ESPHome component to monitor votronic devices via Display Link
- Solar Charger SR (1610, 1615, 1620, 1625) (since mid 2014)
- Solar Charger MPP / CI (1710, 1715, 1720, 1725, 1711, 1716, 1721, 1726) (since mid 2014)
- VBCS Triple (3242, 3244, 3246, 3241, 3243, 3245)
- VAC Triple (0664, 0666, 0663, 0665)
- VCC Charging Converter 1212-30 (3324, 3321)
- VCC Charging Converter 1290 (3326, 3328, 3323, 3325, 3327, 3329)
- Smart Shunt
- ESPHome 2024.6.0 or higher.
- A wire with RJ11 western connector
- Generic ESP32 or ESP8266 board
┌──────────┐ ┌─────────┐
│ │TX ──────────── RX│ │
│ Votronic │RX ──────────── TX│ ESP32/ │
│ Device │GND ────────── GND│ ESP8266 │── 3.3V
│ │ │ │── GND
└──────────┘ └─────────┘
RJ11 plug
(front view)
┌──┘ └──┐
│ │ ESP8266
│││││└────── 6 GND ────────── GND
││││└─────── 5 RXD ────────── GPIO4 (`tx_pin`)
│││└──────── 4 GND
││└───────── 3 DNC
│└────────── 2 VBAT+
└─────────── 1 TXD ────────── GPIO5 (`rx_pin`)
The connector is a 6 Pin RJ11 western connector. It's important to not connect pin 3. It must be floating. The maximum allowed current of all pins is 50 mA. Please don't try to power the ESP using VBAT+.
You can install this component with ESPHome external components feature like this:
- source: github://syssi/esphome-votronic@main
or just use the esp8266-solar-charger-example.yaml
as proof of concept:
# Install esphome
pip3 install esphome
# Clone this external component
git clone
cd esphome-votronic
# Create a secrets.yaml containing some setup specific secrets
cat > secrets.yaml <<EOF
wifi_ssid: MY_WIFI_SSID
wifi_password: MY_WIFI_PASSWORD
mqtt_host: MY_MQTT_HOST
mqtt_username: MY_MQTT_USERNAME
mqtt_password: MY_MQTT_PASSWORD
# Validate the configuration, create a binary, upload it, and start logs
esphome run esp8266-solar-charger-example.yaml
If this component doesn't work out of the box for your device please update your configuration to increase the log level to see details about the incoming traffic:
component: DEBUG
scheduler: INFO
binary_sensor: DEBUG
sensor: DEBUG
text_sensor: DEBUG
- id: uart0
baud_rate: 1000
tx_pin: ${tx_pin}
rx_pin: ${rx_pin}
direction: BOTH
dummy_receiver: false