DevOps - Kubernetes, Cloud, AWS
Fork the repo
Start a VM based on the "DevOps - Cloud" template
Register/login to the Docker Hub. Generate your access token
Login to docker hub from the CLI
docker login --username szatmarizoltanmit
Build your project as a docker image and publish it to the Docker Hub
docker build -t szatmarizoltanmit/helloworld:latest .
docker push szatmarizoltanmit/helloworld:latest
Register/login to AWS. This lab fits the Free Tier usage.
Get your AWS security credentials (Access key and Secret key)
Generate an SSH key in EC2, if you don't have one.
Clone the repository to the cloud VM
Enable the MicroK8S Ingress module and create the /home/cloud/db-init directory
microk8s.enable ingress dns
mkdir /home/cloud/db-init
Create kubernetes volume
microk8s.kubectl apply -f volume.yml
microk8s.kubectl get pv,pvc
Start the database POD and service
microk8s.kubectl apply -f db.yml
microk8s.kubectl logs -f pod/dbapp
Test the database connection then run the database/golf.sql
microk8s.kubectl get all
mysql -u root -p -h dbservice.ip.address golf
Fine-tune the DBHOST
environment variable with the IP of the dbservvice and deploy your web application
microk8s.kubectl apply -f web-app.yml
curl httpservice.ip.address:8088/greeting
curl httpservice.ip.address:8088/sql
Add the Ingress to the deployment
microk8s.kubectl apply -f ingress.yml
curl --insecure https://localhost/sql
Map the post 443 on the cloud VM to its public interface and check the endpoint using the browser (HTTPS!)
EB Java application manual deployment
Create a new EB application and an environment
Select Java platform, and the default application to deploy.
Go for the more detailed customization and don't deploy using the default settings
Set your SSH key to the environment
Add the environment variable SERVER_PORT=5000
to your environment
Try to upload your jar file manually
Check the HTTP endpoint URL /greeting
EB Java application automatic deployment
Create your Job in your Jenkins to build the application
Add the repository
Add the gradle build step and define the build
task for it
Add a new AWS Elastic beanstalk
build step to your job
Define the AWS credentials using the Jenkins secure credential store
Set your application and environment name on the configuration panel
Define the root object
as build/libs/gs-rest-service-0.1.0.jar
Define the version label
format as ${GIT_COMMIT}
Save and test your job
Check the AWS EB console, the Events and also the Application versions.
EB Docker application deployment
Create a new EB application and an environment
Select Docker platform, and the default application to deploy
Fine-tune and upload the
file manually as a new deployment
Check the HTTP endpoint URL /greeting
Clone your Jenkins job (Create a new one based on the previos one as a template)
Tune the application and environment name and Replace the root object
Save and test your job
Check the AWS EB console, the Events and also the Application versions.
Create an RDS database.
Take care on the network settings: VPC, subnets.
Grant access from your EB application security groups.
Set the root password to devops
, because it is hardwired in the Java code.
Define the DBHOST
environment variable in your Java-based EB environment
SSH to the EC2 instance of your Java-based EB environment using the ec2-user
ssh username and you SSH key.
Clone the repository and load the dataset to your database. If needed you may install the git
and mysql-client
CLI tools.
sudo yum install -y mysql-client git
Test your Java-deployment using the /sql