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SIL is an SSA-form IR with high-level semantic information designed to implement the Swift programming language.

In contrast to LLVM IR, SIL is a generally target-independent format representation that can be used for code distribution, but it can also express target-specific concepts as well as LLVM can.

SIL has three representations:

  • In memory: SIL is represented by data structures which are implemented in the compiler sources. Optimization passes use the in-memory representation of SIL.

  • Textual: The compiler and related utilities can print and parse textual SIL files. Textual SIL files have the file extension .sil.

  • Binary: SIL can be stored and read from binary files. Binary SIL files are called "swift-module" files and have the extension .swiftmodule. Note that the binary format is not stable. Swift-module files are not compatible between compiler versions.

In this document SIL is explained by describing and using the syntax of the textual representation.

SIL is reliant on Swift's type system and declarations, so textual SIL syntax is an extension of Swift's. A .sil file is a Swift source file with added SIL definitions. The Swift source is parsed only for its declarations; Swift func bodies (except for nested declarations) and top-level code are ignored by the SIL parser. In a .sil file, there are no implicit imports; the Swift and/or Builtin standard modules must be imported explicitly if used.

SIL in the Swift Compiler

At a high level, the Swift compiler follows a strict pipeline architecture:

  • The parser constructs an AST from Swift source code.
  • The type checker (SEMA) type-checks the AST and annotates it with type information.
  • SILGen generates raw SIL from an AST. In raw SIL dataflow requirements, such as definitive assignment, function returns, etc. are not yet been enforced.
  • A series of mandatory optimization passes are run over the raw SIL both to perform required optimizations and to emit language-specific diagnostics. These are always run, regardless of the selected optimization mode, and produce canonical SIL.
  • General optimization passes run over the canonical SIL to improve performance of the resulting executable. These are enabled and controlled by the optimization level.
  • IRGen lowers canonical SIL to LLVM IR.
  • The LLVM backend applies LLVM optimizations, runs the LLVM code generator and emits binary code.

Ownership SSA

Ownership SSA - or OSSA - is an augmented version of SSA that enforces ownership invariants for SSA values in SIL functions. OSSA allows to verify ownership.

By using these ownership invariants, SIL in OSSA form can be validated statically as not containing use after free errors or leaked memory. This allows the compiler at compile time to detect bugs in SILGen and optimization passes.

SILGen generates OSSA and OSSA is maintained throughout mandatory optimizations and for part of optimization passes. At some point in the SIL pass pipeline OSSA is "lowered" to plain SSA. From this point on no ownership verification can be done anymore.

SIL Stages

SIL files declare the processing stage of the included SIL with one of the declarations sil_stage raw or sil_stage canonical at top level. Only one such declaration may appear in a file.

decl ::= sil-stage-decl
sil-stage-decl ::= 'sil_stage' sil-stage

sil-stage ::= 'raw'
sil-stage ::= 'canonical'

There are different invariants on SIL depending on what stage of processing has been applied to it.

  • Raw SIL is the form produced by SILGen that has not been run through mandatory optimizations or diagnostic passes. Raw SIL may not have a fully-constructed SSA graph. It may contain dataflow errors, like not all variables are initialized. Some instructions may be represented in non-canonical forms, such as assign. Raw SIL cannot be used for native code generation or distribution.
  • Canonical SIL is SIL as it exists after mandatory optimizations and diagnostics. Dataflow errors must be eliminated, and certain instructions must be canonicalized to simpler forms. Performance optimization and native code generation are derived from this form, and a module can be distributed containing SIL in this forms.

SIL Types

SIL types are introduced with the $ sigil. SIL's type system is closely related to Swift's, and so the type after the $ is parsed largely according to Swift's type grammar.

sil-type ::= '$' '*'? generic-parameter-list? type

Formal vs. Lowered Types

A formal type corresponds to a Swift type as it is defined in the source code. The AST and the type checker work with formal types. Formal types can be canonicalized which resolves type aliases and removes sugar. Later stages of the compiler, like the SIL optimizer, only deal with canonical formal types. Therefore, if we speak about formal types in the following sections, we always refer to canonical formal types.

Each formal type has a corresponding lowered type. However, most lowered types are identical to their original formal type, for example all nominal types, like classes, structs or enums (except Optional). Only a few kind of types are lowered to a different lowered type. The most prominent example is function types: a lowered function type adds information about the calling convention and it lowers tuple arguments to individual arguments.

For example, the formal type of

  func foo(a: (Int, String), b: any P) { }

is ((Int, String), any P) -> () whereas its lowered type is (Int, @guaranteed String, @in_guaranteed any P) -> ().

Deriving a lowered type from a formal type is called type lowering which is described in detail in the Types document.

SIL types are always lowered types. The soundness of the SIL type system depends on lowered types and the SIL optimizer needs lowered types to perform correct optimizations.

However, there are a few places where SIL needs to refer to formal types. These are operations on types which are "user visible", for example cast instructions.

For example, a cast from ((Int, Bool)) -> () to (Int, Bool) -> () fails because the two formal function types differ. If a SIL cast instruction would operate on SIL types, the cast would incorrectly succeed because the formal types of those functions types are equivalent.

To summarize:

Definition Example
Formal type original type from the source code typealias C = ((Int, Bool)) -> ()
Canonical type formal type minus sugar, aliases resolved ((Int, Bool)) -> ()
SIL type lowered canonical type, plus is-address flag $*(Int, Bool) -> ()

Loadable vs. Address-only Types

Most SIL types are loadable. That means that a value of such a type can be represented as an SSA value. If a type is not loadable, it is address-only. For example, if the compiler does not know the layout size of a type, the type is address-only.

Values of address-only types can only live in memory and can only be accessed via the address to the memory location.

Note: that in future, SIL might represent address-only types as SSA values.

Address vs. Object Types

The type of a value in SIL is either:

  • an object type $T, where T is a loadable type, or
  • an address type $*T, where T is a loadable or address-only type.

The address of T $*T is a pointer to memory containing a value of type $T. This can be the address of a stack location (alloc_stack, an internal pointer into a class instance or reference-counted box, the address of a global variable, an indirect function argument or an address produced from an unsafe pointer. Addresses of loadable types can be loaded and stored to access values of those types.

Addresses of address-only types can only be used with instructions that manipulate their operands indirectly by address, such as copy_addr or destroy_addr, or as arguments to functions. It is illegal to have a value of type $T if T is address-only.

Addresses are not reference-counted pointers like class values are. They cannot be retained or released.

Address types are not first-class: they cannot appear in recursive positions in type expressions, e.g. the address of an address cannot be directly taken. For example, the type $**T is not a legal type.

Addresses can be passed as arguments to functions if the corresponding parameter is indirect. They cannot be returned, except by a begin_apply.

Trivial vs. Non-Trivial Types

A trivial type is a loadable type with trivial value semantics. Values of trivial type can be copied or destroyed without any "extra effort" like retain or release operations. For example, Int or Bool are trivial types.

In contrast, a non-trivial type requires extra code to be emitted to perform copies and destroys. Some common reasons why a type is non-trivial are:

  • The type (or a sub-type contained within it) contains a class reference which requiring retain/release operations.

  • The type is not known at compile time, for example, a generic type or a resilient type.

  • The type is a non-copyable type with a custom deinit that must be run when a value of such a type is destroyed.

For more information on types in SIL see the Types document.


SIL functions are defined with the sil keyword. SIL function names are introduced with the @ sigil. A SIL function name will become the LLVM IR name for the function, and is usually the mangled name of the originating Swift declaration. The sil syntax declares the function's name and SIL type, and defines the body of the function inside braces. The declared type must be a function type, which may be generic.

decl ::= sil-function
sil-function ::= 'sil' sil-linkage? sil-function-attribute+
                   sil-function-name ':' sil-type
                   '{' effects* sil-basic-block* '}'
sil-function-name ::= '@' [A-Za-z_0-9]+

If a function body does not contain at least one sil-basic-block, the function is an external declaration.

For the list of function attributes see FunctionAttributes.


Optionally a function can define a list of effects, which describe effects, like memory effects or escaping effects for arguments. For details see the documentation in Effects.swift.

effects ::= '[' argument-name ':' argument-effect (',' argument-effect)*]'
effects ::= '[' 'global' ':' global-effect (',' global-effect)*]'
argument-name ::= '%' [0-9]+

argument-effect ::= 'noescape' defined-effect? projection-path?
argument-effect ::= 'escape' defined-effect? projection-path? '=>' arg-or-return  // exclusive escape
argument-effect ::= 'escape' defined-effect? projection-path? '->' arg-or-return  // not-exclusive escape
argument-effect ::= side-effect

global-effect ::= 'traps'
global-effect ::= 'allocate'
global-effect ::= 'deinit_barrier'
global-effect ::= side-effect

side-effect ::= 'read' projection-path?
side-effect ::= 'write' projection-path?
side-effect ::= 'copy' projection-path?
side-effect ::= 'destroy' projection-path?

arg-or-return ::= argument-name ('.' projection-path)?
arg-or-return ::= '%r' ('.' projection-path)?
defined-effect ::= '!'    // the effect is defined in the source code and not
                          // derived by the optimizer

projection-path ::= path-component ('.' path-component)* 
path-component ::= 's' [0-9]+        // struct field
path-component ::= 'c' [0-9]+        // class field
path-component ::= 'ct'              // class tail element
path-component ::= 'e' [0-9]+        // enum case
path-component ::= [0-9]+            // tuple element
path-component ::= 'v**'             // any value fields
path-component ::= 'c*'              // any class field
path-component ::= '**'              // anything

Note that even function declarations, i.e. functions without basic blocks, can defined effects. For example:

sil @foo : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed String) -> String {
[%0: escape v** => %r.v**]
[global: read,copy]

Basic Blocks

A function body consists of one or more basic blocks. Each basic block contains one or more instructions and can have arguments. The last instruction of a block is a "terminator" instruction. The function's entry point is always the first basic block in its body.

sil-basic-block ::= sil-label sil-instruction-def* sil-terminator
sil-label ::= sil-identifier ('(' sil-argument (',' sil-argument)* ')')? ':'
sil-argument-ownership-kind ::= @owned
sil-argument-ownership-kind ::= @guaranteed
sil-argument-ownership-kind ::= @reborrow
sil-argument ::= sil-value-name ':' sil-argument-ownership-kind? sil-type

sil-instruction-result ::= sil-value-name
sil-instruction-result ::= '(' (sil-value-name (',' sil-value-name)*)? ')'
sil-instruction-source-info ::= (',' sil-scope-ref)? (',' sil-loc)?
sil-instruction-def ::=
  (sil-instruction-result '=')? sil-instruction sil-instruction-source-info

For a detailed description of all instructions, see the Instruction Reference.

Basic Block Arguments

A block argument is a value and can have an ownership kind specified before its type annotation.
There are three kind of arguments:

  • Function arguments: Per definition, the arguments of the first basic block in the function (the entry block) are the function's arguments. The types of the function arguments must match the parameters of the function type. Function arguments are bound by the function's caller:
    sil @foo : $@convention(thin) (Int, @guaranteed String) -> () {
    bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : @guaranteed $String):
  • Terminator results: Some terminator instructions forward their result to the successor block's arguments. For example a switch_enum forwards the payload of an enum case to the corresponding successor block's argument.
      switch_enum %1, case #Optional.some!enumelt: bb1, default: bb2
    bb1(%term_result : $Int):
  • Phi arguments: If a block has multiple predecessor blocks, the terminators of the predecessor blocks must be br or cond_br instructions and the operand values of those branch instructions are passed to the block's arguments. This corresponds to LLVM's phi nodes. Basic block arguments are bound by the branch from the predecessor block:
      cond_br %cond, bb1, bb2
      br bb3(%1)
      br bb3(%2)
    bb3(%phi : $Builtin.Int):
      return %phi

When a function is in Ownership SSA, arguments additionally have an explicit annotated convention that describe the ownership semantics of the argument value:

sil [ossa] @baz : $@convention(thin) (@owned String, @guaranteed String) -> () {
bb0(%0 : @owned $String, %1 : @guaranteed $String):

Values and Operands

SIL values are introduced with the % sigil and named by an alphanumeric identifier, which references the instruction result or basic block argument that produces the value. SIL values may also refer to the keyword 'undef', which is a value of undefined contents.

sil-identifier ::= [A-Za-z_0-9]+
sil-value-name ::= '%' sil-identifier
sil-value ::= sil-value-name
sil-value ::= 'undef'
sil-operand ::= sil-value
sil-operand ::= sil-value ':' sil-type

Values are used in instruction operands. Unlike LLVM IR, SIL instructions that take value operands only accept value operands. References to literal constants, functions, global variables, or other entities are introduced as the results of dedicated instructions such as integer_literal, function_ref, and global_addr.

There are several kind of values in SIL:

  • Basic block arguments
  • Instruction results: most instructions have a single result. A few instructions have multiple results.
  • undef


Note: Many more details of OSSA are described in the Ownership document.

In OSSA each non-trivial SIL value is statically mapped to an ownership kind:

  • @owned: A value that exists independently of any other value and is consumed exactly once along all control flow paths through a function. "Consuming" the value means that it is either destroyed (via destroy_value) or consumed by a consuming instruction (e.g. stored to memory with store).
    sil [ossa] @foo : $@convention(thin) (@owned String, @inout String) -> () {
    bb0(%0 : @owned $String, %1 : $*String):
      cond_br %cond, bb1, bb2
      destroy_value %0        // "consumed" by destroying
      store %0 to [assign] %1 // consumed by storing to memory
  • @guaranteed: A value with a scoped lifetime whose liveness is dependent on the lifetime of some other "enclosing" value. Due to this lifetime dependence, the enclosing value is required to be statically live over the entire scope where the guaranteed value is valid.
    bb0(%0 : @owned $String):
      %1 = begin_borrow %0   // %1 is borrowed from the enclosing value %0
      end_borrow %1          // %0 must be kept alive until here
      destroy_value %0
  • @unowned: A value that is only guaranteed to be instantaneously valid and must be copied before the value is used in an @owned or @guaranteed context. This is needed both to model argument values with the ObjC unsafe unowned argument convention and also to model the ownership resulting from bit-casting a trivial type to a non-trivial type. An unowned value should never be consumed.

Trivial values (like Int) values of address types don't have an ownership kind associated.

The ownership kind of a value is statically determined:

  • Basic block arguments have their ownership explicitly specified:
    bb1(%0 : @owned $String, %1 : @guaranteed $String, %2 : $Int):
  • The ownership of most instruction results is statically defined. For example copy_value always produces an owned value, whereas begin_borrow always produces a guaranteed value.

  • Forwarding instructions: some instructions work with both, owned and guaranteed ownership, and "forward" the ownership from their operand(s) to their result(s), for example cast instructions.
    If a forwarding instruction has multiple operands (like struct or tuple), the ownership of all operand values must be consistent. The operands values cannot have both guaranteed and owned ownership. However, it's possible to mix operands with ownership with trivial operands.

        bb1(%1 : @owned $A, %2 : @guaranteed $A, %3 : $Int):
          %4 = struct $S1 (%1, %3)   // owned
          %5 = struct $S1 (%2, %3)   // guaranteed
          %6 = struct $S2 (%1, %2)   // ERROR!


Lifetimes have following properties:

  • A lifetime begins with a single definition - the "producer" of the value.

  • There are many possibilities how an owned value can be produced; either by an owned block argument or by one of the many kind of instructions which have an owned result value.

    bb0(%0: @owned $C):
      %1 = apply %f() : @convention(thin) () -> @owned D
      %2 = copy_value %x
      %3 = load [copy] %a
  • Lifetimes of guaranteed values are called borrow scopes. A borrow scope starts with a single definition - the borrow-introducer. There are only a few different kinds of borrow-introducers:

    • guaranteed function argument: the lifetime spans over the whole function and doesn't need a scope-ending use.
    • borrowed-from instruction: it produces a borrow scope from a reborrow phi argument
    • begin_borrow instruction
    • load_borrow instruction
    • begin_apply instruction
  • A lifetime of a value must end exactly once along all control flow paths starting from its definition to function exits. It is illegal to end the lifetime more than once on a control flow path ("over-consume") or to not end the lifetime on a control flow path ("leak").

  • There are many kinds of instructions which end the lifetime of an owned value, which is called a consume. For example, destroy_value destroys the value (a destroying consume); a function call consumes a value if it is passed to a consuming argument, etc.

  • A lifetime of a guaranteed value - a borrow scope - can only end at following instructions:

    • end_borrow
    • end_apply - in case the borrow introducer is a begin_apply
    • br instruction, which is the incoming value of a [reborrow phi argument] (#Phi-arguments).
    • guaranteed function arguments don't have a lifetime-ending instruction.
  • Uses within a lifetime are called non-consuming or interior uses and must not appear after the lifetime-ending consuming use ("use-after-consume") on all control flow paths. It depends on the kind of instruction if its operands are consuming or interior uses.

      %1 = load [copy] %0   // producer
      %2 = copy_value %1    // interior use of %1
      %3 = move_value %1    // consuming use of %1
      %4 = copy_value %1    // ERROR: use of %1 outside %1's lifetime
  • Forwarding instructions end owned lifetimes and immediately produce a new owned value, which introduces a separate lifetime. The combined lifetimes over all forwarding instructions is called a forward-extended lifetime.
      %1 = copy_value %0        -+               -+
      ...                        | lifetime       |
      // forwarding instruction  |                |
      %2 = struct $S (%1)       -+  -+            | forward-extended lifetime
                                     | lifetime   |
      // consuming instruction       |            |
      destroy_value %2              -+           -+
  • Forwarding instructions do not end the lifetime of guaranteed values.
      // borrow introducer
      %1 = begin_borrow                          -+
      ...                                         |
      // forwarding instruction                   | lifetime = borrow scope
      %2 = struct $S (%1)  // forwarded use =     |   
      ...                  //   interior use      |
      end_borrow %1                              -+

Note that forward-extended lifetimes don't necessarily have a single definition. If a forwarding-lifetime contains forwarding aggregate instructions or phi arguments the forwarding-lifetime can have multiple producers. For example:

  %1 = load [copy] %a1     // producer           -+
  %2 = load [copy] %a2     // producer            |  forward-extended lifetime
  %3 = struct $S (%1, %2)                         |
  %4 = destroy_value %3                          -+

Trivial values are never consumed and therefore don't have any restrictions on where they are used on any control flow paths.

Borrow Scopes

A borrow scope is a liverange of a guaranteed value which keeps its enclosing value(s) alive. It prevents optimizations from destroying an enclosing value before the borrow scope has ended. The most common borrow scope is a begin_borrow-end_borrow pair. But there are other instructions which introduce borrow scopes:


A begin_borrow defines a borrow scope for its operand. The borrow scope ends at an end_borrow.

  %2 = begin_borrow %1          -+ borrow scope for %1
  // ...                         |
  end_borrow %2                 -+ %1 must be alive until here

Such a borrow scope can also "go through" a phi-argument. In this case the overall borrow scope is the combination of multiple borrow lifetimes which are "connected" by reborrow phi-arguments (see Phi arguments).


A load_borrow is similar to begin_borrow, except that its enclosing value is not an SSA value but a memory location. During the scope of a load_borrow-end_borrow the memory location must not be mutated.

  %2 = load_borrow %addr    -+ borrow scope for memory value at %addr
  // ...                     |
  end_borrow %2             -+ memory at %addr must not be mutated until here


A store_borrow is similar to begin_borrow, except that beside defining a borrow scope it also stores the borrowed value to a stack location. During the borrow scope (which ends at an end_borrow), the borrowed value lives at the stack location.

  %s = alloc_stack $T
  %2 = store_borrow %1 to %s   -+ borrow scope for %1
  // ...                        |
  end_borrow %2                -+ %1 must be alive until here
  dealloc_stack %s


A partial_apply [on_stack] defines borrow scopes for its non-trivial arguments. The scope begins at the partial_apply and ends at the end of the forward-extended lifetime of the partial_apply's result - the non-escaping closure.

  %3 = partial_apply [on_stack] %f(%1, %2)    -+ borrow scope for %1 and %2
  %4 = convert_function %3 to $SomeFuncType    |
  destroy_value %4                            -+ %1 and %2 must be alive until here


A mark_dependence [nonescaping] defines a borrow scope for its base operand. The scope begins at the mark_dependence and ends at the forward-extended lifetime of the mark_dependence's result.

  %3 = mark_dependence %2 on %1   -+ borrow scope for %1
  %4 = upcast %3 to $C             |
  destroy_value %4                -+ %1 must be alive until here

Borrow Introducers and Enclosing Values

Every guaranteed value has a set of borrow-introducers (usually one), each of which dominates the value and introduces a borrow scope that encloses all forwarded uses of the guaranteed value.

  %1 = begin_borrow %0                // borrow introducer for %2, %3, %4
  %2 = begin_borrow %1                // borrow introducer for %3, %4
  %3 = tuple (%1, %2)                 // forwarded guaranteed value
  %4 = struct $S (%3)                 // forwarded guaranteed value
  end_borrow %2                       // end of borrow scope %2
  end_borrow %1                       // end of borrow scope %1

This example also shows that inner borrow scopes may be nested in outer borrow scopes.

The enclosing values of a forwarded guaranteed value are simply its borrow-introducers. Whereas the enclosing values of a borrow-introducer itself are the (owned or guaranteed) values from which the borrow scope is derived, for example the operand of a begin_borrow.

                               Borrow Introducer    Enclosing Value
                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  %1 = load [copy] %0          -                    none
  %2 = begin_borrow %1         %2                   %1
  %3 = begin_borrow %2         %3                   %2
  %4 = struct $S (%3)          %3                   %3

Only the borrow-introducers begin_borrow and borrowed-from have enclosing values. The set of enclosing values is empty for guaranteed function arguments, load_borrow and begin_apply.

Phi arguments

The lifetimes of owned and guaranteed values can end at branch (br) instructions. Branch instructions define the incoming values for phi-arguments in their target block. We distinguish between three kinds of ownership of non-trivial phi arguments:

  • @owned: The lifetimes of the incoming values end at the predecessor's br instructions. The phi-argument produces an owned value which starts a new lifetime. The combination of all those lifetimes is a forward-extended lifetime:
      cond_br %cond, bb1, bb2
      %1 = copy_value %0       -+ lifetime of %1     -+ forward-extended
      br bb3(%1)               -/                     |   lifetime
    bb2:                                              |
      %3 = load [copy] %addr   -+ lifetime of %3      |
      br bb3(%2)               -/                     |
    bb3(%phi : @owned $C):     -+ lifetime of %phi    |
      return %phi              -/                    -+
  • @reborrow: The incoming values must be borrow-introducers and their borrow scopes end at the predecessor's br instructions. The phi-argument produces a guaranteed value which is borrow-introducing as well. The overall forward-extended borrow scope is a combination of all the individual borrow scopes. A reborrow argument must be directly forwarded to a borrowed-from instruction in the same basic block. The borrowed-from instruction specifies the enclosing values of the argument value.
      %1 = copy_addr %0
      cond_br %cond, bb1, bb2
      %2 = begin_borrow %1     -+ lifetime of %2     -+ forward-extended
      br bb3(%x, %2)           -/                     |   borrow scope
    bb2:                                              |
      %3 = load [copy] %addr                          |
      %4 = begin_borrow %1     -+ lifetime of %4      |
      br bb3(%3, %4)           -/                     |
    bb3(%p1 : @owned $C, %p2 : @reborrow $C): -+------|-- lifetime of %p2
      %6 = borrowed %p2 from (%p1, %1)         |      |
      end_borrow %6                           -+     -+
  • @guaranteed: The incoming values can be either borrow introducers or forwarded guaranteed values. The phi argument does not produce a new lifetime. Instead the argument can be viewed as interior use of another enclosing borrow scope. Such guaranteed phi-arguments are called "forwarded guaranteed phis".
    Like reborrow arguments, the argument's enclosing values (= its borrow introducers) must be specified with a borrowed-from instruction.
      cond_br %cond, bb1, bb2
      %2 = begin_borrow %0                                  -+ forward-extended
      %3 = struct_extract %2, #S.a     // interior use       |   borrow scope
      br bb3(%2, %3)                                         |
    bb2:                                                     |
      %4 = begin_borrow %0                                   |
      %5 = struct_extract %2, #S.b     // interior use       |
      br bb3(%4, %5)                                         |
    bb3(%p1 : @reborrow $C, %p2 : @guaranteed $D):           |
      %6 = borrowed %p1 from (%0)                            |
      %7 = borrowed %p2 from (%p1)     // interior use       |
      %8 = ref_element_addr %7, #D.f   // interior use       |
      end_borrow %6                                         -+

Lexical Lifetimes and Deinit Barriers

The optimizer is free to shrink lifetimes (e.g. by hoisting destroy_value instructions) as long as all interior uses and inner borrow scopes stay within the lifetime.

A forward-extended lifetimes can be marked as lexical by either a move_value [lexical] or begin_borrow [lexical] instruction. For such lifetimes further restrictions apply. A destroy of such a value must not be hoisted above an instruction which is or can be a deinit barrier.

Only the initial producer of a forward-extended lifetime needs to be marked as lexical in order to specify this property for all contributing lifetimes.

For details see Variable Lifetimes in the Ownership document.

Debug Information

Each instruction may have a debug location and a SIL scope reference at the end.

sil-scope-ref ::= 'scope' [0-9]+
sil-scope ::= 'sil_scope' [0-9]+ '{'
                 'parent' scope-parent
                 ('inlined_at' sil-scope-ref)?
scope-parent ::= sil-function-name ':' sil-type
scope-parent ::= sil-scope-ref
sil-loc ::= 'loc' string-literal ':' [0-9]+ ':' [0-9]+

Debug locations consist of a filename, a line number, and a column number. If the debug location is omitted, it defaults to the location in the SIL source file. SIL scopes describe the position inside the lexical scope structure that the Swift expression a SIL instruction was generated from had originally. SIL scopes also hold inlining information.

Declaration References

Some SIL instructions need to reference Swift declarations directly. These references are introduced with the # sigil followed by the fully qualified name of the Swift declaration.

sil-decl-ref ::= '#' sil-identifier ('.' sil-identifier)* sil-decl-subref?
sil-decl-subref ::= '!' sil-decl-subref-part ('.' sil-decl-lang)? ('.' sil-decl-autodiff)?
sil-decl-subref ::= '!' sil-decl-lang
sil-decl-subref ::= '!' sil-decl-autodiff
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'getter'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'setter'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'allocator'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'initializer'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'enumelt'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'destroyer'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'deallocator'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'globalaccessor'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'ivardestroyer'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'ivarinitializer'
sil-decl-subref-part ::= 'defaultarg' '.' [0-9]+
sil-decl-lang ::= 'foreign'
sil-decl-autodiff ::= sil-decl-autodiff-kind '.' sil-decl-autodiff-indices
sil-decl-autodiff-kind ::= 'jvp'
sil-decl-autodiff-kind ::= 'vjp'
sil-decl-autodiff-indices ::= [SU]+

Some Swift declarations are decomposed into multiple entities at the SIL level. These are distinguished by following the qualified name with ! and one or more .-separated component entity discriminators:

  • getter: the getter function for a var declaration
  • setter: the setter function for a var declaration
  • allocator: a struct or enum constructor, or a class's allocating constructor
  • initializer: a class's initializing constructor
  • enumelt: a member of a enum type.
  • destroyer: a class's destroying destructor
  • deallocator: a class's deallocating destructor
  • globalaccessor: the addressor function for a global variable
  • ivardestroyer: a class's ivar destroyer
  • ivarinitializer: a class's ivar initializer
  • defaultarg.n: the default argument-generating function for the n-th argument of a Swift func
  • foreign: a specific entry point for C/Objective-C interoperability


A linkage specifier controls the situations in which two objects in different SIL modules are linked, i.e. treated as the same object.

sil-linkage ::= 'public'
sil-linkage ::= 'non_abi'
sil-linkage ::= 'package'
sil-linkage ::= 'package_non_abi'
sil-linkage ::= 'hidden'
sil-linkage ::= 'shared'
sil-linkage ::= 'private'
sil-linkage ::= 'public_external'
sil-linkage ::= 'package_external'
sil-linkage ::= 'hidden_external'

A linkage is external if it ends with the suffix external. An object must be a definition if its linkage is not external.

All functions, global variables, and witness tables have linkage. The default linkage of a definition is public. The default linkage of a declaration is public_external.

On a global variable, an external linkage is what indicates that the variable is not a definition. A variable lacking an explicit linkage specifier is presumed a definition (and thus gets the default linkage for definitions, public.)

Definition of the linked relation

Two objects are linked if they have the same name and are mutually visible:

  • An object with public or public_external linkage is always visible.
  • An object with package or package_external linkage is visible only to objects in the same Swift package.
  • An object with hidden, hidden_external, or shared linkage is visible only to objects in the same Swift module.
  • An object with private linkage is visible only to objects in the same SIL module.

Note that the linked relationship is an equivalence relation: it is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

Requirements on linked objects

If two objects are linked, they must have the same type.

If two objects are linked, they must have the same linkage, except:

  • A public object may be linked to a public_external object.
  • A package object may be linked to a package_external object.
  • A hidden object may be linked to a hidden_external object.

If two objects are linked, at most one may be a definition, unless:

  • both objects have shared linkage or
  • at least one of the objects has an external linkage.

If two objects are linked, and both are definitions, then the definitions must be semantically equivalent. This equivalence may exist only on the level of user-visible semantics of well-defined code; it should not be taken to guarantee that the linked definitions are exactly operationally equivalent. For example, one definition of a function might copy a value out of an address parameter, while another may have had an analysis applied to prove that said value is not needed.

Non-ABI linkage

The non_abi and package_non_abi linkages are special linkages used for definitions which only exist in serialized SIL, and do not define visible symbols in the object file.

A definition with non_abi or package_non_abi linkage behaves like it has shared linkage, except that it must be serialized in the SIL module even if not referenced from anywhere else in the module. For example, this means it is considered a root for dead function elimination.

When a non_abi definition is deserialized, it will have shared linkage.

There is no non_abi_external linkage. Instead, referencing a public_non_abi or package_non_abi declaration is done with

  • hidden_external if it is in a different source file but in the same module,
  • public_external if it is in a different module.


The potential destinations for class_method and super_method are tracked in sil_vtable declarations for every class type. The declaration contains a mapping from every method of the class (including those inherited from its base class) to the SIL function that implements the method for that class:

decl ::= sil-vtable
sil-vtable ::= 'sil_vtable' identifier '{' sil-vtable-entry* '}'
sil-vtable ::= 'sil_vtable' sil-type '{' sil-vtable-entry* '}'

sil-vtable-entry ::= sil-decl-ref ':' sil-linkage? sil-function-name

SIL represents dynamic dispatch for class methods using the class_method, super_method, objc_method, and objc_super_method instructions.

class A {
  func foo()
  func bar()
  func bas()

sil @A_foo : $@convention(thin) (@owned A) -> ()
sil @A_bar : $@convention(thin) (@owned A) -> ()
sil @A_bas : $@convention(thin) (@owned A) -> ()

sil_vtable A { @A_foo @A_bar
  #A.bas: @A_bas

class B : A {
  func bar()

sil @B_bar : $@convention(thin) (@owned B) -> ()

sil_vtable B { @A_foo @B_bar
  #A.bas: @A_bas

class C : B {
  func bas()

sil @C_bas : $@convention(thin) (@owned C) -> ()

sil_vtable C { @A_foo @B_bar
  #A.bas: @C_bas

Note that the declaration reference in the vtable is to the least-derived method visible through that class (in the example above, B's vtable references and not, and C's vtable references A.bas and not C.bas). The Swift AST maintains override relationships between declarations that can be used to look up overridden methods in the SIL vtable for a derived class (such as C.bas in C's vtable).

In case the SIL function is a thunk, the function name is preceded with the linkage of the original implementing function.

If the vtable refers to a specialized class, a SIL type specifies the bound generic class type:

sil_vtable $G<Int> {
  // ...

Witness Tables

decl ::= sil-witness-table
sil-witness-table ::= 'sil_witness_table' sil-linkage?
                      normal-protocol-conformance '{' sil-witness-entry* '}'

SIL encodes the information needed for dynamic dispatch of generic types into witness tables. This information is used to produce runtime dispatch tables when generating binary code. A witness table is emitted for every declared explicit conformance. Generic types share one generic witness table for all of their instances. Derived classes inherit the witness tables of their base class.

protocol-conformance ::= normal-protocol-conformance
protocol-conformance ::= 'inherit' '(' protocol-conformance ')'
protocol-conformance ::= 'specialize' '<' substitution* '>'
                         '(' protocol-conformance ')'
protocol-conformance ::= 'dependent'
normal-protocol-conformance ::= identifier ':' identifier 'module' identifier

Witness tables are keyed by protocol conformance, which is a unique identifier for a concrete type's conformance to a protocol.

  • A normal protocol conformance names a (potentially unbound generic) type, the protocol it conforms to, and the module in which the type or extension declaration that provides the conformance appears. These correspond 1:1 to protocol conformance declarations in the source code.
  • If a derived class conforms to a protocol through inheritance from its base class, this is represented by an inherited protocol conformance, which simply references the protocol conformance for the base class.
  • If an instance of a generic type conforms to a protocol, it does so with a specialized conformance, which provides the generic parameter bindings to the normal conformance, which should be for a generic type.

Witness tables are only directly associated with normal conformances. Inherited and specialized conformances indirectly reference the witness table of the underlying normal conformance.

sil-witness-entry ::= 'base_protocol' identifier ':' protocol-conformance
sil-witness-entry ::= 'method' sil-decl-ref ':' sil-function-name
sil-witness-entry ::= 'associated_type' identifier
sil-witness-entry ::= 'associated_conformance'
                      '(' identifier ':' identifier ')' ':' protocol-conformance

Witness tables consist of the following entries:

  • Base protocol entries provide references to the protocol conformances that satisfy the witnessed protocols' inherited protocols.
  • Method entries map a method requirement of the protocol to a SIL function that implements that method for the witness type. One method entry must exist for every required method of the witnessed protocol.
  • Associated type entries map an associated type requirement of the protocol to the type that satisfies that requirement for the witness type. Note that the witness type is a source-level Swift type and not a SIL type. One associated type entry must exist for every required associated type of the witnessed protocol.
  • Associated type protocol entries map a protocol requirement on an associated type to the protocol conformance that satisfies that requirement for the associated type.

Default Witness Tables

decl ::= sil-default-witness-table
sil-default-witness-table ::= 'sil_default_witness_table'
                              identifier minimum-witness-table-size
                              '{' sil-default-witness-entry* '}'
minimum-witness-table-size ::= integer

SIL encodes requirements with resilient default implementations in a default witness table. We say a requirement has a resilient default implementation if the following conditions hold:

  • The requirement has a default implementation
  • The requirement is either the last requirement in the protocol, or all subsequent requirements also have resilient default implementations

The set of requirements with resilient default implementations is stored in protocol metadata.

The minimum witness table size is the size of the witness table, in words, not including any requirements with resilient default implementations.

Any conforming witness table must have a size between the minimum size, and the maximum size, which is equal to the minimum size plus the number of default requirements.

At load time, if the runtime encounters a witness table with fewer than the maximum number of witnesses, the witness table is copied, with default witnesses copied in. This ensures that callers can always expect to find the correct number of requirements in each witness table, and new requirements can be added by the framework author, without breaking client code, as long as the new requirements have resilient default implementations.

Default witness tables are keyed by the protocol itself. Only protocols with public visibility need a default witness table; private and internal protocols are never seen outside the module, therefore there are no resilience issues with adding new requirements.

sil-default-witness-entry ::= 'method' sil-decl-ref ':' sil-function-name

Default witness tables currently contain only one type of entry:

  • Method entries map a method requirement of the protocol to a SIL function that implements that method in a manner suitable for all witness types.

Global Variables

The SIL representation of a global variable:

decl ::= sil-global-variable
static-initializer ::= '=' '{' sil-instruction-def* '}'
sil-global-variable ::= 'sil_global' sil-linkage identifier ':' sil-type

Global variable access is performed by the alloc_global, global_addr and global_value instructions.

A global can have a static initializer if its initial value can be composed of literals. The static initializer is represented as a list of literal and aggregate instructions where the last instruction is the top-level value of the static initializer:

sil_global hidden @$S4test3varSiv : $Int {
  %0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 27
  %initval = struct $Int (%0 : $Builtin.Int64)

If a global variable does not have a static initializer, the alloc_global instruction must be performed prior an access to initialize the storage. Once a global's storage has been initialized, global_addr is used to project the value.

If the last instruction in the static initializer is an object instruction the global variable is a statically initialized object. In this case the variable cannot be used as l-value, i.e. the reference to the object cannot be modified. As a consequence the variable cannot be accessed with global_addr but only with global_value.

Differentiability Witnesses

decl ::= sil-differentiability-witness
sil-differentiability-witness ::=
    '[' differentiability-kind ']'
    '[' 'parameters' sil-differentiability-witness-function-index-list ']'
    '[' 'results' sil-differentiability-witness-function-index-list ']'
    sil-function-name ':' sil-type

differentiability-kind ::= 'forward' | 'reverse' | 'normal' | 'linear'

sil-differentiability-witness-body ::=
    '{' sil-differentiability-witness-entry?
        sil-differentiability-witness-entry? '}'

sil-differentiability-witness-entry ::=
    sil-differentiability-witness-entry-kind ':'
    sil-entry-name ':' sil-type

sil-differentiability-witness-entry-kind ::= 'jvp' | 'vjp'

SIL encodes function differentiability via differentiability witnesses.

Differentiability witnesses map a "key" (including an "original" SIL function) to derivative SIL functions.

Differentiability witnesses are keyed by the following:

  • An "original" SIL function name.
  • Differentiability parameter indices.
  • Differentiability result indices.
  • A generic parameter clause, representing differentiability generic requirements.

Differentiability witnesses may have a body, specifying derivative functions for the key. Verification checks that derivative functions have the expected type based on the key.

sil_differentiability_witness hidden [normal] [parameters 0] [results 0] <T where T : Differentiable> @id : $@convention(thin) (T) -> T {
  jvp: @id_jvp : $@convention(thin) (T) -> (T, @owned @callee_guaranteed (T.TangentVector) -> T.TangentVector)
  vjp: @id_vjp : $@convention(thin) (T) -> (T, @owned @callee_guaranteed (T.TangentVector) -> T.TangentVector)

During SILGen, differentiability witnesses are emitted for the following:

  • @differentiable declaration attributes.
  • @derivative declaration attributes. Registered derivative functions become differentiability witness entries.

The SIL differentiation transform canonicalizes differentiability witnesses, filling in missing entries.

Differentiability witness entries are accessed via the differentiability_witness_function instruction.

Copy-on-Write Representation

Copy-on-Write (COW) data structures are implemented by a reference to an object which is copied on mutation in case it's not uniquely referenced.

A COW mutation sequence in SIL typically looks like:

  (%uniq, %buffer) = begin_cow_mutation %immutable_buffer : $BufferClass
  cond_br %uniq, bb_uniq, bb_not_unique
  br bb_mutate(%buffer : $BufferClass)
  %copied_buffer = apply %copy_buffer_function(%buffer) : ...
  br bb_mutate(%copied_buffer : $BufferClass)
bb_mutate(%mutable_buffer : $BufferClass):
  %field = ref_element_addr %mutable_buffer : $BufferClass, #BufferClass.Field
  store %value to %field : $ValueType
  %new_immutable_buffer = end_cow_mutation %buffer : $BufferClass

Loading from a COW data structure looks like:

  %field1 = ref_element_addr [immutable] %immutable_buffer : $BufferClass, #BufferClass.Field
  %value1 = load %field1 : $*FieldType
  %field2 = ref_element_addr [immutable] %immutable_buffer : $BufferClass, #BufferClass.Field
  %value2 = load %field2 : $*FieldType

The immutable attribute means that loading values from ref_element_addr and ref_tail_addr instructions, which have the same operand, are equivalent. In other words, it's guaranteed that a buffer's properties are not mutated between two ref_element/tail_addr [immutable] as long as they have the same buffer reference as operand. This is even true if e.g. the buffer 'escapes' to an unknown function.

In the example above, %value2 is equal to %value1 because the operand of both ref_element_addr instructions is the same %immutable_buffer. Conceptually, the content of a COW buffer object can be seen as part of the same static (immutable) SSA value as the buffer reference.

The lifetime of a COW value is strictly separated into mutable and immutable regions by begin_cow_mutation and end_cow_mutation instructions:

  %b1 = alloc_ref $BufferClass
  // The buffer %b1 is mutable
  %b2 = end_cow_mutation %b1 : $BufferClass
  // The buffer %b2 is immutable
  (%u1, %b3) = begin_cow_mutation %b1 : $BufferClass
  // The buffer %b3 is mutable
  %b4 = end_cow_mutation %b3 : $BufferClass
  // The buffer %b4 is immutable

Both, begin_cow_mutation and end_cow_mutation, consume their operand and return the new buffer as an owned value. The begin_cow_mutation will compile down to a uniqueness check and end_cow_mutation will compile to a no-op.

Although the physical pointer value of the returned buffer reference is the same as the operand, it's important to generate a new buffer reference in SIL. It prevents the optimizer from moving buffer accesses from a mutable into a immutable region and vice versa.

Because the buffer content is conceptually part of the buffer reference SSA value, there must be a new buffer reference every time the buffer content is mutated.

To illustrate this, let's look at an example, where a COW value is mutated in a loop. As with a scalar SSA value, also mutating a COW buffer will enforce a phi-argument in the loop header block (for simplicity the code for copying a non-unique buffer is not shown):

header_block(%b_phi : $BufferClass):
  (%u, %b_mutate) = begin_cow_mutation %b_phi : $BufferClass
  // Store something to %b_mutate
  %b_immutable = end_cow_mutation %b_mutate : $BufferClass
  cond_br %loop_cond, exit_block, backedge_block
  br header_block(b_immutable : $BufferClass)

Two adjacent begin_cow_mutation and end_cow_mutation instructions don't need to be in the same function.

Stack discipline

Certain instructions in the SIL instruction set are identified as stack allocation instructions or stack deallocation instructions. These instructions jointly participate in a set of rules called the stack allocation discipline, designed to allow SIL functions to easily and safely dynamically allocate and deallocate memory in a scoped fashion on the stack.

All stack deallocation instructions have an operand which identifies their paired stack allocation instruction. This operand must always be exactly the result of a stack allocation instruction, with no intervening conversions, basic block arguments, or other abstractions. A single stack allocation instruction may be paired with any number of stack deallocation instructions. It can even be paired with no instructions at all; by the rules below, this can only happen in non-terminating functions.

  • At any point in a SIL function, there is an ordered list of stack allocation instructions called the active allocations list.

  • The active allocations list is defined to be empty at the initial point of the entry block of the function.

  • The active allocations list is required to be the same at the initial point of any successor block as it is at the final point of any predecessor block. Note that this also requires all predecessors/successors of a given block to have the same final/initial active allocations lists.

    In other words, the set of active stack allocations must be the same at a given place in the function no matter how it was reached.

  • The active allocations list for the point following a stack allocation instruction is defined to be the result of adding that instruction to the end of the active allocations list for the point preceding the instruction.

  • The active allocations list for the point following a stack deallocation instruction is defined to be the result of removing the instruction from the end of the active allocations list for the point preceding the instruction. The active allocations list for the preceding point is required to be non-empty, and the last instruction in it must be paired with the deallocation instruction.

    In other words, all stack allocations must be deallocated in last-in, first-out order, aka stack order.

  • The active allocations list for the point following any other instruction is defined to be the same as the active allocations list for the point preceding the instruction.

  • The active allocations list is required to be empty prior to return or throw instructions.

    In other words, all stack allocations must be deallocated prior to exiting the function.

Note that these rules implicitly prevent an allocation instruction from still being active when it is reached.

The control-flow rule forbids certain patterns that would theoretically be useful, such as conditionally performing an allocation around an operation. SIL generally makes this sort of pattern somewhat difficult to use, however, as it is illegal to locally abstract over addresses, and therefore a conditional allocation cannot be used in the intermediate operation anyway.

Structural type matching for pack indices

In order to catch type errors in applying pack indices, SIL requires the projected element types of pack-indexing operations to be structurally well-typed for the given pack type and index.

First, the projected element type must match the direct-ness of the indexed pack type: if the pack is indirect, the project element type must be an address type, and otherwise it must be an object type.

Second, the pack index must be a pack indexing instruction (one of scalar_pack_index, pack_pack_index, or dynamic_pack_index), and it must index into a pack type with the same shape as the indexed pack type.

Third, additional restrictions must be satisfied depending on which pack indexing instruction the pack index is:

  • For scalar_pack_index, the projected element type must be the same type as the scalar type at the given index in the pack type. (It must be a scalar type because of the shape restriction above.)

  • For pack_pack_index, the projected element type must be structurally well-typed for a slice of the pack type (as specified by the instruction) at the pack sub-index operand.

  • For dynamic_pack_index, consider each opened pack element archetype in the projected element type that is opened by an open_pack_element instruction whose pack index operand is the same dynamic_pack_index instruction. Because the pack substitutions in open_pack_element must have the same shape as the indexed pack type of its pack index operand, by transitivity they must have the same shape as the indexed pack type of the pack-indexing operation. Then for each component of this shape, the corresponding element component (or the pattern type for a projection component) of the indexed pack type must equal the result of applying a substitution to the projected element type which replaces any opened pack element archetype with the corresponding element component (pattern type for a projection component) of the pack substitution for that archetype in the open_pack_element which introduced it.

    For example, if the indexed pack type is Pack{Optional<Int>, Optional<Float>, repeat Optional<each T>}, a projected element type is $*Optional<@pack_element("1234") U> is structurally well-typed for a dynamic_pack_index pack index if 1234 is the UUID of an open_pack_element indexed by the same dynamic_pack_index instruction and the pack substitution corresponding to U in that open_pack_element is Pack{Int, Float, repeat each T}.

Memory Lifetime

This section describes lifetime rules for values in memory. With "memory" we refer to memory which is addressed by SIL instruction with address-type operands, like load, store, switch_enum_addr, etc.

Each memory location which holds a non-trivial value is either uninitialized or initialized. A memory location gets initialized by storing values into it (except assignment, which expects a location to be already initialized). A memory location gets de-initialized by "taking" from it or destroying it, e.g. with destroy_addr. It is illegal to re-initialize a memory location or to use a location after it was de-initialized.

If a memory location holds a trivial value (e.g. an Int), it is not required to de-initialize the location.

The SIL verifier checks this rule for memory locations which can be uniquely identified, for example and alloc_stack or an indirect parameter. The verifier cannot check memory locations which are potentially aliased, e.g. a ref_element_addr (a stored class property).

Lifetime of Enums in Memory

The situation is a bit more complicated with enums, because an enum can have both, cases with non-trivial payloads and cases with no payload or trivial payloads.

Even if an enum itself is not trivial (because it has at least on case with a non-trivial payload), it is not required to de-initialize such an enum memory location on paths where it's statically provable that the enum contains a trivial or non-payload case.

That's the case if the destroy point is jointly dominated by:

  • a store [trivial] to the enum memory location.


  • an inject_enum_addr to the enum memory location with a trivial or non-payload case.


  • a successor of a switch_enum or switch_enum_addr for a trivial or non-payload case.

Type Based Alias Analysis

SIL supports two types of Type Based Alias Analysis (TBAA): Class TBAA and Typed Access TBAA.

Class TBAA

Class instances and other heap object references are pointers at the implementation level, but unlike SIL addresses, they are first class values and can be capture-d and aliased. Swift, however, is memory-safe and statically typed, so aliasing of classes is constrained by the type system as follows:

  • A Builtin.NativeObject may alias any native Swift heap object, including a Swift class instance, a box allocated by alloc_box, or a thick function's closure context. It may not alias natively Objective-C class instances.
  • An AnyObject or Builtin.BridgeObject may alias any class instance, whether Swift or Objective-C, but may not alias non-class-instance heap objects.
  • Two values of the same class type $C may alias. Two values of related class type $B and $D, where there is a subclass relationship between $B and $D, may alias. Two values of unrelated class types may not alias. This includes different instantiations of a generic class type, such as $C<Int> and $C<Float>, which currently may never alias.
  • Without whole-program visibility, values of archetype or protocol type must be assumed to potentially alias any class instance. Even if it is locally apparent that a class does not conform to that protocol, another component may introduce a conformance by an extension. Similarly, a generic class instance, such as $C<T> for archetype T, must be assumed to potentially alias concrete instances of the generic type, such as $C<Int>, because Int is a potential substitution for T.

A violation of the above aliasing rules only results in undefined behavior if the aliasing references are dereferenced within Swift code. For example, __SwiftNativeNS[Array|Dictionary|String] classes alias with NS[Array|Dictionary|String] classes even though they are not statically related. Since Swift never directly accesses stored properties on the Foundation classes, this aliasing does not pose a danger.

Typed Access TBAA

Define a typed access of an address or reference as one of the following:

  • Any instruction that performs a typed read or write operation upon the memory at the given location (e.x. load, store).
  • Any instruction that yields a typed offset of the pointer by performing a typed projection operation (e.x. ref_element_addr, tuple_element_addr).

With limited exceptions, it is undefined behavior to perform a typed access to an address or reference addressed memory is not bound to the relevant type.

This allows the optimizer to assume that two addresses cannot alias if there does not exist a substitution of archetypes that could cause one of the types to be the type of a subobject of the other. Additionally, this applies to the types of the values from which the addresses were derived via a typed projection.

Consider the following SIL:

struct Element {
  var i: Int
struct S1 {
  var elt: Element
struct S2 {
  var elt: Element
%adr1 = struct_element_addr %ptr1 : $*S1, #S.elt
%adr2 = struct_element_addr %ptr2 : $*S2, #S.elt

The optimizer may assume that %adr1 does not alias with %adr2 because the values that the addresses are derived from (%ptr1 and %ptr2) have unrelated types. However, in the following example, the optimizer cannot assume that %adr1 does not alias with %adr2 because %adr2 is derived from a cast, and any subsequent typed operations on the address will refer to the common Element type:

%adr1 = struct_element_addr %ptr1 : $*S1, #S.elt
%adr2 = pointer_to_address %ptr2 : $Builtin.RawPointer to $*Element

Exceptions to typed access TBAA rules are only allowed for blessed alias-introducing operations. This permits limited type-punning. The only current exception is the non-struct pointer_to_address variant. The optimizer must be able to defensively determine that none of the roots of an address are alias-introducing operations. An address root is the operation that produces the address prior to applying any typed projections, indexing, or casts. The following are valid address roots:

  • Object allocation that generates an address, such as alloc_stack and alloc_box.
  • Address-type function arguments. These are crucially not considered alias-introducing operations. It is illegal for the SIL optimizer to form a new function argument from an arbitrary address-type value. Doing so would require the optimizer to guarantee that the new argument is both has a non-alias-introducing address root and can be properly represented by the calling convention (address types do not have a fixed representation).
  • A strict cast from an untyped pointer, pointer_to_address [strict]. It is illegal for pointer_to_address [strict] to derive its address from an alias-introducing operation's value. A type punned address may only be produced from an opaque pointer via a non-strict pointer_to_address at the point of conversion.

Address-to-address casts, via unchecked_addr_cast, transparently forward their source's address root, just like typed projections.

Address-type basic block arguments can be conservatively considered aliasing-introducing operations; they are uncommon enough not to matter and may eventually be prohibited altogether.

Although some pointer producing intrinsics exist, they do not need to be considered alias-introducing exceptions to TBAA rules. Builtin.inttoptr produces a Builtin.RawPointer which is not interesting because by definition it may alias with everything. Similarly, the LLVM builtins Builtin.bitcast and Builtin.trunc|sext|zextBitCast cannot produce typed pointers. These pointer values must be converted to an address via pointer_to_address before typed access can occur. Whether the pointer_to_address is strict determines whether aliasing may occur.

Memory may be rebound to an unrelated type. Addresses to unrelated types may alias as long as typed access only occurs while memory is bound to the relevant type. Consequently, the optimizer cannot outright assume that addresses accessed as unrelated types are nonaliasing. For example, pointer comparison cannot be eliminated simply because the two addresses derived from those pointers are accessed as unrelated types at different program points.

Runtime Failure

Some operations, such as failed unconditional checked conversions or the cond_fail instruction, cause a runtime failure, which terminates the program. A runtime failure may be reordered freely as long as:

  • it does not expose undefined behavior which is protected by the runtime failure; for example, it's illegal to move bounds checking past a potential buffer overflow.

  • it only triggers in control flow paths where it would have been triggered originally; for example it's illegal to hoist a runtime failure out of a loop which may have a trip count of zero.

It is explicitly allowed to reorder runtime failures with externally visible program behavior. For example, it's allowed to hoist a runtime failure above a print statement.

Undefined Behavior

Incorrect use of some operations is undefined behavior, such as invalid unchecked casts involving Builtin.RawPointer types, or use of compiler builtins that lower to LLVM instructions with undefined behavior at the LLVM level. A SIL program with undefined behavior is meaningless, much like undefined behavior in C, and has no predictable semantics. Undefined behavior should not be triggered by valid SIL emitted by a correct Swift program using a correct standard library, but cannot in all cases be diagnosed or verified at the SIL level.