block to a
which does not pass through a yield
instruction. This rule
does not apply in the raw
SIL stage.
does not retain or release its operand or any other values.
A function must not contain more than one return
sil-terminator ::= 'throw' sil-operand
throw %0 : $T
// $T must be the error result type of the current function
Exits the current function and returns control to the calling function.
The current function must have an error result, and so the function must
have been invoked with a try_apply
instruction. Control will resume in
the error destination of that instruction, and the basic block argument
will be the operand of the throw
does not retain or release its operand or any other values.
A function must not contain more than one throw
sil-terminator ::= 'throw_addr'
// indirect error result must be initialized at this point
Exits the current function and returns control to the calling function.
The current function must have an indirect error result, and so the
function must have been invoked with a try_apply
instruction. Control
will resume in the error destination of that instruction.
The function is responsible for initializing its error result before the
does not retain or release any values.
A function must not contain more than one throw_addr
sil-terminator ::= 'yield' sil-yield-values
',' 'resume' sil-identifier
',' 'unwind' sil-identifier
sil-yield-values ::= sil-operand
sil-yield-values ::= '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
Temporarily suspends the current function and provides the given values
to the calling function. The current function must be a coroutine, and
the yield values must match the yield types of the coroutine. If the
calling function resumes the coroutine normally, control passes to the
destination. If the calling function aborts the coroutine,
control passes to the unwind
The resume
and unwind
destination blocks must be uniquely referenced
by the yield
instruction. This prevents them from becoming critical
In a single-yield coroutine (yield_once
or yield_once_2
), there must
not be a control flow path leading from the resume
edge to another
instruction in this function. This rule does not apply in the
SIL stage.
There must not be a control flow path leading from the unwind
edge to
a return
instruction, to a throw
instruction, or to any block
reachable from the entry block via a path that does not pass through an
edge. That is, the blocks reachable from unwind
edges must
jointly form a disjoint subfunction of the coroutine.
sil-terminator ::= 'unwind'
Exits the current function and returns control to the calling function,
completing an unwind from a yield
. The current function must be a
is only permitted in blocks reachable from the unwind
of yield
sil-terminator ::= 'br' sil-identifier
'(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
br label (%0 : $A, %1 : $B, ...)
// `label` must refer to a basic block label within the current function
// %0, %1, etc. must be of the types of `label`'s arguments
Unconditionally transfers control from the current basic block to the
block labeled label
, binding the given values to the arguments of the
destination basic block.
sil-terminator ::= 'cond_br' sil-operand ','
sil-identifier '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')' ','
sil-identifier '(' (sil-operand (',' sil-operand)*)? ')'
cond_br %0 : $Builtin.Int1, true_label (%a : $A, %b : $B, ...),
false_label (%x : $X, %y : $Y, ...)
// %0 must be of $Builtin.Int1 type
// `true_label` and `false_label` must refer to block labels within the
// current function and must not be identical
// %a, %b, etc. must be of the types of `true_label`'s arguments
// %x, %y, etc. must be of the types of `false_label`'s arguments
Conditionally branches to true_label
if %0
is equal to 1
or to
if %0
is equal to 0
, binding the corresponding set of
values to the arguments of the chosen destination block.
In OSSA, cond_br
must not have any arguments because in OSSA critical control
flow edges are not allowed.
sil-terminator ::= 'switch_value' sil-operand
(',' sil-switch-value-case)*
(',' sil-switch-default)?
sil-switch-value-case ::= 'case' sil-value ':' sil-identifier
sil-switch-default ::= 'default' sil-identifier
switch_value %0 : $Builtin.Int<n>, case %1: label1,
case %2: label2,
default labelN
// %0 must be a value of builtin integer type $Builtin.Int<n>
// `label1` through `labelN` must refer to block labels within the current
// function
// FIXME: All destination labels currently must take no arguments
Conditionally branches to one of several destination basic blocks based
on a value of builtin integer. If the operand value matches one of the
values of the instruction, control is transferred to the
corresponding basic block. If there is a default
basic block, control
is transferred to it if the value does not match any of the case
values. It is undefined behavior if the value does not match any cases
and no default
branch is provided.
sil-terminator ::= 'switch_enum' sil-operand
(',' sil-switch-enum-case)*
(',' sil-switch-default)?
sil-switch-enum-case ::= 'case' sil-decl-ref ':' sil-identifier
switch_enum %0 : $U, case #U.Foo!enumelt: label1,
case #U.Bar!enumelt: label2,
default labelN
// %0 must be a value of enum type $U
// #U.Foo, #U.Bar, etc. must be 'case' declarations inside $U
// `label1` through `labelN` must refer to block labels within the current
// function
// label1 must take either no basic block arguments, or a single argument
// of the type of #U.Foo's data
// label2 must take either no basic block arguments, or a single argument
// of the type of #U.Bar's data, etc.
// labelN must take no basic block arguments
Conditionally branches to one of several destination basic blocks based
on the discriminator in a loadable enum
value. Unlike switch_int
requires coverage of the operand type: If the enum
cannot be switched exhaustively in the current function, the default
branch is required; otherwise, the default
branch is required unless a
destination is assigned to every case
of the enum
. The destination
basic block for a case
may take an argument of the corresponding
's data type (or of the address type, if the operand is an
address). If the branch is taken, the destination's argument will be
bound to the associated data inside the original enum value. For
enum Foo {
case Nothing
case OneInt(Int)
case TwoInts(Int, Int)
sil @sum_of_foo : $Foo -> Int {
entry(%x : $Foo):
switch_enum %x : $Foo,
case #Foo.Nothing!enumelt: nothing,
case #Foo.OneInt!enumelt: one_int,
case #Foo.TwoInts!enumelt: two_ints
%zero = integer_literal $Int, 0
return %zero : $Int
one_int(%y : $Int):
return %y : $Int
two_ints(%ab : $(Int, Int)):
%a = tuple_extract %ab : $(Int, Int), 0
%b = tuple_extract %ab : $(Int, Int), 1
%add = function_ref @add : $(Int, Int) -> Int
%result = apply %add(%a, %b) : $(Int, Int) -> Int
return %result : $Int
On a path dominated by a destination block of switch_enum
, copying or
destroying the basic block argument has equivalent reference counting
semantics to copying or destroying the switch_enum
// This retain_value...
retain_value %e1 : $Enum
switch_enum %e1, case #Enum.A: a, case #Enum.B: b
a(%a : $A):
// balanced by this release_value
release_value %a
b(%b : $B):
// ...and this one
release_value %b
sil-terminator ::= 'switch_enum_addr' sil-operand
(',' sil-switch-enum-case)*
(',' sil-switch-default)?
switch_enum_addr %0 : $*U, case #U.Foo!enumelt: label1,
case #U.Bar!enumelt: label2,
default labelN
// %0 must be the address of an enum type $*U
// #U.Foo, #U.Bar, etc. must be cases of $U
// `label1` through `labelN` must refer to block labels within the current
// function
// The destinations must take no basic block arguments
Conditionally branches to one of several destination basic blocks based on the discriminator in the enum value referenced by the address operand.
Unlike switch_int
, switch_enum
requires coverage of the operand
type: If the enum
type cannot be switched exhaustively in the current
function, the default
branch is required; otherwise, the default
branch is required unless a destination is assigned to every case
the enum
. Unlike switch_enum
, the payload value is not passed to the
destination basic blocks; it must be projected out separately with
sil-terminator ::= 'dynamic_method_br' sil-operand ',' sil-decl-ref
',' sil-identifier ',' sil-identifier
dynamic_method_br %0 : $P, #X.method, bb1, bb2
// %0 must be of protocol type
// #X.method must be a reference to an @objc method of any class
// or protocol type
Looks up the implementation of an Objective-C method with the same
selector as the named method for the dynamic type of the value inside an
existential container. The "self" operand of the result function value
is represented using an opaque type, the value for which must be
projected out as a value of type Builtin.ObjCPointer
If the operand is determined to have the named method, this instruction
branches to bb1
, passing it the uncurried function corresponding to
the method found. If the operand does not have the named method, this
instruction branches to bb2
sil-terminator ::= 'checked_cast_br' sil-checked-cast-exact?
sil-type 'in'
sil-operand 'to' sil-type ','
sil-identifier ',' sil-identifier
sil-checked-cast-exact ::= '[' 'exact' ']'
checked_cast_br A in %0 : $A to $B, bb1, bb2
checked_cast_br *A in %0 : $*A to $*B, bb1, bb2
checked_cast_br [exact] A in %0 : $A to $A, bb1, bb2
// $A and $B must be both object types or both address types
// bb1 must take a single argument of type $B or $*B
// bb2 must take no arguments
Performs a checked scalar conversion from $A
to $B
. If the
conversion succeeds, control is transferred to bb1
, and the result of
the cast is passed into bb1
as an argument. If the conversion fails,
control is transferred to bb2
An exact cast checks whether the dynamic type is exactly the target type, not any possible subtype of it. The source and target types must be class types.
sil-terminator ::= 'checked_cast_addr_br'
sil-type 'in' sil-operand 'to'
sil-stype 'in' sil-operand ','
sil-identifier ',' sil-identifier
sil-cast-consumption-kind ::= 'take_always'
sil-cast-consumption-kind ::= 'take_on_success'
sil-cast-consumption-kind ::= 'copy_on_success'
checked_cast_addr_br take_always $A in %0 : $*@thick A to $B in %2 : $*@thick B, bb1, bb2
// $A and $B must be both address types
// bb1 must take a single argument of type $*B
// bb2 must take no arguments
Performs a checked indirect conversion from $A
to $B
. If the
conversion succeeds, control is transferred to bb1
, and the result of
the cast is left in the destination. If the conversion fails, control is
transferred to bb2
sil-terminator ::= 'try_apply' sil-value
'(' (sil-value (',' sil-value)*)? ')'
':' sil-type
'normal' sil-identifier, 'error' sil-identifier
try_apply %0(%1, %2, ...) : $(A, B, ...) -> (R, @error E),
normal bb1, error bb2
bb1(%3 : R):
bb2(%4 : E):
// Note that the type of the callee '%0' is specified *after* the arguments
// %0 must be of a concrete function type $(A, B, ...) -> (R, @error E)
// %1, %2, etc. must be of the argument types $A, $B, etc.
Transfers control to the function specified by %0
, passing it the
given arguments. When %0
returns, control resumes in either the normal
destination (if it returns with return
) or the error destination (if
it returns with throw
must have a function type with an error result.
The rules on generic substitutions are identical to those of apply
sil-terminator ::= 'await_async_continuation' sil-value
',' 'resume' sil-identifier
(',' 'error' sil-identifier)?
await_async_continuation %0 : $UnsafeContinuation<T>, resume bb1
await_async_continuation %0 : $UnsafeThrowingContinuation<T>, resume bb1, error bb2
bb1(%1 : @owned $T):
bb2(%2 : @owned $Error):
Suspends execution of an @async
function until the continuation is
resumed. The continuation must be the result of a
or get_async_continuation_addr
within the same function; see the documentation for
for discussion of further constraints on the IR
between get_async_continuation[_addr]
and await_async_continuation
This terminator can only appear inside an @async
function. The
instruction must always have a resume
successor, but must have an
successor if and only if the operand is an
If the operand is the result of a get_async_continuation
then the resume
successor block must take an argument whose type is
the maximally-abstracted lowered type of T
, matching the type argument
of the Unsafe[Throwing]Continuation<T>
operand. The value of the
argument is owned by the current function. If the operand is
the result of a get_async_continuation_addr
instruction, then the
successor block must not take an argument; the resume value
will be written to the memory referenced by the operand to the
instruction, after which point the value
in that memory becomes owned by the current function. With either
variant, if the await_async_continuation
instruction has an error
successor block, the error
block must take a single Error
and that argument is owned by the enclosing function. The memory
referenced by a get_async_continuation_addr
instruction remains
uninitialized when await_async_continuation
resumes on the error
It is possible for a continuation to be resumed before
. In this case, the resume operation returns
immediately to its caller. When the await_async_continuation
instruction later executes, it then immediately transfers control to its
or error
successor block, using the resume or error value
that the continuation was already resumed with.
sil-instruction ::= 'differentiable_function'
sil-value ':' sil-type
sil-differentiable-function-parameter-indices ::=
'[' 'parameters' [0-9]+ (' ' [0-9]+)* ']'
sil-differentiable-derivative-functions-clause ::=
'{' sil-value ':' sil-type ',' sil-value ':' sil-type '}'
differentiable_function [parameters 0] %0 : $(T) -> T
with_derivative {%1 : $(T) -> (T, (T) -> T), %2 : $(T) -> (T, (T) -> T)}
Creates a @differentiable
function from an original function operand
and derivative function operands (optional). There are two derivative
function kinds: a Jacobian-vector products (JVP) function and a
vector-Jacobian products (VJP) function.
[parameters ...]
specifies parameter indices that the original
function is differentiable with respect to.
The with_derivative
clause specifies the derivative function operands
associated with the original function.
The differentiation transformation canonicalizes all
instructions, generating
derivative functions if necessary to fill in derivative function
In raw SIL, the with_derivative
clause is optional. In canonical SIL,
the with_derivative
clause is mandatory.
sil-instruction ::= 'linear_function'
sil-value ':' sil-type
sil-linear-function-parameter-indices ::=
'[' 'parameters' [0-9]+ (' ' [0-9]+)* ']'
sil-linear-transpose-function-clause ::=
with_transpose sil-value ':' sil-type
linear_function [parameters 0] %0 : $(T) -> T with_transpose %1 : $(T) -> T
Bundles a function with its transpose function into a
[parameters ...]
specifies parameter indices that the original
function is linear with respect to.
A with_transpose
clause specifies the transpose function associated
with the original function. When a with_transpose
clause is not
specified, the mandatory differentiation transform will add a
clause to the instruction.
In raw SIL, the with_transpose
clause is optional. In canonical SIL,
the with_transpose
clause is mandatory.
sil-instruction ::= 'differentiable_function_extract'
'[' sil-differentiable-function-extractee ']'
sil-value ':' sil-type
('as' sil-type)?
sil-differentiable-function-extractee ::= 'original' | 'jvp' | 'vjp'
differentiable_function_extract [original] %0 : $@differentiable (T) -> T
differentiable_function_extract [jvp] %0 : $@differentiable (T) -> T
differentiable_function_extract [vjp] %0 : $@differentiable (T) -> T
differentiable_function_extract [jvp] %0 : $@differentiable (T) -> T
as $(@in_constant T) -> (T, (T.TangentVector) -> T.TangentVector)
Extracts the original function or a derivative function from the given
function. The extractee is one of the following:
, [jvp]
, or [vjp]
In lowered SIL, an explicit extractee type may be provided. This is currently used by the LoadableByAddress transformation, which rewrites function types.
sil-instruction ::= 'linear_function_extract'
'[' sil-linear-function-extractee ']'
sil-value ':' sil-type
sil-linear-function-extractee ::= 'original' | 'transpose'
linear_function_extract [original] %0 : $@differentiable(_linear) (T) -> T
linear_function_extract [transpose] %0 : $@differentiable(_linear) (T) -> T
Extracts the original function or a transpose function from the given
function. The extractee is one of the
following: [original]
or [transpose]
sil-instruction ::=
'[' sil-differentiability-witness-function-kind ']'
'[' differentiability-kind ']'
'[' 'parameters' sil-differentiability-witness-function-index-list ']'
'[' 'results' sil-differentiability-witness-function-index-list ']'
sil-function-name ':' sil-type
sil-differentiability-witness-function-kind ::= 'jvp' | 'vjp' | 'transpose'
sil-differentiability-witness-function-index-list ::= [0-9]+ (' ' [0-9]+)*
differentiability_witness_function [vjp] [reverse] [parameters 0] [results 0]
<T where T: Differentiable> @foo : $(T) -> T
Looks up a differentiability witness function (JVP, VJP, or transpose) for a referenced function via SIL differentiability witnesses.
The differentiability witness function kind identifies the witness
function to look up: [jvp]
, [vjp]
, or [transpose]
The remaining components identify the SIL differentiability witness:
- Original function name.
- Differentiability kind.
- Parameter indices.
- Result indices.
- Witness generic parameter clause (optional). When parsing SIL, the parsed witness generic parameter clause is combined with the original function's generic signature to form the full witness generic signature.
sil-instruction ::= 'mark_unresolved_non_copyable_value'
'[' sil-optimizer-analysis-marker ']'
sil-optimizer-analysis-marker ::= 'consumable_and_assignable'
::= 'no_consume_or_assign'
A canary value inserted by a SIL generating frontend to signal to the
move checker to check a specific value. Valid only in Raw SIL. The
relevant checkers should remove the
instruction after successfully running the relevant diagnostic. The idea
here is that instead of needing to introduce multiple "flagging"
instructions for the optimizer, we can just reuse this one instruction
by varying the kind.
If the sil optimizer analysis marker is consumable_and_assignable
the move checker is told to check that the result of this instruction is
consumed at most once. If the marker is no_consume_or_assign
, then the
move checker will validate that the result of this instruction is never
consumed or assigned over.
sil-instruction ::= 'copyable_to_moveonlywrapper'
takes in a
and maps it to a move only wrapped @moveOnly T
. This is
semantically used by a code generator initializing a new moveOnly
binding from a copyable value. It semantically destroys its input
@owned value and returns a brand new independent @owned @moveOnly
value. It also is used to convert a trivial copyable value with type
'Trivial' into an owned non-trivial value of type '@moveOnly
Trivial'. If one thinks of '@moveOnly' as a monad, this is how one
injects a copyable value into the move only space.
sil-instruction ::= 'moveonlywrapper_to_copyable [owned]'
sil-instruction ::= 'moveonlywrapper_to_copyable [guaranteed]'
takes in a
@moveOnly T
and produces a new T
value. This is a 'forwarding'
instruction where at parse time, we only allow for one to choose it to
be [owned] or [guaranteed]. With time, we may eliminate the need for
the guaranteed form in the future.
moveonlywrapper_to_copyable [owned]
is used to signal the end of lifetime of the '@moveOnly' wrapper. SILGen inserts these when ever a move only value has its ownership passed to a situation where a copyable value is needed. Since it is consuming, we know that the no implicit copy or no-escape checker will ensure that if we need a copy for it, the program will emit a diagnostic.moveonlywrapper_to_copyable [guaranteed]
is used to pass a @moveOnly T value as a copyable guaranteed parameter with type 'T' to a function. In the case of using no-implicit-copy checking this is always fine since no-implicit-copy is a local pattern. This would be an error when performing no escape checking. Importantly, this instruction also is where in the case of an @moveOnly trivial type, we convert from the non-trivial representation to the trivial representation.
sil-instruction ::= 'copyable_to_moveonlywrapper_addr'
takes in a *T
and maps it to a move only wrapped *@moveOnly T
This is semantically used by a code generator initializing a new
moveOnly binding from a copyable value. It semantically acts as an
address cast. If one thinks of '@moveOnly' as a monad, this is how one
injects a copyable value into the move only space.
sil-instruction ::= 'moveonlywrapper_to_copyable_addr'
takes in a *@moveOnly T
and produces a new *T
value. This
instruction acts like an address cast that projects out the underlying T
from an @moveOnly T.
NOTE: From the perspective of the address checker, a trivial
load with a
operand is considered to be a use of a non-copyable type.
sil-instruction ::= 'has_symbol' sil-decl-ref
Returns true if each of the underlying symbol addresses associated with the given declaration are non-null. This can be used to determine whether a weakly-imported declaration is available at runtime.
sil-instruction ::= 'ignored_use'
This instruction acts as a synthetic use instruction that suppresses unused variable warnings. In Swift the equivalent operation is '_ = x'. This importantly also provides a way to find the source location for '_ = x' when emitting SIL diagnostics. It is only legal in Raw SIL and is removed as dead code when we convert to Canonical SIL.
DISCUSSION: Before the introduction of this instruction, in certain cases, SILGen would just not emit anything for '_ = x'... so one could not emit diagnostics upon this case.